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File: 134 KB, 975x755, notgayornotgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5218047 No.5218047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you solve this?

Debate, /sci/!

>> No.5218051


>> No.5218056

It would be B I assume given that since we've had cloths our minds have evolved to face and chest recognition

>> No.5218060

Dickgirls are my fetish, so B.

>> No.5218064

That's fucking gay.

>> No.5218066

this is the only case of guy choosing B while actually being gay

>> No.5218067


>> No.5218072

Bro I still like vaginas.

I just think dicks look good on girls. Hell, I think this is from my misconception I had as a child that everyone had a penis like I did, girls included. Simply because I didn't know what a vagina was.

Dicks just feel "right" on girls.

>> No.5218073

Both very unattractive but if it were by force any heterosexual person would go with B since people are not attracted to genitals they are attracted to features.

Reported for not science and not safe for work. Please delete this thread if you don't want to be banned.

>> No.5218080

The answer is B, because feminine features are what straight males are attracted to. However, in practice no straight male would sleep with either, because manly looking women and womanly looking men are simply not attractive(to non-gay people at least).

>> No.5218082

>implying a gay guy would be attracted to B

>> No.5218088

A has more feminine features, theres just a whole lot of hair.

>> No.5218091


I find vaginas disgusting, as well as fat people, and B also has a pretty good looking face.

>> No.5218095


>I just think dicks look good on girls.

Son I have bad news for you.

>> No.5218097
File: 22 KB, 438x256, minimum trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5218102

I'm hetero but I would like to try sucking a cock or getting fucked by a trap (prostate orgasm).

Sucking dicks isn't gay as long as you're doing it for the dick only, not men.

>> No.5218103
File: 32 KB, 470x338, tough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5218113
File: 62 KB, 302x389, stolz_assburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reported for not science and not safe for work. Please delete this thread if you don't want to be banned.

Maximum assburger.

>> No.5218112

>Wants to have sex with men but claims to be heterosexual
Can't tell if trolling or in denial.

>> No.5218117

Close-minded faggot.
Are you insecure about your own sexuality?

>> No.5218122

Factor this into your decision: top-half mermaid still has needle-sharp fish teeth, and her hands are covered with hooked suckers like a squid's tentacles.

>> No.5218124

Obviously the one on the left...


>> No.5218127

I like this one.

>> No.5218129

>Dicks just feel "right" on girls.

Alright, you're bi, don't pretend you're a hetero.

>> No.5218137

I'm a gay guy and both of those genuinely disgust me. If I had to pick, I'd go B.


I remember I saw this lecture thing on google videos that talked about how straight men were attracted to dicks somehow (not necessarily in a sexual way? idk) and that's why traps are so popular. You might be able to find it if you google it.

>> No.5218136

Definitely B, The sexual organ isn't the main part that a guy finds attractive - I just think its more the general feminine features like face, chest, hands and general hairlesness

>> No.5218145

There is nothing to 'solve' -- it is asking a subjective question.

And it's not even correct. there is no support at all for the claim 'one of these draws your sexual attention.' It's just an assertion he makes to remove a choice that doesn't fit his assumptions.

>> No.5218142

i'm ok with this, as long as her penis isn't bigger than mine.

>> No.5218146

No, I know I am straight. But the guy that wants to fuck men but claims to be heterosexual, I think he might be insecure. Seriously if you are a guy: Straight, Want to have sex with men, pick one.

>> No.5218168

I say sucking dicks would be interesting and getting fucked by a dick or fuck a trap would be interesting and fun too.
Something new.

I'm secure enough to admit this while still being heterosexual.

>> No.5218167
File: 3 KB, 126x122, 1347729155336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sexual organ isn't the main part that a guy finds attractive - I just think its more the general feminine features like face, chest, hands and general hairlesness

Yes, those are also called "Primary sex characteristics" and "Secondary sex characteristics".

This thread is full of retards.

>> No.5218170

But I like to look at vaginas.
Pictures of vaginas are the first thing I ever fapped to

>> No.5218175


The question wasn't asked if you wanted a mating partner for procreation or just a fuck buddy. Plus it isn't stated if B was going to even be a batter or catcher too for the record.

>> No.5218178

>I remember I saw this lecture thing on google videos that talked about how straight men were attracted to dicks somehow and that's why traps are so popular.

