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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5190847 No.5190847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am thinking of having children with my girlfriend. She will make a good submissive white wife. The only problem is, she is not very smart. She is simple minded and not very intellectual. She doesn't read books and somehow just managed to scrape through school without failing too many subjects. I'm pretty sure her IQ is below the white average.
Should i still have children with her?

>> No.5190848

might as well.
if you don't do it someone else surely will.
take one for the team.

>> No.5190849

The eternal problem. I'm attracted to submissive, stupid girls, but don't want dumb kids.

>> No.5190852

I've had kids with two different morons. Both of my sons are far smarter than their mothers. Only one has had an IQ test, but he's in the top .1%.

yes, that's a decimal point before the number.

>> No.5190851

How about adoption?

>> No.5190855


>finding stupid people attractive

There is no greater turn-off.

>> No.5190857


Well, that's comforting, although I would warn against using IQ tests for anything but very broad characterisations.


Why? I think it's a turn on. Stupid women are better for lots of things. If you want stimulating conversation, find a male friend.

>> No.5190860

The last thing i want is a women objecting when i want sex. A submissive wife that is too stupid to comprehend feminist propaganda is the ideal.

>> No.5190862


The dumber a woman the more likely she is to buy in to feminism though.

>> No.5190863

NO. The feminists i've encountered all have average IQ by my estimates.

>> No.5190865


I've never encountered an intelligent feminist, and never will, because feminism is objectively an unintelligent philosophy.

Now go away, you boring troll.

>> No.5190866


> too stupid to comprehend feminist propaganda



No, pretty much this.

>> No.5190867

Idiot. I didn't say they were smart, i said they were average.

>> No.5190868


>The most important traits in a woman are those which are desirable for maximizing sexual throughput

This is why no gf.

>> No.5190871

>The most important traits in a woman are those which are desirable for maximizing sexual throughput
Not really it's about submissiveness in general, not just in bed.

>> No.5190877


> it's about submissiveness in general
>not liking them fiery and fiesty

I’m not saying you should go full-on submissive yourself, but live a little.

>> No.5190879

lol butthurt

>> No.5190899

not that guy, but I don't like people and have a great fear of intimacy. I also like to have things my way and can't abide someone challenging my methods.

stupid women are perfect for me.
like warm soft sex dolls. no real personality, they don't argue with me. they appreciate what I do and let me do it. they usually love sex and don't use it as currency in a relationship.
in short, they lack most of the bullshit that makes more accomplished women unbearable.

>> No.5190904

LOL Butthurt
I saw what you did there bitch.

>> No.5190905
File: 10 KB, 172x200, Kim_Il_Sung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you're worried about your kids inheriting the woman's mental mediocrity but not her submissiveness?

This is the problem a lot of families have after they become successful. The guys have their choice of wife, and they choose the docile, pretty bed-warmer. Over multiple generations of picking the highly submissive girls, you wind up with wimpy, effeminate sons.

Compare Kim Il-Sung to his womanish, wimpy grandson. It's much wiser to pick a beautiful, athletic, and self-possessed wife.

>> No.5190906
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Have IQ of 140
Have good grades in physics (master's, last year)
Am male
Am feminist

Y U mad tho?

>> No.5190910


>> No.5190912

>She will make a good submissive white wife
>I'm pretty sure her IQ is below the white average.
Don't have children with her, let alone anyone, you elitist cunt.
I hate even the vague prospect of your spawn inhabiting the earth and spewing the same neckbeard /b/-logic that drips from every word you write.

>> No.5190916

Anti-white racist detected.

>> No.5190919

> iq >= 140

those two are mutually exclusive lady.

>> No.5190925
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>> No.5190949
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>On /sci

>> No.5190963


Well, that explains it.

>> No.5190966

Racism much?

Also, wanting submissiveness in bed is a personal preference that is totally unreasonable. Wanting submissivness in general is being an asshole who always wants his own way.

Name one thing they are better for other than essentially being your slave.

Being feminist does not mean one does not enjoy sex. I have had a higher sex drive than most guys I have been with, and am usually keen for sex.

Citation needed.

Thank fuck for people like you.


>> No.5190967
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Alright, explain it to me. What exactly is the correlation between feminism and low problem-solving skills, presumed aspie man-child?

Not physicist, physics student, and actually doing the master's in applied math and simulations - so more of a math/numerical analysis guy by now.

