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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5215845 No.5215845 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not getting 8 hours of sleep every day and at least a 3.5 GPA, you're studying inefficiently.

>> No.5215852

3.2ish GPA, doing fine in classes, now. can't change the past. oh well.

>> No.5215876

implying you need to sleep 8 hours a day
implying that you need to spend that time studying to get a good gpa

>> No.5215877

Hey! I get 3 hours of sleep and have a 3.53 GPA. Looks like I'm right on the mark. Thanks Anon!

>> No.5215880

How much sleep did you get today, /sci/?

I got 6 hours

>> No.5215881

I meant 8. Woops

>> No.5215886
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also 2.5 GPA

>> No.5215893

slept 15 hours today, go to class once or twice a week, going to get all A's this semester, B's if i don't take the final

>> No.5215895

No source but I think that required sleep varies from person to person and that the 8-hour thing is bullshit. Then again you had no source for your statement either so I could you go:
No! Prrrfffft! You are wrong you big poopie-head!

>> No.5215898

6 hours and woke up hung over

>> No.5215899

Zero hours of sleep today. Had an exam and crammed. Feel like absolute horse shite.

>> No.5215906

>caring about exam results

Do you even philosophy?

>> No.5215910


Not following. My lack of sleep doesn't help.

>> No.5215911

>not joining the lower class master race and studying in your free time
stay pleb

>> No.5215918

You're not alone. I'm not sure I get it either.

Seems a little like he's being all edge and nihilistic.

>> No.5215924

this, master race reporting in.

>> No.5215930
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op here
You're right

http://health.ucsd.edu/news/2002/02_08_kripke.html (still no abstract/study)

>Increased Death Rate Associated
With Sleeping 8 Hours or More
>Although it’s a common belief that 8 hours of sleep is required for optimal health, a six-year study of more than one million adults ages 30 to 102 has shown that people who get only 6 to 7 hours a night have a lower death rate. Individuals who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 4 hours a night, were shown to have a significantly increased death rate compared to those who averaged 6 to 7 hours.

>> No.5215931

Hey, I get a 10 hours a night, have a 4.0 GPA through 4 years of school, and I graduate with EE degree this year.


>> No.5215951

> http://www.journalsleep.org/ViewAbstract.aspx?pid=27857
and given that the time to get to REM sleep is 90 minutes, so 90 minute-interval sleeps
> http://www.sleepforscience.com/stuff/contentmgr/files/8ed8b627e1f3848d6160a9c2a87f13b5/pdf/carskadon
around 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep is the ideal, imo

>> No.5215978

I hope you don't die of a heart attack D:
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/23/seven-hours--the-magic-number-for-slee
>More than 9 hrs/night increases your risk of cardiovascular disease by 50 percent

>> No.5215986

Also hormone balances. Anybody who've slept 12 hours+ knows that you generally feel like shit for some hours after you wake up.

>> No.5215992

Unless you're going for a master's, there is really no reason to bust your ass for anything other than a 3.2. If you can go higher without giving yourself an ulcer, great. If you're up nights trying to keep a 4.0, relax.

(If you ARE trying for a master's, though, you're going to need that 4.0, and internships, and extracurriculars, and volunteer experience, and a backup plan, because you probably still aren't going to get in.)

>> No.5215991

Anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
3.95 GPA as a college sophomore (community college, though).

>> No.5215994

I sleep way too much. My gpa is ok (slightly above 3.5) but I think it will drop after this semester.

>> No.5215995

I sleep 6 hours a night and have a 2.75 GPA. Step up plebs. (No I don't party, I'm just a piece of shit)

>> No.5215998

Thanks for reminding me that my lack of internships and research experience will make it impossible for me to get into grad school.

>> No.5216148

I initially meant to type 3.2 GPA but thought /sci/ was above that

>> No.5216162

4.0 GPA, I always aim for 8 hours of sleep a night. When I miss it, my abilities to concentrate and study are noticeably affected. Prolonged sleep deprivation turns me into a useless semi-conscious "sleep"-walker

>> No.5216195

>(If you ARE trying for a master's, though, you're going to need that 4.0, and internships, and extracurriculars, and volunteer experience, and a backup plan, because you probably still aren't going to get in.)

Or just actually know your subject well. It's quite effective.

>> No.5216206

Amphetamine addict here.

My sleep schedule consists of being up for 36-60 hours with minimal food intake, then sleeping for 12-18 hours and binging on food when I wake up.

>> No.5216408

6 hours of sleep a night, and i am a solid 4.0

>> No.5216414


been shooting for 8 lately, got sick during midterms, need to crush that shit.

also im in EE program, what about you guys?

>> No.5216420

~3.5 GPA, around 6 hours of sleep

But I never study until the night before the test, so that sure as hell isn't a factor in my grades

>> No.5216468
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Why does an object that falls off of a vehicle in motion travel backwards? If the vehicle's inertia is going forwards, and an object falls off, shouldn't it travel forward?

Example: a piece of luggage falls off a car traveling 70 km/h and the luggage travels backwards as it hits the street and bounces up multiple times.

pic unrelated

>> No.5216470

oops, meant to make a new thread

>> No.5216487

I sleep about 5 hours and 10 hours on Sundays. I have a 4.0, but I spend a lot more time doing things related to the three clubs that I'm on the executive board of than studying. I study a fair amount too, though.

And when markets are open, I'm on them Fidelities.

>> No.5216518

avg ~6hrs/day, 4.0 in major, 3.9 overall

>> No.5216531

but...it doesn't..

>> No.5217016


it only looks like it travels backwards from the vehicle because it looses so much energy and slows very fast. Same concept at sky diving and one person pulls their shoot, it looks like it pulls them up when in reality they have just slowed very quickly while you race by them.

>> No.5217043

False. I study one hour before each exam. 3.9 graduate math GPA. I sleep very little because of 4chan and video games.

>> No.5217094

>More than 9 hrs/night increases your risk of cardiovascular disease by 50 percent

I'm fucked, I love to get at least 10 hours of sleep, I'd sleep until I died of old age if I could.

>> No.5217271

I work 40 hours a week on top of school.

>> No.5217283

4.0 GPA here 5 hours of sleep during weekdays I limit myself to 9.5 max on weekends

>> No.5217284

I like getting 8.5 7x week but I cant do that anymore, Junior year aerospace is like fucking med-school

>> No.5217327

I know I study inefficiently. It's the way I do things and I don;t give a shit as long as my marks are good.

>> No.5217333

I'm a geosceince student and I sleep like a rock.

No really I'm so sleep deprived I actually found that funny.