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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5265154 No.5265154 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

School student here in final year of high school. For a long time I've had problems remembering formulas, mathematical equations, etc and it has inflicted negative results on my marks for particularly Mathematics and Physics. I want to know if there is anything I could do to improve my retention of such information. When it comes to theory for subjects such as Chemistry, Biology and even Physics, I can manage pretty well. I would like similar for numerical information.

Please help /sci/, any tips or pointers that helped you out in high school.

>> No.5265191

You fucked up right there buddy. Learn what the hell you're talking about. Read the textbook and pretend you're teaching it to your imaginary friend.
....except biology. Those niggers are parrots. For that, just listen to Dominic O'Brien.

>> No.5265198

perhaps you should not try remembering dozens of different formulas but instead just learn a few of the most fundamental ones and really understand them then practice deriving all the other formulas you may need from those.

That's what you basically need to do in thermo dynamics.

>> No.5265206

Yeah, I'm getting more and more studying done. It's so far the only method which has yielded results, still was hoping for something else.

For physics the formula sheet they give you during exams has only certain formula, if I can learn to derive from those I'd probably be fine.

>> No.5265215

Ready to have your balls rocked?

Read all of this:
Google "Scott Young" and watch/read about his MIT challenge.

Might take you a few days to read it all. Also fuck biology, those niggers are just mindless parrots that will memorize with more raw effort then you will in 4 years of undergrad, quit now. They will also complain about entry level chemistry because it required understanding, and not memorization...

>> No.5265270

>biologists are parrots
No, biology _students_ are (sometimes) parrots. I always enjoyed biology and found it interesting. I have to admit, though, in the biology classes I took, memorising was actively encouraged. You had to use the right words or you didn't get the marks. In fact, if you did use the right words, even if you didn't fully understand them, you'd probably still get the marks.

>> No.5265367
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, well done sir.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(OP here) Thanks for the link, I'll read through it all, it looks interesting.

Also, biology is more or less memorization but think of it this way; biology or earth science (geology)... bleh!

But again, thanks for the link.

>> No.5265381

Memorizing formulas won't get you anywhere.

Any nigger can be trained to remember a formula and plug in numbers.

To gain a true understanding you need to learn how to derive the formula and that will let you understand what is truly going on.

TLDR: learn the concepts and the formulas will come easily. Also, sometimes the concept takes awhile to come along. It might not come until you learn other stuff after it first.

>> No.5265396

Understood. I will try my best to learn the derivations when studying.

This critique is helpful guys, thank you.

>> No.5265430


You just aren't that smart. Deal with it.