>> No.5190973


>. I have had a higher sex drive than most guys I have been with, and am usually keen for sex.

What is it with feminists and trying to prove this? Why do you literally copy every typically male trait and try and scream to everybody that you also hold it/hold it to a greater extent?

Anyway, shut the fuck up, this is a hard science board, and everybody knows women can't do hard science.

>> No.5190990

It happened to be relevant to the particular discussion i.e. not dating a feminist due to her declining sex.

Also I wasn't aware that women were biologically incapable of hard sciences. I may not have a masters or whatever, but I am guessing my Bsc means I've studied more science than a lot of the other people on here.

>> No.5190992
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>a hard science

>> No.5190994

Are you EK?

>> No.5190996

>Racism much?
Wanting to only have white children is not racist you stupid fucking broad.

>> No.5190997

Learn to read. I never said biology was a hard science. Although I dunno what is up with the ripping into biology all of the time.

Anyway I majored in maths and stats, and did a few physics papers for fun.

Can you clarify what science, and what level of study would be adequate for you?

>> No.5190998

I bet you're autistic.

>> No.5191000
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Bitch, please.

>> No.5191001


Personal preference in who one dates/ fathers children with is okay. But the fact that this guy had to vention the fact she was white where it was totally irrelevant, and the fact he sounds like an asshole in general makes me suspect it was racism.

>> No.5191003

I'm un-autistic enough to be a high school teacher.

Was an easy major to comine with maths. I took pure stats which was highly mathematical, applied stats was a separate major at my uni.

>> No.5191007

>makes me suspect it was racism.
Lol, you politically correct types crack me up.

Let's just face the facts. Most white people still don't want to breed with niggers... i mean apes... i mean coons.

>> No.5191009

> high school teacher.
I'm sure this is a troll.

>> No.5191044

When I go to forums where people are sane, they are aware that there are racist, misogynist forums. But when I go to 4chan, people on here say "most people" as if most people were racist aspie dumbfucks such as themselves. Which is not the case, actually.

I firmly believe that misogynistic people are dumber, and it's mostly thanks to /sci/ and the fucking retards that dwell here. Thank you, /sci/!

>> No.5191047

Look up genetic imprinting. Most genes associated with intelligence reside on the X chromosome. Sons get only one X, from their mother, so they inherit their mother's intelligence. Daughters get one X from each parent, but half of the genes are randomly turned off by methylation, so despite having two
Xs, they only get one working set of
X genes, same as boys. Difference is, girls get the average of each parent's contribution. Dumb mother, dumb son. Smart mother, smart father, smart daughter. Think upon this before breeding with a bimbo. Also, think upon all the wealthy founders of successful businesses who married a bimbo, only for it all to be lost by an idiot son.

>> No.5191050


What you just said is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever read.

>> No.5191057

Ah, but it was fun

>> No.5191070

Oh, and



>> No.5191102

God, when did 4chan get filled with reddit-type libtards?

>> No.5191369

Are you white, OP?

>> No.5191403

NO. DON'T DO IT. You do NOT want an idiot for a wife. Mine is very smart and my second child inherited this, is a math whiz. My first child is very intelligent, but (like me and my scientist father) struggles with math, that is, it does not come naturally.

A CHILD IS A 20+ YEAR COMMITMENT. DO NOT TAKE THIS SHIT LIGHTLY!!! You change, your wife changes. You are no longer who you were before. You are now the parent of a child. She is no longer your "girlfriend." The responsibility is fucking heavy. I love my wife and kids, butI wouldn't do it again. Hardest job you'll ever have, regardless of the "rewards."


>> No.5191485

are you white?

>> No.5191492


my IQ is somewhere north of 150

You don't know what the word 'feminist' means.

>> No.5191508

When they grew up
you should probably get on with that

>> No.5191520

in order to solve a problem you must first perceive a problem. once you've perceived the problem, you must analyze the factors that make the problem a problem. once you've done that, you can eliminate and combine certain factors to form a positive outcome, and 'solve' the problem. if you fail at step 2 and simply regurgitate someone else's philosophy you are not a problem solver. a solution exists to what feminism stands for and against, and if you got to step three, you would realize that feminism is not the solution to the problems it identifies. therefore, I rationalize that you're a dumb sheeple cunt.

>> No.5191527

As the driven snow, all sides if the family.

>> No.5191556


It isn't clear to scientists what genes are involved in intelligence.