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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5219943 No.5219943 [Reply] [Original]

>mention that I study physics
>stranger starts rambling about how he reads feynman, erdos, etc...
>asks me who my favorite physicist is
>me: why does this matter
>stranger: don't you study physics?
>pic related mfw
>stranger: what are your favorite books
>i mention landau & lifshitz
>stranger: oh i don't read old books
>he says something about physics from 1930s
>me: you wouldn't understand any of the physics developed after the 1930s
>stranger: i didn't pass high school and i read feynman


>> No.5219957 [DELETED] 

This is why those who popularize science like Dawkins and Tyson are so important so kids who didn't pass highschool will read Feynman.

>> No.5219969

fuck this world

>> No.5219977

what is the moral of this thread op?
IMHO it's good that he reads physics like that, even if he is persuing another career

>> No.5219978

it's frustrating how much media has watered down science.

even if he reads those books apparently his mindset is like LOOK AT ME I READ BOOKS BY THESE PEOPLE I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT SCIENCE

>> No.5219983

>it's frustrating how much media has watered down science.
I wouldn't fully understand the shit from your major without studying it and I doubt you'd fully understand the shit from mine without studying it. Watering down is necessary so others can understand topics without having to get a degree in a field.
He knows more than people that do not.

>> No.5220003


Only dumb people don't graduate high school, right? Graduating from an American high school is only something the intellectual elite are capable of.

>> No.5220008

yes but the watering down is misinforming concerning the significance of the subject
>He knows more than people that do not.
doubt it.
as to actual knowledge of physics, well his quantitative understanding is most likely nonexistant, especially given that he did not even pass high school. as for a conceptual understanding, well probably he could regurgitate some of the things he has read, but I am convinced that he is too concerned with the fact that the author of whatever book he is reading is a renowned physicist than with the actual content.
someone doing totally unrelated work such as a biologist would have at least a primitive idea of the fundamental goals of physics or of any science. this guy thinks everything is about knowing biographical information about physicists.
he's australian
not sure if that matters

>> No.5220139

Looks like you talked to an average /sci/ poster.

>> No.5220146

About an 80% of my current knowledge about life, the world, and science comes from studying at university. HS kids need to stop getting cocky and learn their place.

I'm no physicist, and I only really know the goddamn basics about quantum physics, but I have no qualms admitting my own ignorance upon that matter in comparison to real physicists.

>> No.5220149

>claims to study physics
>doesn't have a favorite physicist
>reads outdated books instead of watching Sagan and Tyson

How's that autism going for you?

>> No.5220155

How's highschool going for you?

>> No.5220157

It's going good except for the math classes. But who neeeds math anyway? I'm gonna become a great scientist like Richard Dawkins.

>> No.5220165

>Implying that any book that is over 5 years old is relevant to actual physics studies

>> No.5220171

>>5220Hey, no need for irony.

New books don't mean necessarily better, at least not in my career. Testut's anatomical illustrations are quite old, so are Gray's, yet nobody can deny their usefulness.157

>> No.5220170


Fuck off you fucking autist.

>> No.5220194

>reading about quantium physics
>explain quantium gravity because mother asks about it
>grandmother asks about what quantum means
>Explain double slit experiment
>Half way through, she looks out window
>walks away
>rest of family is already off somewhere else

>> No.5220202

>babby being proud of reading landau lifshitz

How does it feel to be a lowly undergrad?

>> No.5220228


Pretty sure richard dawkins knows math

>> No.5220234

No, he doesn't wast his time with aspie shit. He knows the important things like logic and how to debate.

>> No.5220264


No he has degrees in biology, pretty sure calculus is a requirement of a biology degree in most schools. Also he knows genetics and math is required in genetics.

>> No.5220295

lolno dawkins is shit poor at mathematics are outright admits to it.

>> No.5220304



>> No.5220320


>> No.5220321

isn't the whole point of landau that if you can get through all of them, you're ready to be a theorist?

>> No.5220331

>oh god someone is interested in physics but isnt a hardcore physicat like me! i must post about it in the science board

you're a dipshit op

>> No.5220335

Haha, no. They are only the most fundamental basics. 0/10

>> No.5220336

You should probably off yourself just for being so god damn full of yourself OP

>> No.5220344

most physics students I know have a few physicists whose body of work and insights they find impressive.

>hurr durr someone assumed I had a favourite physicist because I studied physics what a fucking moron it's enough to make me lose all faith in the human population hurrrr

>> No.5220361


Point proven

>> No.5220367

Because worshippting persons is so scientific, amirite? l

>> No.5221025


>> No.5221053
File: 55 KB, 427x460, average sci poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5221055

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5221212


Is this 100% real life right here? Maybe there's some technicality about "obesity curves" or whatever that I am missing. It seems unbelievable to me that a professional could be so oblivious to calculus....

>> No.5221254

Don't be so mean to these people. At least they value science.

>> No.5221307


>> No.5221314

It's true. Everything you learn in undergrad is nothing but the basics. Do you even study?

>> No.5221345

>driving with dad
>dad asks how radiation works since his highschool never taught them
>explain radiation pretty in depth
>at the end of my explanation
>dad looking out car window
>"you know, we should eat at Olive Garden more"

>> No.5221379

Are you joking me? Ask the average biology major why they chose it. Half of them will say "I like science but I hate math, so biology is perfect".

>> No.5221433

Actually I'm sure well over half will probably say it was for med school.

>> No.5221551

Bio fag here

I'll readily admit that math is not my forte, but I would never say I picked biology because math is hard for me. I still value math and use it all the time, so it's pretty foolish to choose any STEM major based on a distaste for math.

I'm guessing most of the biology majors who aren't interested in math are pre-med

those cocksuckers have no respect/understanding of their major. It''just "what do I do next to get into med school"

>> No.5221734


A quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction.

>> No.5221816

Love Bro... Testut's the best for abdomen, i do not really like gray though. rouviére all the way