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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5278305 No.5278305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your alpha /sci/ stories here.

Wake up at 10AM after going to bed at 6AM and having a big night of sex and smoking weed.

Have Quantum physics exame at 2. Decide to go for a 10k run before.

Don't know results yet but pretty sure about 90-95%.

Have to go home. Smoke some weed, then proceed to do cross fit training.

Beat my fastest time lifting 40kg kettle bells for 2 km.

That was a pretty intense workout. Need more weed.

Finish off the night winning 3/3 tennis games.

How alpha are you /sci/?

>> No.5278312

So alpha I don't need to tell fuckwit anons about it.

>> No.5278325

>uses performance-enhancing drugs
>takes a useless course in quantum physics that is not related to degree to appear intelligent
>days revolves around physical exertion, much like a gorilla
>obvious ego problems


>> No.5278326

Sounds like Omega bro

>> No.5278327
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>wake up to alarm
>it makes me do an triple integral to turn it off
>eating bowl of cheerios
>realize cheerios are in the shape of a protein
>be messing with the protein
>realize this protein is the cure for cancer
>be like holy shit
>go wake my mother up to tell her
>she is like that's nice honey
>publish my paper on protein that cures cancer
>win nobel prize


>> No.5278328

>coming from an ultra beta
>describes weed as a performance enhancing drug

>> No.5278336

>employs utterly useless ad hominem attack on anonymous poster
>doesn't know that weed is a performance-enhancing drug
>thinks he is athletic, even though he is a doper


>> No.5278341

I got a job interview. I'm already employed.

Alpha as fuck...?

>> No.5278339

>never tried weed in his life
>so jelly but too mad to admit it
>uses biggest term he knows "Ad hominem attack"
>can't even bench 20lbs

I shiggy bro, I shiggy

>> No.5278340

>Wasting time with physical activities

Sure thing bro

>> No.5278344

>wasting time writing reports that don't contribute anything

>takes out buttfrustration on Alpha males who look good and would be able to keep the tribe running if our technology fell apart

>sages without saging

>> No.5278350

>wake up on top of laptop five hours after simulations are done running
>contradicts all my math ever
>grind up caffeine pills to put in coffee
>stare at board
>stare at board
>wake up on papers

Yeahhh. And then I fuck some bitches.

Also, congrats >>5278341

>> No.5278352


And here I thought this board was for men of science. If you wish to discuss broscience and how you can't eat carbs after 5 p.m. because it turns into fat and how muscle confusion and working to failure are the only ways to gain muscle, you're welcome to /fit/.

>> No.5278355

Just eat healthy, shit bro.

>> No.5278362

Implying that's crossfit

>> No.5278367

>never been to /fit/
The real irony here is that one of their primary jokes for the longest time (haven't been there in a while, might still be) was 'broscience,' featuring such gems as 'muscle turning into fat' or vice versa.

>> No.5278372

The real irony here is that we have some beta engineering major who thinks that he knows about fitness.

>> No.5278373

>Not squatting
Go to /fit/ they'll tell you what's really alpha

>> No.5278375

I did squats and static squats for 30 mins as a warmup. Too alpha to mention it in my already boastful post

>> No.5278382

you're already a beta for saying you're an alpha.

>> No.5278384


>Implying physical exertion isn't better for mental health and intelligence than being an obese or skinnyfat fuck.

>> No.5278388

Everyone knows edibles are the only cool way to get high...

>> No.5278385
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>smoking weed

confirmed for betatard in denial

>> No.5278387

There's really not much of any way to tell, considering that he hasn't uploaded any videos of his lifting form or posted his diet or routine.

It's a little silly of him, to be sure, but it's just a joke. What he was saying in the first post was shorthand for "Post your stories of success and pride related in some way to science."

>> No.5278392

>smoked weed once
>got really paranoid and started freaking out in front of friends for 3 months
>friends never speak to him again
>Spends days locked up in room bitter at world and spends half the day posting weed hate threads.

>> No.5278398

Yeah I figured.
In my experience there's not always a clear-cut alpha/beta/omega thing, and most people who say they are 'alpha' are really betas trying to one-up somebody, whereas true alphas don't give a shit, they just are.

