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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5288971 No.5288971 [Reply] [Original]

>"Is E=Mc2 a sexed equation? Perhaps it is. Let us make the hypothesis that it is insofar as it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us. What seems to me to indicate the possible sexed nature of the equation is not directly its uses by nuclear weapons, rather it is having privileged that which goes faster."

>> No.5288987
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How can we be sure math isn't a social construct?

Is the number seven odd or just different?

>> No.5288990
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Are topological defects really defects, or are they just alternative topologies?

>> No.5288992

What is that from? Is it from that paper the one physicist wrote to troll social science plebs?

>> No.5289006

How can we say that one number is greater than another when all numbers can be said to be equal to one?

>> No.5289013
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Is it not disempowering for a mother cell to be referred to as a "mother cell" even before it divides into two or more daughter cells, as it implies social expectations of the cell to reproduce?

>> No.5289020
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If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?

Why are we cutting down trees? Are they not living beings that deserve equal rights?

>> No.5289021
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This thread needs a trigger alert

>> No.5289032

How can we judge which propositions are primitive and which are advanced? Why can't we say that they are equal, but different?

And what variables are real? Isn't that relative to who you ask?

Why are patriarchal cisnormative racist values so deeply rooted in science and math?

>> No.5289036

A statement doesn't have to be true or false. It can be both or somewhere in between or something else entirely.
Therefore I call statements like Pythagoras's Theorem true* to differ between what Pythagoras's Theorem actually wants to be in the wide spectrum and what it is perceived as by our white male* cis heterosexual non-"diabled" true/false-think dominated society.

>> No.5289043
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If all numbers are equal to 100% of their value, can it not be said that all my posts are equal to doubles?

>> No.5289044

Sorry I forgot fatshaming.

>> No.5289055

Based on what criteria do we evaluate numbers? Is it fair to evaluate them at all? Does attributing a value to a number not entail privilege and supremacist ideals?

>> No.5289091

Wasn't this just posted in a religion thread?

>> No.5289112



>> No.5289123

Yeah, but it is older than that post. I thought it was new too, and pissed when I saw someone immediately upvote it.
I'll be letting the other redditors know that

>> No.5289169

>"science is a male rape of female nature"
-Sandra Harding, Philosopher, Ph.D

>"The point of recapitulation in the first movement of the Ninth(Beethoven's Ninth Symphony) is one of the most horrifying moments in music, as the carefully prepared cadence is frustrated, damming up energy which finally explodes in the throttling murderous rage of a rapist incapable of attaining release."
Susan McClary, musicologist, MA, BA and PhD

>"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman."
-Catherine MacKinnon, lawyer, teacher, J.D. and Ph.D

>> No.5289179
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>> No.5289194
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>typing out BA, MA and PhD
>not simply appending PhD to your name like any normal doctor of philosophy

>> No.5289218

>"No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one."
Simone de Beauvoir, philosopher, writer, lesbian pedophile

>> No.5289215

You're lucky that she omitted her honorary title of "empress of the birds in the sky and the fishes in the sea, her holiness (vaginal and anal holes included), Princess Susan McClary, musicologist, MA, BA, BO, PhD, rape victim (two-time), patriarchy survivor, freedom fighter, Womynist, post-colonial multicultural bisexual heteroskeptical cisperson (with otherkin tendencies)".

She is a very authoritative source for knowledge, if you ask me. Lots of accreditation.

>> No.5289235


>all that accreditation

Fuck. I-I didn't know. I j-just didn't k-know, anon.
Please forgive me.

>implying I'm not a MD, DO, DDS, JD, PhD astronaut fighter pilot with the rank of six-star General of the Armies

>> No.5289237

This thread is everything that's wrong in the world.


>> No.5289251

>everything that is wrong with liberal arts majors


>> No.5289262

How can you say definitively what is right and wrong? It's supposed to be relative, according to Einstein's theory of relativity.

>> No.5289261
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>this thread

>> No.5289265

Yeah but it's fundamentally sexist so it doesn't count.

>> No.5289268

I see your point, but that was only a theory, a gauss.

>> No.5289269

>lesbian pedophile
That's hot.

>> No.5289284

>>lesbian pedophile
>That's hot.

Let me deconstruct that comment for you.
>Green text.
using a violent, pointy >.
That is an extremely phallic object. Clearly the result of a male dominated society.
>That's hot.
First off, "that's" = "that is", implying the fact that it "is" matters. What about all the things that "are not"? By stating something "is" you are devaluing things that "are not".
Okay, it's hot. So what? Why do you feel the need to verbalize its hotness? You are only subjugating different energy-states. This isn't the 1950s dude.

>> No.5289297


Liberal Arts majors are what's wrong with the world.

