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File: 35 KB, 500x375, CoffeeArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232802 No.5232802 [Reply] [Original]

Who here drinks coffee? If so, how many cups per day on average? I find it to be very helpful in the morning but when taken later in the day the affect mutates me into a fatigued,anxious person.

>> No.5232805

I hate coffee, tea is ok. Haven't drunk either in years. I don't drink alcohol either. I only drink water.

>> No.5232809

Two cups of espresso a day. Sometimes I exaggerate with two or three mexican-stile cups.

>> No.5232810

I'm thoroughly addicted to coffee
in fact, last night and this morning I was without power, so I ground up coffee beans using the bottom of a metal teaspoon, put it in a pot, and simmered it over a fire for 30 minutes.
Then I got power back.
1-2 on average

>> No.5232812

You sound like great fun

>> No.5232814

I start the day with 250 mL of coffee
~4 hours later, I drink 500 mL
~3 hours later, 250 mL

So I drink a liter a day, sometimes more depending on workload. I always measure my coffee as accurately as possible with some spare glassware I have.

>> No.5232819 [DELETED] 

Coffee gives me terrible anxiety, and panic attacks. It sucks because it is a damn good appetite suppressor. I am trying to see how it will affect me if i take it at night.

>> No.5232833

If i dont drink coffee i cant focus during class, or when i need to concentrate on a specific on something like studying. Although i know thats bullshit, but ive become so massively addicted that its hard to quit.

I drink about 2 of those big starbucks cups in a day.
So about 40oz a day

>> No.5232835
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Usually about .5L of something dark roast on an average morning. 1 L on rough days. I can go a day without coffee, but any longer and I start going through withdrawals. Nausea, headache, etc.

Hey man, I would avoid drinking it at night. That doesn't even make sense...

>> No.5232845
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Awwww yea. #1 baby.

>actually I fall under "Government Professional" :(

>> No.5232852

What if I don't drink any?

>> No.5232854 [DELETED] 

You don't become a scientist

>> No.5232944

Almost 1L at day, less than that and I'm lost all day.

>> No.5232945

one strong coffe in the morning.
1 tea at lunch and one in the afternoon.
coffee makes me mad after the one i get in the morning

>> No.5232958

40 oz of black coffee a day.

I bring it to work in a steel vacuum thermos.

>> No.5232959

>the affect

>> No.5232969

Pour that for your homies.

>> No.5232982 [DELETED] 

Anyone here have any good experience with nootropics? Which ones the best? Does it really enhance your cognition/make you smarter?

>> No.5232983

One espresso in the morning and tea throughout to day to keep my caffeine level up

>> No.5233005

I have 2 or 3 double espressos throughout the day, feels addicted man

>> No.5233052

I've all but stopped drinking coffee. Shit gives me Parkinson's-tier jitters, man.

>> No.5233254 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 550x547, coffee guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee confirmed for L337 beverage

>> No.5233287

Fucking americans

>> No.5233300 [DELETED] 
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enjoy your sissy tea.

>> No.5233315

I drink a cup mug of Café Bustelo whenever I need to get up by 8am which is every Monday and Wednesday.

>> No.5233360

2 cups a day maybe. One in the morning to wake up, one in the afternoon.

>> No.5233373

>all of these people addicted to caffeine

That stuff is as bad as smoking. I only drink water and milk, sometimes various flavors of cranberry juice if they are on sale

>> No.5233386 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 800x804, 1346527283233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cranberry juice

Also, http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food

>> No.5233391


I didn't mean it was bad for you, just that it is as addictive as smoking

>> No.5233400


Yeah, that sounds like a completely valid and totally measurable approximation.

