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5309990 No.5309990 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it break light speed or die on earth as a human species when our sun burns out?

This is probably the shortest way I can put it.

The universe is vast and we are fucked.

Nothing else matters as far as I can figure.

>> No.5309993

Way more closer to home things to be worrying about for the mean time, and no, it's not.

>> No.5309992

Breaking light speed isn't going to happen. There are other options like generation ships or suspended animation.

>> No.5309994

hop to another universe where the sun DOESNT burn out

problem solved

>> No.5310004

Stars are always inevitably going to burn out, the trick is just finding stars that will last a while and then just continually moving on.

>> No.5310005


>Stars are always inevitably going to burn out

Not in a universe where stars dont burn out, the key is to hop to a universe where the laws of physics are favorable for our species

>> No.5310011

what if theres superluminous beings that cant go under the speed of light?

>> No.5310012
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how could a sat not burn out?

also how are you going to travel to a outside universe?

even if you could will this never dying star be composed of pixy dust?

>> No.5310015

What are you talking about? Stars burn up fuel for fusion in the form of hydrogen to helium and so on and so forth. This isn't only physics we're talking about here but also chemistry. Some of these star deaths make us what we are today.
If you were to magically wave a wand with some 4th dimensional wizard in the sky to find a universe that doesn't have a predisposed set of physics laws, then you'd probably not even find stars or planets to habitat. What the fuck am I even talking about now? This conversation is ridiculous and pointless.

>> No.5310021
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I see most of you are taking this as a joke but this is serious business.
einstein was wrong on a lot of stuff he was only human.
If he was right aren't we essentially doomed ?

Generation ships or suspended animation will only take us so far. habitable planets may not even be in reach of such technologies.

>> No.5310026


you're getting trolled, bro

>> No.5310028
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no it's not pointless. just that one anon is off the rails we need to figure this shit out now.

gif related

>> No.5310029

I'd imagine they would be pissed. All that bouncing around and shit, sanic 4 lyfe.

>> No.5310031

Nope, the easy way is to defeat natural death, so we can take all the million years we need to travel.

>> No.5310033

is this shit even relevant? will humans even exist when the sun burns out?

>> No.5310032
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But this isn't a troll thread this is serious shit. The future of man kind is at stake. Think about it.

>> No.5310050

If we haven't figured a way out of this solar system by then than no. Nothing anyone has or will ever do will matter if we don't get out of this solar system.

How do we do it anon?

>> No.5310051

No, but some other intelligent species on Earth might. If we haven't completely destroyed Earth before we die out.

>> No.5310055

There will be at least jews and their enslaved shabbaz goyim.

>> No.5310057

Yeah that anon just kind of went goofy with it all I guess. I know the topic is still important, I mean if we were to survive as a species, we'd have to basically leave Earth and find a suitable planet or even just a suitable state of life somewhere else. We still have a few billion years left, considering if we're still here by then, so I'm thinking by then we would at least have some things like suspended animation or higher forms of space travel - perhaps even space colonies.

The discussion is not science fiction anymore as the field has come to realize, humankind has come a long way into understanding what the universe it, though even that it's not like we know even 1% of what's really going on out there.

>> No.5310061


what i mean is, will the human species as we know it survive that long? we are talking about millions of years here, MILLIONS, maybe well die from disease, asteroid impact, war, pollution etc

or we will evolve into something completely different from our current form

>> No.5310062

Unless we plan on breaking our own set rules on physics, we're going to have a much easier time extending our lifespan long enough for interstellar travel than breaking the speed of light.

>> No.5310068


humans will be long gone when the sun "burns out"

>> No.5310066

Their getting around it by making a little thingamajig that warps the space in front of and behind it, theoretically traveling several times the speed of light without actually violating the speed of light.

>> No.5310065
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>infinite amount of burning hydrogen
>he doesn't realize infinity is just a concept that is impossible to exist in anywhere/time

Let me tell you something nigger.
You dream big, but stupid.

>> No.5310074

By the time the sun burns out we will be amazingly more powerful. Even if we can't beat light speed we wont be using our biological bodies so going to different solarsystems wouldn't be a big problem for us.

>> No.5310076

The solar system has everything we need. Gas giants for hydrogen, planets and asteroids for heavier elements...
Why leave?
Even if we deplete it of resources in a megayear, an automated ship could make several round trips between another star system and us in the meantime.

>> No.5310104
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wut links

by long ogne do you mean left or gone extinct?

I admire your optimism.

when the sun goes super nova i doubt anyone will want to visit this neck of the woods.

>> No.5310106



>> No.5310112

listen to me faggot don;t ever post this image of these fucking suns again, its fucking fairy tale bullshit, they do not look like that, and are not solid balls of hydrogen like our sun

>> No.5310113

>light runs out
>by that time everything on the inside of the asteroid belt will have already been consumed by a slowly expanding sun
What are you not smrt?

>> No.5310117


(thermally) expand

>> No.5310118

>implying Sol is capable of super nova

>> No.5310121

Not the original guy but wtf? IF we are still around when the sun burns out, the ability to leave our biological bodies is like the least we should have achieved by then. Of course, chances are we fuck the planet up in a few hundred years, but then we won't be caring about the sun either...

>> No.5310125

We got 4 billions years. In the next hundred years human augmentation should be able to take away many biological needs. If you really think starwars is more realistic of what humans will be like a billion years in the future than you need to stop watching sci-fi.

>> No.5310149
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>oh no the Sun's going to explode in 4 billion years

Jesus Christ do I have to solve all your homework problems? Simply begin a low orbit of a black hole at near light speed. Going at light speed time you down. The black hole's huge gravity slows time down. Humans can live make the Sun last arbitrary long by slowing time down as much as they want.

>> No.5310156

not sure if trolling but relativity doesn't slow perspective time down

>> No.5310159

First of all breaking light speed is not going to happen. Second of all it is irrelevant, because the passage of time is relative to to the difference in velocities between objects. Because of this, it is possible for a ship to go to a planet 1,000 light years away with only hours passing for people on the ship(the time it takes is Time=Distance*((1-(v/c)^2)^.5)/v, where v is velocity and c is the speed of light) As you can see, as v approaches c, The time it takes to travel approaches 0. The catch however is 1,000 years would have still passed for people on earth.

I hate it when the only thing people know about relativity is that c is constant, and nothing can go faster than light...

>> No.5310169

Oh yeah, youre right.

Put the Sun into orbit of a black hole, then.

>> No.5310173

This thread is ridiculous. It's likely we won't even be classified as humans anymore by the time our sun dies, if we even make it that far. By that time we will have naturally either evolved into some weird humanoid-looking beings, put ourselves into robots, or already killed ourselves by one means or another. The star dying is the literal least of our problems.

>> No.5310177


who says it has to be infinite amount of hydrogen? you keep thinking of this problem from the perspective of our universe and our physics laws, im talking about a different universe where the set of laws is completely different

>> No.5310280

Fucking pseudo-intellectual, open up a fucking textbook if you're so concerned.

>> No.5310292

Our race will probably go in a blaze of thermonuclear glory, anyways.

We'll never make it to other solar systems, or even colonies on other planets.
We're destined to self destruction.

>> No.5310325

Here's another question.

Why do you hate humanity and your home-world so much? There is so much greatness here, why would you ever want to leave?

>> No.5310337
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And I'm telling you that an infinite amount of anything is impossible, even if it be in another dimensional set of rules.

>> No.5310346

>We'll never make it to other solar systems, or even colonies on other planets.

Probably true.

>We're destined to self destruction.
