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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 217 KB, 640x480, zizek4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5253164 No.5253164 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite philosopher? Pic related.

>> No.5253189


>> No.5253185
File: 22 KB, 212x270, Kurt_gödel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurt Goedel

>> No.5253186

George Carlin and Louis CK

>> No.5253229
File: 11 KB, 220x281, 220px-Mao[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5253237
File: 39 KB, 300x436, Joe Rogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern day Descartes

>> No.5253251


>> No.5253261


bahahahahaha baka gaijin

>> No.5253263
File: 70 KB, 550x366, Quote-Vadis-Bertrand-Russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5253266
File: 25 KB, 250x250, WilliamShatner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pleb thinks Slavoj Zizek is deep

>> No.5253270
File: 14 KB, 396x282, Godel_Einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is one of my favorite pictures

>> No.5253271

Bertnard Russell

>> No.5253276

Costanza is truly one of the greatest minds of philosophy.
Most others, like OP's are just faggot pretenders who only do philo because they flunked out of art school

>> No.5253273
File: 49 KB, 400x301, wittgenstein1_31694602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5253280


Goedel did not inject religion into any of his papers, which were highly cutting edge mathematics. As long as someone keeps their papers secular, I could care less if they worship the sun and moon

>> No.5253286
File: 57 KB, 531x425, Hofstadter photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This qt.

>> No.5253287
File: 161 KB, 400x286, 1352170405204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zizek is brilliant, but extremely hard to follow. I've been watching him do lectures on Youtube for a while, and I decided to pick up one of his books at the library.

Very academic and very hard to follow, but I didn't get the sense that he was hiding behind sciolistic language.

Nothing like Heidegger or Baudrillard, but still grasping at straws sometimes, like every Hegelian I've ever encountered.

>> No.5253283


>favorite philosopher thread
>posting pictures of philosophers from uber-wealthy aristocratic families
>implying they would have even graduated without that advantage

>> No.5253291

I like David Hume!

>> No.5253294

What you described is the exact opposite of Zizek.

>> No.5253298
File: 38 KB, 473x355, mathematicians-albert-einstein-and-kurt-godel-taking-a-walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My nigga.

>> No.5253295


>> No.5253297

> knowing nothing about Wittgenstein but that his family was wealthy
It's cool, philosophers as people aren't very interesting (except for Leibniz).

>> No.5253301

>a complete joke
Did not know they are synonyms, thanks for the knowledge.

>> No.5253305

Is /sci/ like /v/ now? I've been away for a while.

>> No.5253306


Wittgenstein is quite an interesting piece of autobiography... very interesting actually. I think I find the idea of him-- the intense genius enfant terrible of philosophy-- more intriguing than his ideas.

>> No.5253308

>terrible of philosophy
You got that right.

>> No.5253318
File: 27 KB, 310x310, 36ai9q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, William Shatner has sure gotten old.

>> No.5253313

Nietzsche, since he's the only one who's never wrong.

>> No.5253314


Zizek is not brilliant, and is not extremely hard to follow. Zizek is not very academic, and not very hard to follow. He is hiding behind sciolistic language.

He's exactly like Heidegger or Baudrillard, but he doesn't grasp at straws like other Hegelians.


>> No.5253326

Everyone I know who is right always agrees with me.

>> No.5253323

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.5253332


My God... are you seriously? Do you??

Do you realize that Russell considered Wittgenstein the epitome of genius, and felt that his intellectual presence made his own (Russel's) (serious) philosophical work unimportant?

>> No.5253334

Wittgenstein's strategy and thought process pretty much go like this:
>hmm. I can live comfortably and be a Grade-A philosopher purely on the strength of my family wealth
>or I can live less comfortably and be hailed forever as Aristotle II because I acted eccentric and gave my money away
>Shit, if I make up some baloney about volunteering for a dangerous mission in WWI, I'll be bigger than Plato!

>> No.5253338

Zizek seems like an idiot, based on what I have seen him say on youtube.

I have been reading Wittgenstein recently, I am very impressed. I have appreciated Nietzsche for a while now.

>> No.5253342
File: 16 KB, 220x330, 220px-Plato_Silanion_Musei_Capitolini_MC1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking Plato!

Sadly, I only ever see him being misinterpreted. So please don't listen to the shit philosophers tell you about him...

>> No.5253340


Nietzsche was a piece of classicist shit. And he had an ego bigger than the sun. I think his philosophy is mostly a celebration of his perceived self-importance.

>> No.5253345

so it is /v/ now, great

>> No.5253346

>ego bigger than the sun
>bigger than the sun
>ego bigger than the largest object in the known universe
Christ. At least make your analogies make sense.