We don't need them to give us lessons in ethics when they don't have the problem-solving ability to figure out who they are and why their social iconoclasm rhetoric falls apart every time they buy a latte from Starbucks.

>> No.5289294

Are we exaggerating, or there are people who actually believe this?

>> No.5289315

All the quotes given by >>5289169 are real. They aren't far off from things I've had people, even some friends, tell me at my school... I go to a liberal arts college and am a mathematics chemistry major, or, as I have learned to know it, a male dominated dogma where all I do is perpetuate gender norms.

If I am ever told to check my white, cis privilege again I will murder someone.

>> No.5289323

Lattes are inherently oppressive to strong bovine womyn and to impoverished coffee harvesters in the Third World.

The milk component (whose prominence is denoted with the name "Latte", which is Italian for "milk") exploits the female sexuality of cows. That the cows are in captivity amounts to animal abuse and a gross violation of womyn's rights (tantamount to rape).

Meanwhile, the coffee component of the beverage is harvested by poor workers, subject to extremely lackluster working condition, and purchased from them for pennies. This is an act of exploitation. That these workers are usually male also implies discrimination against the female gender.

>> No.5289327

femail* there is no "male" in femail!

>> No.5289330

You don't understand how deeply white male domination runs in our society. Science is just another tool of the rule males to enforce their control. You need to check your privilege.

>> No.5289338

I will climb a clock tower and find you. You can't out run a bullet, no matter how hard you try to deconstruct its meaning, hippy.

>> No.5289340

It is a fact that the speed of light is not a provable constant. It is merely conjecture that has been elevated to axiomatic status by the patriarchy.

Womyn science: 1
Oppressive Heteronormative Cismale Hate Pseudoscience: 0

>> No.5289347

How can we be sure that Newton's mechanics are credible knowing full well that he was probably a racist, sexist, and a homophobe (given the times)?

>> No.5289355

>the times
I didn't realize you were an agist, anon.

Interesting note, people at my college really do use the term agist in a completely serious way.

>> No.5289371

Clocks are used as tools of oppression. The concept of timekeeping and scheduling things is a male power ploy to enforce yet another of their control schemes on society.

Guns and bullets are violent instruments invented by men to exert control. They are used for oppression of woymn, and so are the same as rape. At this very instant there are millions of men terrorizing and raping woymn using guns.

You need to check your privilege.

>> No.5289409


We don't have privilege, cunt. We have obligations and responsibilities that people like you opt out of so that you can devote your life to being nothing more than a pain in the ass leech.

Contribute, and you will gain respect. You're not going to change a single thing in the world, except for stifling so-called 'sexist' behavior, which, from what I can see, follows the same logic the Ku Klux Klan uses for their campaigns. Which is a heavily male, racist, homophobic organization that shares more ideological patterns with feminist groups than it does the scientific method, business practices, or even the military.

>> No.5289418


Fuck off and go watch the Hunger Games again, breeder.

>> No.5289426

>Not realize that guy was just playing along

>> No.5289435


In all seriousness, you may need to check your Autism.

>> No.5289449

>putting negative numbers before positive numbers

Goddam mathematical marxism.

>> No.5289469

Shut up capitalist pig. Your bourgeois positive-centeric world will end at the hands of the proletariat.

Such is life in Moscow...

>> No.5289475
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>not the Zone

>> No.5289495


It's localized to 4chan, I assure you.

>> No.5289494


>> No.5289504

>cis autist privilege

>> No.5289520

>We don't need them to give us lessons in ethics
Ethics is one thing, but I bet a liberal arts major could teach you that
>when they don't have the problem-solving ability to figure out who they are and why their social iconoclasm rhetoric falls apart every time they buy a latte from Starbucks.
Is a really egregious logical fallacy

You think a bunch of scientists dedicated to exploration would be more careful about quantifying their worldviews so vehemently.

>> No.5289547

Get out. Your opinion deviates from the norm.

>> No.5289567


How would you express it, then?

Honest question.

>> No.5289602


>> No.5289608



>> No.5289619

I think we all know what Catherine MacKinnon has never had.

>> No.5289638

If you are looking for an honest answer, I'll give what I think it would be.. First it is important to note the level of satire in this thread; certain people out there hold these views but certain ones, like the one you're referring to, are almost absolutely exaggerated and couldn't be serious.
Anyway, here is my earnest attempt to answer it (I don't agree with what I am about to say, but this would be to argument):
The speed of light is not a constant; it varies through different mediums, and in the presence of different forces. The science power structure calls it a constant because it has an absolute speed in a vacuum; however vacuum conditions are never possible. Also, the scientific power structure is almost entirely male, therefore we are forced to look at scientific truth through the authoritative eyes of a male. Also, raising the speed of light the axiom status is frightening because it makes it an unquestionable truth; something that has no place in science.

