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5216690 No.5216690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are black people dumber than white?

Serious question.

>> No.5216694

well the conventional wisdom - scratch that - excuse is found here:

no but seriously you are a racist idiot

>> No.5216708

They are not


>The experiment is being done in two isolated rural villages with about 20 first-grade-aged children each, about 50 miles from Addis Ababa. One village is called Wonchi, on the rim of a volcanic crater at 11,000 feet; the other is called Wolonchete, in the Great Rift Valley. Children there had never previously seen printed materials, road signs, or even packaging that had words on them, Negroponte said

>Earlier this year, OLPC workers dropped off closed boxes containing the tablets, taped shut, with no instruction. “I thought the kids would play with the boxes. Within four minutes, one kid not only opened the box, found the on-off switch … powered it up. Within five days, they were using 47 apps per child, per day. Within two weeks, they were singing ABC songs in the village, and within five months, they had hacked Android,” Negroponte said. “Some idiot in our organization or in the Media Lab had disabled the camera, and they figured out the camera, and had hacked Android.”

>> No.5216706


That doesn't explain why every country with black majority population is a shithole.

>> No.5216711

Wow, what an ignorant statement. I truly hope you are trolling, you racist piece of shit.

>> No.5216720

It doesn't trouble me that europeans and asians are typically left behind in running events by africans. It also doesn't trouble me that people of asian descent tend to have better mathematical aptitude than my own race. Evolution can only take place if there is variation among those animals which are being selected. Though the OP phrased his question in a particularly stupid fashion, I would generally say that the reason is because there was stronger selection pressure on physical development in africa than there was in europe (less fast moving natural predators). The lack of predation of man in europe would have meant that the strongest selection pressure was on europeans outsmarting other europeans.

You could just as reasonably ask, why are whites more underhanded or sneaky than blacks. It all has to do with selection pressure.

>> No.5216721

>you racist piece of shit.

I thought this is /sci/. Does /sci/ settle for calling people a something-ist instead of arguing based on reasons?

>> No.5216723


That doesn't say anything. Unless you do the same with european children and they just sit around sucking their own thumbs it doesn't provide any comparison.

>> No.5216726

>Calling all countries with black majority a shithole

Yeah, what a nice statement that is.

Kill yourself.

>> No.5216727


Either trolling or a facile argument. Either way, a piece of shit.


>> No.5216729


This implies that intelligence and the ability to survive in a predator rich environment are opposed. If anything, they correlate.

>> No.5216730


Do you ever consider why a discussion of differences between the races would make you so riled up?

>> No.5216734

Most white adults are fucking useless when it comes to technology, especially the ones that grew up before computers became common.

>> No.5216735


Is this... is this a troll?

>> No.5216736


I don't see how this pertains to what is being discussed.

You are just so desperate for any evidence, no matter how weak, that suggests that black people are as smart as white.

>> No.5216738
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Well lets see:

1.) Enslaved their own kind into slavery
2.) Africa still not civilized in 2012
3.) Majority of "black people" live in Africa

Proof in the pudding right there because there's logical black people living in white communities but only after they were literally bred and civilzed like animals because they still can't do that themselves.

>> No.5216739

>Why are black people dumber than white?

there is no evidence for this

also standards of intelligence are debatable and should not be narrowed down to academia

>> No.5216742

Your the one making the asserting that black are not as smart as whites. Where are your peer reviewed sources?

>> No.5216743

Their leaders need to learn how to use propaganda. It can screw up your brain enough to become Übermensch.

>> No.5216744


>> No.5216747


Energy spent in one direction is always paid for by loss in another direction (intelligence or physical speed). I don't care how smart you are, if you can't farm anything, you better be fucking quick. Inb4 taking on a lion with a spear.

>> No.5216748
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Just throwing this out there too that apparently the toilet needs to be re-invented because places like Africa can't get with the program into civilization.


>> No.5216752


No evidence?

Are you blind?

>> No.5216753

But it's true.

>> No.5216756


You can easily take a lion with a spear.

Your spear gives you a reach far exceeding the lion. Your spear is also deadlier than the lion's claw.

You have all the advantages.

>> No.5216757

Because nature pandered them and they did not need to improve in intelligence to survive.

Europeans had to become smarter to live through the harsh winters and the ice age, Indian intelligence improved due to the yearly monsoons that constantly threatened them, northern-African/middle-eastern people had searing heats to deal with, Asian people had to live through Tibetan deserts/Himalayas, etc all while sub-Saharan Africans, Aborigines and people native to the areas around the equator had favorable conditions that didn't pressure them into moving past the hunter-gatherer stage.