>> No.5253344

why bother reading Wittgenstein?
Just read a modern (published in the last 20 years) book on formal logic.
Reading Wittgenstein is like trying to learn calculus by reading the Principia

>> No.5253350
File: 167 KB, 1680x1050, 6zq6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5253351

>largest object in the known universe

>> No.5253352

Obviously it's possible, he just did it.

>> No.5253349


I do not believe it is possible to draw such conclusions after making even a very superficial survey of Wittgenstein's life and work.

>> No.5253353

>Aristocrat A thinks Aristocrat B is absolutely swell

Shit son. Epitome of genius?! I've got two words for you, Srinivasa Ramanujan. (Will never be a household name, since his family didn't own thousands of acres of land in a major Western European country)

>> No.5253358


Are we supposed to listen to your unqualified ass instead?

>> No.5253360


I have studied some amount of logic in school. Has the community of philosophers of logic actually learned anything from wittgenstein?

I have read just the tractatus so far. I plan on reading the rest.

Wittgenstein had unique insights, and was complete in his presentation. Thats admirable. I suspect the bulk of all academia, including the academia of philosophy are basically wasting time and periodically publishing garbage.

>> No.5253362

>needing to learn logic
How do you even breath?

>> No.5253364

Presumably you'd read the actual works. I guess you wouldn't know anything about that...?

>> No.5253366

Read Philosophical Investigations

>> No.5253369

>I suspect the bulk of all academia, including the academia of philosophy are basically wasting time and periodically publishing garbage.

Question (not rhetorical or trolling, please do respond). Do you actually read present-day philosophy journals? Or are you basing your "suspicion" off nothing but academic stereotypes?

>I have studied some amount of logic in school. Has the community of philosophers of logic actually learned anything from wittgenstein?

Wittgenstein's ideas about the object vs. the name (or whatever he described the two as) helped lead us to Tarski's notion of truth in a model, which is of utmost importance. Aside from that, he didn't contribute much besides philporn for undergrads. Which is why I say you should read a modern text instead: in 5 pages you can get all the benefit, in a superior form, that you'd get out of the tractatus

>> No.5253372


I plan on it!

I did some reading into different theories of truth from the SEP. At first it was kind of uncomfortable knowing that we could not agree on what truth meant. But now I feel comfortable with this disagreement. Seems like truth just means different stuff in different contexts. Since we should be percise in our statements, its best to use particular words other than "truth."

>> No.5253376
File: 31 KB, 640x360, MuhfugginCarlGustav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kinda borderline, but if you read on his studies outside of clinical psychology, he is more of a mystic and visionary philosopher.

>> No.5253382

Tractatus shows that all philosophical problems are ultimately problems of language. How do you even write a philosophical book after that?

>> No.5253388

In a sense, Wittgenstein was rediscovering continental philosophy from an analytical perspective. If, at the end of his life, he read Heidegger, I wonder what he'd say. Quite a bit of the problems encountered directly in the Tractutus come up again in AI, but the chief proponent with the problems of AI---that I've read---is Heideggerian (Dreyfus).

>> No.5253389


Well, I am not as well read as some of my peers. But I am reading more and more every day.

I have read a lot of SEP articles. The most recent academic articles on philosophy I can think of off the top of my head I read/perused were about the following:

1. Kantian ethics and game theory (stupid)
2. Arguement that no false proposition can be justified
3. Paper on democracy
4. Paper about KK-principle

Fields like epistemology just seem like one massive bundle of patch work. Someone comes up with a shitty but believable idea, 5 years later someone finds a glaring hole in the idea and everyone spends their time "resolving" this problem.

I read beliefly about tarski. I didnt really understand his ideas but since its well recognized maybe I should read about it again.

>> No.5253402


Yeah, thats an interesting depiction of wittgenstein. I do feel like Wittgenstein was "continental" or whatever. Wittgenstein takes this painful effort to be concise and depicts the same ideas that I think Nietzsche, or Kiekegaard depict, even if Nietzsche or Kiekegaard had no capacity of being clear or concise.

>> No.5253407

I agree that epistemology right now somewhat resembles 19th century Germany-- a bunch of far-flung city-states struggling to find a unified identity-- but its strong point is that it's full of hard cold theorems. Consistency and inconsistency results are proven using mathematics, sometimes very sophisticated mathematics, not by droning on and on in academicspeak and trying to sound mystical-- that'll get thrown right straight out!

The way I see it, when there's no math involved, there's too much (implicit) appeal to authority (hence the aristocrat problem) and it's more of a debate club than a rigorous science. Philosopher A very eloquently argues a false position, Philosopher B clumsily argues a true position, without mathematics everyone's going to side with A!

>> No.5253411

Well, I'd gladly help you, but it'd be way better if you read it yourself. It's not like I have a special hidden interpretation, I just read a good amount of his work. That said, you'd need to find a good translation and/or learn ancient Greek to not be prejudiced. (Before someone asks, I did the later.)

>> No.5253414

>the later
Might want to try learning English there, buddy.

>> No.5253422


What kind of mathematics is relevant to epistemology?

I study math in school, and I am getting more and more critical of its foundations. I think Wittgenstein effectively argued that math is senseless. Its just some invented arrangement of symbols. Any connection to reality it may appear to have is only because we accept error, and loosely defined assumptions.

>> No.5253419

Well, English isn't my first language, either... What did I mean to say?

>> No.5253427

Latter, you fucking illiterate buffoon.

>> No.5253428


You are a jerk. Obviously you could understand every thing he just said. What use is language but for conveying information?

>> No.5253425

so edgy

>> No.5253431

idk my bff jill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5253436

Just in case anyone was interested, most of these posts are by the "pseudo-intellectuals" community of philosophers. The one's who misinterpret Wittgenstein and argue from a self defeating position of nihilism. Modern academic philosophy does not hold either of these views. These views are of the pop-culture sort along with the philosophy of shitty Zizek. Most academic philosophy is of the rigor and clarity found in Godel, Russell and Kripke. We use formal logic, linguistics and naturalized epistemology in our pursuits of knowledge. If there was any a time for /sci/ to act like /sci/, now is the time. Call these pseudo-intellectuals on their bullshit.

>> No.5253435

> KK-principle
If this is the "if I know X then I know that 'I know X'" then check this out:


>> No.5253439

Oh yeah, right. However, calm down. It's ok now.

>> No.5253442


What? I am not doubting its practical. But practicality is an empirical matter. Shouldnt philosophy be concerned about non-emprical things? How much of the mathematical academia care whether or not mathematics has any meaning at all? Probably not much, because admitting such wouldnt get them employed! So that bothers me that academia is not being honest. Real intellectual pursuits MUST be honest. Nothing good is going to come from mathematicians who are just snubbing and critiquing each others rearrangement of symbols and rule following.

>> No.5253438


>> No.5253445

>What kind of mathematics is relevant to epistemology?
Considering that AI could be bunched into the epistemology umbrella, the answer is "a damn lot!" But I'll assume you meant just formal epistemology as studied in philosophy departments...

Even so restricted, epistemology draws heavily from graph theory (Kripke semantics), proof theory (Gentzen-style consistency proofs), first-order logic (de re vs. de dicto knowledge etc.), even combinatorics (ordinal notation systems).

But don't take my word for it. Just open up Synthese, the Journal of Philosophical Logic, the Logic Journal of the IGPL, Mind, Nous, the Review of Symbolic Logic, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

>> No.5253444

>telling me to calm down
That's rich.

>> No.5253453



I admit I am an amatuer (who has studied formal logic and recognizes the value of rigorous philosophic work) but I think a lot of the students of philosophy at my university are really just dumb pot smoking kids.

Not to say they are ALL pot smoking kids. I know a handful of very knowledgeable students. But I mean to say neither you or I can make statements about what philosophers do or dont use. Or what standards they must meet.

>> No.5253458


Thank you, I will look into this.

>> No.5253459


>> No.5253462

>I think his philosophy is mostly a celebration of his perceived self-importance.
Self-importance is a prerequisite to philosophy. A philosophy that says "these thoughts are unimportant" is useless.

>> No.5253467

>not useless
Open your damn eyes.

>> No.5253473


How could everything be useless?

>> No.5253480

Nothing matters in the end, the universe will explode on itself in a few thousand years and everything that happened will be undone.

>> No.5253482


So? How does that imply that anything is useless? I will be dead. Does that mean nothing is worth doing in the meantime?

>> No.5253484


>> No.5253492

>implying physicists are right about that
>implying the current models of physics are finally the ultimate correct ones even though all other models throughout history proved to be wrong

>> No.5253497


Well then how do you explain your and my compulsion to do things?

Obviously we feel that its not useless talking to each other. I grant you that perhaps it is senseless to suggest I SHOULD do something. But that doesnt mean its useless to do anything. You are coming to unwarranted conclusions.

For something to be useless, we must have a means of analyzing its use, and if we dont have a means, we simply dont have an answer regarding use. This is different from concluding there is no such thing as "use."