>> No.5278399

>smoke weed once
>become completely self-absorbed and don't want to talk to anyone
>leave friends to go play around with geometry in the kitchen for a few hours
Now I just drink at social gatherings.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

>> No.5278402

Says there's no such thing as clear cut alpha/beta

Proceeds to subtly explain he is "alpha" and OP is "beta"

>> No.5278404

I think you forgot your greentext there, if that's what you were going for.

I also really didn't see him explain how he's 'alpha.' You're drawing some pretty wonky conclusions here.

sage for butthurt overload ITT.

>> No.5278405

Hey OP, go tell /fit/ about your 'crossfit alphaness'. Dyle?

>> No.5278411

No you explained yourself as "Alpha". But you are in fact beta for going on with this. Please eat some cement.

>> No.5278425

No, I didn't. I came into this thread to admire your pained rump, dude. I've never explained myself as alpha.

>> No.5278441

Yeah....you did....

>> No.5278443
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>> No.5278448

No. Reread the posts and who they're quoting. I clearly refer to the guy you thought was explaining as 'alpha' in the second person, indicating that I'm not him. Any conclusions you draw after that are baseless conjecture, sorry chief.

>> No.5278453

Sorry bro, but you were trying to sum yourself up as Alpha. Re-read it.

>> No.5278457


Guys, this is /sci/. Nobody on /sci/ can read, or else they would be a humanities major.

>> No.5278506


How do you go about grinding your pills?

>> No.5278507


Between my pinkies, because I'm so fit.

>> No.5278509

stfu I'm seeeeerious

>> No.5278511

>tfw i am 100% certain literally nothing in this post is an exaggeration of any sort
great job, thank you for gracing us with this awesomeness

>> No.5278512

>linear algebra midterm marks posted this weekend
>cool I got a 93
>midterms handed back in class
>it appears my marks were totaled incorrectly
>actually got a 98.5

also this past weekend I set a PR snatch of 76kg at ~70.5kg bodyweight

>> No.5278525

addendum: I felt like a fucking goon taking the midterm to my prof for a remark

>> No.5278527

>stumble into freshman EE 15 minutes late, slightly hungover from the previous night
>look around, realize that nobody has their laptop out, even though today is lab day.
>teacher starts handing out thick stacks of paper.
>"Jesus fuck, don't tell me the midterm is today..."
>spend hours obsessing over each and every problem. Definitely not feeling as confident as I normally do
>turn in exam, hang my head in shame as I walk out of the room

>1 week passes, exams coming back

>TFW 95%

>> No.5278843

where can i get that alarm

>> No.5278849

OP, tbh, I'd take a skinny dude obsessed with maths over you any day.

>> No.5278869
File: 33 KB, 640x524, bilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to learn about Microsoft RLDC at work.
>bullshit around for 8 hours

Why the fuck do we have to use C# and MS SQL and not PHP/Java implementation, I don't know.

>> No.5278926

tbh you're probably some fat chick so whatever

>> No.5278928

tbh I'm a guy.

>> No.5278931

well then tbh you're a beta who is into dudes and not an alpha male irresistable to ladies like myself

>> No.5278934

tbh I'm not the person you were replying to, I'm just interjecting.

>> No.5278938

tbh I'm not either

>> No.5278939

tbh I'm actually a normal guy. What do you think of this whole alpha/beta stuff? I think it's pretty funny.

>> No.5278943

tbh I actually consider myself like OP to be one of the alpha species. What about you?

>> No.5278950

tbh I don't really identify with either, although if I had to choose I'd go more towards beta in general. At work, in school, when there's a goal, I'm alpha, but otherwise I'm pretty laid back, which could be interpreted as beta.

>> No.5278979

You do realize it doesnt matter. I must be a level above alpha to realize that transhumanism will eventually overcome what humans will be able to develope through practice. Wanna be strong? Genetically modified muscles. Wanna be smart? Neural implants.

I graduated with a 3.25 GPA in an easy major, and I will go back to grad school to study Neuroscience, but I am telling you - competition is only going to make the world more unfair at the rate things are going. If you are "alpha," by any means, you have a responsibility to share the wealth. Like get me laid, as I am still a virgin.

>> No.5278991

tldr bro. If you want to make an Alpha post you need to make it concise.

>> No.5278996

Alpha males don't reply, they submit.

>> No.5279010

Alpha males don't submit, EVER.

>> No.5279046

>he doens't realize that the smartest members of society will use transhuman technologies to enslave humanity rather than benefit it.

>> No.5279060

> implying there is even a single girl on /sci/