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5220700 No.5220700 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really dumb, but my favourite thing to do is to learn. Is there any job I can do this? It seems like the closest ones, researcher etc, require you to be smart enough to actually get the degrees and stuff. I failed my science degree, but I still am trying to learn stuff. What can do?

>> No.5220712

Unfortunately there's no job I can think of where you can "learn" without having a degree in whatever it is you want to research. The best advice I can give is to keep at it. If you really love learning, then this shouldn't be a problem. Start at the basic level, ie arithmetic and basic algebra (khanacadamy is excellent for this) and work your way from there. You'd be surprised at how much that can help.

>> No.5220720

Also, never resign yourself to being "dumb". You're not doing yourself any favors.

>> No.5220727

I was gonna say Librarian, and you could read books in your spare time, but even then you would probably need at least a bachelors in Library/Information science.

>> No.5220818

ok poor in attention, and having a poor mental pain pain threshhold, coupled with an unsupportive motivational environment interacting with other latent genetic factors

I could read books in my spare time anyway. I couldn't read on the job, of course, or learn, sadly.

I thought 'science presenter' could be a good one, but that's reserved for doctrates almost exclusively now.

I can go back and get a degree - i'm just saying I can't get a hard science degree, and i'll have fails on my record which would inhibit my entry into academia

>> No.5220824

My mistake, no I don't like learning.
I like 'knowing', learning itself is painful.

In other words I'm curious and power hungry, not in deference to natural order

>> No.5220982

far out how come no one ever wants to help me or be my friend when i'm honest that I'm Machiavellian. It doesn't make me a bad guy. It's human nature.

>> No.5221014

Because there is no help, in current society. Your best hope is to take the advice you have now and work with it, regardless of obstacles that stand in your way.

I'm the same, honestly. I've never failed, though. Nor do I intend on allowing myself to fail. Currently going for Electrical Engineering.

>> No.5221035

The thing about knowing is that you can't genuinely know unless you've learned. You have to go through all the mental steps to solve all the micro-problems necessary to climb up to the mountain of understanding--this slowly and, at times, very painful process is actually the restructuring of your brain signaling to operate at degree certified levels (in actuallity, something like 50-60% but still far more prepared than not at all).

My point, simply stated, is that you can't expect to make a statue out of a pile of rocks without going through the slow and painful blows that shape it into being.

I am sorry to say this OP, but there are no royal roads to understanding.

>> No.5221034

Yes, well I also went into electrical engineering.

I failed into mechanical.

Then failed into computer science

Then failed that into Environmental science

then into geology...fucking studying rocks...the literal lowest tier.

and I failed that too

So I studies psychology

Guess who's the dumbass who failed that?

After all my study I have negligible people skills, and a whole lot of people with a lot of expectation for me.
I've had no job/experience, having excelled at high school where work+interest simply=success

To top it off I spend my spare time on 4chan and watching brony fan work

Remember that next time you say FML people.

>> No.5221274

Why do you fail? Being 'dumb' falls into many, many categories. Inattentiveness, ignorance, lack of motivation, lack of focus, etc.

True idiocy only lies in retardation. Anyone else *can* succeed, it just takes a different approach for some, a bit of extra work or foundational exercises.