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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5218722 No.5218722 [Reply] [Original]

The scientist does not study nature because it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it, and he takes pleasure in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful it would not be worth knowing, and <span class="math">\mathbf{life\;would\;not\;be\;worth\;living.}[/spoiler] I am not speaking, of course, of the beauty which strikes the senses, of the beauty of qualities and appearances. I am far from despising this, but it has nothing to do with science. What I mean is that more intimate beauty which comes from the harmonious order of its parts, and which a pure intelligence can grasp.

>> No.5218764

Suicidal people have almost always lost that grasp of the beauty of their reality, yes.

>> No.5218766

>The scientist does not study nature because it is useful to do so.
The engineer does

>> No.5218782

>does not study nature because it is useful to do so
>studies it because he takes pleasure in it

seems pretty useful to me then. And actually there are even a lot more much greater uses of science

You are reducing science to the status of a hobby when in fact its importance to society is much greater

>> No.5218809

>implying engineers are scientists

>> No.5218814

to answer your topic question op, no. as far as i have seen, there is no correlation between intelligence and depression.

>> No.5218856

>engineer a nuclear reactor
>actual output doesn't meet theoretical model
>reengineer it
>implying this isn't the scientific method

>> No.5218878
File: 18 KB, 189x266, Karl Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

>> No.5218909

>reducing science to a hobby
Yes, because professions are always more useful, like how Einstein's work in a patent office was so much better than his hobby at the time.

>> No.5218960


Dude, how did you bold text?

>> No.5218970

Yes, scientists do science because they are very interested in it. However, I think they should be rewarded more because they are more important to our survival than let's say muscial/artistic geniuses

>> No.5218977

>However, I think they should be rewarded more

So give me your money then.

>> No.5219033
File: 172 KB, 480x640, Barbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is hard!

>> No.5219053


>> No.5219062
File: 672 KB, 1278x1939, 1327029622158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't help, links /b/
You go to /b/, shithead.

>> No.5219066

thank you based latex

>> No.5219073
File: 98 KB, 671x762, 2deep4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for that picture pal.

>> No.5219116
File: 529 KB, 857x1280, 1344094535816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beauty from the senses, the beauty from the mystery, the beauty from patterns and orders, the beauty from empathy... All of them are one and the same.

There is no way for you to distinguish them, that is a false idea that is perpetuated by the fear of losing our most beloved trait. I mean, if you consider yourself to be rational at your core, you'd fear numbness and madness. You don't want to stop being rational or reasonable, so you cut everything which is not rational in itself and claim them as invalid. You cut your emotions because they might get in the way, you cut your hopes, your instincts, all the other perspectives of life.

I see a big lack of confidence as the cause of this, in that one is not able to embrace all these other sides in fear of losing oneself. It's a way to be conservative.

The scientist is much like the poet, the monk, the thinker, the artist in that he wants not only to fit in, but to earn his place in the world, to be in touch with reality and engulfed by it. Science is merely the name of his tool of preference, not a flag.

>> No.5219131

There's no such thing as a correlation between depression and intelligence.

Now, why do I love science? In my case I believe the human body is a machine, a system too perfect, too wonderful. I could spend a lifetime studying it and I would not know everything about it.

Balls no man. Science isn't about beauty. It's about self-discovery. Through curiosity, through a desire to improve, every man finds the strength to do what he couldn't otherwise.

Science for me is about the challenge.