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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 99 KB, 792x576, Electrons are medecine too you cis scum, check your electronegativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5304715 No.5304715 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit I'm in tears!

>> No.5304724

And this is the result in lack of chemistry education in elementary school
Thank you government
Thank you

>> No.5304727

I lit up a bowl right before seeing that and my sides exploded.

>> No.5304729

This is absolutely retarded and gay.

>> No.5304730

I feel like this is far too pseudosciency to be legitimate...or maybe I'm just too faithful in the world not being THAT retarded....idk....

>> No.5304733

I think I cried a little from laughter.

I'm so ready to sell Birch's reagent to dumb white people taking advantage of the "hurr durr free electrons are good reductants" principle.

>> No.5304734

Those comments are hilarious!

>> No.5304736
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"No wonder I was healthy as a child!"

>> No.5304740

I'm in general chemistry 2 and what is this

>> No.5304745

Except that many parasitic worms exist who can and do enter your body through your bare feet on dirt.
Enjoy your worms.

>> No.5304747

Notice how 99% of them are women
Coincident? Nah, they're just retards as always

>> No.5304748

can someone link me? its not working

>> No.5304752

Just put facebook.com infront of it

>> No.5304754

Try this

>> No.5304755 [DELETED] 

americlaps are that esasy to troll?

stupid amerikunts

>> No.5304759


>> No.5304760

Must be some damn big electrons.

>> No.5304763
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>biophysics energy medicine

>> No.5304765

Well, to be fair it's on a page called Rawforbeauty, so I don't know how many men you'd expect

>> No.5304770

Placebo effect is real, more news at eleven.

>> No.5304771

>All the people dumb enough to do this will likely get parasites.
Natural selection?

>> No.5304772

I don't get it
Why do people think that pseudo scientists are more legit than actual scientists?

>> No.5304775


Because profit motive.

>> No.5304777
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ITT: /sci/ denies scientific facts they don't like

>> No.5304793

What the fuck is an anti-oxident?

>> No.5304815

Though walking barefoot has some therapeutic advantages, this is just total bs.

>> No.5304826

Because it perfectly fits their preconceived bias' and because it uses big scientific terms it has to be legit, to which they'll treat like a faith despite having absolutely zero understanding of what those terms mean.

This world hasn't changed at all from the past few centuries.

>> No.5304827

Christ, I haven't lost this much faith in humanity since I heard about "sungazing"

>> No.5304828


Why aren't you taking biophysics at Energy Medicine university /sci/?

>> No.5304830

...Do I even want to know?
...Can I guess by just reading the name?

>> No.5304835

I hate to be that guy, but what did they poorly photoshop out of that photo? A dog? A watermark?

>> No.5304836

I think it was a dog

>> No.5304838
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>> No.5304844

Or, what if, we access our previous stars energy through the Earth and THAT is the most powerful of powerful antioxidant there is. EVER

>> No.5304849

see, I would think you were full of shit and nobody did that.

Then I met a girl who bought necklace crystals b/c she thought it reduced sickness by aligning her chi or some shit.

>> No.5304861

People who believe you can train your body to survive solely off of drinking water and staring at the sun for several hours a day

No, really.

>> No.5304865

I'm not even angry
I'm just sad that these are the majority of people on earth
People who "care" about eachother
Natural selection I guess...

>> No.5304880

Hippies are worse than creationists.

>> No.5304892

Hahahahaha, no.
Except for maybe the ultra insane PETA types.

>> No.5304896

Anybody hear of nailing yet?!

It's all the rage!!

To think that forcing a nail into your brain with a hammer would cause all of your pain to go away nearly instantly!

>> No.5304898

Don't be silly.
Nobody would believe that

unless you told them it only works with organic wooden nails

>> No.5304901


>> No.5304907

The pain is just demons leaving your body. The more it hurts, the stronger the demons that you're forcing out.

If it stops hurting, you must try harder.

