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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5206426 No.5206426 [Reply] [Original]

Well /sci/, I've fucked my life over.

I am a first year engineering student at a high-ranking eastern university in the United States. I am here on full academic scholarship. Currently, I am failing an introductory Chemistry class (the grade I achieved on the first exam was abysmal), and I my performance in Calculus 1 is mediocre at best. I have consulted the help of experts and professionals, but my performance has not shown significant improvement. Furthermore, I am receiving extremely low marks in my English Rhetoric course.

I feel completely overwhelmed at the moment, and my entire existence has becoming nothing but an attempt to succeed in my coursework. I get four hours of sleep, and the only times I stop studying and leave my room are to eat dinner.

The goal of anyone's life should be to achieve maximum utility to the society one lives in, and so far, I am failing miserably at this. Should I fail any of these classes, (or even achieve sub B, for that matter), I will have no choice but to drop out of college. Unable to better society through science & engineering, I would therefore be a drag and waste of Earth's resources. This is a proposition I will not accept.

As such, a possible solution I've noted is to commit suicide; a proposition that my girlfriend of three years expresses disagreement with. Is there something I have overlooked? I am willing to reconsider my course of action should there be another alternative, but as of this moment, I can see none other than dedication to self-elected eradication. My life is over.

>pic related: a vehicle designed by minds far superior to my own

>> No.5206433

assuming you're telling the truth about 4 hours of sleep, that means you're simply incapable of studying properly. Which the anecdote of no improvement with tutors would suggest as well.

Just to test this theory: were you one of those kids that breezed through high school on brilliance alone and never (had to) bother to study for a test or exam?

>> No.5206437


What are the most proven-effective study methods, /sci/? I welcome your wisdom with open arms.

>> No.5206449

What this guy said.

And really, there is no universally-proven study method out there. Sure, there are some good ones, but I've personally tried what has worked for other people and failed miserably.

I'm in the same boat as you are right now minus the scholarship.

>> No.5206450
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No, I struggled with mathematics and I would spend hours studying and doing practice problems. My marks in highschool were high, but I would never consider getting them easy. I worked through every course, and managed to retain a high GPA when applying for college.

>> No.5206452

Impossible to say. I'd suggest going to whatever passes as a proctor over there (staff member assigned to mentoring and guiding students in their studies) and figure it out there.

Most important (general) things are (in order of importance): sleep, going to class, reviewing notes, preparing in advance, emotional balance, healthy lifestyle.

But seriously, go see the student councillor or whatever they're called. They are trained/experienced in cases like this. You're far from the first to have difficulties like these.

>> No.5206459


Yeah, you just need to learn to study. How many credits are you taking? Are you even working? I find it hard to believe you can only get 4 hours of sleep a night because of studying and still fail tests. I'm doing 20 credits right now, Calc III, electromagnetic physics, civil engineering statics and mechanics, a speech class, and a global issues course, work 15 hours a week at arbys, and still manage to study and get near perfects on all tests I take. And I still yet read, watch tv, go see movies, etc, constantly, every night

Stop playing so many video games. To study, I watch online lectures, do questions not assigned in class, find good resources on the internet for help. This is one of my personal favorites for math, it saved my life in differential equations + linear algebra


Just practice this stuff.

>> No.5206461

How do you learn? Meaning, when you hear something, does it help to construct an image in your head? 'Cuz that's the only way I can relate to any form of studying, and honestly, my study habits are still somewhat lackluster.

>> No.5206474


I'm taking 20 credit hours as well, and I work two jobs; one to support my family, and the other is a undergraduate research position with the university. I don't play video games.

I know I could have done things differently, but now, I feel like it's too late. It's almost november, and there's no possible way I can ever recover; I'm a failure, now.

>> No.5206476


I have to say, your grammar and sentence structure is excellent and it's obvious you have put a lot of thought and effort into it, well done. The bad news is it sounds like you are intellectually impaired. The only thing I can consider suggesting is to stop being such a retard. You have to forget what it is to be dumb and begin thinking fun. If you think fun long enough and you manage to think of some consistent interesting stuff then you can call yourself a fun scientist. If however you don't think of something smart but you're still having fun then you're having fun so you should stop worrying and continue your life of ignorance as a happy retard.