>> No.5216759

the reason some specific race seem dumb to you is due to lack of academic education

But the lack of eductaion is due to their socio economic backgrounds and not race

hence being black != being dumb
especially since there are dumb whites and intellectual blacks

>> No.5216763


Then how come despite years of affirmative action, you can barely find 3 black scientists?

>> No.5216764


You're under the serious impression that the civilized black people weren't domesticated by white people. If the Black people were left to own devices....well they still are just look at Africa as a whole.

>> No.5216766


so anyone who is not a scientist is dumb?

>> No.5216768


I concede my point. I guess I was making facile arguments.

>> No.5216769


Going to defend another anon here and say that it's not fucking rocket science to read >>5216738 my earlier post and say at least depiste many wars in history white people didn't start enslaving themselves to the point of cold blooded murder, Especially rising up against most problems faced where Africa still is like millenia behind like almost every other civilization in just about every aspect of science.

They fucking live in hide tents still man.

>> No.5216770

>you can barely find 3 black scientists?

lolol, sure if you close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears, then you might not find 3 black scientists.

racist retard

>> No.5216772

this isn't /b/

>> No.5216773

>just look at Africa as a whole.

Africa is backward due to soci-economic reasons and not due to genes

>> No.5216775


if you would google you will find plenty of black scientists

>> No.5216776

Socioeconomic position and an anti-intellectual culture.

Same way Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than whites: socioeconomic position and a culture that places very high value on education and business.

>> No.5216777


I'd like to argue that actually they are behind because of their own stupidity to not get with the program. While other third world countries like India got on board with this whole technology and civilization thing places like Africa continued to just fester in their own shit of enslaving each other in tribes because their dumb as shit and didn't establish themselves an economy like everybody else.

True story.

>> No.5216780


Point me to 3 black scientists.

>> No.5216783



Help yourself to Google you fucking retard.

>> No.5216782

but again due to soico-economic reason not genes

you give them the same education resources,infrastructure etc then they will be no different than the rest of us

>> No.5216784


this is what you wanted isnt it OP

>> No.5216786
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Plus it's not like they didn't have any sources of income to bring themselves up into an established socio-economy. And that right there is where most people fail to realize they are stupid as shit enslaving themselves to the point of being millenia behind other cultures.

>> No.5216792

>you give them the same education resources,infrastructure etc then they will be no different than the rest of us

From what data did you arrive this statement? It sounds like dogma to me.

>> No.5216793


>extremely resource rich

>no resource
>prosperous nation


>> No.5216796


you are right

but there is a dogma that has also led to the belief in people like OP that Black people are dumb because they are black

there is no data to support this aswell

>> No.5216797
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>>5216793 see 5216757

And for some reason they feel the need to enslave themselves still. Where as even most other countries even under harsh dictator ruling have at least things like fucking toilets.

>> No.5216805


I am pretty sure the correlation that black people do worse at school, black people are more likely to commit crimes and that africa is a shithole in black controlled area (rhodesia) and black dominated countries are shithole, all paint a very convincing picture to me.

>> No.5216814

There is plenty of data, namely the experiments with kid adopted in different race household.
But the "it's cultural" supporters will always cry about something like "waah, IQ is not a goodeasurement of intelligence" or "waah sample is not big enough".
Meanwhile, they feel free to assert it's all cultural without a single hint of a proof.

>> No.5216818

There is only one resource cited in this thread and it's not even peer-reviewed.

I think many of you have mistakenly posted on the wrong board. This location is for the betterment of all men and women seeking a greater enlightenment than which they previously engaged. If you plan to continue, use sources and formal arguments; otherwise you have the wrong address.

>> No.5216820
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>> No.5216824
File: 96 KB, 468x582, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the pretence of recycling, NHS computers have been dumped in Ghana, where their hard drives are mined of your confidential data by criminal gangs... while children die melting down the highly toxic empty shells. Special Live investigation by Jonathan Green


>> No.5216825

>sample is not big enough
Looks like every black neighborhood, city, and country has a violent problem.

>> No.5216828


>muh society cultural pressure
>muh socio-economic slavery

>> No.5216830

>This location is for the betterment of all men and women seeking a greater enlightenment than which they previously engaged.

>> No.5216833

There is the Minnesota transracial adoption study. But people with a preconceptions will always find something to criticize.