>> No.5304908
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Top news like this make my mornings a little brighter

>> No.5304920
File: 147 KB, 640x480, mfw.SLACK JAWED FAGGETS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You some kind of idiot? Hippies can be just as retarded as creationists, and are often more active in their anti-science attacks.

You ever hear of a Creationist breaking into a physics lab and....what? Changing the calendars? Nope.

Well, hippies and similar fucks have broken into labs and released animals, stolen shit, destroyed shit, etc.

>> No.5304951

What is stem cells

>> No.5304956

This has a lot to do with a disconnect between scientist and the general populace. The people writing this bs dont give a shit, all they're trying to do is to make connection. Scientist try to prove stuff without connecting to people. Thats the point, don't be subjective, ignore emotions, and overwhelm people with your objective proofs.

>> No.5305013


>releases a few animals, yells about Veganism way too much, gets bitchy about fur

>Creationist/ID lobby
>infiltrates highest offices of government, thus depriving millions of children of their right to a comprehensive education in biology through legislation, perpetuates deep social divide over personal health/maternity issues, impedes bioscience research and development (most prominently in the area of stem cells)

Tell me again why Hippies are worse than Creationists.

>> No.5305015

Oh man
All that stupid, it burns me

>> No.5305031
File: 45 KB, 220x300, trashcan man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for one...that silly ID lobby hasn't gotten its silliness taught in schools.


The abortion thing, pfft. That's not a Science issue. I'd love more stem cells to play with, but w/e, can't use an aborted baby as recycle :(

Not sure whwat you mean by generally impeding bioscience research....that's more PETA/hippie folk (if its animal models)

>> No.5305043





Elsewhere, campaigns continue.

>Not sure whwat you mean by generally impeding bioscience research....that's more PETA/hippie folk (if its animal models)

I consider the impact of Creationism to be much greater than losing some test animals to PETArds. It's farcical to pretend that's an endemic problem. The ongoing Creationism lobby engenders skepticism over Darwinian Evolution, which undercuts the basic tenets of biology. Limitations on stem cell research are only the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.5305049

I took a creating a meaningful life class last year and we actually had to "learn" about this. The professor was some hippie lady and she invited her shaman (mexican, former gang member) friend over to lecture to us. All he talked about was this, magic mushrooms, and drinking baking soda water to cure cancer.

>> No.5305067

Maybe the meaning of your life is to educate people of hoaxes like that.

So the class worked.

>> No.5305068

It amazes me how stupid this shit sounds, but then real things exist like how you need to stand in sunlight to not have your bones die due to lack of Vitamin D.

>> No.5305072

oh Jesus christ no...(@ the school thing)

But I don't see Creationism convincing anyone that evolution is untrue.

I do, however, see a risk in greater restrictions being imposed on animal research because of hippies and PETArds thinking "OMG ANIMAL RESEARCH IS SO CRUEL ITS TORTURE"

^talk about misinforming the public, they make shit up like that all the time, and it gets published in HuffPo and faggot newspapers like that. Nobody takes Creationists seriously, but this, ugh.

>> No.5305075

Not if you're white.

>> No.5305081
File: 39 KB, 154x277, Dimitri_08_lovely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, US parishes are funding similar advocacy groups here in the old world too.

They haven't accomplished much yet, but the recent resurgence of extreme right has also seen the rise of extreme conservative values like dependence on the bible and creationism.

>> No.5305097

>this will also reset your bodycock when flying!

>> No.5305105

electrons anti oxidants.

scavenging free radicalssssss

lol that was pretty good. read

>> No.5305146

the idea of doing something pleasant and routinely is calming yeah but the science, fucking hell

>> No.5305486

>Does this work with weightloss?
Fatties gonna fat

>> No.5305536

>Biophysics energy medicine
I'm sorry what

>> No.5305611

Remember when you used to believe that we lived in a world of data, of empirical fact, of truth, and where intelligence and technology were the next step of human evolution? The more I learn about others of our species, the more I begin to believe that we will never be more than slightly smarter apes who existed for a few million years before dying off. Everything our society is or will ever be will eventually be inconsequential, and we will have the ignorant, gullible, and fanatical to thank for never advancing beyond "complex tool use," in other words, our modern technology. We are idiots.

