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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5189185 No.5189185 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious. What are you people here studying? I have been wondering how many of you were in a hard science meant to go on to grad school for additional training / research (physics/chemistry/biology) and how many of you were in things that are more meant to be used for a job right outside of being an undergrad (all engineering/basically everything else)

I'm in a physics major. It's scary, since you basically have to do another 7 years of schooling after being an undergrad, it's a big commitment, but I love it so much I think it's what I wanna do.

>> No.5189196

Grad school in math starting fall (hopefully).

Wish me luck /sci/.

>> No.5189204

What do you plan on getting into?

>> No.5189212

Biochem undergrad here. Don't know if I want to get a lab tech job or go to grad school. 1 more year to debate it.

>> No.5189215

I am studying liberal arts! I don't think grad-school is necessary for my career aspirations but I may go anyways. My life goal is to tame wild unicorns and use the pixie dust I harvest from their scrotums to save starving children in the third world from a life of misery by granting them death! But in reality my degree will probably score me a job in one of the following industries:
1) Professional Janitorial Services
2) Cashier
B) Bar Tender
C) Fluffer
D) Professional Crime

>> No.5189219

Holy shit no way!!

Would you mind telling me what your stats were? GPA, research, extracurriculars, test scores? I'm an undergrad looking to go to grad school someday.

>> No.5189229

Officially, I want to research and further the field of mathematics with prospects for teaching in the future.

Secretly, I want to go to school for something I love and hope something other than teaching comes up during my time there.

I'm a senior without any real life goals except studying interesting topics. Hopefully the admissions committee doesn't see through my ruse.

>> No.5189226

in math i might add

>> No.5189232


You really wish that were true, don't you?

>> No.5189230

I'm doing this as well. Same time frame also. What grad schools are you looking at?

>> No.5189240

I'm studying Psychology. Or I will be once I get out of the shit gen-ed phase. I'm awful at math and struggle with basics but luckily I don't need too much of it. And I already have endgame plans which will involve me having to go to grad school but that's okay I guess.

>> No.5189248

What does your resume look like? I'm interested in pursuing math after undergrad as well

>> No.5189250

Princeton, Cornell (Haha maybe?), University of Washington, Georgia Tech, 3 local universities

We'll see what happens.

>> No.5189257

Computer science and engineering grad student.

>> No.5189259

About 3 years C/C++ programming experience and algorithm development and analysis. Also, I'm working right now with the USDA research office on our campus to develop new algorithms for GIS systems focusing mostly on LIDAR. I was in computer engineering until last year thus all the algorithm and prog junk.

>> No.5189260
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Grad school, studying theoretical physics.

>> No.5189262

Math undergraduate.
I'm hoping to get into grad school and see where I go from there.

>> No.5189267

Those are some top notch schools! Hope you get accepted. I'm really liking Ga Tech for my doctorate. Staying at my undergrad school for my masters though. You sound like you're working towards pure math maybe?

>> No.5189268




I literally have no work experience, but top grades and GRE. I have no real research experience. I wonder what my chances are. :)

>> No.5189282

It's tough to say really. If your grades and GRE are near or at perfect it's a big plus for ivy league schools because they are geared more towards pure math, which revolves around the theoretical aspect obviously. Schools like Ga Tech and Purdue are going to want that research experience more because they are geared towards applied math. That being said, top level grades and GRE are big anywhere so don't bank 100% on what I'm saying.

>> No.5189302
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Physics and Astronomy, not in grad school yet.

While I'd like to go into research after grad school, a lot of my relatives are in education (mostly at the high school or college level) and after seeing how much they love their profession to be honest I think I would be very content doing either.

Haven't found a 'niche' yet so I'm looking forward to being done with most of the core physics classes and moving on to the electives. One of my professors is offering a graduate level course in General Relativity in the Spring that I'm looking at (because lord knows another semester of QM, EM, and Astrophys isn't grueling enough already) and I'm looking at taking a course on Radio Astronomy next Fall.

Strange how much your life can change in a few years.

>> No.5189319


Op here, I'm debating if I should do a physics major with a chem and bio minor or if I should just stick with physics and start early on grad level courses. I think doing chem and bio would be best in terms of giving me a very wide spread of knowledge to apply in grad school

>> No.5189350

I think that will be incredibly difficult. I'm not saying you aren't bright enough, but your undergrad courses are going to be hard enough majoring in just physics. Throw that double major in there (or triple if I'm reading correctly) and you will be in the library 24 hours a day guaranteed. Four years of that shit is going to get very old, very quickly. Just read some books. You don't have to major in it to learn it.

