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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 250x250, 250px-Edward_Witten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5216785 No.5216785 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Biggest minds of our time
Edward Witten

>> No.5216804
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>> No.5216835
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Gaben Franklin

>> No.5216855
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>> No.5216856
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I'd be inclined to agree..
But this man shits on him. :)

Shinichi Mochizuki

>> No.5216861
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Marvin Minsky.

>> No.5216909

I know none of them.

>> No.5216934
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>> No.5216940
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Donald Knuth.

>> No.5216941

Bill Nye

>> No.5216966

The science guy?

>> No.5216968

Bill Nye the Science guy.

>> No.5216978
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>tfw theyre all Jewishh

>> No.5216991

Take a load of that goyim.

>> No.5217008
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Andrew Wiles solved Fermats Last Theorem, reported inthe popular media to be perhaps the most notorious math problem in the world.

>> No.5217056
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Chomsky is a hack.

>> No.5217073
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>> No.5217075

So is Penrose.

>> No.5217108

I don't know, it seems that there aren't making any great people these days(e.g. Neumann, Einstein, Turing etc.).

>> No.5217110

Chomsky has made some notable contributions to linguistics and the automata theory.
Penrose had also made some notable contributions his field before he retired and started publishing popular science books.

>> No.5217115
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Only good economist.
Kenneth Arrow

>> No.5217118

That's because modern-day mathematics is already complete save for some old conjectures and new research that amounts to nothing more than curiosities and mental gymnastics. Same thing for physics; almost no new problems have been posed in the last several decades.

It was a lot easier for a genius to pioneer discoveries in science and math back when very little of it was consistent or complete. Hence the only high-profile scientists are all old or dead.

>> No.5217119

Hindsight makes it easier to idolize people. Also, the branches of mathematics get more specialized and complicated every day, so current mathematical research barely (if at all) reaches the public eye. In 50 years or so, when the results of today have been popularized to death, we'll know who today's Turing or Gauss must be.

>> No.5217315

one of my old physics professors was employed by Witten as a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study. absolute genius

>> No.5217328

lulz. fuck no.

>> No.5217336

You. You are my nigga.
I was just about post him.

Not only is he a genius, he has a pretty amazing personality.

>> No.5217338

pls go

>> No.5217337

Said lord kelvin

>> No.5217360

>bumble through explinations
>skip ahead and reverse
His mind is so non-linear it's glorious.

>> No.5217370
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>> No.5217367

That's pretty much the only disadvantage I can attribute to him... It's quite annoying watching him lecture, then stutter, then get really caught up in an algorithm that his mind basically orgasms back and forth.

That's why his ideas are best communicated in book form... Because it gives him an opportunity to organized and structure his thoughts.

>> No.5217381

Anyone who says that we've discovered all that there is to discover has an uncreative mind and needs to seriously rethink their decision to be a scientist.

>> No.5217390

Have they discovered how to put a Carrie Mulligan simulation in my room with the desire to fuck my brains out?

Then there is still more to be done.

>> No.5217454


>> No.5217483
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although I knew about witten I never read his wikipedia article.
and what the actual fuck:

'Witten was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the son of Lorraine (Wollach) Witten and Louis Witten, a theoretical physicist specializing in gravitation and general relativity.

Witten attended the Park School of Baltimore (class of '68), and received his Bachelor of Arts with a major in history and minor in linguistics from Brandeis University in 1971. He published articles in The New Republic and The Nation. In 1968 Witten published an article in The Nation arguing that the New Left had no strategy. He worked briefly for George McGovern's presidential campaign. McGovern lost the 1972 election in a landslide to Richard Nixon.

Witten attended the University of Wisconsin–Madison for one semester as an economics graduate student before dropping out.[citation needed] He returned to academia, enrolling in applied mathematics at Princeton University then shifting departments and receiving a Ph.D. in physics in 1976 under David Gross, the 2004 Nobel laureate in Physics. He held a fellowship at Harvard University (1976–77), was a junior fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows (1977–80), and held a MacArthur Foundation fellowship (1982).'

>> No.5217490

Peter Norvig, anyone? He's one of my personal heroes. And a fashion icon to boot.

>> No.5217633

lol. econ drop-out goes to physics genius. that's beautiful.

>> No.5217637 [DELETED] 
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cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

>> No.5217638

William Lane Craig.

>> No.5217640
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>> No.5217724
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>> No.5217909

lot of cognitive and computer scientist. seems those are the most rapidly developing fields

>> No.5217934

You jelly of God's people, bro?

>> No.5217944

no, those are just the fields that autists on /sci/ take any interest in.

>> No.5218005
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>> No.5218017


>> No.5218045
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My nigga.

>> No.5218048

looking at a telescopes data and saying it looks like there may be a Ia supernovae there isnt that big of a deal.

>> No.5218053
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I am rather jelly. And I'll continue to be rather jelly until they start getting massacred again, for the x'th time.

>> No.5218057 [DELETED] 
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Any smart person here knows the jew race contributes nothing empowering / productive to society. It is in there blood to be criminal parasites.