>> No.5206478


How are you doing research as an undergrad before you know the first thing about engineering?

>> No.5206484

Translation: You seem intelligent enough to create a coherent statement, therefore you are already a cut above the raging masses, so have fun first, and the rest should come naturally. What this gent missed was the two jobs part. To me, that isn't something you should be made to do while in school; see if you can get a student loan to take care of that. Sure, you'll make it through with some debt, but at least you'll make it through.

>> No.5206485

Well, it looks like the advice has been taken care of, so now it's time to question. How in the hell do you get into a top ranking school and can't handle calc I, which isn't even real math, and fail an introductory chemistry course? I took 2 college-level chemistry courses in high school, baby-calc I, introductory mechanics and electricity and magnetism. Outside of the sciences I took two courses in composition, two in literature and poetry and some non-sense over international politics. The only courses that have ever caused me to work harder in high school than college are my math courses. I smell a liar.

>> No.5206486


Go through your lecture notes and practice problems line by line. Fill in every single blank worked problems leave out and leave yourself able to fully complete any question within your module without referring to notes.

Complete a worked example with steps
Complete it without steps and have quick glances at notes to refresh memory
Come back later and complete with zero notes.

You have to make sure you fully understand every aspect of your material.

>> No.5206487
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thanks for that image.

i could spend the rest of my life learning about apollo and the saturn 5. i wish they would put all the documentation and recordings and films online, but i know they won't.

>> No.5206492


This is where my response is going to border on the paranoid side.

I'm afraid to incur debt to any organization, especially the government. I would much rather die on my own terms than know that, no matter what, I'm indebted to a power that can kill me at any time they wish.

The research position was offered after events that transpired this summer involving patent rights and a defense contractor, and I'm working the other job to support my grandmother (whom I used to live with), who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. I, along with my aunt, work to support her home medical costs.

>> No.5206497

OP, your mindset seems to be a product of our demanding society.

If you truly enjoy studying something, do it. You don't need to be superior. If you do, your mind is in it for the wrong reasons.

I study the sciences because I am hedonistic. Despite my limited IQ, I still take solace in the things I am able to understand.

If everyone contributed to society to the extreme that you desire, we'd be able to derive the formula of the universe and potentially travel interstellar space (not guaranteeing it's even possible) perhaps within a few generations. When it gets to that point, won't you be asking "now what?"

I think this has more to do with your ego than your desire to learn. Pick up a textbook and think about a concept for as long as you wish until it hits your intuition base. Bask in the knowledge. You're here to please yourself, not others.

>> No.5206498

do you have any friends?

I am certain that, as I am, trying to do school without any friends to help me study will end in failure because I am incompetent and disorganized.

Remember, I am pretty sure that those space capsules were not designed by a single person, but by a team of people, who each designed a specific component, then decided how to put it all together in a conference or something.

That's why recently I changed my studying to focusing on improving my social skills, but I haven't been very successful.
> committing suicide
would be very stupid if you have anyone who cares about you, I would have just stopped trying to learn from school and just read a lot of books, try to find friends who I could ask questions about things to.

If you end up unable to provide the food you need to live suicide might be the best solution because you would die a slow death anyways... but until then life is possible.

>> No.5206508

Welp, there's your problem; you're as paranoid as I am. In that case you would have to amass enough money to pay for the entirety of your course including excess expenses during that time, plus live cheaply. This world is fucked, isn't it? When any given intelligent student might be too intelligent in some way to as their governing body for a loan. I digress....

>> No.5206509

OP, I'm not agreeing with you, but I -sort of- see your logic. Kind of.

We live in a world with TOO MANY people. We aren't expanding into space fast enough, so the issue that is going to arise is that people will have to be eventually killed off to conserve resources. Naturally, the people who won't be killed off must be important, like scientists, doctors and engineers.

