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5265133 No.5265133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have an existential crisis every time I shut the light off, try to sleep and start thinkgen of life

Is there anything I can do to stop it

>> No.5265160
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Every night I lie in my bed and think of how it would be to have someone to love. Then I cry.

>> No.5265162

Embrace it. It doesn't stop, it just get's easier to deal with. Also, watch movies, listen to music, leave the TV on, do something that creates noise when you go to sleep. It keeps the thoughts of suicide away.

>> No.5265173

It's not a thought of suicide. It's pretty much the opposite. I just don't want to die whatsoever.

>> No.5265178

The cure is obvious, you fool! Actively work on achieving whatever it is that's keeping you up at night.

>> No.5265184

Accept the fact that you're going to die. Then do drugs, lots of drugs.

Think of all the drugs you're going to do tomorrow.

>> No.5265194

Yeah either way, suicide or not drugs help. Just don't go over board and kill yourself.

>> No.5265195
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Seriously, what the fuck is up with the inability to correctly spell "thinking" whenever one of you emotional cunts shitpost. Nothing wrong with the occasional misspelling of random words, but I don't care how bad you feel, there is absolutely no excuse to repeatedly misspell "thinking."

>> No.5265197

sup Deus

>> No.5265201
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>> No.5265204

What kinds of drugs are best for this? I've only really used marijuana, and for me it actually makes this worse. Instead of having an existential crisis from one perspective, I actually have it from two.

>> No.5265223

drugs probably won't help you. i smoked weed for some 3 years until I stopped. I think I had some of the same problems you've got now.
list of objectively meaningless things:
>your mom
>this post
list of subjectively meaningful things:
>your mom
>this post

deal with it. dont know how? well here's what I do
>there is no objective moral
>there is therefore nothing I need to do or live up to
>I am therefore free to do whatever the fuck I want (except imprisonment if I break laws)
we are both free, and nothing matters more than other things in the big picture. so, identify what makes your subjective mind tick, then follow that.
subjectively speaking, drugs only gives a short term satisfaction. it halts your progress in realizing what you want to do with your utterly insignificant life.

>> No.5265234
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>> No.5265236

yeah you can grow out of being 16

but seriously meditate. it isn't bullshit, it's a way of training your mind to become calm and stop thinking of stupid shit against your will (like when you're self-conscious at a party or thinking of babbys first existential crisis when you're trying to sleep)

how do you do it? you ask. well it's simple, close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths while focusing only on your breathing. if your mind strays then as soon as you notice it, go back to focusing on your breathing. minimum of 15 minutes of this.

>> No.5265247

good post

>> No.5265248

Psychedelics are best. Avoid depressants at all costs like alcohol.

DMT, LSD, DXM, LSA, in that order of effectiveness and speed towards resolution.

Also DXM is a mixed bag, low dose ain't helpful at all. High doses are where its at. 600+

>> No.5265252

Go to sleep listening to music or maybe the TV.

>> No.5265253

Weed is a depressant. It will not help no matter how much you want it to. It just shuts things off.

>> No.5265256

That isn't solving anything. That is just a distraction.

>> No.5265258

>yeah man fuck up your cognitive processes while seeing pretty colors and hearing auditory hallucinations it'll solve your problems man
I've taken plenty of drugs but you're an idiotic faggot to suggest this to someone else as any sort of answer. fuck yourself.

>> No.5265265

You sound very much like someone who has never meditated on these drugs, or even had the intent of growing with these tools.

You abuse drugs, and you'll get nothing. Recreational use is the worst thing you could do with psychedelics.

>> No.5265262

But the only solution is immortality

>> No.5265269

You are already immortal. You are just unaware of that fact.

>> No.5265274


YMMV with DXM. Low doses were exceptionally helpful for me (95-135 mg at 140 lbs). Try it OP. Do careful research first though, as DXM doesn't play nice with many other drugs or medications. I found it very hard to panic on as well; the dissociation really lets you accept what's happening. A tip: listen to music and smoke weed with it, it's an experience unlike any other.

>> No.5265276

lol dis nigga is tellin you straight, doo dis

>> No.5265285

LSD and LSA will mix with DXM too. DPH as well but I don't advise it unless your mind is solid.

>> No.5265283

>Have epiphany while on drugs
>Get over high
>Realize that the epiphany was stupid and your brain is just being bombarded with shit

>> No.5265290

Tisk tisk, you are just disregarding the information in your mind being unlocked as noise simply because a drug is bringing it out?

You are creating that mental noise, if you can control it, you can control your life.

>> No.5265287

OP, psychedelic drugs can go both ways. if you are anxious, depressed, unhappy or shameful taking any of these drugs might be horrible experiences
rule of thumb: most drugs will, with its own specific "touch", guide your high in the direction of the mood you are all ready in.
Also, if you are below 25 i suggest you avoid psychedelia all together. I smoked weed practically daily between ages 16 and 19, and I regret my abuse of the drug now, I think it stagnated my social development, I hope it hasn't stagnated any more cognitive development than that.
Don't ever do mind-altering drugs to become happy or to remove emotional pain.

