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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5269289 No.5269289 [Reply] [Original]

As an intellectual does anyone have any insight as to why there's any reason to live life? Is everything not pointless and completely without meaning in the end?

>> No.5269304

>nd completely without meaning in the end?
Have you been to the end?

>> No.5269302

If there's no great, glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do because that's all there is: what we do. Now. Today.

>> No.5269303
File: 80 KB, 1920x1100, life_is_not_that_complicated_by_george_carlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5269324
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>> No.5269364

Countless organisms within your ancestry lived their entire lives and reproduced to create all the organisms that eventually led to your birth without even being able to ask the question you just did (Besides the ones within the last few thousand years I suppose). They didn't question their existence, or the purpose of it, simply because life is designed through evolution to have the urge to survive and reproduce. Thus, they were simply executing what they were designed to do. However, you were lucky enough to have been born in an exciting time where we have a civilization in which there are more extraordinary things to experience than your life will give you the time to. So explore the world and you will find a reason to live besides merely surviving and reproducing. Discover what your role is relative to something or someone else who is perhaps wondering the same thing. Contribute to the world in a way which you will enjoy. Play a part that no one else can, and celebrate the almost spiritual fact that you've been blessed enough to have the opportunity to experience things that almost no other organism could. And when you find yourself in that position, the "reason" or "purpose" of it will be the last of your worries.

>> No.5269376

because life is fun as shit.

>> No.5269384

Such a beautiful concept, but I wonder if such a life is possible in a society where you're condemned to a path set in place for you, and deviation from such a path is more than likely to end up with you in a worse place than you began.

>> No.5269407

Of course it is. No matter where your path (or the deviation of it) takes you, the fact that you have the opportunity to dream, and even the tools required to make said dreams come true should suffice. Sure, some have it better than others. And it's true that a lot of people don't have as many privileges, but we all still live in a world where you have been given the right to a pursuit of happiness, and a beautiful world where there are countless places to find it.

>> No.5269410

If the meaning was in the end I'd try to get there faster

>> No.5269432

Philosophy of the Knife, OP.

"My life is complete because this is where it ended."

>> No.5269456

The term meaning does not have any significance to reality. Its purely a conceptual one. Reality != concept

>> No.5269485

>reason to live life
To gain more control over your environment

>> No.5269503

Living organisms are a chance. The result of some lucky processes taking place in Earth. You can do whatever the fuck you want with your life, the goal is whatever goal you want. At the most primary level, a living organism tries to survive and reproduce.
The deeper existential truths which you seek do not exist, dedicate your life to whatever you feel passionate about and try to enjoy it.

>> No.5269576

nothing means anything in the big picture, but things have meaning in the enclosed system they are part of.
subjective values, subjective happiness, etc isn't as worthless as people would have it to be.
of course, your subjective happiness is meaningless to me, but hey; you are not me.

>> No.5269609

Purpose is something that is useful to us in our daily lives and all along our lives, we make up objectives for ourselves and see what we need to achieve in order to fulfill that objective, but outside of our consciousnesses purpose, reason do not exist, they are construct of the mind.
If you agree with the idea that life arose by chance and is a consequence of how the constituents of the universe behave relative to each other, then life has no absolute purpose, it has nothing to achieve, it just is. However you can look at life and find a purpose to it, a subjective one. We are the universe trying to understand itself, in this regard if to you the purpose of the universe is to understand itself then here is your purpose of life. If to you the purpose of a living being is to be happy, then here is your purpose for life. There is no absolute reason to live life, only the reason you can find to live it.

>> No.5269661

There is no reason to live OP.
You know that, but you keep asking anyway to see if the answer changes.

>> No.5269663

There is and it is this >>5269485

>> No.5269758

Why is it a reason to live life?

>> No.5269875


>> No.5269897

Reason for life:

>It's so the universe can experience itself

This is it, that is the only reason for living. Without life, everything that exists would exist for no reason because there wouldn't be anything to acknowledge that things exist.

>> No.5269901 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 272x326, poincare_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="math">\textup{The scientist does not study nature because it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it, and he takes pleasure in it because it is beautiful.}\;
\mathbf{ If\;nature\;were\;not\;beautiful} \;
\textup{it would not be worth knowing, and}\;
\mathbf{life\;would\;not\;be\;worth\;living.} </div>

>> No.5269902

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5269901[/spoiler]
I think you forgot your math tags

>> No.5269904 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 272x326, poincare_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="math">The\;scientist\;does\;not\;study\;nature\;because\;it\;is\;useful\;to\;do\;so.\;He\;studies\;it\;bec
\mathbf{ If\;nature\;were\;not\;beautiful} \;
\textup{it would not be worth knowing, and}\;
\mathbf{life\;would\;not\;be\;worth\;living.} </div>

>> No.5269905 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 272x326, poincare_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="math">The\;scientist\;does\;not\;study\;nature\;because\;it\;is\;useful\;to\;do\;so.\;He\;studies\;it\;bec
\mathbf{ If\;nature\;were\;not\;beautiful} \;
\textup{it would not be worth knowing, and}\;
\mathbf{life\;would\;not\;be\;worth\;living.} </div>

>> No.5269909
File: 16 KB, 272x326, poincare_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="math">The\;scientist\;does\;not\;study\;nature\;because\;it\;is\;useful\;to\;do\;so.\;He\;studies\;it\;bec
\mathbf{ If\;nature\;were\;not\;beautiful} \;
\mathbf{life\;would\;not\;be\;worth\;living.} </div>

>> No.5269924

God damn that's a good quote.

>> No.5269929
File: 6 KB, 400x500, sigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poincaré was a fucking boss, albeit, slightly crazy.

>> No.5269931

Circular logic, that's not the reason.

These guys get it.

>> No.5269933

In life you are free. If you are not free; then the goal of your life is to gain freedom.

“Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.”
--Albert Camus

Since were dropping the quotes.

>> No.5269936

I caught someone on /lit/ saying that modern scientists were like peasants strapped to giant calculators. You don't quite personify this, but you do at least bring it to mind.

>> No.5269947