What a depressing way to think about things, man.

>> No.5206505

Fuck the world dude. Do what makes YOU happy. Nobody asked you to save the world.

>> No.5206514

That depends on what kind of course you're studying for. Being in a STEM field, I assume most of your marks come from exams. I only had 1 course in first year engg that didn't place an overwhelming majority of marks on the midterm and the final.

Ideally, you want to understand the course material but that's often a difficult proposition given the heavy courseload. The next best thing to do is cram. Cram as in studying obsessively for the exams a few days, maybe even a week before it's held. You re-do all the quizzes, homework and practice problems you've dealt with thus far in the semester, plus any practice exams the instructor hands out. Many of them should have solutions to check your work with. If you still fail miserably at that, just memorize ALL types of problems you've encountered and the procedures to complete every single one of them. This takes time, and like I said, you've got to cram several days in advance for everything to sink in.

You can always drop out and don't pay a cent, unlike all the people who didn't get a full-ride scholarship. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much. From what I read, you gave it your best, even if your efforts may be misguided. You'll learn from this and choose your major more carefully next time.

>> No.5206516


You are fucking retarded. "Do what YOU want to do!" is the reason for every atrocity and failure in human history.

The reason our world is so fucked up is because people did the things they wanted to do, instead of the things they should have done.

>> No.5206523
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>this whole thread

>> No.5206521

I feel for OP in this one, too. Similar mindset and aptitudes, even. Oh, hey, probably the wisest thing I've heard anyone say to me at University. The greatest tool you can have is someone in the same class, whether they're retarded or the reincarnation of Einstein. Any eye, trained or untrained, will see something in your work that you would've missed. Group study is the way to go if you can get into it.

>> No.5206524

Or, if you're really desperate, ask the social rejects here to test you on whatever the hell you want. I'm sure someone here could dig up questions to test yourself on.

>> No.5206529
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>Unable to better society through science & engineering, I would therefore be a drag and waste of Earth's resources.

I see you, troll

>> No.5206527


>tfw you will never contribute anything great to society
>tfw not even a useful convenience
>tfw unable to do something intellectually significant, the highest human calling you can do is breed, thus fucking humanity over even more

>tfw I was having a great day, but now I know that suicide is the greatest thing I can accomplish

>> No.5206530

OP, kill yourself if you want to, see if I care.

But do NOT think you are doing that for society's good.
Society (parents, state, teachers and so on) have spend HUGE resources to feed you and educate you from the year you were born.
Throwing it away is denying it the return on investment it made.
So you're not good at engineering? Well guess what, most people aren't. That doesn't mean you can't be productive.
Even a minimum wage job moving crates is pretty fucking productive. If you care about the good of society, finish your year and if you fail do something useful.
How to know if something is useful? If somebody is willing to pay you for it.

>> No.5206536

>having a great day
No offense, but you're more depressing than the last shit I took, and that was a rather abysmal turd.

Hey! Finally someone who can put the thoughts in my head in order! If you can't be an engineer, you can feed the engineers at McDonalds.

>> No.5206541

I know that feel OP.

Math Major here, so far i've gotten all B's.

I'm no where near genius level, i can't even memorize equations like most of the students do. I'm just some below average pleb with a bad memory at that.

Do i have a chance in the upper level courses /sci/?

>> No.5206546


Don't listen to their drabble, OP. I am sure that they are near-illiterate, nontechnical trash.

If you cannot perform in the sciences, then you are humanities-tier garbage. The furthering of technology is the sole reason for humanity's existence; prove me wrong.

>> No.5206549


I doubled in Math and Econ and my classes definitely got easier and more interesting as I progressed in school. Calculus was gay. Set theory and operations research? Nice.

>> No.5206551

Don't look for pity here.

You made the mess, you deal with it.

>> No.5206553


>> No.5206559

I know that feel, OP.

I made a C- on my Cal II midterm, and for weeks, I've felt like I've killed someone.

That's what it feels like: I have done something morally wrong, and there's no way I can go BACK and correct it.

