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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5214227 No.5214227 [Reply] [Original]

>MFW People are depressingly stupid

Just look at how people reacted to hurricane sandy. Don't people realize you can just time the hurricane, cover all your houses in gasoline and set them on fire 3 minutes before the hurricane comes to even it out?

>B-but it is unconventional therefore it will never work

Just because something is unpopular does not mean it is false. By your logic smoking must be completely healthy. I hate you stupid shits. This is simple mathematics. FIRE EVAPORATES WATER, FACT.

>inb4 retards give me shit for being a freethinker

>> No.5214238
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>> No.5214241

>Just because something is unpopular does not mean it is false. By your logic smoking must be completely healthy.

For someone who claims to be smarter than most people you're not making a whole lot of sense.

>> No.5214251

Smoking is popular and also unhealthy.

He should have used something unpopular and correct but oh well, I got his point.

>> No.5214248
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This is simple mathematics. FIRE EVAPORATES WATER, FACT.

>mfw mathematics

>> No.5214260

It's clearly a shitty analogy, though. I figured it was something like that, but clearly this amazingly smart human being would not make such a trivial mistake.

>> No.5214263
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>Go outside seconds before a hurrrricane hits.
>Cover myself in gasoline and set myself on fire
>The hurricane is almost here so it will even out the fire and I will be a-okay
>Hurricane never comes
>I die

>> No.5214271
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>Just look at how people reacted to hurricane sandy. Don't people realize you can just time the hurricane, cover all your houses in gasoline and set them on fire 3 minutes before the hurricane comes to even it out?
seems legit

>> No.5214274

>>>inb4 retards give me shit for being a freethinker

free masons amirite

>> No.5214282
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>> No.5214281
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>MFW People are depressingly stupid

Some guy seriously recommended setting themselves on fire during a hurricane in order to "even it out"... whatever the hell that means.

>B-but simple mathematics states that fire evaporates water!

You couldn't evaporate a storm surge with a nuclear explosion, let alone a pissant gasoline fueled fire.

>inb4 OP is a retard.

>> No.5214287

>You couldn't evaporate a storm surge with a nuclear explosion, let alone a pissant gasoline fueled fire.


Do you know about chemistry, kid?

>> No.5214305


do you know how much water is in a storm surge?

A lot.

It takes more heat than a nuclear explosion to evaporate all of it. And that is even assuming the entire surge occured all in the same place at the same time. Part of the nature of storm surges is that they cover a wide area so even if you could use a nuke to vaporize all of the water in one area, it would leave others untouched.

>> No.5214314


Get out. >>>/reddit/

>> No.5214316
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There's no reason to get frustrated. We all make mistakes.

>> No.5214318
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This whole thread.

>> No.5214319


yeah but then the storn would get this type of cyclical nature with the fuel just adding more heat and dihydrogen monoxide particulantes

>> No.5214349
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A hurricane is a perfect cover for an insurance fraud.

>> No.5214410

>implying insurance companies pay for acts of God

>> No.5214695
File: 19 KB, 240x249, alankeyes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