>> No.5305676

Yes, I too think that there are some unscientific fields that could help a lot where science can't but it is crazy to make up sciency words just to advertise it, and dangerous also

>> No.5305729

of course there are free electron in the ground. or where did you think the electrons from a lightning would go after impact?

>> No.5305742

>Dr. Oschman has both the academic credentials and the background in alternative therapies to carry out his explorations. He has degrees in Biophysics and Biology from the University of Pittsburgh. He has worked in major research labs around the world. These include Cambridge University in England, Case-Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, the University of Copenhagen, Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, where he was on the faculty, and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, where he was a staff scientist

The message I'm getting from this is that if I ever get tired of academia and lose all integrity, I can make major bank selling pseudoscience.

>> No.5305750

yes, there's always that choice, pseudoscience is always looking for any kind of people with an official education that can support their claims

>> No.5305759

Oh yes, pseudoscience and scams are a great backup.

My friends in the physics department and I were working on a plan to sell "radiation shielding panels" (plastic frames with a few layers of clear plastic and aluminum foil between them) over the internet to cash in on the 2012 stuff.

Unfortunately we couldn't get everything together in time.

>> No.5305766

That's gold. Just word it so that it sounds sciency to a common folk but so that it's true.

For example, those radiation panels you describe would do shit against the gamma rays from an atom bomb, but they do shield against beta radiation. Of course, a sheet of paper also shields against beta radiation, but they don't know that :D

>> No.5305770

enjoy going to jail for fraud then

>> No.5305773

If it shields against sunlight then technically it's not fraud.

>> No.5305775

haha, that's why I told him this:

It must SOUND like a scam to a real scientist, and appeal to whatever makes the ignorant folk imagination go, but it cannot really be a scam

>> No.5305780

Also, would you like to try my special concentrated food that prevents vitamin deficiency?(apple juice)

>> No.5305781

Oh you diabolical little bastard

>> No.5305784

Also try my super abtronicgymaster 2000, which (this goes in small print) combined with diet and excersise, can make you reach your maximum genetical potential.
I also sell a pill that ensures you don't have nightmares about ghosts, because, fuck that no way to prove it

>> No.5305786

You see how easy it is, and we are just some average people with a decent sense of morals. Imagine the amount of sneaky bastards that manage to milk millions out of the idiots, it must represent a big part of the economy

>> No.5305793

One more: buy my special instructions to avoid meteorites which is guaranteed to decrease the chance of you being hit by an asteroid by at least 80%!!!!

any other ideas?

>> No.5305812

You have to target people's fears to be really successful. It helps to be familiar with the current crop of conspiracy theories.

Personal Chemtrail Neutralization Gear
It's one of those hats with the built-in fans, decorated with bits of orgonite connected to the fan's circuit with wires (at the same point, so it doesn't interfere with the circuit) along with a dust mask and a little squirtbottle for spraying the air around you with vinegar (user supplied).

>> No.5305831

This special plate protects your food from radiation when you microwave it!

>> No.5305836

>Except for maybe the ultra insane PETA types

Have you forgotten about alternative medicine, homeopathy and the antivaxxers? Unlike creationists these people are endangering others with their bullshit.

>> No.5305855

That would be a good one.
Just make some cheap carbon filter mask. And market it as having "a design that can neutralise over 9000 chemical agents" sell it at 200$ each one and never let the idiots know you can make your own for 10$ worth of materials

>> No.5305944

You can if you're a plant.

>> No.5305978

For example Robert Plant can

>> No.5306005

He's a plant, get it?

>> No.5306061

if you dont get it you are not quite bright, the joke is easy

>> No.5306092

I get it
There's just nobody itt

>> No.5306093

So... what school do I have to go to get a degree in Biophysics Energy Medicine?

>> No.5306130

Well, clearly they are special electrons. They must have an extra quark or something.

>> No.5306138

You mean you don't know yet?
Just go where Dr. James Oschman himself went!!