>all I want is to be happy, like my humanities friends. I want to enjoy life. I want to live without a constant fear of failure

>> No.5206564

nah man humans exist so that they can further the exploration and find new lands.

now we need technology so we can do more exploring.
actually the end goal is science.
actually humanity only exists because it does and it would die out without technology but that does not mean it needs to further technology in order to continue to exist.

>> No.5206569


>humanity not needed technology to exist


>> No.5206574

I'm about done with OP, too.

Final opinion: you've put yourself into a financial corner that leaves you unable to properly tend to your studies, partly due to lack of sleep to compensate for said negligence. You want to better the world? Take a chance on your government. You seem intelligent, so I'll put it into strict logical terms. If you don't take the "risk" of a student loan, then you can never fulfill yourself. If you take a risk and it bites you, then the outcome would be the same as failing your studies miserably and thus not contributing to society.

>> No.5206576
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>does not mean it needs to further technology in order to continue to exist

[citation needed]

>> No.5206590

Damnit, I want to paraphrase myself as usual.

IF student loan succeeds, THEN you have nothing to worry about.

IF student loan fails, THEN you, in your mind contribute nothing to society.

IF you don't get a student loan and continue to fail in your studies, THEN you, in your mind, contribute nothing to society.

THEN (failed loan) = THEN (doing nothing) with the exception that doing nothing guarantees failure.

>> No.5206591

>4 hours of sleep
If you're anything like me, this is a bad idea. Staying awake to study longer only means I can't pay attention during lecture, which means I need to study even more. I've made the mistake before during semesters with heavy class loads, and it's cost me greatly.

>> No.5206585
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This thread is confusing.

I thought /sci/ WANTED non-technical people to an hero...?

>> No.5206595

Anyway, OP, you've had my attention on 4Chan longer than anyone else ever has. Have some Neil Young:


>> No.5206598
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>using IFTHEN statements when dealing with suicide

This is why I love the inhumanities.
Never change, /sci/

>> No.5206608

It's my decision-making model for almost everything, and that's including life-or-death situations. If you'd like, I can optimize a function which leads to the lowest mortality rate given the variables before me.

>> No.5206609
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>a proposition that my girlfriend of three years expresses disagreement with.


I know who you are, and I believe you know who I am.

Don't do this to her. Go see her. Tonight. Right now. Why didn't you tell any of us you were feeling like this? Goddamn, man.

You seemed like the most cool and collected guy I, hell, any of us knew.

>> No.5206610

OP, even if you do become an engineer you'll be sitting in a cubicle your whole life designing desks or some shit like that.
You have nothing to prove to anyone. Drop out and do something you know you'll enjoy and be good at.

>> No.5206616

Is that OP's gf?
Don't kill yourself bro, you have a qt gf.

>> No.5206621

what's her number, i would like to hook up with her after you off yourself.

>> No.5206628
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Now that's cold.

>> No.5206637

>>5206609 here

if it counts any, (and if this is who I think it is; the situation sounds identical) I can vouch for OP.

He's dedicated as fuck, is the nicest guy I know, and he even spent the summer doing secret shit with some defence company (Aerojet, I think?)

Chill the fuck out, man. It's freshman year. I don't know about engineering exactly, but if its like most things, no one gives a fuck if you made a C on something this semester. Calm down.

>> No.5206648


She looks sweet, OP. :(

>> No.5206651

"Oh, I know you! You're that guy on /sci/ who told my bf to kill himself! Sure, you can come over to my place for a bit."

>> No.5206653
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Slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dowwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

I'm in essentially the same boat as you OP. Got into a great school finally after 2 years of community college, and then my first semester went disastrously.

I'm on track to fail 4/5 classes. On top of that MY girlfriend of 3 years dumped me (even though, after 3 years long distance, I have finally arrived at the same school as her).

And suicide? The word hasn't crossed my mind nigga!

I'm going to go home, cool off, do some independent study and relax for a few months. Then I'm coming back next semester for another try-- signing up for easier classes this time.

