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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 470x356, Flatearth1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5225259 No.5225259 [Reply] [Original]

I've investigated the Flat Earth theory. And I've come to the conclusion it's crap.
>no shit
>why would you waste your time researching something so stupid

What's important (and I'm personally proud of) is that instead of merely wiping off the theory, I looked into it to find at the evidence. Sadly, the evidence is by any means, quite sub-par, and easily debunked by modern theories of a spherical Earth.

Their main arguments:
1) The Earth just LOOKS round because light is bent by gravity, and all the light coming from farther away is bent to give the effect of a sphere (the same goes for seeing Earth from space)
2) If Earth is a giant sphere rotating at 7,000 mph, when you jump, why don't you land hundreds of feet away?
3) If the Earth were round, why don't people in the southern hemisphere fall off? (And a lot of claims about how gravity and centripetal force is made up)
4) And then a bunch of bible nonsense of quotes from supposedly old dead people claiming boats "sailed from the four corners of the earth", and boats "fell off the edge of the earth"

Yes, it is quite a retarded theory. But all you pricks should learn something, no matter how bizarre the claims, as long as there is SOME sort of evidence, it's worth looking at and deciding for yourself (i.e. Lloyd Pye's Intervention Theory, Tom Bearden on Scalar Waves, Edward Leedskhalnin who claimed to know the secrets of the building of the pyramids (and built the Coral Castle - and wrote several books on magnetics), John Bedini and his overunity devices, Vortex Math explaining everything about everything)

>> No.5225269

Literally everybody on this board and everywhere else for that matter have looked at Flat Earth theory, just as you have. The only difference is that none of us had to put forth the effort you did to dismiss it. So you've proudly wasted your time. Congratulations.

>> No.5225271

>2) If Earth is a giant sphere rotating at 7,000 mph, when you jump, why don't you land hundreds of feet away?

This one is quite easily debunked. When you flip a coin in the front of a moving car, why doesn't the coin land in the back? That's what I would ask back.

>> No.5225279

It's hard to believe people somewhere actually believe that, especially with no evidence that isn't explained by modern theories

>> No.5225282

>no matter how bizarre the claims, as long as there is SOME sort of evidence, it's worth looking at and deciding for yourself
Only if your time has no value.

Any idiot can generate bizarre claims and present evidence. More than enough to keep every disciplined thinker busy for their whole lives.

>> No.5225285

OP, try this one:

>> No.5225299

>Any idiot can generate bizarre claims and present evidence. More than enough to keep every disciplined thinker busy for their whole lives.

Yes but that's NOT the case. No idiot ANYWHERE, EVER, no matter how STUPID has dedicated their life to purely putting out false theories and supporting them with evidence.

You're trying to say we shouldn't look at different theories because it would just take too long? Quite ignorant to say the least.

>> No.5225315

No, dumbass. He's saying that his time is too valuable to waste on entertaining every moronic claim, like flat earth theory or >>5225285
this guy.

>No idiot has dedicated their life to purely putting out false theories and supporting them with evidence

Have you not heard of intelligent design? If so, in what country do you reside and how do I apply of a visa?

>> No.5225317

*for a visa

>> No.5225321

>No idiot ANYWHERE, EVER, no matter how STUPID has dedicated their life to purely putting out false theories and supporting them with evidence.
Lord Steven Christ
The Timecube guy
David Icke

The list goes on.

>> No.5225325

Rajendra Pachauri

>> No.5225330

Intelligent design is not some meticulously crafted false theory. It IS most deffinitely worth looking into. I realize you're on /sci/ so you are a diehard atheist (its own religion in a sense).

I invite you to explore Gregg Bradner's work, and his decoding of the very first sequence of dna, based on ancient hebrew (which all the letters of have been found to be based on sacred geometry, look into sacred geometry as well and its frequence in ancient sculptures).

Sadly, you will probably claim it's not worth your time to investigate anything to do with god.

