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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5193575 No.5193575 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, first year college student here, and I'm going to state now, yes I see that link at the top with all the books.
But I need help figuring the ones I would need to look at.
So, my college currently has me in Beginning Algebra (grade 9 stuff?) because my highschool was stupid and skipped so much of the book, I might as well have not learned it.
I'm looking to become an Engineer, either Computer, or Mechanical, and I've been told I need to get through at least calculus 2.
I'm looking to be able to get a good way of basically zooming through it as fast as I can possibly handle.

Heres how my school has me set up for the next like, 3 years.

MTH 60
Introductory Algebra- 1st Term
MTH 65
Introductory Algebra-2nd Term
MTH 95
Intermediate Algebra
MTH 111
College Algebra
MTH 112
Elementary Functions
MTH 251
Calculus I
MTH 252
Calculus II
MTH 253
Calculus III
MTH 254
Vector Calculus I
MTH 256
Differential Equations
And maybe a few more, I believe they have engineering specific math classes.
I'm just worried about getting to Calculus as quickly as I can, can you guys help me out here?

>> No.5193603

>"I'm going to become an engineer!"
>college recommends two years of babby algebra


>> No.5193620


>he nigged when he should've nogged

>> No.5193618

Is the image correct? I've never seen that way of doing multiplication. Is it only applicable if the numbers are in the same range?

>> No.5193626

khanacademy is a perfectly fine way to get caught up on some problem areas you'll undoubtedly have, given your story up there.

>> No.5193627

That is probably the best answer I have gotten from 4chan, ever.
Thank you very much anon, and its just the fault of my high school, skipped the last half of algebra and just went on, and because I failed the algebra on the placement test, they require you go through it one class at a time, without skipping unless I can challenge the class.

>> No.5193628

>I've been told I need to get through at least calculus 2
It's way more than that (unless you meant CS that only needs calc II)

Standard ABET minimum math course requirement for Computer Engineering:
Calculus I: Integration
Calculus II: Series and change of coordinates
Vector Calculus: Greens/Stroke/Divergence Theorems
Linear/Matrix Algebra
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Fourier Analysis: Complex Fourier series and transform, Laplace and Z Transforms, Linear System, Functional Analysis
Probability and Stochastic Processes
Discrete Math: Graph Theory, Number Theory, Abstract Algebra, Combinatorics, Cryptography, Set Theory, and Mathematical Logic
Algorithms and Data Structures

And then there are (math) technical electives on top

>> No.5193633


Most CE programs stop at ODEs yo

>> No.5193641

Believe my uni skips PDEs, but you do Stochastic, Discrete, Algorithms, etc for sure.

>> No.5193647

No, they are all require to have Discrete and Probability courses (usually taught in their department).

Though PDEs and Fourier Analysis are occasionally merged into a select topics relevant to CE/EE course.

>> No.5193652

Well I'm starting in a Community College, and their highest math class is
MTH 261
Applied Linear Algebra I
Why do they stop at the first part of a class is my fucking question.

>> No.5193667


as long as a*b<100 it works for all (100-a)(100-b)

>> No.5193676

So, with khanacademy.org, with my list of math, I'm looking at all the fucking videos, I... have to guess some of them are repeats?... there are 700 algebra videos...

>> No.5193684

You better get started.

Pick the ones you want to learn about.

>> No.5193686

Yeah, guy does 6 or 7 videos with different examples. I'd go to the exercises section, start at the babby tier and work your way down til you run into a problem, then brush up on that topic.

>> No.5193689

Thanks for the advice, I really don't know anything about the site.

>> No.5193697

No worries. Good luck with it, can be tough to get caught back up to where you should be. Had to go through something similar when I hit calculus and realized my algebra teachers in high school failed to mention fucking logarithms

>> No.5193698

Get your shit together and learn algebra/trig. It should take you two weeks tops. Watch PatrickJMT videos and do a bunch of problems. After that you should be able to learn calculus. You absolutely should not take those remedial courses in college. Learn your shit and then re-take whatever placement tests would get you into calc.

>> No.5193710

That was my plan

>> No.5193718
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>Khan Academy
>Useful for anything but high school math

seriously though, it's not even good for that.

>> No.5193740

>Vector calculus
>Vector spaces
>high school

Nice e-peen

>> No.5193753

american detected

>> No.5193760

What kind of shitty school are you going to? calc I is 252?
Here calc is 151 and calc II is 152. pretty much everyone takes calc I first semester, some take calc II.

>> No.5193878

>implying course numbers MEAN ANYTHING outside of that university

After all, the hard math course in the country is only 55

>> No.5194335

I'm just gonna sage my own thread, but would like to point out, this site seems to be very effective.
Over the last 2 hours, I've covered chapters 3 - 9 in my course book, and thats technically 2 terms of work, because 1-5 is term 1, and 6-10 is term 2.

>> No.5194375

I apologize for bringing this back from the dead, I'm wondering how quickly you think I could get through to Calculus, not just TOO it, but either a good amount into it, or THROUGH it.

I ask because I got through Algebra in 2 hours, and from what I've been told, you learn very little very slowly in math through school.

But if I can do something like test into calc 2, I could avoid say... 2 years of just math schooling.

To give you an idea, I have...about a month and a half to get as far as I can.

>> No.5194379
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>starting at MTH 60

Jesus christ, it's like you literally stopped taking math classes after 7th grade

>> No.5194442

Whats sad, almost everyone in the calc 2 class says they started in math 60.

>> No.5194448

i'm doing fine in calc 1 and took like 2 math classes in high school half a decade ago
op should have just sacked up and started at MTH 252

>> No.5194452

Dafuq? I'm in a mid-tier uni and we're doing diff eqs about 2 months into first year

You have absolutely no hope of being an engineer without solid math. Derivatives? It's right there at the beginning of your textbook (or at least it should be - unless your course is as retarded as your math courses). Integrals, DiffEq - well, I've had it in my 2nd chapter, which came about 1 hour into course (doing EE, but CE has similar beginnings, and while EE has way harder maths I doubt that MEng is so ridiculousy easy either).
>also, where the fuck are math courses supplementing CS, such as discrete maths etc?

You really need to cover this shit on your own, way faster than in your retarded plan. Otherwise there is little point

>> No.5194467

>not dual enrollment

>> No.5194468

you learn all of that over 3 years or 1 year?

>> No.5194474

I've covering it on my own right now, though now that I'm done with 60/65, as thats what my book covered and I could easily cover what was in the book on the site.
I'm not completely sure what to do for intermediate Algebra.

>> No.5194506

You've got the internet AND you can speak english - so what is the problem? You've got basically an infinite number of sources to learn from a few clicks away. Books, video courses, tons of example problems with solutions, forums dedicated to math...

Heck, I'm learning circuit theory from MIT OCW because my teacher sucks at explaining things and my book isn't much more helpful - and I live on a different side of the pond.

>> No.5195098


eh, khan academy is a great "supplement", but the material he covers if fairly basic, superficial even, and definitely not as in-depth as an actual math class

>> No.5195792
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I also started at retard math level at a community college. To be in college for a long fucking time bro, I finally got into ChemEng at UIUC and I still have to take another 1 year and a half of math. It's doable, though you have to practice like a motherfucker.