>> No.5289640


>> No.5289663


Okay, well given the alleged chauvanist values of the method, what would be the alternative?

It seems to follow, though I may be skewed by male logic, that if there is sufficient evidence to prove that the constant was reached through inductive reasoning rather than deductive, how would one come to an alternative?

I mean, you're calling this a male perspective, so what would the alternative entail?

>> No.5289687


I guess "going back to the beginning" science-wise and re-thinking how to go about proving things, but this time with females? I guess it would be analogous with the axiomatization of mathematics in the early 1900s. Like, we still keep some knowledge we have but take a look at how it is we got that knowledge.

It's important to note that I think this is all bull shit and that to claim certain scientific findings are sexist shows an immeasurable ignorance of scientific thought.

>> No.5289733


Personally, I never understood how a theorem or findings could be qualified as 'sexist'

I'm aware of the chauvanism used in some units of measure, such as the acre. However this is an archaic unit that falters before the metric system.

I'm all for revising old policies for the sake of efficiency, but I do have a problem with revising said policies so that others can 'feel better' about them. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Keeping in mind I'm not a member of the scientific community. Just a pleb who can into math. My word can only go so far.

>> No.5289841

Pretty much all units of measure are sexist and exist as arbitrary divisions named after males. The Planck length, for instance, is nothing but an arbitration named after a man.

>> No.5289856


It's named after him because he quantified the arbitration into something we can use. Women have things named after them too.

So how about a gram? or a meter?

>> No.5289884

>periodic table of elements
>marie currie, the smartest scientist ever only gets one element named after her

Check your fucking privilege, Chemmistryfags

>> No.5289896

All units of measure are inherently oppressive to the female gender.

>> No.5289963


>died of radiation poisoning
>smartest scientist ever



Statements like that make me more mysoginistic. Explain using real information, not dogma.

>> No.5290018
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>this thread

>> No.5290019

Marie Curie died of radiation poisoning because radiation is inherently sexist.

>> No.5290024


Check your white privilege whiteys.

>> No.5290041

I read that as


>> No.5290045


>> No.5290062


A dark day for American government

>> No.5290435

>dark day
I expect an apology. In this day and age we shouldn't be using such pejorative terms as dark!

>> No.5290476
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>All units of measure are inherently oppressive to the female gender.

People dont actually believe this. This is what is known as a "joke"

>> No.5290488

Autists... I swear... I feel like when I'm on this board I have to be 100% serious or some Rainman guy will start yelling at me about batting averages...

>> No.5290515

Richard Dawkins' review of "Intellectual Impostures" by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont.

>> No.5290575

I hate agreeing with him.

>> No.5290582

No, because he is a jerk

>> No.5290580

why, because reddittards love him? Forget it,

>> No.5290583

jerks that are right are leaders and intellectuals, not jerks, silly.

>> No.5290591

>Our leaders are always right

>I'm not an aspie, I just choose not to follow social norms like "communicating" or "feeling empathy"

>> No.5290592

Also, he is a glorified Carl Sagan, pop sci fuck face.

>> No.5290652
File: 154 KB, 400x420, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The privileging of solid over fluid mechanics, and indeed the inability of science to deal with turbulent flow at all, she attributes to the association of fluidity with femininity. Whereas men have sex organs that protrude and become rigid, women have openings that leak menstrual blood and vaginal fluids. . . From this perspective it is no wonder that science has not been able to arrive at a successful model for turbulence. The problem of turbulent flow cannot be solved because the conceptions of fluids (and of women) have been formulated so as necessarily to leave unarticulated remainders.

Oh wow.

>> No.5290754

I am white male and homogay. Rate my privilege /cgl/.

>> No.5291051

how does that follow?

>> No.5291111
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>> No.5291115

I've heard someone say that radio antennas are phallic and that men only build them in those shapes to oppress women.

>> No.5291134
File: 72 KB, 300x300, 1349765382703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harding referred to Newton's Principia Mathematica as a "rape manual" in her 1986 book "The Science Question in Feminism"


>> No.5291148

She did, but she had the sense to later step back from that position. Whatever your views on the topic at hand, it was dishonest (intentionally misleading) to present the first half of that sentence while omitting the rest.
"Harding referred to Newton's Principia Mathematica as a "rape manual" in her 1986 book "The Science Question in Feminism", a characterization that she later said she regretted.[2]"
[2] Nemecek, S. (1997) The Furor Over Feminist Science, Scientific American 276(1), 99-100.

>> No.5291154


That pains me greatly. If they knew anything about EM, they would understand that exciting a TE mode rather than a TM mode is an important decision.

>> No.5291159

all it does is accentuate the culture of shouting rape as a power word for misandrists.

>> No.5291265

Oh god what
I must hear what her "logic" was behind that statement.

>> No.5291329


>> No.5291389
