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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5175791 No.5175791 [Reply] [Original]


>In 2011, Nicholas V. Cozzi, of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, concluded that INMT, an enzyme that may be associated with the biosynthesis of DMT and endogenous hallucinogens, is present in the human pineal gland, retinal ganglion neurons, spinal cord, and central nervous tissues.[105] In August 2012, Steven Barker, Ethan McIlHenny, and Rick Strassman, developed a new method to measure the three known endogenous hallucinogens and their major N-oxide metabolites in blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, ocular fluid and/or other tissues by using state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) equipment. For the first time in history, they were able to detect the DMT-N-oxide metabolite in blood and urine.

Looks like those pop sci hippies you guys like so much might actually be correct about some of the shit they were talking.
We produce dmt in our bodies naturally, this has huge implications on who or what we are.

Deal with it.

>> No.5175809

What implications does this carry though? The enzyme 'may' be associated with the biosynthesis of DMT. How do you prove it is in fact responsible for DMT being produced, and not just another random enzyme?

>> No.5175810
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Yep, just imagine some of the fringe theories surrounding this drug that might actually be true.

>> No.5175813

you know there are nicotinic receptors all over your body
and they arent there for tobacco

>imblyign youre not the popsci-est of the popsci

>> No.5175814
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What fucking implications?

>> No.5175818

Where are you going with this OP? We've know about the endogenous hallucinogens for years, all this means is that now we can measure their levels better.

>> No.5175820

Any Anon want to explain to me what DMT does in the human pineal gland, retinal ganglion neurons, spinal cord, and central nervous tissues?

>> No.5175825

Good question, it seems to have something to do with dreams but other than that no one really knows.

>> No.5175838
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Dunno, I don't know much about science.
These guys seem to though.

>> No.5175840

then why the fuck are you posting here?

>> No.5175928

De do do do.
De da da da.

Is all that you have said to me.

sage goes in all fields

>> No.5177716

your body produces it's own cannabinoids aswell.

no need to smoke weed - it would throw things off balance

>> No.5177748

ITT: OP discovers that sometimes chemicals in nature look like chemicals in our bodies
>this has huge implications on who or what we are.

>> No.5177755




>> No.5177777

do you guys think shrooms made us evolve into who we are?

like i think, we were monkeys that ran out of food so we ate shrooms, and that made us get our intelligence

like some math person said one time god reveals himself to us a little bit at a time, through math discoveries, so i think shrooms had a major roll in making us as smart as we are, like god revealing a lot of himself all at once through the experience

>> No.5177779
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i has it lol

>> No.5177787

What a fucking waste of a get

gb2 drug-forums or wtf ever

>> No.5177788


soz stoned ape theory isn't allowed anywhere where there is even a shred of common sense laying around

>> No.5177792

>stoned ape theory
oh my god this is a thing. this is even better than aquatic ape theory!

>> No.5177799

Fucking hell OP, you're definately underage b&.

Your lovely wikipedia article is shit. We've know about the possibility of biosynthesis of DMT for years and its generally accepted that this was a possibility. Who the fuck cares? This isn't anything new or interesting. Go back to being an unintelligent little faggot.

>> No.5177817

DMT is very spooky, indeed. Its mysteries remain unplumbed by conventional science. In my opinion, the phenomenological implications of its affect on consciousness is worth a great deal of study. I think the witch-hunt against inquiry into this great mystery should end.

>> No.5177847

It allows you to see red as red and that's why taking low dosages may boost vision and tripping out on it really hard makes you see colors that don't exist.

>> No.5177998


>mfw stoned ape theory and novelty theory

this guy is a fucking dunce. i have stoner friends that read his shit and believe it to the core not realizing how fucking dumb it is.

the guy claimed to create a function that depicted the "ups and downs" of society, based this function on a chinese text created 3,000 years ago where the author created symbols out of 8 lines meant to depict different feelings/attitudes

i think he writes with a thesauras and intentionally makes it ambiguous sounding to somehow make it more credible

>> No.5179168

> I think the witch-hunt against inquiry into this great mystery should end.

Fucking thank you, that's all that I ask!
There is definitely serious implications behind psychedelics.
Consider the facts of this article right here:


If drugs like psilocybin, lsd and ketamine improve mental health, what does dmt do?

>> No.5179184

as someone who has done a lot of different hallucinogens while being an engineering major I have to say my mental health has stayed about the same. Same goes for 420 every fucking day pretty much. They're really not beneficial and only minorly harmful. But the fun factor makes up for the harm. Legalize that shit already

>> No.5179191

Marijuana smoke is harmful, but if digested, then it's harmless.
And same for lsd as far as I have read, there's been no recorded deaths from lsd that where because of the chemical, and no one knows quite yet if there's any long term health effects.
Short term you have temporary things like increased heart rate, but caffeine will do that to you.
As long as you don't eat 100 tabs of acid at once, and don't have a genetic predisposition towards schizophrenia, you will be fine.

>> No.5179286


>> No.5179299

>If drugs like psilocybin, lsd and ketamine improve mental health, what does dmt do?

well we could infer that it also improves mental health because it works similarly to psilocybin and lsd

>> No.5179328

Ok, now if that's true, then how did this drug get into our system? What's it's evolutionary purpose for being in the body?

>> No.5179330


there are lots of chemicals that mimic neuroreceptors.

>> No.5179334
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god, I hope this is a troll.

NO SHIT we produce DMT in our bodies.

How the fuck do you think psychoactives work in the first place, dummy?

They mimic the effects of endogenous ligands in the brain. Is this really a revelation to anyone?

I can't wait to see how stupid the rest of this thread gets.

>> No.5179340
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hahaha....oh yeah, back when we were Australopithecus and what not, we definitely started eating things to get bigger brains, thus becoming smarter etc.

But it wasn't shrooms, you fucking idiot.

It was (drum roll) BRAINS! Of dead animals. Our ancestors began becoming more encephalized when they started eating meat, often scavenging dead animals (since our evolutionary ancestors weren't exactly Billy Badass). Guess what was left over when the predators had eaten their fill?

The "shitty" parts of the animal, such as the brain and some organs! Guess what the brain is made of - delicious fats (especially omega-3s) and cholesterol! Guess what our brains are made of - lipids and cholesterol!

Sauce: I am a neuroscience grad student

>> No.5179342

>NO SHIT we produce DMT in our bodies.
I think you misunderstand things. Plenty of active compounds (including psychoactive drugs) aren't produced in the body, they just target receptors that naturally produced chemicals do. Like, LSD is found nowhere in the body, but it derives its effect from targeting 5-HT receptors, which normally respond to the neurotransmitter Serotonin.

The structural similarities between serotonin and the majority of psychedelic compounds (they are both based on the tryptamine group) is what causes these effects to occur.

>> No.5179349


You're right. I could've worded that better. Just ignore that 1st sentence I wrote.

>> No.5179361
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>> No.5179364

so this is where all of the /x/philes have gone

>> No.5179411

Endogenous hallucinogens. Give me a fucking break. If you add a massive oversupply of some neurochemicals you can induce hallucinations. Big surprise. Doesn't mean they're there to make you hallucinate by default. If there's DMT in the body it's serving some role in the body at an appropriate level, and it's not there to make you see freaky ultra-cool shit.

You know what nature calls an animal sitting in the forest with big eyes looking at freaky hallucinations? Food.

>> No.5179920

first time replier, but wat??? well evolution has made room for sleep why not hallucinations. most of what we "see" are actually simulations anyway so there's plenty of room for delusion and wasting time in evolution.

>> No.5182139

drugs are good for you