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File: 19 KB, 450x317, samsung-galaxy-note-2-vs-LG-intuition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5262668 No.5262668 [Reply] [Original]

If you guys are so smart then what phone should I buy?
Looking at a big screen, either the Samsung Note 2 or the LG intuition or the new Droid DNA.

>> No.5262680

Galaxy Note 2, because
>3100 mAh
>5.5 diagonal motherfucking inches
>2 gigs of RAM
It's objectively better.

>> No.5262683

Build quality is also better, probably.

>> No.5262692

That big battery is a big deal I think.
But what about that 1080p?

>> No.5262706

The 1080p on the HTC DNA I mean.
And it also has 2gb ram and quadcore processor

>> No.5262708

The screen is huge. Why would you ever hold it so close to your face that you'd see pixels?
TBH I've never laid eyes on a 1080p phone screen, but I feel as though this rationale will stand.

>> No.5262721

I am worried that the 1080p will be sweet as hell but suck up all my batts

>> No.5262758

LOL -- people discussing hardware stats with
not a single question about usage.

How can you answer a question about which piece of hardware without asking what the guy is going to do with it?

Oh, that's right -- no one cares. It's all status and hardware porn, nothing about actual need or purpose.

>> No.5262763

It seems to me that the best one will do everything the others will do and more.
Is this not correct?

>> No.5262779


>> No.5262800
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HTC DNA does not have a stylus and it is scary thin.

>> No.5262812

There's no substance to it, unlike the Note.
Give the s-pen a try.

>> No.5262815

Almost never.

All such devices are compromises, always, and the whole point of comparing (as you should note above) is to compare the compromises.

As already noted:
big processor or big screen :: heavy power demands
big screen or big battery :: larger unit
poor or tiny interface :: needs stylus

other factors include brightness, antenna strength, OS limits, apps available (for resolution), and much more.

It is impossible to offer a single handset that actually has the best of all features -- nonsense even to look.

>> No.5262824
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>larger unit
Subjective as fuck. Do you have small hands?

>poor or tiny interface

>needs stylus


>> No.5262834
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>> No.5262835

Motorola had a model recently that had great battery life (got lots of compliments for it) -- it just sacrificed display res for it.

Samsung models have great display brightness and color intensity, but are criticized frequently for poor battery life.

HTC models have sometimes had limits on OS upgradability.

All Android models can have issues with apps that are not made for the proper screen res.

But all these things don't have to be problems: battery life just might not be any issue if your are often near charging locations.
Screen size might not have to be huge if you don't do much with large pages of text.
Using a stylus is comfortable for some, even if it means always using two hands.
Some people carry bags or wear jackets or just don't use pants pockets, so size isn't a problem.

It's great that builders are trying so many things -- but impossible to build one that is ever 'best.'

(iPhone 4 and iPad 3 owner)

>> No.5262852

Everyone seems all gay for styluses all in the sudden.

>> No.5262860

big screen, bigger CPU is all bullshit, just like 4G network.

I mean they sell you "THE FASTEST INTERWEBS IN 'MURIKA" ... for the first 2Gb. So you watch a HD netflix movie on your phone and start bleeding $10 per additional Gb after that on a nice carrier, shitty carriers begin charging per kilobyte.

Srsly man, do some research on how you're going to use the phone, don't fall for their shitty sales pitches.

Do you crunch complex linear equations on your phone or play multiplayer 3d games (if those are available)? The answer is No. Then why the fuck do you need dual/quad core CPU or JIGGAWATTS of ram to browse 4chan and check your mail.

I own galaxy 2 and the only reason, really only 1 reason I like it is because it's very easy to root and install latest version of Android (and it's cheaper to buy from AT&T then Nexus directly from google). Having latest, cleanest and debugged phone OS make all the difference in the world. I don't have shitty uninstallable AT&T crapware that hogs battery, i can tether all i want and install snes emulators and shit.

I wish it would have been 1 core CPU if it could double my battery life but having the latest Android OS and no AT&T crapware is already lean enough to quad-ripple the battery life it originally came with.

Biggest dream for me would be when google becomes cellphone provider and makes all the other shitty cellular companies provide on-par server, regarding data bandwidth. AT&T going bankrupt would be gigantic bonus.

>> No.5262862

Hmm had not even thought about rooting my next phone.
Possible with the three mentioned?

>> No.5262863

Quad core for dat silky smooth split-screen multitasking with browser and Wacom input

>> No.5262870

One of the carriers advertises that they have 4G in the most cities (not the most coverage by area, by antenna, or by reliability -- just more cities)
Another advertises the most reliable coverage (applied only to their coverage areas)
Another advertises unlimited data, and nothing about throttling data, which is common and practical).

>> No.5262874

You can root any phone I think. Flashing roms is a different story.

