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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5174835 No.5174835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It is no suprise that America is seriously dragging behind in science/mathematics. This is largely due to the rise of anti-science republicans. We lost our dominance in fundamental physics. We are losing our dominance in applied physics, material science, and chemistry. To be an American scientist in the physical sciences is becoming more and more difficult, and now even involves moving to a more science friendly nation for some extended period of time or forever. It isn’t just the physical sciences either, mathematics, biological sciences, and social sciences are taking heavy losses.

I have serious concerns about a Romney presidency and how it will affect science. His policies and mentality are not good for American science in general. There is no doubt he will cut the DOE budget greatly (if not completely) for science. Many many scientists will be out of jobs, and many young people won’t have the opportunity to purse science. He is dumbing down America.

I encourage all my /sci/ducks to pay very close attention to these issues and the race, and be vocal about it. These issues directly affect your future in science and science in general. Please for science and your country, inform yourself on the candidates. Educate yourself on the issues with a multiple of sources, get out of your comfort zone and put those big fucking brains to work! Give your opinions meaning, let them be based off knowledge and facts instead of ignorance and partisan politics.

I have no doubt that the educated citizens of /sci/ will realize Romney is not the man for the job, he will hurt science, and is the worst kind of politician. Obama may be shitty, but he is fucking magnitudes better then Romney. Don’t let America be lost to ignorance! OBAMA 2012!

>> No.5174845
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>> No.5174852

Fuck off. >>>/pol/

>> No.5174853

America is still number one in science. Despite having a lot of retards bringing down their score averages, the elite in American science are the elite of all science, period. No country comes even close to being on par with America in science, to be honest. I mean, it's really no competition as the rest of the countries can't even manage to land a man on the moon, lel.

>> No.5174859

>anti-science republicans

>> No.5174866

Weinberg isn't voting for Obama


>> No.5174867
File: 60 KB, 600x600, youre-fucking-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is still #1 is science

The LHC would like a word with you

>> No.5174872

This makes me vote for Romney even harder.

>> No.5174876

>caring about amerifats

>> No.5174878

LHC doesn't constitute all of science

>> No.5174884
File: 197 KB, 1235x862, amerifats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go back to choking on your fast food and don't bother my science with your silly politics.

>> No.5174910
File: 34 KB, 361x577, 1316636253013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weinberg prefers Obama to Romney. He is voting straight democrat for everything. He says he won't vote for president because he lives in Texas (too republican) and the electoral collage basically negates his vote. He says if he lives in a swing state he would vote Obama.

>> No.5174915

Why do you hate america?

>> No.5174921
File: 47 KB, 308x326, successful-troll_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice lies bro

>> No.5174928

>Herpderp the President is responsible for everything
How about you stop reelecting your incompetent Senators and Representatives instead?

>> No.5174935

how did you americans let it come to this?

>> No.5174940
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>> No.5174945
File: 13 KB, 250x404, sad_guy-855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A large majoirty of the "south" is dumb as fuck conservatve bible thumpers.

>> No.5174955
File: 139 KB, 478x400, OY5R7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.5174964

Is that much of /sci/ American?

>> No.5174969

>Obama may be shitty, but he is fucking magnitudes better then Romney.
average science and technology spending (by the government) has gone down during the last three democrat presidencies, and up during the last two republican presidencies

interpret that however you wish

just wish we could get a fiscal conservative pro-science fellow in the white house. oh wait, they're libertarians and they're all insane

>> No.5174970

>anti-science republicans
yet liberals think we should take math out of school
confirming you are a retarding

>> No.5174971

>The End of American Science?!
stopped reading there

>> No.5174972
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Politics is in fact the source of the decline of the American education system, and of course everything that results from that. The problem is, shitposting on a board that isn't even about politics doesn't help the situation.

So fuck off.

>> No.5174976


>> No.5174979

>implying politics does not influence science
>implying political science

>> No.5174983

/sci/ is inhabited by intelligent people and intelligent people are conservative. Deal with it, libtard.

>> No.5174991
File: 47 KB, 614x375, esq-jon-huntsman-announcement-062111-xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fiscal conservative pro-science fellow in the white house
Hold up, bitch..

>> No.5174995

You're the retard if you think any country has made morre advances to science than the USA in the past fifty years.

Also, last time I checked, Curiosity was an AMERICAN project.

Stay mad, eurofag.

>> No.5175000
File: 88 KB, 567x425, 1323852450525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is still number one in science
Lol'd hard, 10/10 post troll.

>> No.5175001

>the machine creates two entities: one bad for the people and one completely horrible
>the machine gives you a choice
>people will engage in religious wars over several years to ensure the horrible choice has no chance in winning
>the bad one wins, the people will have a feeling of participation, satisfaction and improvement but
>this was the plan all along

>> No.5175003

Considering America is the #1 country for science, you shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.5175008

If not the USA, then who is? Please, enlighten me.