Don't let them fool you, they have already done it plenty

>> No.5218092

>waaah just wait i'll be the next gauss and reinvent the whole universe like daddy told me

The opportunities for landmark reformulations of physics or pioneering a new non-trivial branch of mathematics have obviously dwindled from the early 1900's. The achievements have already been made never to be made again unless humanity and its knowledge get wiped out almost completely. There is no way to make physics or mathematics any better than to answer any and all possible questions, and there are way fewer fundamental questions about nature and logic in the modern era and things we don't know. Hopefully you don't keep having such a poor understanding of this to assume that there will always be Einstein or Turing tier achievements until the universe fizzles out.

He asked why there aren't any modern-day Neumanns or Einsteins, and the only answer to give is that the problems being tackled nowadays are way less numerous and far more abstracted from previous problems tackled before in the glory days of theoretical physics and mathematics.

>> No.5218111
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Steven Weinberg
Brian Greene
and this bunny

>> No.5218143
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you're dumb

>> No.5218154

Sam Harris

>> No.5218156
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Leo Marx

>> No.5218163

Sam Harris is terrible
he's almost as bad as Dawkins

>> No.5218174
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James C. Scott

>> No.5218182


Mah nigga, CompSci-brofist!

>> No.5218183 [DELETED] 


I get a boner from this guy's achievements in mathematics.

>> No.5218188

Who was the greator mind, Turing or Neumann?

Neumanns scope is absolutely ridiculous. He seemed to take on everything. Yet it often seems that Turing holds more of a monumental standing at a glance.

To me, Neumann comes off as one of the smartest people to have lived in the past few centuries. Ludicrously intelligent.

>> No.5218192

hahaha, thanks but I'm an Econfag. I just know my place...

>> No.5218261

no, but one generation later we still had Feynman and Erdős.

>> No.5218465
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Where the logicians at?

>> No.5218497
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>> No.5218517


I took a course on Frege with him; terrible educator, brilliant philosopher

>> No.5218541
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Oh wow. I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. /sci/ confirmed for technologically illiterate.

>> No.5218545




>> No.5218560

/educated yourself:

>> No.5218570

Asians are smarter than aryan/white race. Followed by peoples of the middle-east, jews, egyptians, arabs, etc.

>> No.5218577


>> No.5218588
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George Carlin

>> No.5220115

bump for smart people

>> No.5221454

yeah, but they were not like Einstein or Neumann. Problems are getting smaller, and smaller so there's less and less space for geniuses to flourish.

>> No.5221491

I think it's more that the problems are so specialised by now that it takes incredibly specific study just to understand them (how many undergrads are capable of understanding all Millenium prize problems?).

I don't know how to compare, say, Witten or Perlman to Einstein or Von Neumann.

>> No.5221741

true, true. but why is this happening?
are we pushed the boundaries this far in such a short period of time?

>> No.5221767
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stfu faggot

>> No.5221774
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The Munich physics professor Philipp von Jolly advised Planck against going into physics, saying:

"In this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes."

>> No.5221771

Sure. I was pretty amazed to discover that stuff like , say, Whitney's embedding theorem, which is pretty foundational for geometry, was figured out no later than the 50s.

>> No.5221847


maybe you customized the image name for that one post, but in any event, it defeats the whole purpose to compare him to a hipster who is already being forgotten.

>> No.5221874
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stephen cook

look 'im up

>> No.5221937
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>> No.5221968

Kiyoshi Itō

>> No.5221983

Really? I'm with the guy that said Knuth. He's an amazing man, but it's near impossible to read straight through his books

>> No.5222000
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>> No.5222010
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Joe Rogan.

>> No.5222063
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>> No.5222453
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>> No.5222530

Oh the foolishness, the Jews were God's people until he sent his Son for them to follow him. His people now are the followers of his Son, or else as sad as this may sound, why did the Holocaust happen ? PROBLEM ?????

>> No.5222535

>implying god exists
>asks a question with that presupposition

>> No.5223912
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>> No.5223914
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>> No.5223916
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This is wrong!!

>> No.5223920


Joe Rogan looks like thus stupid coaches that teach health at high schools and community colleges

>> No.5223927
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>> No.5223930


>> No.5223944
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genius in money math

>> No.5223969
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son, im dissapoint

>> No.5223998

His looks are pretty deceiving. He's actually a lot dumber than that.

>> No.5224006



stupid whore

>> No.5224525

>Daily Mail
>writes common power series on markerboard
>apparently has superior abilities of pattern recognition

Ignoring the 'Daily Mail' part.. Somehow, this makes her more intelligent than Einstein? And honestly, Hawking's not necessarily intelligent. He's spent his entire life not doing much other than theoretical work that's been rejected by most of the scientific community time and time again

If dead people count, Friedman should be on this list. If not, Knuth is the obvious choice.

>> No.5224557

I was about to say...

Him and Witten are the two most intelligent creatures publicly known.

>> No.5224898
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Stephen Timoshenko

>> No.5224905
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Hey yo

>> No.5224914
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THe achievements of engineers can be considered Equal as the scientists ?

If so ,what about Terzagui?

>> No.5226342
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he made a better plumber than a physicist.