>> No.5262879


Wacom input with stylus is like going back 20 years in terms of cellular phone progress. My grandpa had Palm pilot with stylus and thought it was cool. Not only you can easily loose it but it takes more time to flip it out, awkwardly hold the phone with only one hand while typing input while at the same time looking like a douche hipster from the 90's.

Let me tell you something, original Android OS is where it's at.

All this other shit that companies add on top of Android OS (stylus, Trace and Swype technologies) is the dumbest shit some marketing faggots came up with and payed 3rd world developers in china to code.

I understand they compete in the same market of cellular phones and classical business practice suggests product differentiation, which motives them to develop all kinds of weird shit that none other cell phone companies have. But they're not software companies, they're all fucking cellphone companies stuffed with marketing and MBA guys.

What kind of software those retards with MBA can come up with?

They can come up with some Wacom stylus bullshit because the Wacom MBA gave a hand job to HTC MBA and then made their contracted developers work together to combine a more unified product because the CEO of Wacom thinks they should get into this "mobile market" that everyone is talking about.

In the end, none of the cellphone companies come even close to the software quality produced by open source community and google guys.

So again, pure Android OS is where it's all. Everything else is just fad that will come and go and never catch on.

>> No.5262888


Yep, flashing.

Rooting isn't enough to put latest CyanogenMod

Samsung Galaxy is the easiest to flash, they have no encrypted bios or any other kind of bullshit. It's practically rooted out of the box, just hook it up to the PC, install clockworkmod and you're ready to go.

>> No.5262907
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>small hands

>> No.5262909

>install clockworkmod and you're ready to go.

Excuse my ignorance of the process,
but how is it 'rooting' if you don't remove anything or disable anything?

>> No.5262919


>> No.5262922


check out forums on http://www.xda-developers.com/

They have a forum for every phone model and there is a sticky with how-to guides at the top.

I flashed my phone 20 mins after I bought it and didn't read anything on flashing prior to buying it.

I heard Motorola phones are harder to flash because new models come with encrypted boot software. And samsung galaxy is basically re-warpped version of google nexus phone (completely rooted/flashed) so it's easiest to flash.

>> No.5262926

Dude. T-Mobile is $10/mo for 2Gb of 4G data, then they just throttle you down to 3G after that, OR, you can pay $20/mo for unlimited 4G.

4G is definitely NOT bullshit at all. It's significantly faster and fast enough that it feels painful to use 3G once you're accustomed to 4G.

>> No.5262929


So, what do you use 4G for? Do you really watch movies on your phone? Or you get gmail notifications 0.2ms faster?

>> No.5262932

>what is the GN2 on Sprint

>> No.5262941

I watch movies on Netflix while laying in bed, listen to music while working out, jogging, biking, snowboarding, and browse the web all the fucking time. Are you in 1992 or what?

>> No.5262945

And before you ask, yes, it's STREAMING music (e.g. Pandora and the SiriusXM online app) and it's fucking incredible.

>> No.5262952


hmm i haven't tried streaming.

I basically have VLC remote app (it controls a VLC players on my PC over WiFi) and have all my music and fancy speakers on PC.

Somehow I never was into the whole headphones/mp3 walking on the street and carrying all my music with me thing.

>> No.5262967

>I watch movies on Netflix while laying in bed,
Most people leave that to their wireless network.

>listen to music while working out, jogging, biking, snowboarding,
Most people listen to music they own, so no network used at all.

>and browse the web all the fucking time.
Aha -- but NOT all the time at all, obviously. Just often? And browsing the web takes such huge amounts of data? (It shouldn't, unless you do little more than watch videos.)
People who merely use the Web sometimes, for information or socializing, don't really need data to come intensely fast.

>Are you in 1992 or what?
Ad hominem -- stop it. You exaggerate vastly (suggesting you know your comparison is weak or stupid) and criticize a person for not doing something that he doesn't need.

>> No.5262974

Aw, don't be mad. Just join the rest of us in this great new age of technology. It's rad.

>> No.5262980

it's been true since the beginnings of world networking -- people will occupy bandwidth just because it is there, and figure out if their activity is stupid, maybe, much later.
They will ALWAYS complain about service long before they figure out if they actually needed to do it that way.

For instance, people will stream TV and movies even if they knew they were going to and could have just downloaded it when they were on a network.
Users sometimes browse streaming music services (and even complain about content) rather than listen to the stuff they already know they like that they own.
When comparing to newer devices, people bitch about storage capacity even when we've had devices that far outstrip their actual use since the early generations -- and will pay for it even when they get no benefit.

Consumers are NOT smart.
Figuring out new ways to take advantage of broadband doesn't mean that those new ways are smart or useful or better or practical.

