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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5235003 No.5235003 [Reply] [Original]

>100 level Calculus exam later today
>Already have a failing grade in the class due to bombing a previous exam
>probably going to end up bombing this one too

I envy you guys. I fucking hate Calculus. Not even pre-calc was this bad. I'm literally just drawing blanks studying.

>> No.5235035
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Only math undergrads going for PhDs in physics are allowed here.

>> No.5235045

what makes you think Im from reddit? Im just telling you guys that what you do is commendable.

>> No.5235049

> Is afraid to fail an exam
> Cries on the internet instead of studying

Just study. You should have been studying harder since your first exam if you failed it.
Just do some exercises and user your browser ONLY for wolfram alpha

>> No.5235053

Calc is easy. Should have studied.

>> No.5235063

i never bothered to learn algebra, and i never even took trig and i'm doing okay in calc
will probably get a B, maybe pull an A

>> No.5235071

>i never bothered to learn algebra

What? What does that even mean?

>> No.5235072

>inb4 freshman who started studying a week ago

>> No.5235075

well i was a shitty student from 6th grade to graduation
by the end of high school i think i was showing up like 50/90 days by the end of high school
picked up enough through osmosis and the rest just by it being intuitive enough

still having trouble with shit like this though

>> No.5235115

I took honors precalc in high school but always slept during class and crammed the lunch before class to get an A. When the time came for my college placement exam I couldn't remember anything to I was placed in precalc. Then I was depressed and never did any work so I barely got a D in the class.

Lesson: Study hard, op. Everything builds on what you learned before.

>> No.5235153


pre-calc,calc & linear algebra were all covered in the same course in 1 semester here lolz.

i find it lulzy that some people take 4x the time, and still fail.

>> No.5235171

>mixing calc with linear alg all in one semester
shitty school detected.
God tier is 2 semesters of calc and two semesters of lin alg

>> No.5235174

Calculus is fun, and pretty easy. The most difficult calc class is calc II. Isn't calc I just basic deriving?

>> No.5235186

khan academy

both cover the first two years of college math. no need to suffer alone.

>> No.5235273

In an land, on a planet, in a galaxy far, far away, where stupidity and retardation is glorified.. wait. nevermind.

what's appalling is that you think that's okay.

>> No.5235280

Must have been super watered down.

>> No.5235308

it was 8 hours of lectures a week, didn't go to any tho.

>> No.5235320

I can see that you've only gone up calc II if you think that is the hardest.

>> No.5235354

Wait, you think that's a lot or something?

>> No.5235362

I dunno, I don't go to lectures.

>> No.5235414


>8 hours of lectures a week

Shit, dude. That's what I have in a day.

>> No.5235454

>I'm literally just drawing blanks studying.
Well maybe if you drew graphs instead of blanks you'd actually learn something.

>> No.5235459

for math. do you go? why do you go?

>> No.5235479

Can someone explain to me what pre-calc and calc I/II/III cover (Britfag here), and when your get taught them.

In England we get taught C1-4 in college (high school for you) we learn differential calculus (chain, product, quotient rule) also implicit differentiations and solving differential equations (derivatives of trig/exp/log functions as well). We also learn integration (By parts and by substitution).

>> No.5235549

I'd like to know this as well.

>> No.5235593


Pre-calc is just algebra and shit. Sometimes limits are taught in pre-calc and sometimes they're covered in in calc I.

Calc I is differential calc and we learned exactly everything you mentioned along (except integration by parts) along with applications of derivatives (related rates, mean value theorem, sketching graphs, minimum/maximum)

Calc II is integral calc and we learned integration techniques, improper integrals, applications of integration, basic ordinary diff eq, infinite series and tests of convergence (this includes taylor series), parametric equations and playing around in polar coordinates

Haven't taken calc III but it's basically calc I/II in three dimensions.

>> No.5235598


>> No.5235661

just to add to this, precalc is also a lot of trigonometry and the unit circle

>> No.5235673

I know that feel OP. Breezed through all of my calculus courses up til vector calculus, and now I had to SU it yesterday before the deadline because I won't get the B+/A that I wanted. Might not even get a C-. Not really sure what to do. That class is greek to me.

>> No.5235678

damn. I take vector calculus next semester. Any recommendations?

>> No.5235691

i think my teacher is just really, really bad and has a shitty way of teaching the material.

my biggest piece for the first half of vector calculus is when in doubt, do the cross product.

>> No.5235724

Yeah I suck at calc too. Only reason I passed my calc class was because the professor would put a multi-part logic question worth a bonus 70 points on each exam. Ironically, I was the only one in class who ever got those bonus logic questions right.

>> No.5235892

calculus is the bomb-diggity IMO yo, but that sucks that you're being forced to take a course that you don't enjoy