>> No.5306140

Hubbard University for Biophysics Energy Medicine

It's a secret to everyone.

>> No.5306182
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>> No.5306198

i hate people

>> No.5306210

Oxygen needs to follow the octet rule (where elements need to 'fill" their electron shells) oxygen has 6 valence electrons, and it needs to have 8 to have a complete octet. However oxygen can become a free radical (this happens when it bonds to one Hydrogen atom, and has one free unpaired electron). However this means that Oxygen will try to bond to anything in the body, like fat cells for example (or even your DNA, which can cause some problems as you can imagine). This can be very damaging to humans. (except this happens less than 2% of the time). The free radical oxygen compound can sometimes negatively alter the chemical structure of whatever it is bonded to, but this is not always the case. Anywho the picture is saying that the electrons in the ground are going to fix these free radical oxygen molecules. EXCEPT why this is bullshit, is that oxygen is carried in the blood stream, not on your skin cells. In fact, your skin cells are dead, so there is no oxygen circulating in your epidermis layer. So oxygen is not going to bond with the grass because it's in your blood stream, not your feet. Hopefully this helps.

>> No.5306226

oh shit I didn't say what an anti-oxidant is, basically anti-oxidants prevent the free radicals from ripping your cells apart by bonding to them. So the dude is saying grass will be the anti-oxidant, but really like I said earlier, it won't.

>> No.5306246
File: 42 KB, 364x366, i came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sexually connect my hefty appendage into her ground and let my free electrons flow into her most inner orbital. I would ravage her body by expunging her free radicals from within and ease the my inflammation with her damaged tissue.

>> No.5306250

To prevent this, we really should introduce skepticism into our educational curriculum, we need to make sure that the future does not get ripped off by the charlatanry of others.

>> No.5306353

>be biophysicist
>read OP's pic
>seems reasonable

>> No.5306432

You forgot funding domestic terrorists from the PETA list.

>> No.5306600

There actually is some truth to that.

>> No.5306606

>You forgot funding domestic terrorists
This is what the major corporations want you to think. Be afraid of the evil "eco-terrorists".

A handful of kids breaking windows of a car dealership or a guy shooting a pipeline with a .30-06 =/= the damage caused by virtually any other group.

>> No.5306639


But if you do, then that means kids might question parents. And if kids question parents, then that's tearing a family apart. Why do you want to tear families apart with your liberal agenda?

>> No.5306660

Sounds like a great way to get ring worm or lyme disease.

>> No.5306665

I hate being such a stupid liberal!

>> No.5306756

Most ROS stress occurs strictly within cells due to the metabolism of xenobiotics.

There is a small amount of movement of ROS between local regions of cells (it's actually a natural signalling pathway) but for the most part ROS isn't floating around in your blood at all.

>> No.5306764

> oh... I've got an idea. I'll try to place a box of sand under my desk and rest my foot on it while working. How does that sound? Would it still be as effective as standing or walking barefoot outside?

Yes, yes it will.

>> No.5306791
File: 10 KB, 278x297, Man that needs a shave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step it up:


>> No.5306800
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Victoria: 1 like
Kacem: 0.

>> No.5306825
File: 10 KB, 382x82, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Kill me

>> No.5306881

There's this weird thing going on at my kitchen stove when I don't wear shoes..
When I touch the metal plate of the stove (the base, there are 4 fires, gas as a medium) I get an electric shock.
Now.. this pseudoscientific earth anti oxidant therapy might be bullshit, but it might also work very, very slightly? Ofcourse it's redonk to think some oxidative stress in a cell in your ear would be able to pull an electron out of the air.. but perhaps there is some kind of interaction.. perhaps we could be more scientific and pitch some effects that could occur by being a footie?

>> No.5306897

she killed her daughter

>> No.5306900

why the fuck would you make me watch that bullshit, anon?!

>> No.5306903
File: 88 KB, 720x672, ishiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god is this real

>> No.5306908

We've gone full circle

>> No.5306993

Are you talking about static discharge or is it continuous for as long as you touch it? If the latter, then something is wired wrong, and you should probably get it fixed.

