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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5256256 No.5256256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seriously imaginary numbers are just a load of hogwash.
Imaginary numbers are nothing more than an exercise in mathematical masturbation.

Sure they have 'uses' or 'applications' in engineering, but these uses have nothing to do with the fundamental idea that they are fucking imaginary numbers. They are used because they make calculations in some areas simpler. But that doesn't change the fact that the logic behind it is unsound and fucking retarded.
Fuck mathematicians, they are not scientists in the least.

Get a real major, math faggots.

>> No.5256259

>if it doesn't make sense to me it must not exist

4/10 for making me reply

>> No.5256266

You know what's funny? The call it "complex" numbers as if it was really complicated and only math gods could understand it, while actually it doesn't take more than highschool algebra to get "complex" numbers. I think the whole thing is nothing but an elaborate hoax and a perpetuated troll.

>> No.5256264


Do you feel this way about vectors as well?

People who can't do math really shouldn't have an opinion about how to do math.

>> No.5256268


Two dimensions? How do they work?

>> No.5256270


Stay mad mathfags. Keep inventing imaginary shit that doesn't make any logical sense.

>> No.5256274

Seriously irrational numbers are just a load of hogwash.
Irrational numbers are nothing more than an exercise in mathematical masturbation.

Sure they have 'uses' or 'applications' in physics and architecture but these uses have nothing to do with the fundamental idea that they are fucking irrational numbers. They are used because some OCD mathematicians are too scared to round off a decimal place. But that doesn't change the fact that the logic behind it is unsound and fucking retarded.
Fuck mathematicians, they are not scientists in the least.

Get a real major, math faggots.

>> No.5256273

Math seems more like a religion nowadays. They accept "imaginery" (=non-existing) numbers which magically square to a negative number (impossible!!!) but when it comes to real problems like solving how to divide by zero, all they do is post a lot of fallacies and derisive comments as if it was forbidden to even question their beliefs.

>> No.5256277

Vectors can be turned into actual lengths when converted by a formula.
Imaginary numbers... stay imaginary.

>> No.5256284

Learn to matrix you unbelievable troll faggot. Unless they aren't real either, you troglydyte.

>> No.5256296

If you havent found uses for imaginary numbers is because you havent dug deep enough

>They are used because they make calculations in some areas simpler

That would be enough

>logic behind it is unsound and fucking retarded.

No it isnt, there are rules and relations to deal with them just like with any other number

I think what pisses you off about them is that they are called imaginary, and that makes you think they are less fundamental than other numbers

Say, if I call them complex numbers the sound less stupid dont they

>> No.5256323

A complex number, by definition, consists of both a real-number dimension and an imaginary-number dimension. While this doesn't necessarily make them super-difficult to comprehend, it does make them more "complex" from a technical standpoint compared to most other real-only and imaginary-only numbers.

>> No.5256324


You pretty little troll.

For future reference:
You are committing the fallacy of equivocation.

Best Fishes,

>> No.5256331

The whole of complex numbers is based on the fallacy that it's possibly to find the square root of a negative number. So it's a tower of cards that comes crashing.
Mathematics should be used to model reality not to invent imaginary shit that may or may not have a use depending on whether some faggot 200 years in the future finds a discipline where such nonsense could be applied indirectly (ignoring the illogical nature behind it).

>> No.5256339

"Complex" mean 'of many parts'.
Like, a real part and an imaginary one.

>> No.5256334

negative numbers are "imaginary" too.

if you only stick to numbers that make sense in reality math becomes quite limited.

it is a fix to mathemathics, basically a system for pretending those numbers are positive and not be stuck.

>> No.5256337
File: 29 KB, 402x385, le annoying face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x^2 + 1 = 0
>Calculations don't add up?
>Add a new "imaginery" number!
>Congratulations, now you're doing math like a mathematician.

>> No.5256342


what you say to this OP.

negative numbers are a hoax too, but I don't see you complaining on that.

>> No.5256352


McNope. You just can't into maths.