>> No.5216834

How come Greeks were so enslaved but they still had great everything?
How come Europeans, at one point, slept in shit like Africans, but were later able to make something?
Why does progress not exist in Africa?
Why does ugliness and chaos spread when Africans spread?

>> No.5216837

Why are you such a racist piece of shit?

>> No.5216836

>There is only one resource cited in this thread and it's not even peer-reviewed.
The most cited resource in this thread was Africa.

>> No.5216838


>resorting to using x-ist label


>> No.5216839

And every other area with a sizeable black population.

>> No.5216840

Check your privilege, whitey.

>> No.5216841


Another reason to consider would be selective pressure for delayed gratification. Africa is full of climates where getting the most now is advantageous, while saving for winter is not. Temperate zones with winters, or seasons with lack of harvest, historically have bred smarter cultures. Any where a hunter/gatherer lifestyle is not enough, the human who saves and plan ahead wins.

However, intelligence is not simple. A person may make unwise decisions because of genetic/cultural tendency for instant gratification, but it does not mean they lack ability for problem solving, or speed of learning.

>> No.5216842

ITT: Blind hate and stupidity.

>> No.5216844

ITT: racists

>> No.5216847

>muh avoiding the issue
>muh resorting to name-calling
>muh truth hurts

>> No.5216851

there is no double blinded test to prove black people are dumber

you show me black neighborhoods
i show you black scientists

Also africa is backward due to lack of nutrition also. mind you thats not the sole reason

how can you have smart people if you dont have even have 2 meals a day

>> No.5216853

>how can you have smart people if you dont have even have 2 meals a day

How can you have 2 meals a day if you don't have smart people?

>> No.5216869

>sitting there with walermemmon like a boss

>> No.5216871

Nah I'm just generalizing. You should know something about that.

>> No.5216873

>i show you black scientists
Schools not run by blacks, not in black countries, affirmative action degrees, SHINING BEACON OF EQUALITY.

>> No.5216875

I don't know nuffin

>> No.5216876

That would explain this thread.

>> No.5216887
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It's a damn sad truth most of them were literally domesticated and very few good things come out of Africa. The fact that we have to re-invent a toilet for it to run without flowing water or an energy source just for them because they can be civilized is pretty messed up.

>> No.5216894


ITT: You just described Africa in a nutshell.

>> No.5216901

People are dumb due to nurture and not nature

>> No.5216902

>ITT: You just described humanity in a nutshell
You are not above or below any other man.

>> No.5216912


I didn't kill my parents only to be killed by my own kids if I live long enough through any number of other things leading to my pre-mature death. Kinda think that puts me one up because around here such things are highly shunned.

>> No.5216925

I love you.

>> No.5216931


to what are you alluding?

>> No.5216939
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>> No.5216953


makes you question the whole educational system.

>> No.5216982


>> No.5216984

the amount of buttmad black people (niggers) ITT is astonishing

>> No.5217097
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>> No.5217104

Actually it points to the idea that a teacher is not as fundamental to learning as conventional wisdom says they are. Here's about a similar experience in India, he's got a few vids if i remember.

>> No.5217107

forgot link, fuck


>> No.5217111

>bumping this thread

Fucking idiots...

>> No.5217114

Common confusion between science and technology.
Science is what parents teach to children, technology is what children teach to parents.

>> No.5217125

Watson is a jackass, though. Look it up. Man loves to say offensive shit that hasn't any serious justification.

>> No.5217138


I want to say environment but hell it looks like people already have an argument set up against it.

I thought environment because if black people (and I know you're stereotyping them, so lets take a stereotypical "nigger" for instance) see other black people acting a certain way (a way that may not advertise intelligence) like rappers and becoming successful for it, then they might be inclined to think that science and technology aren't important to them and that life is about other pursuits.

which can also explain why many african countries as you say, are "shitholes", I personally believe that they just live a different existence than you or I, one which we may look down upon. Truthfully it was us(white people) who fucked things up by buying them for slaves and giving them guns (leading to instances like darfur).

I still think environment plays a lot into it.

>> No.5217146

Mullatos perform better than black kids, actually as well as white kids.
The funny thing is it's true even when their adoptive parents were told they were 100% black. There is no action from environment possible here.