>> No.5189367


Minors. I also thought that. I'm actually currently not in physics, but have been doing an engineering major. I'm switching over to the light side next semester, so I'll have 5 semesters to finish off a physics major and a bio and chem minor. Looking it'll actually only take about 16 credits per semester to do it, and I've been doing 20 for these last 3 with no issues. But yeah I've also considered that, physics seems like it'll be pretty tough on its own

I'll just do a slew of physics classes this next semester and see how I'm faring and if I want to add on some chem to them

>> No.5189387

Studying geoscience right now, with equal emphasis on geophysics and geochemistry. I'll be entering grad school likely next fall, and I've already got a decent amount of research under my belt (for undergrad at least).

>> No.5190260

Undergrad in mathematics & statistics @ McMaster.

>> No.5190302

Undergrad in chem, definitely planning on going into a PhD program for OChem, gonna take some grad level courses next year to be sure.

How's the weather in Mass.? I was thinking of going to grad school somewhere up there.

>> No.5190305
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>> No.5190312

Computer Engineering, 1 year left.

>> No.5190308

Biomed at Western

>> No.5190316

3rd Year Chem major

Been browsing /sci/ since before I started my journey (late in life)

Looking to get a PhD, do research and teach. Preparing for a career in pharmaceuticals, just in case plan A doesn't pan out.

>> No.5190350

Hahaha Western? You faggot. Our football team kicked your football team's ass just recently. I left London to go to Mac. You jelly?

>> No.5190361

I didn't want to do health sciences at Mac. It's a really awful program that gets over-hyped by it's entry levels.

It's really awful though. I'm so relieved I didn't end up going there. I would have probably killed myself. Plus, who wants to live in smelly Hamilton? Enjoy your cancer in 4 years FAGGOT

>> No.5190367

Enjoy living in London - that boring city of 350,000 people that has NOTHING and where NOTHING happens. At least here, I am only 40 minutes away from Toronto.

What makes you think biomed at Western is any worse than health sci or biomed at McMaster? Mac's rated higher nationally than Western. If you were studying business in Western then I could understand/

>> No.5190370

I am going for 2 Degrees: Computational Statistics (bachelors of science program between the Computer Science and Statistics Departments) and Economics. I have no idea what I am going to do, but at least I will be graduating without debt.

>> No.5190374


you clearly have no idea how university works

McMaster's is only ranked 1st nationally because they paid off some jews to rank it first nationally...

Did you know that half the textbooks Mac uses for health sci were both written by my profs? LOL

>nothing ever happens
>best undergrad experience
>enjoy your cancer

>> No.5190381

Where'd you go for computational statistics? I'm finishing my undergrad in statistics, and I'm thinking about computer science for grad school, but I want to specialize in something statistics related such as data mining or machine learning.

Also, I'm sure most employers will get huge boners looking at your degrees. How did you not accumulate debt?

>> No.5190385

Undergrad in Electrical Engineering
in my second year
I've got a 3.36 GPA as of now (my physics class and generals drag me down. I get A's in Calc and EE classes xD)
All in all, it has been fun so far. I'm really enjoying learning about the material that i'm interested in and I've heard good things about being an engineer.
I'm looking to get some work experience right after graduating with my BS in EE. Considering getting a masters, but if I like my job enough, I'll probably just stick with working. I don't know... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

>> No.5190390

smells like financial industry for you

>> No.5190391

>McMaster is ranked 1st nationally
We win.

>> No.5190394

>3.36 gpa in 2nd year
>thinking about doing masters

>> No.5190398

Just finished my first year of a chem/biotech duel degree.
I want to do potsgrad/phd but I'm afraid I will be to old when I finally finish, I have just turned 25.

>> No.5190399

having pipedream long term plans is for filthy casuals. I seize every day as it comes, working on whatever interests me. Officially i'm a Math and Computer Science major.

>> No.5190406

I'm studying biology right now. I don't know if I want to do research or medicine. It's a difficult decision. I got a 2.3 my first year, and I'm getting a 4.0 this semester. It's so hard to plan for the future. I don't know what to think anymore. It's important to help people, and I can do so with research or medicine, so it's a matter of what is best for me and what is best for the world. On top of that I keep having embarrassing mental breakdowns, and I feel like I'm literally mentally handicapped. My life is crazy but I hope it works out. I love genetics. It's purely fascinating. Our genes have the capability to tell us everything we want to know about ourselves, but the pay isn't good and I don't want to be a lonely, antisocial research scientist.
The world is so fucked right now and it only seems like it's getting worse. My dad always used to tell me how bad things were in communist countries because the laborers made as much as the doctors and so everyone stopped working. Now I live in a capitalist country where the plumbers I work with over summer break make more than the scientists whose labs I aspire to join.
Prospects = grim.

>> No.5190454

Astrophysics at MIT.