It's easy to fly off track. Life throws shit at you sometimes, but it won't ever stop.

You'll be a 45 year old man with two kids to feed and your wife will leave you out of nowhere and take everything you have... and you still have to put a smile on your face and walk into work like nothing happened.

Life is neither easy nor hard. It oscillates between these things to varying extents for different people.

You don't have it as bad as you think. Life gives you second chances for this kind of thing.

Take a time out, collect your thoughts, look at what else might be bothering you in life (ex: low self esteem, lack of friends, financial problems etc), talk to advisers and figure out what you have to do.

If that means coming back home to do a semester or two of community college, so be it! That's a hell of a lot better than death!

If it means you have to take out a loan to cover yourself while you try and get a scholarship again, so be it!

And stop getting carried away with this idea of needing to be a brilliant scientist/engineer. That conception will only leave you feeling inadequate all the time.

Try accepting the fact that, after working your ass off, you'll be a solid engineer, and a damn good human being.

Good luck bud, roll with them punches.

>> No.5206661

when will you accept the fact that most woman are whores. she's probably cheating on him now for big black jim.

>> No.5206671

>look at me, i always sage because i'm so edgy

>> No.5206669
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>> No.5206679

>full ride to major university
>bouts of paranoia/schizophrenia
>shady business with a defense contractor
>thinks suicide is better than the alternative

....oh shit. OP made a deal with the devil, and now, he can't repay it.

Suicide actually is the better alternative here.

>> No.5206688

this thread doesn't belong on /sci/, nor is my post worthy of bumping this thread. It's called being polite.

>> No.5206692
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Let me make sure I got this:

1) OP is involved (we don't know how) with a defense contractor.

2) Because of whatever OP did, he was offered a full ride in exchange for an engineering degree. (most likely so he can come work for said company)

3. OP now thinks he will not be able to meet that goal.

4. Defense company begins pressing down on OP

5. OP is pressured into suicide out of fear.

>> No.5206719

You could always change your major man.

>> No.5206722
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Hey, dudes.

I do not think that anything that is going on here is the express fault of the AEROJET™ Corporation or any of it's affiliate sub contracting companies. I think we should stop talking about the AEROJET™ Corporation or it's affiliate companies. Lets talk about cool science viral videos instead.

Thank you, cool science dudes.

>> No.5206765
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>> No.5206822

>The goal of anyone's life should be to achieve maximum utility to the society one lives in

Why would you shackle yourself to this hellish ideology.
Stop thinking like this, and you will be a better person.
When you are making knockoff generic drugs, some unknown element for the next-fucking-generation of smartphones, or one of a million other banal-ass things that you can (and probably will do) with whatever degree you get, you will continue to hate your life.
So forestall that shit right now, and stop thinking like that.

>> No.5206835

This thread belongs in /adv/.
It has nothing to do with science.
It's just a guy asking for advice about college.

>> No.5206838

You need to get at least 8 hours straight of sleep each day. 4 hours is just bad for your memory and thinking, OP.

Read http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/05/how-to-become-an-early-riser/ to learn hot to get your sleeping time normal.

and another link for more info about sleep - http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=126977823

>> No.5206844


I also have a "The Better Brain Book" by David Perlmutter here. I could type up some things he has to say about sleep and its effects on the brain here if you like.

>> No.5206936

yes, please do

>> No.5206958

>giving a kid on a full scholarship to a top university study advice


>> No.5207022

I was going to take some pictures but the camera was pawned earlier today. Now that I read the section in the book again I realize a lot of it is anecdotal and doesn't really have a lot of substance. A site has the whole thing hosted. Just c+p some of this in google.

Chapter 7: Change Your Lifestyle, Change Your Brain

skipping the story, except for:
>I told Elizabeth a bit about how free radicals were beginning to overwhelm her brain’s antioxidant defense system and how those energy-producing mitochondria in her brain cells were starting to slow down. I explained to her how the shortage of energy in her brain cells could make it harder for her to learn new things or concentrate, and how lack of sleep and constant stress could eat away at her brain cells by not giving her brain any time off for rest or repair.