>> No.5217159

One can only assume that the butt-hurt rises from been an intellectually inferior being and confusing science with negative discrimination

Otherwise, how come I, for instance, don't feel bad in knowing that Asians are a few points ahead of us in avg. IQ
and wouldn't give a fuck if any of them told me "hey Caucasians are a few steps after us"..or whatever

lets call things as they are and learn to separate the science ...from emotions
This has nothing to do with the respect, love and equal opportunities they deserve, as human beings

>>>>>>>>>>> '..You wouldn't judge a fish for its ability to climb a tree.' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>> No.5217166

Also, to make it clear, they are not that far away from us in terms of >>>>>average intelligence<<<<
It's just that in a society,, a very few points can make a huge difference in terms of progress.


>> No.5217170

Actually, they perform better than white kids. Being mixed race is a genetic advantage.

>> No.5217171

think about it this way, as the human race emigrated to higher part of earth where the could find colder weather and with that slower animalia and by that they don't need to hunt anymore they have more food and become 'sedentary' and agriculture and so on.. now they have more free time to wonder and learn and question things instaid of just trying to survive like the african people still did by the time the "whites" started discovering this things and from this point on the scientific age begun and the white dominated not because they were white but because the emigrated to higher land and stumbled upon a better kind of living.

>> No.5217197


>convoluted explanation

Niggers are stupid is much simpler and fits all data.

>> No.5217213
File: 31 KB, 360x235, tribute to GWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for pointing this out! It was really a useful addition to the conversation!

Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Carver

Black scientist, invented 100 motherfuckin' products from peanuts as well as sweet-potato products, instant coffee, and after-dinner mints.


>> No.5217217

The reason why black people tend to have lower intelligence than white people is because when our forefathers moved out of Africa and explored the world (homo sapiens) they ran into neanderthals and mated with them. The result became white people and asians. Homo sapiens were less smart than neanderthals but had less of a problem reproducing. We whites are a result of a mix of neanderthals and homo sapiens.

>> No.5217218


>an outlier disproves your theory

sure is science in here.

>> No.5217228


Good question. Ask America how they do it.

>> No.5217236

You know what the real problem is OP?
That you fucking Americans stopped Hitler.

>> No.5217246

>Americans stopped Hitler
>not the Red Army


>> No.5217245

They're not.

Get back to /pol/, fucktard.

>> No.5217250

>They're not.
7/10, I lol'd.

>> No.5217255
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>bumping as well

>> No.5217259


You're right, one outlier doesn't prove that whites aren't smarter, but there's a famous black scientist I could name off the top of my head without having to look to google.

Now how's about you add your 2-cents that proves or disproves OP's statement instead of just pretending to be shmart by pointing out the problem with outliers? Or are you just a stupid nigglet and therefore supporting OP's original statement?

>> No.5217261

It is an objective fact they are
>While the existence of racial IQ gaps is well-documented and not subject to much dispute

>> No.5217266

>posting pics with links that can be hardly seen and verified

>> No.5217270

>Now how's about you add your 2-cents that proves or disproves OP's statement instead of just pretending to be shmart by pointing out the problem with outliers? Or are you just a stupid nigglet and therefore supporting OP's original statement?

Sure is false dichotomy up in here.

>> No.5217268

>but there's a famous black scientist I could name off the top of my head without having to look to google.

Can you name some famous white scientists?

We all can probably do 30.

>> No.5217280


I could, but I'd rather not :p

But seriously, part of that has to do with who was allowed in Universities at what time-point and who had access to experiments that would make them famous.

>> No.5217285
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Sorry, I'm a /b/tard in my spare-time so sometimes it carries over to other 4chan boards.

>> No.5217629
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>Why are black people dumber than white?

Are you sure they're dumber?

Or are you picking at the literal bottom of the barrel and unconsciously interpreting it as the top instead?

It's like saying all asians are smart but only having experience with those who immigrated from china or japan to american institutions. Never having the chance to meet with locals of their respective nations you would then surmise that all asians must be "this" smart or near it. While then surmising blacks/ africans are "this" dumb or around it simply because you can visually see african poverty in africa and black culture in america. But since you lack the drive to understand why they exist in the first place you simply categorize it as an issue with low intelligence.

And then when we finally see and talk about the affluent and intelligent blacks/ africans you simply brush them off as outliers to the equation, never once seriously questioning or exploring why they even have an abundance of existence in the first place.

This is as bad probably even worse than the whole math education issue in american schools right now. We know something is wrong yet we're going about it the wrong way.

And don't even throw that "IQ" bullshit since that is not only a poor interpretation of future success and academic totality. But also a inaccurate measure of intelligence since it only gauges purported "potential" and not one's ability to pull from that potential.

