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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5255820 No.5255820 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,
Layman here,
What do you suppose were to happen if a black hole came into contact with another black hole?

>> No.5255824

They merge into a bigger black hole. Shit happens all the time (well from time to time)

>> No.5255832
File: 1.90 MB, 2104x1937, 1290554772986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5255836

i was thinking about that.

do you have any sources for this?

>> No.5255837

You got an answer... why are you bumping?

>> No.5255834

I feel like this is one of the most asked questions

>> No.5255840

get off my case nigger, i do what i want

>> No.5255841

OP, you don't have to suppose -- go look at the modelling.
There are even animations for this, examining different situations and conditions.

Don't start off assuming you need to go to numbskulls for something that, obviously, would have been considered by experts.

>> No.5255839

infinite multiverse of infinite blackholes it would happen at a continuous rate fucking pleb

>> No.5255855

Wow, you couldn't be making less sense.

First, leave out 'multiverse' -- structures in other universes do not interact, and the multiverse theory has no relevance.
Second, 'infinite blackholes' has no relevance. The topic is our current universe, right? It is neither infinite in structures, nor can you assume black holes are very high in number.
Fourth, you ignored the most important parts about collisions -- distance, velocity and time. How you can estimate collisions without those figures is ridiculous.

Maybe you need to read the threads more than post in them.

>> No.5255865

that's cool.
any sources?

every time i come to /sci/, it turns into people making claims and never providing sources for said bullshit.
i swear this place is worse than /b/ sometimes.
not because of content, just from people being all 'HURRDURR RELATIVITY FAGGOT YOU DONT KNOW SHIT"

>> No.5255876

Or you know, when you get an answer you can use google : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=merging+black+holes

You can even use google before making the thread : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=colliding+black+holes

There is a wealth of information on the internets, people don't realize it enough. I can understand some like to discuss things on a forum, but that doesn't seem to be your case, so GOOGLE and GTFO

>> No.5255889



and a major University... trying to recall who it was... Chicago, maybe?

>> No.5255898
File: 30 KB, 500x500, aldous-huxley3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't talk to laymen around here.because laymen don't understand science and are always telling you to get a job and move out of their basement.

>> No.5255903

This wasn't the one I was thinking of, but I saw it when looking:


>> No.5255910

thanks, this is helpful

suck my dick

>> No.5255922

Well, the best one seems to be the U of Maryland video already linked (co-opted by Dailymotion).

Here is the source: