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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5252315 No.5252315 [Reply] [Original]

Share your favorite idiot stories! Here's mine,

>be in first year chem
>learning about p-block elements
>production of white phosphorous is part of reading
>2Ca3(PO4)2(s)+10C(s)+6SiO2(s) --> P4(s)+10CO(g)+6CaSiO3(s)
>10C(s) referred to as coke in textbook
>mfw during lecture some girl asked if they meant the DRINK coke
>mfw top 30 university

...and thats the last time I showed up to lecture

>> No.5252318

>republicans in /sci/
Cracks me up every time.

>> No.5252322

Well a guy on course forum posted a download link to a pirated solutions manual to the textbook used in class. That must be one of the dumbest things I've seen happening during my university years.

>> No.5252331

>...and thats the last time I showed up to lecture

So you dropped out or failed a class because of someone's comment?

>> No.5252333


No I learned the material at home because lecture was a waste of time

>> No.5252338
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this is now a dubs thread

>> No.5252341


first time i ever got trips or dubs, cool

>> No.5252354


So brave.

Here's where you're a faggit. Be uneducated and hoping to learn is not something to look down upon. She did the best thing she could in that situation, she asked if the coke being referenced was similar to the only coke she probably knew about. In asking, she was probably embarrassed, but learned a valuable lesson. Not only did she now gain a fresh undersrtanding of a new molecule, but she also learned that similar sounding things in chemistry to objects she is familiar with, might not be the same.

I don't fucking care how smart you think you are, this person spoke up and was willing to be wrong. I've spent time in too many classes where people don't have the nerve to be wrong.

>> No.5252368


Dude the formula clearly states 10C(s), that is carbon in solid form. This was not an intro chemistry class, the people in this class had taken chemistry in high school. The fact it clearly states that "coke" is solid and composed of only carbon should have been an obvious answer to her question. If she can't see that on her own, she's an idiot especially since she should have the background knowledge to understand this. This is just pure idiocy.

>> No.5252384

>High school
>Everyone fails because no one can figure out geometric proofs

>> No.5252385

Overheard in a maths class:

>times it all by log


>> No.5252399


if the guy has the right method when doing the problem and gets the answer correct, I see no problem with this cuz he'll probably learn better terminology with time, but still hilarious

>> No.5252397

This is a common occurrence.

>> No.5252407

I have a guy in my class who, when given the natural log function, refers to it as lin or line.

>> No.5252413


alot of people I know, including my high school calculus teacher with a masters in math referred to it as "lon", I've taken to using that terminology as well, natural log function is just to time consuming to say

>> No.5252423


I admit, it was quite funny. He got the question wrong though, as it involved taking logs after collecting terms/factorising and the like, and he took logs before doing this. He is a bit of an idiot though, when someone said "I really don't like logs..." he shouted out "BETTER NOT GO TO THE FOREST THEN!"

Jokes of this grade are not unusual, as well...

>> No.5252427


To be honest, I'd rather people say lun than simply "log", as it gets too confusing as to whether they're referring to base e or base 10

>> No.5252431

>be second calculus class.
>entire class is sums and integrals
>White woman antagonizes teacher, telling him it isn't useful in real life
>white woman fails every test
>teacher is so annoyed he stops teaching for entire quarter
>we all still come to class and stare at eachother

>> No.5252439


>my face when when

>> No.5252435


mfw when the teacher dropped out of class

>> No.5252483

The other guy is right. Even the best brain is not infallible.

>> No.5252488

That is now my new go to joke.

>> No.5252490

Why not just call it "L N"? That's what I do. Or log naturale if I want to sound smart in front of girls.

>> No.5252495


takes too much time

>> No.5252615

>log natural
>sound smart in front of girls

Please tell me you're kidding..

>> No.5252636

>physics lecture
>teacher asks what electron spin is
>whole class goes silent, everybody has a notion that it has something to do with its internal angular momentum, but not confident enough to talk in front of the teacher (he was the kind of way who would make you stand up in front of the black board etc...)
> guy raises his hand, starts talking slowly as hell, and says its when the electron orbits the proton and starts gesturing with his hands like a retard
> teacher struggling not to laugh

obviously he failed everything and dropped out

>> No.5252634

my sides

>> No.5252664

>some guy posting on an imageboard made to discuss scientific and mathematical topics
>posts about asinine stories that don't pertain to the board

And then I became the OP. Feelsbadman.

>> No.5252722


Cant have some fun?

>> No.5253651

Idiots calling angstroms "armstrongs"

>> No.5253735


If you aren't asking questions, you aren't fucking learning

Professors remember students who ask questions.

Most professors will tolerate a 'dumb' question like that a few times. I will concede that someone who frequently asks asinine questions is probably not reading the class material, though.

>> No.5253775


Can I mention that it was explained previously in the reading what "coke" was? The textbook literally stated coke is a form of carbon three pages before the part she asked the question about. How can anyone be so daft?

>> No.5253801
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>How can I be more of an arrogant and whiny assbag?

>> No.5253818


You still can't admit that its hilarious? What if I tell you the lecture slides in that chemistry class were based on the textbook and literally repeated everything in the textbook? What if I tell you we read past that part in lecture on the same day? To not see it she must have been one thick skulled idiot.

>> No.5253841

Keep diggin that hole man, deep enough that nobody will join you.

>> No.5253857

I hate you and I think that you are dumb.