>> No.5225344

Oh boy these threads.
Why did you even bother to post it here you crackpot. It's 20fucking12 and I see a thread about earth being flat on a science related board. What has this world come to.
You tinfoil wierdos are no different than religious people. First they reject science, then they act like the scientific facts were already established by their religious books.
Now that you tinfoils got proven wrong about every other theory, you are trying to fit your childish nonsense ideas to scientific truths.
This thread is a junk and belongs to /x/ along with OP

>> No.5225348

No, I'm not any kind of atheist, you bigoted sack of shit. If you're a troll, as I think you are, then you've done very well. If you're serious then you're an embarrassment to honest religious folks everywhere.

In terms of Intelligent Design, when one of you fundies publishes in an actual scientific journal (you know, follow the scientific method), then you can talk to me.

>> No.5225353

Penrose and Hameroff.

>> No.5225362

OP you are a massive faggot, just gtfo of /sci/.

>> No.5225367

It's like you didn't even read the thread.

>inb4 scientific journals are all conspiracies
I'm not attesting to the legitimacy of intelligent design. What I personally believe is that we weren't intelligently designed (for other reasons which I'm positive you simply won't consider so I'm not even gonna...).

My favorite proof of God is he speaks in math. Go lrn2 vortex math with Randy Powell.

>> No.5225380

1. Nobody gives a flying fuck about you or your beliefs.

2. >Intelligent design is not some meticulously crafted false theory. It IS most deffinitely worth looking into.

>I'm not attesting to the legitimacy of intelligent design.

If you're going to lie, do it where your words don't remain visible to everyone present.

3. >My favorite proof of God

Just shut the fuck up about your religion. You're a fundie piece of shit and you have no place here. Go out in the woods and kill yourself, because the only value you have at this point is as fertilizer.

ps. Learn what the word "proof" means.

>> No.5225415

>proof of God
LEL dude, just say that you are a fundie from the very beginning to prevent misunderstanding from the very beginning

>> No.5225534

No, you shouldn't look at other theories when they don't present any type of evidence even remotely comparable to the quality of evidence we have for outstanding theories that we accept today. To do so is an utter waste of your time.

Yes, you've looked at other theories, like this flat earth theory. Yes, the theory is backed up by certain levels of evidence. However, as you found through your investigation, that evidence was sub-par at best. And even if the evidence were good for a flat earth, the evidence we have for a rounded earth is orders of magnitude far and above "good." What you are suggesting is that we should research every single claim that cites any type of evidence at all. That's ridiculous and a waste of time. There comes a point when you can disregard most of these outrageous theories because they conflict with theories we have already developed to a much greater degree. In order to consider a contradictory theory to the widely accepted theories we have today, the level of evidence for the contradictory theory should be so undeniable, so strong, so amazing, and should come from almost every level and area of science and should be contradicted by nothing. Any claim that falls short of this level of evidence should be disregarded.

You're the biggest hypocrite here, because you disregard claims every day. You don't pay any attention to Mayan Calendar faggots, Bigfooters, crystal healers & new agers, or psychics. Or even on the more basic level, you disregard claims made by advertisers without doing any research at all.

>> No.5225536


I think it's funny that you call us ignorant.

The type of evidence we have for the theories we accept in modern science is so grand, the strength of this evidence is so outstanding, many of the theories we have are supported at almost every level of scientific exploration, and these theories function and make reliable predictions. If you would question such theories in favor of mamby pamby "flat earth" level bullshit, you must be completely *******IGNORANT******* of the type of evidence we have for a round earth because you would realize that no matter what evidence the flat earthers can give you, it doesn't even come remotely close to the evidence we have for a round earth. Only through ignorance of the quality of the evidence we have can you begin to explore these half-baked theories, comfortably smug at the fact that you have indulged in some level of research, to turn around and ironically spit this label of "ignorance" at us.

No, friend, you are the ignorant one.

Go on, waste your time with more crystal healing theories, I heard there is some great anecdotal evidence to support those. Quick quick, you are wasting time, you wouldn't want to be ignorant, would you?

>> No.5225554

I'm not sure what I'm seeing here. Is this a two part post? Or are you responding to >>5225534
without actually reading what he wrote?

>> No.5225567

It's a two part post, although I think the second post is all that is needed to disable the guy I was responding to. Now that I have dismissed the notion that we should research every shitty claim that cites some type of evidence, the rest of this thread can devolve into shitty religion trolling as is par for the course on /sci/

>> No.5225578

Oh! You're still responding to the first guy. Sorry, you just changed your tone so abruptly it looked like you were calling yourself ignorant after a perfectly reasonable post. 'Twas bizarre, is what I'm saying.

