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5286616 No.5286616 [Reply] [Original]

I just went through my old high school papers and now i'm really depressed. I wanted so bad to be smart back then....I took all IB classes and did my HLs in math and chemistry....but I made a bunch of Cs. I bit off more than I could chew. I couldn't handle it like the other kids could.

Now I'm in college, majoring in math and physics and nearing the end. A similar thing happened again....I made a few Cs, killed my GPA, and just don't seem as smart as the other kids.

I wish I wasn't such a shit student, but I don't really know what I could have done differently. I really did try. When I put my mind to it I really can study and put in a lot of work for these things. I just don't succeed as well as everyone else.

Meanwhile others take the routes of classes they're good at and can get As in, have near 4.0s and are going to be highly successful in life....and me...most likely not so.

feels bad man....I feel the depression hitting again now. Haven't had this feel in a long time.

>> No.5286686

Have you corrected the mistakes from shit you've done wrong before?

There's no point compounding on shitty foundations.

Accept you're a failure or do something that makes you not be a failure.

>> No.5286711


You are obviously missing something. Doing good in school is a skill separate from intelligence. You can train any moron to see symbols and then make a logical conclusion based from the symbols. Memorization, really. You can even train a monkey to do it, to some degree.

It is only when you have to apply these skills do people need actual intelligence. High School doesn't require this, and your first few years of college don't either. Basically, you dun goofed. Some how, you managed to misplace what you needed to do with what you actually did, and managed to fuck up a simple task such as school.

Well, not necessarily. Getting C's isn't the end of the world, and it is better than failing.