>> No.5307098

If it's real, she fucking did!
Can't find it though

>> No.5307284
File: 55 KB, 1312x450, fsdfsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to burst your bubble, but those auto correct lines come from using javascript to edit webpages on your end. You can prevent them but its a pain in the ass.

>> No.5307296


>> No.5307892
File: 15 KB, 255x286, mfw.pat bateman DISAPPROVAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right....nobody teaches their kids to "question authority." Riiiiight

>tfw parents all smugly tell me they teach their kids to "question all authority" because they are so hip

>> No.5307894

You mean we should teach critical thinking in our schools?

That's a good idea.

>> No.5307901
File: 443 KB, 1600x1200, wallpaper-1416807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that sounded more sarcastic than I meant it too. I agree critical thinking needs to be emphasized more in school. Kids these days are too fuckin stupid.

Have some Jamie Eason

>> No.5307907
File: 9 KB, 174x206, 1319188025639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they then subliminally send a contradictory message that if you question authority you are punished

>> No.5307982

So? What's wrong with disciplining children when they are bad? As for questioning authority - that's something to be done with discretion, when appropriate. If someone is full of shit, question away. If you're the one at fault for questioning that authority, then you get hosed...that's how it works, that's how we learn.

>> No.5307992

authoritarian detected

>> No.5308004

Nothing wrong with disciplining children. The problem arises when you try to introduce contradictory notions like "question authority" in a authoritarian environment. All it does it create a false idea that "question authority" = "question only those that can't fight back". I'm all for authoritarian environment but to have you distort the meaning behind "question authority" is completely dishonest.

>> No.5308019

Fair enough. However, I meant instill the moxy to question authority when they think it's RIGHT, even though there is the possilbility of getting punished, as that is what happens in the real world.

> "question authority" = "question only those that can't fight back".
I agree that's bad, and it seems to me that's the brand of "questioning authority" that's more in vogue these days.

>> No.5308020

Earthbender masterrace

>> No.5308282


>> No.5308626

"necklace crystals b/c she thought it reduced sickness by aligning her chi or some shit."

It is extremely frustrating to live with someone who knows jackshit about science and claims to know the secret to everything by reading bullshit pseudoscience crap. I know from experience, my dad's second wife 'believes' in those crystals.

>> No.5308631

pleb detected

>> No.5308634

I live in a house full of vegans, raw foodists, spiritualists and fucking yoga
God damn glad that I'm moving out in a year or so

>> No.5309288

haha oh wow

>> No.5309804

is the toilet always occupied because they get indigestion from all that raw food?
also yoga apparently has some applications for preventing hernias so at least they are doing something right lol

>> No.5309837

Come to think of it, I never see them go to the bathroom!

>> No.5309890


You need to call an electrician. My grandmother nearly died from a faulty stove.

>> No.5310002

I have a friend like this. He's generally a nice guy, but his attachment to pseudoscience and conspiracy theories always gets on my nerves.

>> No.5310053

This shit tends to go hand in hand with people who believe in conspiracy theories and the Illuminati. To them, big pharama is all lies so the grassroots scientists are the only ones they can trust.

>> No.5310110

>No limits
So gurren lagann is real?

>> No.5310116

>Arguing about which stupid belief filled with nuts is worse
They are both antilogical so they are both stupid.

>> No.5310163

Oh wow. To think there are people who actually believe this shit.
I mean, it's fun walking around barefoot in the summer sometimes but I'll stick to curing my diseases with actual medicine.

god damn it took 7 captchas to post this.

>> No.5310170

They why do millions of Africans still get sick and die on a daily basis?

>> No.5310179

Because broo
The universe totally like, knows how unfair it is that, like, they get these benefits FREE and the rest of the world don't man!
We need to, like, make everyone go barefoot
That way, man, the universe will see our balance bro
And then it will, totally like, get rid of aids and stuff!

>> No.5310190

>implying chemtrails don't real