Seriously we have people measuring albert einstein's IQ as 160 despite him never taking the test. But then the explanation is we lol scan his brain and accrue it to that estimate, what a joke. I'm not even sure if /sci/ takes IQ in a serious concept anymore.

>> No.5217740


you just listed a bunch of food...

that is called culinary arts... not science. learn your fields...

also he made other things as an alternative to the commercial products that were being marketed to him and his fellow farmers. I'm willing to bet you would never use any of the products he "invented" for yourself. Its like putting a damn caster on a car and saying "I don't have to buy tires anymore"... Cheap ridiculous ALTERNATIVES are not inventions.

>> No.5217831 [DELETED] 
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Just the thought of Africa's current state given influences from other cultures compared to ANY other location and society is mind bogglingly hard to debate and defend against. We really don't need to get much more technical and scientify than that folks the shit is astrounding for their rich resource ladden lands and given black people typically show better physical attributes for labor especially doing labor.

It's 2012 why haven't they evolved past simple militaristic tribes yet still into an actual established nation? Because clearly it doesn't take a genius to point out over hundreds of examples why they are dumb as shit.

>> No.5217952
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Africa in it's current state left to it's own devices and external influence from other cultures and technology still remains in a mind boggling state. Just by simply comparing it to ANY other part of the world and culture one can simple deduce that they are stupid as shit naturally by design and will too. Which is a shame because they are physically adept people with resource richs lands there's no other logical explanation other than them being mentally stupid as shit.

>> No.5218046 [DELETED] 
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>It's 2012 why haven't they evolved past simple militaristic tribes yet still into an actual established nation?

Well first your use of the term "evolved" is dangerously close to "pokemon logic". The current environment seen still yields some productive advantage to nomad or tribal lifestyle.

Secondly some parts of africa have become established nations and strangely enough (or not) they are the same places that were originally centers of productivity in africa in years past. The obvious one is Egypt and the less obvious one is Nigeria which in the past was originally the Benin Empire, another one is Mali having several empires in the past with resounding interest and practice in math, astrology and art.

>> No.5218052

If every human at the beginning were black, would that mean they are less evolved?

>> No.5218100

they're not..

>> No.5218181
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Now you're just generalizing and the lack of critical thinking beyond the superficial is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

I'd tell you to look up some african history but you would probably not even entertain the thought of it. If you some how do still have a shred of open-mindedness to their history check up Benin and Mali Empire, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Nubia in general.



>> No.5218189

>that is called culinary arts... not science
Guess what guys, food chemistry isn't a science!
Make sure you call up Kraft, Nabisco, Cargill, Monsanto, and pretty much every food company ever and tell them about your brilliant deduction

>> No.5218632

>Geographically a great spot due to India-China trade
>Trade center as early as 2nd century
>Colonized by British in 1800s. Trade flourishes as it expands to Western nations
>Gets shit fucked in WW2, goes through rocky 20 year period
>Post-WW2 economy recovers only barely through material exports: rubber, tin.
>Independence gained in 1965, suffers from unemployment, a housing shortage and lack of education
>Government puts in place public programs for housing and makes investments to promote manufacturing
>Trade port means cheap material imports and efficient exports of refined goods (dat geographical advantage)
>Huge tax breaks for new foreign investors = success
>Trade comes roaring back.
>Other south-east Asian nations get in on manufacturing cheap goods for Western nations
>Singapore ahead of the pack, invests in education for a skilled workforce, shifts to high-tech manufacturing

sub-Saharan Africa. (It's a fucking continent so I'll have to generalize):
>Historically isolated from the rest of the 4 major civilizations in Europe/Asia. Tribes stay tribes.
>Europe reaches big dog status and Africa can't even be colonized due to natural factors such as malaria and yellow fever
Basically the opposite of the 2 factors that were so greatly beneficial to Singapore. Also relevant is the general lawlessness that allowed the brutal treatment of natives in early rushes for natural resources by outside nations/corporations.

tldr; Singapore vs Africa =/= Asians vs Africans. Apples and oranges, bro.

So now that I've explored your question >>5216793 I can conclude that this bullshit doesn't belong on /sci/. All you can do is point to statistics and guess at the reasons, either by considering historical influences, or assuming the statistical trends reflect inherent traits. It's not science.

>> No.5218688

You have got to be trolling. "you're" is "you are" and "your" describes something that you possess, something that is yours. This shit seemed to have annoyed my more than this obvious trolling OP is doing.