>> No.5256350

But you dont try to solve negative roots, you just name them

sqrt(-a)= i*sqrt(a) where i= sqrt(-1) at no point did i try to find a value for sqrt(i)

It does bring up useful relations, if you have ever done second order differential equations, you can convert solutions of the form exp(i*something*x) in to trigonometrical functions

Math would be incomplete without imaginary numbers, and physics would be a lot more complicated

>> No.5256346

No they don't. Look up the hyperreals or the real projective line.

>> No.5256376

Imaginary numbers, negative numbers, and the number 0 do not infact exist.

>> No.5256374

Negative numbers are ok because they simply represent numbers below a certain threshold that you name 0.
Complex numbers are fake and gay.

>> No.5256379

Seriously numbers are just a load of hogwash.
Numbers are nothing more than an exercise in mathematical masturbation.

Sure they have 'uses' or 'applications' in life, but these uses have nothing to do with the fundamental idea that they are fucking abstract concepts. They are used because they keep track of things with a universal method. But that doesn't change the fact that the logic behind it is unsound and fucking retarded.
Fuck mathematicians, they are not scientists in the least.

Get a real major, math faggots.

>> No.5256380

Math would be incomplete but nobody except mathematicians care lol.

Wow math in physics would be 'more difficult', maybe physicists should stop being retarded and learn things the correct way.

>> No.5256382

Nothing exists.

>> No.5256393

well, since mathematicians are the ones who care they are the ones that should decide whether they are relevant or not, not shitty trolls like you

>> No.5256389

x^2 + 1 = 0
x^2 = -1
x = sqrt(-1)

sqrt(-1) can't be expressed with normal numbers other than just, "sqrt(-1)", so we give it a name like "i" for convenience. Sort of how we refer to 2.718... as "e" for convenience.

>> No.5256404

Mathematics is just a tool, saying someone is a mathematician is like saying someone who uses a screwdriver is a 'screwdriverer'. Mathematics only purpose in the real world is to be used by engineers, physicists or economists. People who dedicate their whole life to mathematical masturbation are quite sad indeed.

>> No.5256402

Seriously languages are just a load of hogwash.
Languages are nothing more than an exercise in evolutionary masturbation.

Sure they have 'uses' or 'applications' in culture, but these uses have nothing to do with the fundamental idea that they are fucking abstract constructs. They are used because they make the transfer of ideas in some areas simpler. But that doesn't change the fact that the logic behind it is unsound and fucking retarded.
Fuck humans, they are not capable of conveying ideas in the least.

Get a real mode of communication, language faggots.

>> No.5256403

Since this has turned to a highschool math thread I will seize the opportunity to make all the stupid questions I have about math.

Why the roots of a function are important, we always want to find the roots, is it just to plot the function, factorize and know when y=0 or knowing the roots of a function can help you find other things?

>> No.5256410

>0^x ≠ x^0
>Fuck Steve these graphs clearly don't intersect, lets just claim that 0^0 is 1 so we can keep pretending 0 makes sense.
>But that doesn't even make sense why would it suddenly jump from 0 to 1 when infinitly close to 0 turns into 0?
>From now on, it just does.

>> No.5256420

Mathematicians would be the guys making the screwdriver, making sure it doesnt break when other people use it.

>> No.5256430
File: 130 KB, 938x670, Dijonay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5256428

math itself is fucking retarded.
fucking numbers, abstract

they think they are smart, its ludicrous

>> No.5256433

>Mathematics is just a tool

I've seen this said on this board before. Math is not simply a tool, it is a language.

>> No.5256435
File: 27 KB, 205x205, fatkidsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a qualia

>> No.5256443

This just in: all of math is a meaningless abstraction to make calculations easier and more intuitive.

Fuck you mathfags, seriously.

>> No.5256452
File: 24 KB, 435x500, 9780716711865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benoit Mandelbrot would like to have word with you from the grave

>> No.5256516

>replying seriously to this thread