Biggest bullshit video I ever saw.
Completely unscientific.

>> No.5218184

Maybe you should check your privilege, cis scum.

>> No.5218211

I always figured traps were about autogynephilia: getting aroused by the thought of being a woman.

You can imagine being a trap yourself, or you can take the woman's role in sex with one, or you can fuck one while s/he responds like a woman but you can imagine exactly what s/he's feeling.

You don't have the laughable aesthetic failure that would likely result from you attempting to cross-dress, or the alien situation of plain homosexuality, where there's no female beauty involved to give the whole thing a purpose.

>> No.5218224

Anyone who says A is a raging homosexual.

>> No.5218227

I am not really a homosexual, but I get totally hot thinking of simultaneous oral penetration of me and the creature on the right in OP image. I fantasize about us getting off together into each others mouths.

>> No.5218231

Maybe you don't know what heterosexual means.

heterosexual - sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
bisexual - sexually attracted to both sexes

It just doesn't work to say "I want to fuck a guy, and I am secure enough to admit this while still being heterosexual", because if you want to fuck a guy, you are by definition not heterosexual. It has nothing to do with being secure with yourself. And if you were actually secure with yourself, you would admit you were bisexual instead of clinging to the belief that a heterosexual person wants to fuck guys.

>> No.5218235

But I choose what I want to be.
I feel like a heterosexual guy.

>> No.5218239

I think most traps just feel like they were born in the wrong body.
But of course there are autogynephilic traps too.

>> No.5218241

what are these people suffering from? Klinefelter's? even in the case of the "woman"?

>> No.5218255

Actually he wants to have sex with a dick. Are you reducing men to their sole function of reproduction? Because that's sexism.

>> No.5218259

I think it's "Why-transexuality-is-hilarious-itis".

>> No.5218266

I like this thread because both traps are pretty average... That said, I'd go with "A" and shave that bitch or dunk her in Nair.

There are some model-esque traps that I'd take over A, but I'd still have to be drunk as fuck. A penis just takes any sexual fantasy away for me.

>> No.5218267

I meant why guys get excited over traps.

>> No.5218264

I think it's just surgery.

>> No.5218291

But you can fuck a woman and imagine yourself in her place too if you're autogynephile. Would be even more realistic.

>> No.5218315

I think most men are autogynephile to some degree. You don't spend half your life obsessing over pleasuring women without thinking, "I wonder what that feels like." and getting that thought mixed in with your general muddle of arousing associations.

>> No.5218317

Neither of these examples are attractive in any way. I would not be able to maintain an erection in the presence of either, therefore "neither" is valid

Me: 1
You and your shitty hypothetical scenarios: 0

>> No.5218321

I'm not sexually attracted to either of those hideous creatures, but since I have to choose one, I'd go for A since it's actually just an extremely ugly woman.

There's no way any male could elect to have sex with B over A and still call himself hetero. Just accept it, in this day and age there's no shame in admitting faggotry, don't try and closet it away.


>> No.5218342

>would rather have sex with a male lookalike than a female lookalike

>> No.5219110

bumping the best thread on /sci/

>> No.5219152

A, a hole is a hole.

>> No.5219161

gotta go with b, i can't get off with a face like a

>> No.5219172

Actual women
Actual Men
Various animals

>> No.5219220


Neither you fucking chode. You can't just assume that one "draws your sexual attention." If you put a grapefruit and a pineapple on a table in front of me, and made that same assumption, it would be just as ludicrous.

Having said that, I would go with boob-boy over hair-girl.

>> No.5219249

>you can't say neither, neither is invalid, one of these draws your sexual attention.

This statement is so inherently retarded, that's like posting a picture of a couch and lamp, then claiming you absolutely have to be attracted to one or the other, most straight males would easily be turned off by both.

>> No.5219289

>one of these draws your sexual attention

When taken as a whole, not really. I feel no sexual stimulation looking at these pictures. Nudists also wouldn't, though I am not one.

>> No.5219316

grapefruit. i like a stinging penis more than a bleeding rectum

>> No.5219362

>Hurrr duddrrrr, you can't say neither
Filtered, reported, ignored, called the cops, ect.

>> No.5219382

Neither, 3DPD

>> No.5219406


>> No.5219422

If they were fully clothed you'd think B was a girl and A was a guy because of their faces.