>> No.5265300

If anxiety, and other issues are a problem. Get a friend to sit it out with you. Preferably a sober happy friend who can give you hugs when you get scared and don't know how to deal with the next emotional crisis.

>> No.5265301

Agreed, DPH even at low doses "colored" the trip in a somewhat unsettling way.

>> No.5265305

I agree. You should really wait until your mind is fully developed. Which is around 23~26 years old.

>> No.5265310

If OP drinks alcohol. That drug has already done far more damage to the emotional control centers then any of these combined could do.

>> No.5265316

Alternatively, try getting a prescription for Vyvanse and taking it as prescribed. Guarantee you won't feel much of anything. This isn't as bad as it sounds, and a few months of this will allow you to really get your shit in order and have nothing to be anxious about when/if you decide to stop.

>> No.5265312

Go to /x/. Make this thread.

They will be FAR more helpful.

But, this always helped:

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

― Mark Twain

>> No.5265317

Best quote ever.

>> No.5265318

Problem is most people get dependent on prescription drugs. I really doubt OP would actually be able to put it aside after borderline buzzed all the time.

>> No.5265323

vyvanse doesn't give nearly as much of a feeling of euphoria as adderall can in similar doses, so it's much less likely to be abused or for someone to become dependent on it.

>> No.5265326

You probably partially rewired your brain and got stuck at the midway point. Stagnating your thought processes by internal conflict being increased.

You don't just take the redpill and back out. You gotta go all the way.

>> No.5265330

I had that problem when I first started, but after giving it a chance I had no desire to abuse it. It's been a solid half year now at 30 mg, and my life is infinitely better. It really does give you a flat affect, but the withdrawals aren't really bad (just a few days of fogginess) when you want to stop.

>> No.5265335
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I wish you could be someone else for a moment so you could realize what a faggot you sound like. I'm sure you're >>5265290

>> No.5265339

please, reformulate this. im not sure how to interpret your figurative statements.
it almost seems like you are advising me to go back to taking drugs, after finally beating the habit that kept me inactive

>> No.5265343

Unlike you, I can see my self. You sound very bitter and sound a bit desperate to prove something as well.

Who would want to be you, honestly?

>> No.5265353

That would right. I am suggesting you go back into taking drugs. Not for recreation but for exploring the limits of your mind. Don't use physically addictive substances. Don't be afraid of emotional discomfort and learn to conquer those feelings.

Always space out your usage so that you got time to think about the last trip in retrospect.

>> No.5265369

>You sound very bitter and sound a bit desperate to prove something as well
Yeah I'm trying to advise OP and any other easily influenced high schoolers that might be reading this thread against your shitty advice.
>You don't just take the redpill and back out. You gotta go all the way.
You sound like the faggot because you're using a pop sci movie in reference to smoking weed. Dropping acid while meditating isn't going to do anything more constructive for your mind or health than meditating on its own would, while it could definitely cause a lot of mental damage. you're so far up your own ass you think you're above someone who disagrees with your retarded methods.
>Who would want to be you, honestly?
From what I've gained from our posts I'd definitely rather be me than you.

>> No.5265378

I'm sure it can be a positive experience. However, I know myself to well to start doing drugs again. I've been addicted to cannabis, and I am rather sure I would be unable to moderate my drug use if I first started and had it available all the time.
Additionally, I find your suggestion that I should start doing drugs again ridiculous and not properly thought through. Drugs affect different people in different ways. Because of my personal drug histroy, I have some very strong negative associations to it. The last 18 months or so of my weed abuse, smoking was terrible most of the time, because of the aforementionened negative assosications - i.e. fear of getting caught, constant sense of doing something I should not be doing. I developed a strong social anxiety/paranoia that was triggered whenever I smoked.
I am using my own history as an example to illustrate how you should NEVER suggest to anyone to take drugs for personal development; and definitively not if you do not know the person intimately or if you are a psychologist/psychiatrist.

>> No.5265375

Colossal butthurt in this post.

>> No.5265385
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ad hominem

>> No.5265387

That picture is wrong. Ad hominem is not a logical fallacy.

>> No.5265400

I dont suggest weed, alcohol, or any such similar drug. Also don't take anything anyone says, even a psychologist/psychiatrist as the complete truth and follow it.

Only a idiot would do that. Are you implying there are a large amount of idiots on this board?

Also I'm not going to spend 30 minutes writing our a proper post. Nobody does that. Take what you can out of it, and toss the rest if it doesn't make sense to you. Not my problem, not anyone else problem, not your problem either. Just deal with it.

I'm not the messiah.

>> No.5265423

Thanks. I'm sure your post made OP more likely to make up a mind on his own, rather than follow your or mine advise blindly.