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5281381 No.5281381 [Reply] [Original]

My A&P professor terrible. She doesn't realize that some of us have no medical field experience, and are taking A&P for the first time.

You guys I need help! I'm currently responsible to memorize skeletal muscles. I have to know their orgin(s) insertion(s) and articulation(s). She just sprung this on us and I have no god damn idea.

Could someone explain this to me in simple terms?

>> No.5281387

** Actions(s) not articulations

>> No.5281398

Anatomy is just remembering a bunch of shit. It isn't hard.

>> No.5281399
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>Not possessing an eidetic memory

>> No.5281403

Nope, she gave us a sheet of muscles and told us to find the origin(s), insertion(s), and action(s),

Believe it or not I have an A- in this class. lol

>> No.5281407

Forgot to mention, there was no lecture on the material.

>> No.5281408

nigga medecine is just biology.
if you cant do biology.... maybe you need to look at the bigger picture and do something more suited to your abilities, such as janitorial work.

>> No.5281413

She's not teaching you A&P, she's making sure that you learn A&P, and also learn a thing or two about independent study.

There are no challenging concepts in A&P. It doesn't take a teacher, it takes a drillmaster, who tells you to do the work and holds you standards.

>> No.5281418

Your right. I'm actually studying for this class earlier than I usually do. I typically wait until a week before the exam and practicum to study.
>Still have A-
>Procrastination sucks ass

>> No.5281425

It's quite easy. What exactly do you have probs?
Self proclaimed anatomist here.

>> No.5281432

Thank you so much! I learn a lot better when i have someone to bounce ideas off of.

Take for instance the facial muscles (expression in general) I understand the term tricep = 3 origins, biceps = 2, quad 4...but what would the origin of a muscle the produces facial expression be. I'm lost with insertions and actions too. If you could explain this to me like you're teaching a sped child, I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.5281444

Well origin doesn't mean where the names came from. It means where the muscles are "anchored".
"Muscular performance amounts to a contraction of fleshy fibers, drawing together at the center and swelling the girth of the muscle body. Since one end is more or less fixed by gravity, weight or the leverage of surrounding muscles, the other end will be drawn toward it and so accomplish the desired act. A contraction therefore often gives to the muscle an appearance of 'crawling' toward it's origin. "

Take the Detoid for example. It's anchor is the spine of the scapula, Acromion process and the lateral (outer) part of the clavicle. It's insertion is where it connects to and that's neard the middle of the Humerus. The Deltoid helps in raising the arm. Lifting your arm forward flexes the anterior fibers while lifting your arm backward flexes the posterior fibers. Lifting it upwards to the side (so your body will look like a T) flexes the ones inbetween.

>> No.5281449

So with that explained, facial muscles are a tiny bit different. A lot of them connect directly to the skin. That's what causes facial expressions.

Levator Palpabrae for example is essentially your upper eye lid. It's origin is the rear of the orbital roof and it's insertion is the skin of the upper eye lid. So with the crawling towards the origin example, When flexing that muscle, it opens your eyes.

>> No.5281483

Are ya good, OP?

>> No.5281553

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Yes, your explanation makes sense.

I was busy studying lol


>> No.5281797

The fuck happened to that niggas eyes

>> No.5281885


Gorram walkers.

It's happening I tells ya.

>> No.5281932

If you know skeletal articulations, origin and insertion of muscles, it's easy to visualize the action of the muscle. Learning these is blunt memorization, but it can be helped. Make mnemonic aids, drawings, try to make logical connections, because even anatomy is logical. Otherwise, it's forgotten very quickly.

>> No.5282206

have you looked in your textbook? there's usually a lot in info in them even though students never bother to read it.

Or try: http://www.ptcentral.com/muscles/