>> No.5175005
File: 40 KB, 901x749, amerifat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about curiosity

Wasting money on putting a fancy car on the moon isn't anything to be proud of. Not to mention that most of the engineering behind it originated from Europe. Nothing to see here. Just amerifats being dumb as usual.

>> No.5175004

>yet liberals think we should take math out of school


>> No.5175009

Name one country that's ahead of American in science, buddy.

>> No.5175017

Here in Europe we don't nationalize science.

>> No.5175019

> the moon
It was mars.
If you think exploring other countries is a waste of money you can fuck off.

>> No.5175026

>fancy car
>on the moon
>"most" of the engineering originated in europe

>> No.5175029

Does anyone have date on scientific papers published pre country per capita? Everything I find on google seem unrelyable.

>> No.5175031


>> No.5175035

America is first and UK second I believe

>> No.5175042

per capita doesn't mean shit

>> No.5175058

And why is that? Sure they are not perfect numbers but certainly a better meassure for the quantitativ output of scientific research than blank absolute numbers.

>> No.5175071

oh I'm sorry I meant grade school

you know so journalists dont have to waste their time with something they dont need in life and everyone can feel like a winner

>> No.5175084

Fucking really? I'll need some source, because for all I know, you're a Yuropfriend trolling Ameriflaps.

>> No.5175089

because if vatican city put out a few minor scientific papers it may publish the most scientific papers per capita but it simply can't compare to what america has contributed.

>> No.5175101

Erm, yes it can. That's how relative numbers work.

>> No.5175119

nah a proud merican
im sure if you google it you will find something
i saw a trend of articles about making math optional in school a few months ago - probably stemmed from a NY times article - you will absolutely find an article about it if you google a few keywords (maybe filter for recent)

the whole concept made me want to move - again - but then i remembered other places are just as/becoming as dumb and they blindly hate all americans because G Dubya was all of our's personal savior

The concept of optional math would make Tyson pray.

>> No.5175316

By that bad reasoning, Switzerland research and universities would be abysmally bad, while in fact it has some of the best universities in Europe.

>> No.5175481

How so?

My point is, America is the number one country for science regardless of it's # of papers per capita(which America is still #1 btw).

America is a science powerhouse and has produced by far the most to science in our lifetimes.

You can't honestly tell me that there are any other countries as scientifically advanced as the United States of America.

>> No.5175519

So, your entire basis for claiming that "liberals want to take math out of school" is you think you remember seeing a trending article several months ago with a title that may or may not have vaguely suggested that and which you assumed was from the New York Times?

That about sum it up?

>> No.5175530

Science funding and STEM initiatives went up under Obama.

NASA's budget (even after adjusting for inflation) during Obama's first term is nearly $2 billion greater than it was under Bush's presidency (and the original proposal for the space program would have raised the annual budget to $20 billion a year)

>> No.5175547

Worry not OP, for when Romeny cuts the science budget he is effectively slashing the military defense budget as well for without science the military cannot advance. And when the sandniggers are swarming our shores blowing up our buildings and raping our women Romney will be on his knees begging every Physicist and Engineer to come up with a way to make us strong again.

Remember what the Cold War did for science OP? Just wait till WWIII and watch the Renaissance begin.

>> No.5175560

Read a book niggers:

>> No.5175564

America: Being #1 since always (until budget cuts)


>> No.5175571

Science is not a dickwaving contest where whoever has the biggest, most expensive piece of hardware is declared "the winner".

The United States is still THE world leader in most scientific fields, followed by the UK and the other European nations, Japan, and Russia.

>> No.5175582

America needs to privatize fusion technology and quick. General Fusion might get somewhere, and that'd mean Canada wins everything forever.

>> No.5175584 [DELETED] 

This. Fuck the OP, at least Fermilab tried.

>> No.5175592

>followed by the UK
lol, certainly not
see >>5175042

>> No.5175596

>"Science is not a dickwaving contest"
>engages in a dickwaving contest in the following sentence
What does this EVEN have to do with the topic of this thread anyway?
Oh, other countries didn't contribute as much? I guess that means we can fall off now, because what we should aim at is being "good enough", isn't it?

>> No.5175619

>privatising the entire future of humanity for profit
Yeah, no fuck off cunt

>> No.5175629

This. As long as the U.S is actively engaged in military affairs it will always have a strong science back round.

Without science you don't have F-22s, F-35s or railguns. Science isn't going anywhere in America, stop worrying liberalfags. If anything I'd be more worried about the liberal support of "art."

>> No.5175646


Forced meme is forced.

Fuck you carl.

>> No.5175656

I like to think of myself as a moderate, and im not a fan of obama, but i agree OP. Political extremism has made the republican party...worse