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5264795 No.5264795 [Reply] [Original]

how fast would your penis have to be spinning for you to lift a 175 pound man off of the ground?

>> No.5264806

Depends on a few factors, such as the length, girth, and shape of your penis.
Mind giving us measurements and describing the shape?

>> No.5264818

16.5 cm long
4cm girth
slightly bent to the left

>> No.5264839

You exposed my MOST personal information on the internet, and not just the internet! Fucking 4chan! are you insane?

>> No.5264840 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5264843
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>slightly bent to the left

>> No.5264852 [DELETED] 

Since it's really small, he's likely to tell the truth.

>> No.5264850

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5264840[/spoiler]
>implying he tells the truth
>implying he's not anonymus, so him telling that means nothing
>implying people still imply

>> No.5264856

>implying you arent him
>implying you arent a buttmongled, buttdestroyed, butthurt, buttfag crying butt tears from your butt

>> No.5264861

Approximately a third of all human penises are bent either left or right.

>> No.5264866
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>bent left
>not bent up master race

>> No.5264863

you'd need about 32,918 rpm to generate enough lift to get you off of the ground

thats assuming of course that the air can go straight through you instead of being funneled through your your thighs

>> No.5264869

but what would changing the angle of the penor have on the rpm necessary to achieve flight?

>> No.5264872

<span class="quote deadlink">>>5264840[/spoiler]
<span class="quote deadlink">>>5264852[/spoiler]
there goes my last self-confidence, thanks guys.

>> No.5264875

The penis does not have the proper shape to generate lift. You can spin it until the centrifugal force rips it clean off and you won't even lift a fly.

>> No.5264880

you will never achieve lift because your dick is the exact oposite of an aerofoil.

achieving lift through piss propulsion is more realistic.

>> No.5264885

he gave you his hard measurements
most men cant do a full 360 degree spin unless you are near or completely flaccid
so that means he'd have to spin it at 2-3 times your given number to achieve lift off

unless he was going to spinn his full boner at an angle, meaning it'd be going at about 6-7 times what you gave us

but either way, his penis would fall off, rendering this entire thread stupid

>> No.5264882

How much piss are we talking about?

>> No.5264886

Theirs are no different and (assuming you measured correctly) 16.5cm is above average. The sad thing is, that our society somehow made penis size a great issue, so nowadays the lab measured average penis size is around 15.3cm whilst self reported sizes from men I think are somewhere around 18cm. It's pathetic really. Even now I'll probably bashed for this post and accused of having and "inadequate" penis.

>> No.5264883

How many gallons per second would that require?

>> No.5264888

depends on how fast it's coming out.

>> No.5264895

Let's just all say we have incredibly small or incredibly large dicks.
That way no one will be taken seriously and we can all have a good laugh.

>> No.5264896

Let's say you have a hour flight time to Chicago from wherever you are, and are 150 miles away.
How much piss would it require then?

>> No.5264891

lets not forget about urethra size

>> No.5264900
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>this entire thread

>> No.5264908

"how much" is an indication of volume, and "piss" describes a material which gives us a density and therefore a mass. what we need, however, is p, a momentum, which is a function of mass and velocity.

to acquire a momentum p in a positive direction, a part of you with momentum p must leave you in a negative direction.

so if you're 70 kilograms and want to accelerate to 1m/s, then you must piss 1 liter at 70 meters per second. how fast you accelerate depends on how fast you can piss out the one liter at 70 meters per second.

>> No.5264912 [DELETED] 

assumin we're still talking about a 175 pound man, then we will need to use piss to displace 79378.7 grams of water
now since i dont have any piss to weigh near me, then im just going to go off the assumption that piss weighs the same as water (1gram per ml)
lets also assume that when you go to the bathroom, you expel waste water at a rate of 1/4 gallon per 30 seconds, or a half gallon per minute

this means that you are expelling 1890 g per minute of pissand to achieve flight, you wouldnt need to displace 79378.7 grams of weight vertically

41/2= 20.5

you'd need to expel about 20.5 gallons of piss to achieve enough lift to make you hover over the ground

>> No.5264915

assumin we're still talking about a 175 pound man, then we will need to use piss to displace 79378.7 grams of water
now since i dont have any piss to weigh near me, then im just going to go off the assumption that piss weighs the same as water (1gram per ml)
lets also assume that when you go to the bathroom, you expel waste water at a rate of 1/4 gallon per 30 seconds, or a half gallon per minute

this means that you are expelling 1890 g per minute of pissand to achieve flight, you wouldnt need to displace 79378.7 grams of weight vertically

41/2= 20.5

you'd need to expel about 20.5 gallons of piss per minute to achieve enough lift to make you hover over the ground

>> No.5264930

>accelerate to 1m/s, then you must piss 1 liter at 70 meters per second

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5264943
File: 97 KB, 249x191, peniscopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dongcopter /sci/, やらないか?

>> No.5267018

I want to know the answer to this