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5253679 No.5253679 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the 2045 initiative?


>> No.5253692

We are already densely packed as a population. We don't need to flood our successors with robots just so we can avoid accepting mortality.

>> No.5253708
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>> No.5253709

lol @ the people who are totally ignorant of the complexity of economics and societies and think that they can predict/plan things like this with such accuracy.

>> No.5253962

I honestly think that their stated goals are mostly feasible within that time-span tho the specific dates may be off. Some of the tech for their earliest Avatar (A) is already being tested in the East right now. Avatar (B) seems extremely difficult but not entirely impossible /at some point/ and Avatar (C) is just taking existing real time brain-scanning and emulation technology to near future extremes. Its a bit ambitious but thirty years is a very, very long time in science and technology these days.


>> No.5253976

Sure, exact dates are impossible do predict. I'd be more inclined to put Avatar C in 2035~2040. But it's a megaproject with specific goals and funding, something rare and much welcome. A and B don't seem too much of a problem. C and D are merely extrapolation of our rate of advancement.

>> No.5253977

Why the fuck do people keep asking about this shit?

>> No.5253978

Leaving aside the sheer optimism involved in these predictions, I'm not convinced immortality - biological or otherwise - is a good idea in the first place.

>> No.5254002

If you guys don't like immortality, that's ok, you can die if you want.

>> No.5254012

>Avatar project

ie people who are scared of death project

>> No.5254015

What's wrong with not wanting to die? That's like saying eating is for people who are afraid of hunger, ie, a completely meaningless judgement.

>> No.5254022

>Human brain is transplanted

It's just like switching out the hard drive in my computer!!!

>> No.5254028

So I guess that makes it the humanity project?

>> No.5254031

The sooner people accept they're going to die and get on with living the better, because worrying about death is extremely unhelpful, whereas worrying about food is practical and helpful.

>implying everyone is scared of death

>> No.5254032

seems ridiculously stupid. 2015 is three years away, 2020 is 8. There is no way anything close to what could be described as a robotic "avatar" will be ready. Unless you just want your life to be piloting "ASIMO". Much less a brain-computer interface, which are in the most bare stages of nascence.

As for B and C, a good many lives end with the brain itself becoming damaged and aged beyond any worth to transplant. Especially if you lead a life through a Stage A robot avatar. You really want a senile brain in new robot body?

As for stage D, what the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.5254036

The more important question is: will i be able to afford it ?
By i i mean me, not you, you freeloaders.

>> No.5254039

But we don't have to die, there is no physical law that say's we have to die (except maybe the second law of thermodynamics), there is no reason aging can't be stopped it is just a byproduct of the evolution of more complex organisms. Sounds like you are just a faggot who thinks everyone should think like you.

>> No.5254038

Implying eating food is not a symptom of worrying about death.

>> No.5254042

>these predictions

Yeah. If everyone in the world stopped fighting/having sex and instead dedicated their lives to science.

Add about 200 years to these predictions to make them realistic.

>> No.5254040

its not, its a symptom of being hungry

>> No.5254045

>implying the worldwide communist government won't supply this technology for free

These predictions are bad but your 200 year prediction is no better.

>> No.5254048

>But we don't have to die
Yes we do.
>there is no physical law that say's we have to die
murphy's law, over a long enough time scale, everything that can go wrong will go wrong, eventually you will die. Even if its not for 1 million years, it will come.
>there is no reason aging can't be stopped
Because living is aging. Growing, maturing, and aging are all synonyms.
> it is just a byproduct of the evolution of more complex organisms.
Except that's not true.
>Sounds like you are just a faggot who thinks everyone should think like you.
If i didn't believe i was right, I wouldn't believe at all.

>> No.5254049

>I disagree with you, you are clearly a faggot

But seriously, in my view it's unlikely that humans will discover the secret to immortality any time soon, so why waste what life you do have worrying about it?

>> No.5254054
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Whether realitic or not, whether feasible or not, it will produce something.
Project backed and driven by eccentric magnates always do.

Also, pic related.

>> No.5254055

nah, for thousands of years humans have been thinking they're on the cusp of immortality, emperors drank mercury, alchemists toiled in vain hope, we're sort of due for a payout.

>> No.5254058

The predictions are for the bare minimum. A better version of ASIMO is pretty close to what they will probably achieve, with incremental advancements over the years. I expect the refinement to happen in ways that won't hinder the next step.

>> No.5254060

>Yes we do.

Please give me a source for that.

>murphy's law, over a long enough time scale, everything that can go wrong will go wrong, eventually you will die. Even if its not for 1 million years, it will come.

maybe, that isn't a reason to not try delaying that from happening.

>Because living is aging. Growing, maturing, and aging are all synonyms

Aging has a very specific meaning, so does growing and maturing.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.5254063

What is this bullshit? Obviously everyone dies at the end, no one's going to outlive the universe or something. But being able to live 1000 years this way is pretty good.

>> No.5254065

because that's how science works

>> No.5254061

>Aging has a very specific meaning, so does growing and maturing.
maybe in your mind. Doesn't change the english language for everyone else though.

>> No.5254096

>english language

This is a science board, why would colloquial definitions be relevant?

I think when people talk about immortality we are talking about living for an indefinite period of time free from biological aging, of course outliving the universe is impossible I don't think anyone is saying that gene therapy performed during the next 100 years is going to reverse entropy or anything like that.

>> No.5254132

I fully intend to outlive this universe by migrating to another.

>> No.5254138

there is only one.

>> No.5254156

If that's true, I'll just have to create another.

>> No.5254160

No what you do is you create a pocket dimension, wait there while the universe big crunches and big bangs again then move back into the new rejuvenated universe.

>> No.5254248

fuck. not on my watch.