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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5276678 No.5276678 [Reply] [Original]

>Fifth graders in some state-sponsored schools in Louisiana study both creationism and evolution as competing theories. “Fact or Theory?”


>> No.5276775

>private schools

Not surprised. That's the main reason why southerners send their kids to public schools. Most facts directly contradict the religious beliefs they're trying to instill in their kids. Those kids probably didn't learn very much about geology or history either.

>> No.5276788

11 year old*

>> No.5276786

I went to a religious private school. I caused quite a commotion being the only 11 year who openly questioned the absurdity of the bible and the existence of God himself.

The nuns didn't know how to handle me and the principle suggested to my mom that I might need a psychiatrist or something.

>> No.5276793

This is actually kind of good to learn and know about.
But it doesn't belong in a science class. It belongs in some kind of philosophy / cognition theory / meta science class.

>> No.5276801

It's already taught. Humanities and history classes teach about all major religions.

>> No.5276813

Not particularly well.
I couldn't tell you the difference between a Hindu and a Taoist, and I certainly didn't get any meaningful education regarding Islam; not even the historical parts where Muslims were particularly advanced mathematically way back when.
The best information I got was when I read Life of Pi for my AP english class in 12th grade.

Although I would whole-heartedly support a world religions elective in K-12.

>> No.5276814

>Man is the highest level of animal

when you put it like that it makes us sound pretty awesome.

>> No.5276819

Aren't they seceding? See you later faggots.

>> No.5276826
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/tg/ sends its regards

>> No.5276840


Man = Animal level 99

>> No.5276844


Get on my level, every other animal.

>> No.5276849


Only if they can outbid the US so that Blackwater doesn't fuck their shit up.

>> No.5276856

Everybody needs to realize that these are private schools that get some tax money, and the real schools still teach real science.

Most of the private religious schools in the south came about in the mid sixties to early seventies as a direct result of forced integration.

>> No.5276874

This makes it better how, exactly?

>> No.5276887


when my father in law was selling his house, the key selling point was "there are no blacks in the neighborhood"

>> No.5276891

>man is the highest level of animal
jimmies status:
[X] Rustled
[ ] Un-Rustled

>> No.5276893


private schools do whatever the hell they want.

>> No.5276905



>> No.5276910

Must suck to buy a house on that premise only to have a black family move into the neighborhood a short time later.

>> No.5276918

>private schools do whatever the hell they want.

But completing a private school still gives you an official certificate?

>> No.5276920

Math and astronomy didn't flourished under Islam, it flourished before Islam, and then it was completely stomped out.

>> No.5276921


>> No.5276926

Private schools can do what they want, but if they are going to teach creationism, teach every religion's point of view, not just christianity. It makes it more fair to other religions. Also, they could be a bit more specific when it comes to evolution and the big bang.

>> No.5276931

Private schools do what they want buddy. If they want to completely avoid evolution they are within the law to do so.

>> No.5276932


Of that private school, yes. All it tells people is that you graduated from an institution that does not penalize you for not understanding biology and cosmology, so they probably aren't going to get any jobs in those fields.

>> No.5276935

I mean "you" generically here, not you specifically, I'm not saying you go to a private school or don't understand those things. All my posts sound like I'm insulting people and I apologize.

>> No.5277638
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Oh Murika, you so crazy.

>> No.5277655
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>presenting creationism as scientific

>> No.5277671

There's no such thing. You don't "believe in" evolution, you accept the facts of it.

>> No.5277689

I actually go to a christian school, and our teacher AND our books said creation isn't scientific.

>> No.5277694
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>> No.5277696


You do realize there is a whole pseudoscience called "christian science" right? Just because at your school they don't present creationism ideology as scientific doesn't mean in other places it isnt taught as science.

>> No.5277729

And just because it is "taught as science" doesn't mean that it is science.

>> No.5277732


>> No.5278797

Nope. Most southerners send their kids to public schools because they're paid for and parents don't have money for private school. Rich ass Republicans send their kids to top-notch private institutions and then harp about the importance of "public education" while reducing it to nothing via legislation.

Welcome to the South. We didn't learn shit about shit. Small exceptions with teachers who risked losing their jobs in order to give us a proper education.

>> No.5278815

Except it's wrong.

>> No.5278838

In Croatia, when you study theories about how life came to exist, there are several theories, namely all the big ones, like creationism and cosmic theory and so on, but as welll creationsim is presented as one of the theories, though it's just mentioned and not really taken seriously. the only one which is considered valuable is evolution and the textbooks begin with presenting the theories and then just keeping up with the evolution stuff. I think that's fair. It looks just right to me.

>> No.5279079

Same in Mexico

>> No.5279481
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>Same in Mexico

I was never taught about a magic man wishing mankind into existence. I learned about it later on my own time.

>> No.5279490

called INS

>> No.5279489

This makes it better how, exactly?

>> No.5280234

>This makes it better how, exactly?

-the government or educational institutional I attend forces me to learn bullshit

-I read about bullshit of my own free will to be wary of it.

I sure can't tell the difference.

>> No.5280239


they're not even putting correct information in the "evolutionist" column. I consider a magnitude of three to be pretty goddamn significant.

fucking goddamn religious asshole cocksucking cunts.

and who was that nigger who said 'i will not pay tax dollars for the niggers to teach my kids lies'

i mean what the fuck.

this shit is clearly fucking biased and lacks considerable research. the authors probably pulled half of the shit out of their ass without crosschecking anything. god fucking damnit i don't know where to put all this rage.

>> No.5280253
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>Mixing in the origin of the universe, planet formation, abiogenesis, and evolution