>> No.5262986
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>> No.5262994

>Aw, don't be mad. Just join the rest of us in this great new age of technology. It's rad.

People who don't understand either side of the argument, and just follow the marketed gimmick, should never be followed.

Your fascination with those bits tells us you will spend the most money, whine the most, and cheer on the corps that trick you into paying -- all while using the features in the most wasteful ways possible and getting nothing new in return.

Pandora streaming? We have radio and many kinds of music storage.
Twitter? Great name -- pointless activity for twits.
Facebook? No benefit to getting those notices and posts every hour.
Texting? good for the service -- no idea why so many people think it's superior to voice. And you pay extra for it!
And YouTube is just awful -- dumbing down to the lowest level of thought and the slowest method of sharing info, ignoring authority and credibility entirely, and then reply posts are insipid!

There are some great technologies in modern devices -- but people get excited about the stupid ones so often.

>> No.5262995

Yeah, I know, that's a common look when faced with people who are more intelligent and more rational.

But posting this picture doesn't make -me- look bad, it just makes you look shallow.

>> No.5262998

>4G is definitely NOT bullshit at all.

How about taking it this way:

4G is a waste of money given that you have to upgrade both your hardware and your service for something that only changes your wait time a bit.

>> No.5263000
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>> No.5263001


True, just because it is there.

But it's not.

It's only for the first 2Gb.

Meanwhile they keep spitting the advertisement about 4G high speed internet like diarrhea. And perhaps average consumer is retarded enough and falls for it but probably not the people on /sci/.

Frankly all of cellphone ads I come across on TV/posters/buses and radio are insult to my intelligence. The only explanation I can come up with that enables those companies to employ complete retards in marketing and CEO positions and still be profitable is intense lobbying.

Would I pay $10 or even $20 per month more for having unlimited 4G? Of-course I would.

Would I find use for it? Definitely.

Are all currently available data plans in US bullshit? Undoubtedly. (just look at Japanese or European data plans)

Will unlimited 4G data plan change the kind of phone I buy? No. Then why the fuck are we arguing about 4G?

>> No.5263015

>But it's not.
>It's only for the first 2Gb.
>Meanwhile they keep spitting the advertisement about 4G high speed internet like diarrhea.
Looks like you are talking about a specific company; the discussion is about 4G in general.

>Would I pay $10 or even $20 per month more for having unlimited 4G? Of-course I would.
>Would I find use for it? Definitely.

THAT is the problem I have with it -- you don;t even consider if it is necessary, useful, practical, worthwhile, or changes any approach you have to something. You would just use it because it is there.

Let me ask you : do you drive every road you see?
Eat every food? Buy every sock?

No, of course not -- you know how to judge whether you need it or not, and what use it has for you.

People don't usually respond that way to tech. They buy it, use it, even to the point of occupying ALL of their free time and extra cash, rather than ever consider if it is worthwhile.

That's not just wrong, and sad, it's something that could severely damage your future and mind.

>> No.5263020

>Your fascination with those bits tells us you will spend the most money, whine the most, and cheer on the corps that trick you into paying
Oh no, your weird mindset is telling YOU and only you that. You clearly have some kind of obsessive aversion to... something... I can't tell exactly what. It's something like an aversion to being part of the hipster crowd, maybe. But you're way too focused on it. It's making you sound like you're 90 years old. "These punk kids these days with their twitters and their panoras... We listened to AM radio in my day and we loved it and it's better than all this new fangled internet nonsense"

You're cute, though. You just might be the hero that /sci/ deserves, but you would get far more reaction from >>>/g/.

>> No.5263026


> Let me ask you : do you drive every road you see?
> Eat every food? Buy every sock?

I don't think we're talking about the same issue.

So let me slow it down.

4G is clearly faster than 3G. True fact, I checked.

I am currently content with 3G for what I'm doing but if I had a chance to get non-bullshit unlimited 4G for extra $20/mo I definitely would.

To compare with your allegory. It's more like getting a car with a bigger engine, or eating food at a better restaurant.

>> No.5263032

>Guy makes a point

>You struggle to make a point and instead use Ad homenin

You sure showed that guy.

>> No.5263037

Oh my... and now you're pretending that there are two different people in this thread using the phrase "Ad homenin." You rule, bro.

>> No.5263049

I will find your delusional little ass and rape it.

>> No.5263061
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How did my thread about cell phones turn into ass rape??

Lots of good info here guys, thanks.

Come visits us at /ck/ sometime.

>> No.5263080

Wow, nice dog shit and cum sandwich, bro.

>> No.5263092 [DELETED] 


>> No.5263116
File: 125 KB, 360x300, these-are-freedom-clams-now-you-french-fucking-cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5263628

I want to see the 1080p right next to the normal display.