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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 400x405, fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5176040 No.5176040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

fuck you.

>> No.5176043

Not everyone can handle /sci/

Have you considered some of the boards where low intelligence is prized?


>> No.5176078

You forgot /sci/.

Seriously, this board may have some of the brightest people on here, but it has even more Dunning-Kruger poster boys and a load of people who constantly belittle everything to rationalize their own failures.

>> No.5176094

>this board may have some of the brightest people on here
Such as? It's a bunch of pseudointellectuals

>> No.5176095


/sci/ is pretentious. Regardless of this fact, you can't deny that it has no relation to either of the subs I linked.

>> No.5176103

A good number of people here are actually grad students in math or science that do real work and know their shit. Up until a few months ago, /sci/ was a really slow board where most of the activity occured on a daily stickied putnam problem thread. The rest of the board (that wasn't religion or philosophy troll threads) was mostly math or science problems and questions that were shortly answered by the people that knew what was up.

Religion threads are less of a problem now, but philosophy threads and ill-posed science questions are much more popular, and due to the increased population of the board, puzzles and problems that take a while to come up with an answer to wind up getting swept away.

But some of us remain...

>> No.5176107

While I'm longing for yesteryear, I'll also throw out that people didn't used to be such dicks. When someone was wrong about something or didn't understand, the answer was more along the lines of /diy/ helpfulness and less along the lines of "What the fuck are you talking about? Are you so retarded that you don't know this thing that I happen to know?"

>> No.5176109

Most of the threads on sci dont interest me.

>> No.5176113

/sci/ has some of the best posters on 4chan

that being said, it is one of the worst boards

>> No.5176112


There has always been that mentality here. It's not the entire population, but it's still here and has always been here.

>> No.5176119

PhD student in environmental engineering here, doing work in microfabrication and nanotechnology. One of many grads on here.

>> No.5176125

/sci/ was never like this. You don't spend much time here. It's sometimes hit and miss.

>> No.5176129

Since we're sharing.
I'm a sophomore chemistry major, doing research and pretty set on going to a PhD program for organic chemistry, probably polymer synth.

I remember when EK was the biggest problem, these past couple days have been horrible here, though, since last year things have been degrading.

>> No.5176132

I wonder how many of us actually finished school and now work in STEM

>> No.5176140

Tried to find work after a B.S. I ended up working in a pet shop as a cat food expert, part time as an apartment manager, and did some online surveys for extra income. That was in 2008, and I've gotten an M.S since then. Currently in the PhD program I just mentioned. Hopefully the job market will be better next time I apply for jobs. At least this time I'll be looking across the whole country as opposed to one particular location like I did last time.

>> No.5176141

Yeah, it definitely was more like that a year ago. But see? This is the problem. Instead of being content voicing their opinions and just saying, for example, "Actually, it was never like this," people feel the need to throw weird judgements and ad hominem attacks at whoever they are responding to, like "You don't spend much time here."

EK was a big dickhead- he was really the only one who did act like that. But he was pretty fucking awesome at working out math proofs.

>> No.5176145

>When someone was wrong about something
That's the problem. You shouldn't talk about something you have no knowledge on.

This is the cancer killing /sci/. Pseudointellectualism at its finest.

>> No.5176147

>But he was pretty fucking awesome at working out math proofs
What? EK doesn't even know calculus. She's a pseudointellectual slut.

>> No.5176169

Fuck and I'm about to graduate and NOT go to grad school... What did you get your BS in?

>> No.5176168

Wait, I am thinking of another tripfag that brutally destroyed every putnam problem before anybody else could get to them, and would act like a dick to anybody who took a misstep in their proof.

You can have knowledge and still be wrong about something. And not everybody who is wrong about something is totally convinced they are right. It makes for a much more productive andenjoyable environment if people are supportive and helpful in correcting misconceptions and errors. I have a hard time buying that scientific education and inquiry should consist of making carefully measured, precise statements only when you are completely sure they are correct, and childish namecalling when someone slips up.

>> No.5176175

>You can have knowledge and still be wrong about something.
No. That's called Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.5176188

So anybody with any knowledge on a subject can't be wrong? And anybody who makes a mistake knows nothing about the subject, shouldn't ever talk about it, and deserves to be called names?

>> No.5176202

Well, again, I don't know the situation you are talking about specifically.

I'm personally referring to the cases we get on here on an almost hourly basis of someone calling some statement "fact", although it is blatantly wrong and can be reconfirmed to be wrong with a two second query on a search engine. Instead of opening their reply as "I'm not sure, but...", or admitting they are wrong, they instead argue that they are right with entry-level Wikipedia-esque knowledge for a good 20-30 posts until one party gives up. A prime example I can think of are the "evolution is not falsifiable" threads, or other bullshit like "time in a social construct", "dimensions do not really exist", "philosophy is science", etc. This crap is the cancer destroying this board.

>> No.5176229
File: 41 KB, 462x316, ten_thousand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not denying that people are wrong sometimes, I'm saying that it's not that big of a deal unless you make it one by acting like an asshole every time someone is. Even if they are wrong for a stupid reason, if you respond kindly, and take the time to not only address their error, but bring up some additional interesting or otherwise important ideas and facts, it makes things much more enjoyable and educational, and makes it less irritating when someone is wrong.

The point of this board is for people to be wrong or confused or unknowledgeable and to work it out. Pic highly related.

>> No.5176255
File: 43 KB, 346x750, YUUSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to anthropologists, the key factor separating humans from apes is impulse control.
Let us see if /sci/, the most educated board on 4chan, can control their emotions and study the physics of the woman's anal glands...together...

Also I'm too scared to post seriously because I will get a hammer onto my ego, which is my only drive towards getting my degree. Sad but true.