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5294228 No.5294228 [Reply] [Original]

how can humanity be improved?

>> No.5294233

by being allowed to develop naturally

>> No.5294235

Too broad a question.

>> No.5294237
File: 279 KB, 593x640, roflbot (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex trains, reusable soup, mammoth farms.

>> No.5294263

By studying any stem instead of physiology.

>> No.5294270

lel so randum XD

>> No.5294291

Abolish religion

>> No.5294330

what are you 12

>> No.5294339
File: 48 KB, 429x409, Drinking communist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it hasn't been tried

>> No.5294351

Eliminate politics.
Instate decision making logic programs.
Anyone who disagrees with the utilitarianism gets thrown off a cliff by a cliff-throwing robot.

>> No.5294358

Eugenics and Genetic Engineering. This should be part of the Technocratic control system.

>> No.5294362

right, because being ruled by robots made by fallible and corrupt human beings is way better than being ruled by fallible and corrupt human beings.

this is just a string of buzzwords

who let all these 12 year olds on /sci/ tonight? and more importantly, why does this godawful thread still exist? stop feeding the trolls, people

>> No.5294400

jesus fuck dude
who fucking shoved shards of glass up your urethra

>> No.5294406

He's right though. I'm not sure how being ruled by robots designed with arbitrary rules designed by humans is supposed to be better than humans. Humans you can at least change, or get them to change their minds.

If you change the robot's programming or override it, you might as well just get rid of it because you'll have people making the decisions anyway.

>> No.5294427


The robot will have no self-interest. Unlike you and your meat-processors.

>> No.5294438

That doesn't make it infallible or any less able to create mistakes, quit acting like a fool.

You'll never even be able to 'eliminate politics.' That alone makes me think you're ignorant as hell, because politics is any activity regarding the governing of an area. So no more maintaining roads, fixing disagreements between communities, maintaining peace, etc.

You wouldn't be able to 'instate decision making logic programs' either, because there's too many variables to consider and no known way to tie them together using a program, then assign quantitative values to them for the program or robot to decide which one is 'better.'

>> No.5294443

>So no more maintaining roads, fixing disagreements between communities, maintaining peace, etc.

cool straw man, bro

>> No.5294454


having standards.

>> No.5294466

I don't think you understand what a strawman is. You're doing a nice job trying to dismiss the argument I made though, but not nice enough, sorry.

>> No.5294475

Once we figure out how to teach wisdom wisely, humanity will see some jumps in improvement.

>> No.5294477

It would be a very difficult thing to accomplish. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be an improvement.

>> No.5294482

>Instate decision making logic programs.
Tell you what, if you can write a program that makes perfectly Utilitarian decisions about everything, I guarantee you it will tell you exactly how to achieve the rest.