>> No.5233408


I don't understand the hostility, caffeine is a drug that fucks with your nervous system just like many other illegal drugs, but for some reason it is legal. Look at all of the people who depend on coffee every day - on soda, too. Energy drinks. People today couldn't live without all of this shit, and they think it's because 'it tastes better', but it's because their body wants the caffeine

>> No.5233432

>I don't understand the hostility, caffeine is a drug that fucks with your nervous system just like many other illegal drugs, but for some reason it is legal

It doesn't, that's the point. The only long term effects except for the addiction are positive.

>> No.5233448


I haven't claimed that there is any long term effect besides the addiction, all I was saying was that the addiction was there. You're defending caffeine when there is not even a threat to it, like it's your child or something. Just one of the many signs of being addicted to something.

>> No.5233452

about 100 oz per day

>> No.5233453

~6, regular.

Sorry to hear that Meermans.

>> No.5233467

But there are negative long and short term effects : anxiety hightened, the ability to cope with stress drops. Anecdotally, these 2 made me fuck up on a lot of exams.

>> No.5233477

I go with Huperzine A to recover from occasional usage of chemicals that trigger serotonin receptors, and it works fairly well as a way to get over the fuzzy, somewhat disoriented sensation experienced after the comedown. I assume if I took it every day, I might experience more effect.

To OP's question, I drink 1-1.2L of coffee a day, depending on whether or not I drink it at night. If I do drink at night, I tend to add bourbon.

>> No.5233500

1L?! Isn't your hear rate through the roof at the end of the day? Also, what do you study?

>> No.5233527

I generally wake up early, two hours before work and drink 0.5 liters while relaxing with internet.

Which works wonders for mental alertness and zen-like readiness to face the day, but my colon have a different opinion, so If I miss taking a shit in the morning, there might be problems during the day.

>> No.5233535 [DELETED] 

Part-time Dev Engineer with degree in comp sci, currently attempting to multi-task and get a degree in statistics.

Also, not too bad. Caffeine doesn't have a major effect on me. I do have high blood pressure, but I've had that since I was 12(long before I started drinking coffee).

>> No.5233545

Statistics, but I also have work, and also spend a lot of time online. Fairly unhealthy due to not sleeping but 4-5 hours a night on most days, rely on the coffee to help with that.

Also, not too bad. Caffeine doesn't have a major effect on me. I do have high blood pressure, but I've had that since I was 12(long before I started drinking coffee).

>> No.5233565

I'm assuming you also drink coffee before taking an exam. Doesn't the stress from taking the test and the heart rate increase from the coffee impeed your test scores?

>> No.5233583

is addiction inherently bad? what's the problem with being addicted to any substance if you can afford it and you suffer few ill side effects?

>> No.5233615

Well, we know that caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier yet and that caffeine stimulates the CNS. However, we don't have a good understanding of the entire brain. Not dying from something doesn't necessarily make it healthy. There could be several things you're doing right now which may slowly be killing you and maybe will only be discovered when you're dead and your body is examined.

>> No.5234684

Not noticeably, if so.

>> No.5234863

What does /sci/ think about the toxicity and other negativities associated with nicotine and it's carrier substance tobacco?

Obviously carcinogens flooding the upper respiratory tract is a problem but what about problems associated with nicotine after it's entered the bloodstream, whether through cigs or a patch?

>> No.5234916

Nope. Well, sometimes a sugary, chocolately abomination from any random coffee shop around here for the taste.

Earl Grey, twice a day, every day. It can keep me up if I drink it after 8pm, but otherwise doesn't appear to have enough caffeine to matter.

>> No.5234942

If I'm at work one cup usually.
I don't really even drink it for the caffeine, I actually just like bitter black coffee, (>inb4 edgy!) and sometimes will drink too much and get shaky.

>> No.5234984

I notice a definite boost on having my first one in the morning, I'll also feel much better if I had another on mid/late afternoon.

If I have one at lunch I usually feel a little wired, but jittery. If I have on after around 0600 I'll have trouble getting to sleep (usually try for around 1000 bed) and If I have more than 3 I will feel like a total shit wreck.

>> No.5234989

ill drink 8 to10 cups in the am to stimulate a BM evert other day.