>> No.5207038

>If you’re not getting between seven and eight hours of sleep most nights, you are probably not performing at your mental peak, and you are putting the health of your brain at risk. According to a 2002 poll taken by the National Sleep Foundation, fewer and fewer people these days get the seven to eight hours of sleep a night required for optimal mental and physical performance. On average, we sleep 20 percent less than we did one hundred years ago, when nine and a half hours sleep a night was the norm. These were the days before electric lights made it possible to ignore the dark, or when restaurants served patrons 24 hours a day and late-night talk shows ruled the airwaves.

>Although we choose to sleep less, it doesn’t mean that we are making the right choice. Chronically sleep-deprived people may not feel particularly tired, yet they often experience deficits in cognitive function. Even a mild sleep deficit—getting six hours of sleep for a few nights instead of eight hours—can cause notable declines in reaction time and performance on standard mental function tests. What are the signs of sleep deprivation? If you are sleep deprived, you’ll have a more difficult time learning a new task, you will find it harder to juggle several tasks simultaneously, and in sum, you will not be working up to your full potential.

>> No.5207041

>Missing sleep doesn’t just make you feel lousy, it can cause long-term damage to your brain cells. Sleep is not a luxury; it serves an important purpose. Most systems wind down while we are sleeping, giving the body time to rest and refuel. As the body shifts into low gear, heart rate and blood pressure drop, and metabolism slows down. Sleep is a time when our cells can concentrate on repairing themselves and making new cells. For your brain, this is a particularly important time. While you are sleeping, levels of neurotransmitters (the chemicals that help you think, remember, and maintain a good mood) are normalized, and energy pro-duction by neurons is slowed down so that your brain cells can clean out waste products (like free radicals) that can accumulate in the brain. If you don’t get enough sleep, this vital repair work will not get done.

>Sleep is also a time when your brain processes information. You know the old expression “I’m going to sleep on it”? Some studies suggest that sleeping—or actually dreaming—may be a time when people subconsciously solve problems, which may enhance the ability to learn new material.

>> No.5207049

Losing even one night’s sleep has a marked physiological effect on the body. The disease-fighting cells of your immune system are weakened, leaving you more vulnerable to infection. Your body pumps out higher levels of stress hormones, which cause a spike in blood sugar levels. In fact, a recent study suggests that healthy young people who get less than six and a half hours of sleep a night were at greater risk of insulin resistance, a prediabetic condition, as compared to people their age who got between seven and a half and eight and a half hours of sleep a night. This is particularly alarming because diabetes can accelerate brain aging and make you more vulnerable to neurological disease. Lack of sleep is also linked to mood disorders such as depression, irritability, and anxiety.

and from here it addresses some problems people have with going to sleep; some solutions if you're having trouble sleeping, etc.

>> No.5207058

The only one that doesn't have as commonly known info
>Natural Solutions.
>Some herbal teas have natural sedative properties— they’ll make you sleepy without making you feel drugged, and unlike sleeping pills, they are nonaddictive. Try drinking a cup of chamomile, skullcap, lemon balm, or passionflower tea before bedtime. (If you have a ragweed allergy, skip the herbal tea.) Melatonin, a hormone sold over the counter in health food stores and pharmacies, can help reestablish normal sleeping patterns. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a pea-sized structure embedded deep within our brains. It is the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. As we age, our production of melatonin declines, which many scientists believe is the reason why sleep disorders are so common among the elderly. Try taking 3–9 milligrams of melatonin an hour before bedtime. Start with the lower dose, and if it doesn’t work, take an additional 3 milligrams, and if you still need more, take another 3 milligrams until you reach your total of 9 milligrams. After a few nights, your own natural sleep cycle may be restored, and you may only need to use it on occasion. I have found that melatonin is particularly good for women in midlife who are suffering from sleep disturbances due to menopausal symptoms. Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant. I recommend it to patients with Alzheimer’s disease because they often have disrupted sleep patterns, and are typically deficient in this hormone.

