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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5281894 No.5281894 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that alcohol protects you against radiation? If so, how does it work?

>> No.5281897
File: 24 KB, 559x484, 1350500680205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lowers your radiation meter in a couple of seconds, although it makes your vision wobbly. You can still continue searching for artifacts though.

>> No.5281906
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Not really. The myth originates from Chernobyl disaster workers hitting the bar, and then something else.
>drink vodka
>it contains a compound that increases metabolism, ginseng I think
>increased metabolism helps flush out the radiation quicker, allowing for a larger dose to be non-lethal
Nothing large, maybe a few mSv

>> No.5281912
File: 344 KB, 1680x1050, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The radiation reduction level is in the configuration files in the resource folder after unpacking.

>> No.5281911
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>diet sausage, bread and vodka

>> No.5281913

Red Wine increases strontium which absorbs radiation and carries it from your system. The effect is minimal and basically just means if you work with nuclear technology you can have a safe career for a few years longer before you have to still early retire.

Anything else that increases metabolism or helps "flush your system" also aids in protecting you from the long term effects of minimal radiation that you work with.

>> No.5281915

Also, this is basically just "eating healthy for a longer nuclear career". There is no drug that protects you from radiation the way a good nuclear suit will.

>> No.5281917

so basically a disembowelment is the greatest radiation flush you can get.

>> No.5281919
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>not "bread"

>> No.5281923
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>not having knowledge of the relationship between alcohol and radiation
>not being an ecologist


>> No.5281922
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That's not how you get rid of radiation, tovarich!

>> No.5281924

duty 4lyfe

>> No.5281929
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>> No.5281930

>smoking weed

>> No.5281931

Stalker thread?

Just got done with SoC, should I get call of Pripyat? its 7 bucks on steam

>> No.5281933


Play CS first, fellow stalker.

>> No.5281934

This, but get a mod that diminishes the amount of grenades.

I can't stress that enough.

>> No.5281935
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>implying being spammed by grenades isn't desireable

>> No.5281940

>want to play the STALKER series
>only have CS and CoP
>everybody says I should play SoC first
>no money
feels bad man, been waiting for months

>> No.5281943

You do realize there is a sale on games on Steam right now? SoC just costs a couple of bucks.

You could always set sail to the Bay of Buccaneers otherwise, you know...

>> No.5281946

Yes. I don't mind getting naded to death once in a while, but when the piss-poorest little wannabe-bandits sow more grenades than all the rice in china, sending your mangled bloody pieces into space at the galactic escape velocity, it kind of tends to break the suspension of disbelief.

>> No.5281947
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True, true.
But such is life in the zone.

>> No.5281958

No, such is life in the CS.
Yes, anomalies can do weird shit.
Yes, the C-consciousness can do weird shit.

But a pissant with a broken makarov with a million grenades?
Or a whole troop of them?

If all the bandits had so many grenades, the mass concentration should have caused the zone to collapse into a black hole and destroyed the Earth before SoC or CoP ever happened.

>> No.5281965
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>implying bandits and stalkers alike give a fuck
>pic related

>> No.5281973

Tovarich Freedom, black holes also consume all your ganja.

>> No.5281975
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>> No.5281978

duty 4lyfe
loner if no duty is available

>> No.5281983


>being on /sci/
>not conducting bleeding edge-research into the Zone's mysteries
>not siding with the Ecologists

shiggity diggity floppity doo

>> No.5281984

Latin for 'seized', the word from which 'rape' is derived.

>> No.5281987

>Only desire is to destroy the zone and all the wonders it contains.
You are no scientist.

>> No.5281988

I think the image creator meant to write rapturous.

>> No.5281989

I think the creator meant to write "I can't into dictionaries, but I want to sound smart"

>> No.5281994

Well, yeah, you're right.

>> No.5281998
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We must contain its onslaught, you Freedom scum.

>> No.5282003

No we must unlock its secrets and use it to benefit the world, you pansy boy trailer trash.

>> No.5282008
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Guys, guys, please.
There's no need to fight.
What's it gonna be? A hard drink or a soft smoke?

>> No.5282098

tred ded

>> No.5282106
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>tfw a thread is completely derailed into a glorious Zone trainwreck filled with artifacts

>> No.5282109
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requesting the comic from CoP of the lion in a house

>> No.5282116
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>yfw playing misery, and a chimera jumps you during a firefight
>yfw it kills five enemies and all your friends while you run away in fear
>yfw it almost killed you in one pounce

>> No.5282124
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You gon git raped.

>> No.5282141
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>tfw it died after I dumped my last mag into it
>tfw the guilt of having all my friends die to something that wouldn't survive consentrated fire

>> No.5282147
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>> No.5282150

Such is life in the Zone, brother.
It takes life, and gives it.

>> No.5282157

>implying you can join more than one faction

>> No.5282156

doesn't duty protect the ecologists?

>> No.5282161

Yeah, the ecologists rely on Duty to protect them.

>> No.5282160

I didn't say that. Who are the ones hanging around with the ecologists in CoP and escorting them? Weren't they Duty?

>> No.5282166

you wot?
they were mercenaries, not duty

>> No.5282176

bump for interest

>> No.5282182
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>it's like I'm on /v/

>> No.5282186

No , but its true that regulationists made it a criminal offense in usa to manifacture alcohol from octane. Also, it is illegal to drink ethanol without a proper radiation.

>> No.5282209


A+ post, would read again!

>> No.5282242

The thread was answered before derailment

>> No.5282275
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>he doesn't know that /v/ hates videogames

>> No.5282279

>implying I frequent that cesspool of pure garbage

>> No.5282295

>The time travel has no place in the solution

atleast sci provides some formulas from time to time.

This is actually where i saw that Divorce formula for the first time.

>> No.5282351

bump for Stalker

>> No.5282356
File: 160 KB, 366x380, ohshit_stalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not being out hunting artifacts, opening up new roads to the North

>> No.5282372
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>> No.5282444

Only rubbing alcohol and only if you drink 12 ounces of it.

>> No.5282536

"flush out the radiation."

nigga....radiation dont stick in you, its electrons damaging dna!

>> No.5282567

a heightened metabolism speeds up the process of repairing damaged tissue, but as you say, it doesn't help against damaged genetic material. I worded myself wrong, and I accept it

>> No.5282572

>nigga....radiation dont stick in you, its electrons damaging dna!
assuming β-minus radiation

>> No.5282808

>implying he's not deliberately saying idiotic things and then +"nigger" . In order to associate idiocy to "nigger"-sayers.

>implying this is a new marxist tactic here.

Welcome to /sci/

>> No.5282822


Says the guy who's been alternating between "Extreme Nigger Killer - The Raceloyalist." and "Extreme Slaughter Celebration (Black blood is good blood)" all day.