>> No.5234994

Agreed, OP. I have some in the morning. I only recently stopped having it later. I get anxious & very easily irritated. I had swollen lymph nodes from having the flu. With too much caffeine I was way way too stressed out about it. I couldn't concentrate, I was grinding my teeth too etc etc. So, I stopped my high caffeine intake and was almost instantly cured of anxiety & the teeth grinding.

>> No.5234996

I don't get paid more for being more productive so fuck that shit. I don't drink caffeine ever. I like to keep it natural by just drinking mostly water and the occasional glass of juice or milk

Also if I drink too much caffeine I will get panic attacks.

>> No.5234997
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>> No.5235077

clearly in a mental asylum

>> No.5235265

I skip the expensive coffee part and buy a bottle of caffeine pills for 8 bucks and each pill has the equivalent to a strong cup of coffee (~200mg)

>> No.5235312

>tfw no coffee, no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol, no candy, no soft drinks, no junk food
Feels good, man. Why can't I hold all this energy and why am I losing all this weight?

>> No.5235319

I eat aerogel nigger, get on my level.

>> No.5235337

>no coffee, no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol
ITT: redundant statements.

>> No.5237425

I'm quite sure the smbc guy has a program that randomizes skin colour, hair colour, age, and gender for every character he draws. His political correctness is just too perfect, and choice of these things, too random.

>> No.5237427

I mean, just look at the latest comic. The father and son arent even the same race.

>> No.5237512

coffee in the morning

caffeine pill (200 mg) before my last lecture

>> No.5239825

About how many pills are in a bottle?

>> No.5239849

I drink coffee every day, but I drink very little. I drink less than a cup a day. I think I might be more susceptible to caffeine than the average person.

>> No.5239962

A couple of cups a day on average.

>> No.5240007

I sit in front of a computer for a living, so at least once every 20-30 minutes, I like to get up and grab a coffee just as an excuse to rest my eyes and walk around... I guess I probably drink a good 15-20 mugs per day.
Sounds like a lot compared to most people, but caffeine has never had any effect on me. I just like the taste of coffee and prefer drinking it to water.

I have heard people who drink a lot of coffee get headaches if they don't drink any but surprisingly I never drink coffee on the weekends and have never experienced any form of withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.5240179

Everyone here who drinks coffee and/or tea should stop drinking it for a couple of days and see if you have any withdrawal effects. I stoped drinking coffee for 2 days and man, that was the most hellish couple of days ever. I felt like I had the flu, I was feeling sick as fuck, my brain was fogged, no energy, etc. I consider myself pretty healthy but I had no fucking clue what this shit was doing to my body. It's fucking poison. Try it out for yourselves and report back if you can. I'd very much appreciate it.

>> No.5240197
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Is that done on % of employees who drink coffee, or how much they drink?
Why doesn't it show statistics for that listing?
Why do they say most likely without showing a statistic?
Most likely by what margin?
Did the person who made that know that it was a horrible idea?
Why didn't frodo just keep the ring?

>> No.5240221
File: 15 KB, 266x265, cat 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op, but
"Affect and effect are sometimes confused. Affect conveys influence over something that already exists, but effect indicates the manifestation of new or original ideas or entities"
Mutate implies change to something that already exists.

>> No.5240230

I drink it occasionally because I like the taste.

>> No.5240231

I drink coffee every day. My lab has a Jura impressa j6 (http://www.amazon.com/Jura-Capresso-13548-Impressa-Automatic-Espresso/dp/B003XPHFY8).).

I take it black, and I drink about four cups (a quart) of coffee every day.

>> No.5240236

I drink just as much as>>5240007 and I can stop whenever I want and not get any withdrawal symptoms. I just hate having to pee all the time.

>> No.5240283

Agreed. I have a limit of 15-16 hours it seems, though. I start to get a headache around that time. Two days or more and I have a hard time forcing myself out of bed.