>> No.5253501

Bro if I felt like anything mattered at all, I wouldn't be here (www.4chan.org/sci/) at all right now. I would be doing something.

>> No.5253509


Well you are doing something.

Dont speak casually on philosophic matters. If you do something it implies you had some reason for doing so, even if that reason was purely mechanical.

>> No.5253513

I'm doing it cause I'm bored and lazy and addicted.

>> No.5253521

zlavoj zizek is a fucking goon.

>> No.5253525

lol you say that trash man is philosopher. You'll have to deal with muh sister Judy Butler

>> No.5253536
File: 1.04 MB, 794x767, 1342386130473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shouldnt philosophy be concerned about non-emprical things?
No. For that, there is religion and scifi.

>How much of the mathematical academia care whether or not mathematics has any meaning at all?

Surprisingly a huge amount, far more than is even justified (see below).

> Probably not much
Here you admit to speaking out of your ass. Lrn2researchb4publishingclaims

>because admitting such wouldnt get them employed!
I'm lost for words. You think research mathematicians are in it for the money, or something?

>So that bothers me that academia is not being honest. Real intellectual pursuits MUST be honest. Nothing good is going to come from mathematicians who are just snubbing and critiquing each others rearrangement of symbols and rule following.

Wherein you reveal the not-so-surprising truth, that you were never any good at math.

Mathematicians are far more concerned with the foundations of their subject than any other discipline. You may subscribe to the Foundations of Mathematics mailing list here: http://www.cs.nyu.edu/mailman/listinfo/fom/

Now, this is not to say they've proven math is 100% sound. Quite the opposite, they're well aware they can't. That's hardly unique (besides the awareness part). Any bong-hitting freshman will explain to you that we can't really know anything, that it could all be an illusion, that we could all be hallucinating, etc (pic related). But at the end of the day, that doesn't mean we should just throw up our hands in despair. We try to understand the universe as well as we can. And mathematicians do a damn sight better at it than any other people in the world.

>> No.5253548
File: 28 KB, 500x413, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best philosopher ever. pic related.

>> No.5253551


>No. For that, there is religion and scifi.

Logic is not empirical. There is a non-empirical component of ethics. Math isnt empirical. Not being empirical does not imply its just for religion or sci-fi.

>I'm lost for words. You think research mathematicians are in it for the money, or something?

No. But they do need to get paid.

I am in academia, studying math. I think your claims are either pointless or disagreeable.

>> No.5253559

In the end there was only ever one philosopher. And how name was Socrates

In the before times there was also the laughing philosopher, and the weeping philosopher. Both genies

And if you're gonna hate for being rich and white, might as well call the hobo down the street your favorite philosopher.

>> No.5253568
File: 154 KB, 600x800, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5253597

you'd be surprised at the shit that comes out of hobros mouths.

>> No.5253662

David Hume
David Chalmers

>> No.5253674

Does Chomsky count?

>> No.5253678

You only like him because he looks like a filthy hobo.

>> No.5253681 [DELETED] 

How do I into philosophy? Where do I start?

>> No.5253686


It's like you refuse to understand humor.
The comedy stylings of George Carlin and Louis CK are virtually unparalleled in the world of good jokes.

>> No.5253695

I like Baudrillard, even though he's sometimes nihilist. He takes Nietzsche seriously, and he's actually enjoyable to read.

>> No.5253696


>> No.5254260

mommy didn't allow you to play outside?

>> No.5254723
File: 32 KB, 770x570, 16042706[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elí de Gortari.

>> No.5254758
File: 53 KB, 640x776, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science and math board.
>not having the fat scottish man as favorite philosopher.

>> No.5254826
File: 135 KB, 560x427, AliG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deepest thinker of our times

>> No.5254837

the tractacus is fucking garbage

>> No.5254842

>implying that the negation of value is not a value judgement in of itself

silly anon

>> No.5254844
File: 6 KB, 220x261, 220px-1.9.08HowardBloomByLuigiNovi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howard bloom

>> No.5254851

Marx Derrida Buddha

Practice of Dialecticism + structuralism/deconstructionism will lead to the most accurate insight

>> No.5255200

>mfw not a single female philosopher ITT

/sci/ confirmed for sexist.

>> No.5255214

There's no female philosopher that are substantial. It would be dump to mention them to not to appear as sexist.

>> No.5256050
File: 32 KB, 430x354, 541099_380716438635179_365581723481984_1150122_1962768921_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> philosophy

>> No.5256079

So you think that it is intelligent to cuss? That is very hilarious. I can tell you're just trying to stand on the shoulders of giants rather than putting on some giant pants yourself.