>> No.5225584

Yeah, I think I changed tones because I got a lot madder after I realized that this guy who is completely ignorant himself has the audacity to call us ignorant because we don't spend 5 hours per day researching Loch Ness monster theories and carefully weighing the evidence.

>> No.5225588

What the bamboozle is going on in this thread. Are you two poo-heads still 'discussing' shit in order to subtlely bump this thread ? You both are filth

>> No.5225593

I don't know why you're so angry, we're using 4chan to talk to each other which is its intended (and only) purpose.

>> No.5225592

I remember I did the same thing on testing whether weak magnetism could effect the growth of living things.

Read a theory that said the north pole inhibits growth while the south pole aids growth.

The cool part is that my experiment supported the theory. I testing on growing plants. I exposed seeds to magnets for a few days and then let them grow without magnets.

Still trying to figure out why that happened though. So I still don't truly believe the theory.

>> No.5225595

It can be random chance, dude.
Also we'd have to look at how you did the experiment.

>> No.5225596

talking on 4chan is fine. talking in a retarded flat earth thread is not. you piece of filth

>> No.5225599

I can tell you're American because you are so judgmental.

>> No.5225603
File: 206 KB, 474x542, 1334632162620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existence of GPS and communications satellites not enough for you, OP?

>> No.5225605

I felt like I did enough trials to dispel that factor.

I even moved all of the samples around during growth so different positions wouldn't have an effect.

I thought I was pretty thorough. But you are right of course.

Actually I do have some ideas on how it may affect cells. but I don't want to reveal them without more specific proof.

>> No.5225611

Your judgement skills suck. Also flat earth is too ridiculous to be a theory.

>> No.5225622
File: 1.65 MB, 290x260, Lieutenant Worf's Klingem opera is up too loud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No idiot ANYWHERE, EVER, no matter how STUPID has dedicated their life to purely putting out false theories and supporting them with evidence.



>> No.5225629
File: 2.00 MB, 314x210, 111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5225638
File: 36 KB, 397x397, Sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can evolution real if crocoduck doesn't?

>> No.5225642

Go to bed Gandalf

>> No.5225658

Doing science while trying to address every crazy idea to appease every paranoid schizophrenic claiming to know the "TRUTH" is like running a grocery store where the customers constantly demand to see the manager to find all of the items on their list, relabel price tags to suit their tastes, and clean up after they dump all of the spaghetti sauce in the aisle.
They aren't being helpful - they are just a pain in the ass that is not wanted or needed.

>> No.5225663


That guy's an egocentric prick. He's almost entirely wrong, but he's brilliant at the same time - he just misapplied his intelligence and hurdled off into the wrong direction.

>> No.5225671


You're a fucking idiot, goddamn. Go back to r/atheism, this board is for people who are concerned with SCIENCE, not fundamental anti-theism.

>> No.5225672

> draws shitty earth cartoons
> comes up with retarded theories

>> No.5225688

Look into this one next, OP.


>> No.5225727


>> No.5225791




>> No.5225820

>debunking flat Earth / rebuttals to flat Earth conjectures.
Fly in a plane, look out the window at cruising altitude.
Or go old school:
1)Get three straight, flat things of the same length.
2) Mail one to a friend in Canada and another in Mexico.
3)Get all three straight things standing up straight and level on a flat surface, outside, at the same time of day.
4)Take measurements of the lengths of the shadows cast by each straight thing.
Now you all know that the Earth is not flat.

>> No.5225824

>Yes but that's NOT the case. No idiot ANYWHERE, EVER, no matter how STUPID has dedicated their life to purely putting out false theories and supporting them with evidence.

>> No.5225863

The Earth can still be flat in the second experiment. The sun is just in a different place.

>> No.5225889


Define creationists.

>> No.5225892

If the three people are roughly standing on the same latitude line the sun can be in only one position.

>> No.5225893

thats why you measure it at the same time, so the sun is in the same place when all measurements are made

>> No.5226725

That's a lot of wooooo right there.

>> No.5226866

op, your swiss? (because of the ic)

>> No.5226871