>> No.5207063
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Man up.

>> No.5207076

>that face when I like hearing engineering failure stories to validate my own worth

>> No.5207094

Military is piss easy you just have to hold a gun and shoot. It requires zero intelligence and no bravery, just ignorance in thinking that what you are doing is 'good'.

>> No.5207097

Holy shit OP.

You are me.
>four hours of sleep
>leave my apartment only to go to class or have dinner
>pushed everyone out of my life
>not doing as well as i'd hoped in biophysics class because i'm so overwhelmed by everything else

I'm not doing that poorly yet, but I figure that if I ever start flunking out, I'm just going to end it all because I fucked up so much shit for all tis.

OP, your life isn't over. You are in first year. You'll be okay. At least you have a loving family and a girlfriend to support you through the tough times. You'll be fine.
>or maybe you just picked the wrong major and should go back to liberal arts you faggot

>> No.5207141
File: 183 KB, 214x200, 1351123434068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you know what you're talking about...

>> No.5207153
File: 251 KB, 1190x906, You won kiddo!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the only way to find out for sure is to join it. But since you're always right, I guess that's not needed.

>> No.5207155

Look, OP, I haven't read all of this thread, but I have a story of a similar situation. Back in that time I was getting fucked in the same manner you describe. I was suicidal as well. But I also had a friend, who I considered to be the most intelligent person I have ever known (always got the highest marks, never got any sleep, even went through tough shit like his mom dying). This guy, who I would have considered to be better than me in every way, killed himself. I didn't. That experienced badly shook me out of it. Not just because of all the lives that are affected that you may not necessarily know of, but because it is never the end. I got my shit back together the next semester and things have been pretty good since. I'm not promising that it's going to be a happy fucking story, but what I am saying is that it definitely won't be if you just give up. Take a semester off if you need to. Go on a vacation or something. I'm not kidding. Take some time away from the hellhole that you say is your current life, get your mind back in a calm state, then work your way back into it. This can all be done over the course of that time you should take off. You have to be your own advocate, choose which path for yourself: life or death. It's the candid reality you face. No one here or anywhere can make you anything. But I can tell you, not a single damn day goes by where I don't wish my friend had taken the other path.

>> No.5207167

This is really good advice, and I personally appreciate it.

But it may or may not be viable for OP to take a year off. I know for me, personally, it's not viable. I do have a few places I want to go to, people I want to visit, but I can't take the time off and I certainly can't afford to lose my funding.

I mean, if I took next year off, I'd pretty much have to take the rest of my life off. So... maybe if I ever feel like I'm nearing the end, I'll do that. Sorry, dude. It's just not a feasible option to take off a semester for some. Especially if OP has Nazis for parents.

>> No.5207209

Indeed, and I understand. The main point I do want to make is that a decision should be informed and well thought out. My way of doing that would be to take time off.

For what it's worth, I personally have never and will never judge a man on suicide, for he and he only hold ought hold his life in his hand. All I can hope you will do is consider the ramifications.

>> No.5207243

OP, you seem like a smart kid, but you aren't letting yourself learn and you're putting too much unnecessary pressure on yourself.
You need to chill the fuck out. It isn't the end of the world.
Like everyone else has said in this thread before, you need some fucking sleep.
Go to bed tonight, turn off your alarm clock and just sleep. Then wake up, eat a nice breakfast, go for a walk, clear your head, meditate (search for a youtube video if you don't know how, I'd suggest breathing exercises for a noob), go back home, look at all the work you need to do, organize it, figure out your priorities based on due dates/exams, and take it one step at a time, relaxed and focused.

>> No.5207254


>> No.5207258

Maybe you should of spent your time in high school getting ready for classes in a high rank university.

You didn't get a full ride because you're smart and talented, you got it because of other pointless crap. Have fun with your business degree, phaggot.

tl;dr give the full rides to people who can do more than simple geometry and english on the ACT

>> No.5207271

Smells like buttmad