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5249793 No.5249793 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to trick my body to start growing? I'm 21 years old and I'm pretty tired of being short. I don't care if I have to shave off 10 years of my life just to be taller. Would human growth hormone work?

>> No.5249796

Yes, but you have to stick it in your asshole. It absorbed better there.

>> No.5249816

Human growth hormone is a bodybuilding suppliment, it won't make you taller. But you can take that and work out to make up for your short size.

>> No.5249818

Yeah, but it takes some pretty complicated hormonal treatment. Look into this thing called endocrinology looking for growth treatment.

>> No.5249820

Play basketball.

For some reason all my friends who played basketball grew taller even though we were all the same height at the start.

I think basketball has growing magic in it.

>> No.5249821

Theres a thing you can do where you apply about 10lbs of pressure to all the joints of your longbones, repeating daily. Its supposed to cause small fissures which make room for the re propagation of your growth plates. Ive heard good things about this method, but Ive never actually met anyone who's tried it.

>> No.5249826

What's the method called?

>> No.5249833
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>cause small fissures in your bones
Sounds smart.

>> No.5249844

Why the obsession with height, if i may ask?

>> No.5249851


Women like taller men. And I won't have other guys tower over me.

>> No.5249854

He's obviously short.

>> No.5249859

So am i. I still think it's a ridiculous thing to care about.

>> No.5249864

When you start interacting with people, how they see you becomes very important.
An antisocial like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.5249872


>Not being antisocial
>Thinking you understand

>> No.5249880

It makes me sad that women can get plastic surgery and breast implants but something like making myself taller does not exist.

>> No.5249881

Interact with more intelligent people maybe?

>> No.5249887

There's always high heels.
I think it was starting to be something fashionable for men in florida a while back, but I don't know how that ended.

>feel offended, attack intelligenge

>> No.5249893

It does exist.
It is very painful and not worth it.

>> No.5249904

>feel offended
Not at all.
But it seems to me that people who treat others differently because of their height can not be very bright.

>> No.5249903

Break your shins, get them put back together to make you a little bit taller, repeat.

It's called distraction osteogenesis.

It's expensive as fuck and it hurts like hell, so I guess the real question is how badly do you want to be tall?

>> No.5249912
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>Thinking height is important enough to seek for treatment to grow;
>Not knowing height is just another shitty excuse for your lack of self-confidence;
>Once you are height enough, if you will ever be, you will just find another excuse to feel inferior, like money, your hair, whatever;
>Thinking you understand social life;
>Thinking people who are worth to have a relation with care more to your height, hair, physical appearance than to your personality, intelligence, etc.

>> No.5249914

It must be nice living in that bubble of yours.

>> No.5249916

Get a Negroplasty

>> No.5249922
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>> No.5249920

there actually is a surgery where they break the long bones in your legs, screw pieces of metal onto the bones to keep them connected, sew you up, let you heal a little, then every month they cut you back open, use a ratchet to increase the distance of your bone break a fraction of an inch until you gain up to 2 inches of added height...
Along with your new height you'll also get hideous leg scars, unbearable pain, and cartoon disproportionate leg limbs.

>> No.5249925

you're the one out-of-touch with reality
nobody in the world is going to not socialize with you because you're too short, unless they're immature super aspies like you almost are

would some girls refuse to date/fuck you because you're a shorty mcshorty? yes. but not nearly all of them. come on man
you need to meet more people and stop being so insecure

>> No.5249924


I don't give a fuck about that. I just want to attract any female.

>> No.5249929
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Tall person here OP. It's....nah it's actually pretty great. I can see why you're jelly.

Just know it won't automatically get you women if you're an antisocial borderline autist.

>> No.5249936

That's the point. You being taller won't help.

>> No.5249952


>Doesn't know that women instinctually prefer taller men.

If i was competing with another man for a woman, naturally the taller one would be selected.

>> No.5249954


That's because you attract none. It's like food, the more hungry you are, more you want to eat. The less females you get, more you than them. And by wanting them that much you will feel anxious and insecure near them, which's something they hate about men and will almost always see. It's easier to put your lack of confidence in your physical appearance, instead of recognizing it is not the main factor when you want a relationship which is worth it.

>> No.5249965


I don't have time or money for relationships.

>> No.5249966


That's why you will die a virgin.

>> No.5249967

Again, not always true. Charisma is at least 80% of the equation for women. I'm tall as hell and still virgin due to the lack of Charisma.

>> No.5249969

If you were competing with a shorter man for a woman, the shorter man would be selected.

>> No.5249974

Also, after an extension your leg bones will never be as strong again, so future breaks are more likely.

>> No.5249976



>> No.5249978


You're lying to yourself OP, not to me. It's much better to give that shitty excuse instead of admitting you don't have the balls to face your lack of confidence.

>> No.5249987


Definitely agreed, charisma is important.

OP, you have a negative modifier. That makes it harder, and if you don't have a lot of other stuff going for you, that sucks. But this doesn't make it impossible.

Read some books on improving your charisma/game. Find a career that nets you good money. Take care of your teeth and dress well.

>> No.5249991


It's pretty obvious when a 6 ft jock would be picked over a 5"7 ft who's not fit or charismatic. To make things worse, I have a severe hearing problem for whatever reason that may be. (I still haven't figured out why it is so like that)

You can't tell me that being taller doesn't increase my chances with women.

>> No.5249999



I don't have as much of a problem with charisma as I do with listening.

>> No.5250004


It increases, but improving your charisma/game increases it much more.

>> No.5250013

A 5"8 Jock would also be picked first. It's not the height there so much as the buff build, and the fact that jocks tend to be the ones who are alpha. It's the alpha that they like.

>> No.5250062
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>you're the one
no U

>> No.5250072

>mfw tall, broad-shouldered, strong jawline, etc.
>physically fit, practice muay thai under one of the best instructors in the states
>stereotypical nerd voice and feminine body language makes it abso-fucking-impossible for women to take me seriously

>> No.5250077

>>5249987 Read some books on improving your charisma/game

Woah woah hold up.

Pick-up artistry is a last resort for desperate losers. You'll never get a girlfriend with that shit, just a few pity fucks.

>> No.5250115

Back to the main topic:
I'm 19, 5'6 and was wondering if I could do anything to make me grow more?
Consider that I had a late adolescence growth (I may have reached this height a year or two ago), I've got no chest hair, only beard I can 'grow' is in chin and moustache, which all promps me to believe I haven't yet finished growing.
So I wanna grow as much as possible while I still can.. is there anything that I can eat or do that would push me in the right direction?

I eat well (and a lot) and am trying to sleep a lot too (although I cant always do that), and I work out.

>> No.5250133
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>feminine body language
maybe you are gay, son

>> No.5250135
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Eat lots of asparagus, making sure to drink your own piss afterwards. 110% guaranteed to add 5 inches in height.

>> No.5250138
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>> No.5250139

you can always date a short girl and walk out a chihuahua

>> No.5250152

I am currently dating a shorter girl, I work out, I have confidence and all.
It's just that being a little bit taller would be a lot more comfortable.
Pants would be of my fucking leg lenght, I would be able to see at least a little something at concerts, t-shirts wont go past my fucking groin.

Maybe there is some food or supplemet which just prompts growth? I drink a lot of milk btw (I just love it)