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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5173654 No.5173654 [Reply] [Original]

>On an official intelligence test administered by the state, couldn't score a high enough IQ to pass the threshold into the gifted domain
>On the SAT, couldn't score in the top 5th percentile
>Was encouraged by his father tremendously by intellectual stimulation
>Managed to finish highschool at 12
>Managed to get into university at 14
>Graduated with a B.Sc in CompSci at 18
>Is about to start a Masters and was already given a postponement of enlisting by the military

All this with a supporting father and an unremarkable potential as measured by 2 supposedly valid tests of intelligence.
Stay mad, IQ worshippers.

>> No.5173669

Good for him, if that's actually true.

>> No.5173671

Those stories give me hopes that I am some kind of hidden genius that yet has to be unleashed, but in truth I'm actually quite dumb.

>> No.5173672

He's knowledgeable, not intelligent.

>> No.5173676

Or just lazy

>> No.5173677


all this shows is that the schooling system is massively outdated.

>> No.5173683

Try hard.
Get a son/daughter and then force s/he to study some aspect and see the results. If the child even has a bit of potential, you should see could results. Intelligence tests are bullshit. Intelligence=smarts and is not a substitute for hard work and dedication.

>> No.5173685

>this level
>get on it

>> No.5173690

Not really. There are different forms of intelligence. I mean if it didn't take a lot of brains I'm sure everyone would be graduating early.

>> No.5173697

Pretty much any normal person can do that if he is being taught correctly.

>> No.5173696

Big fucking deal.

>> No.5173703

more important than physics, at least to me

>> No.5173708

Maybe he just has great semantic memory and never applied it due to laziness.

>> No.5173709

My point is that it isn't exactly that difficult.

Disclosure: I'm a little butthurt about having to go through so many years of American public school unlike this guy.

>> No.5173720

Hard work pays off.

That's what Feynman said, anyway.

>> No.5173723

You are in fact, a huge faggot.

>> No.5173726

Feynman was also a huge faggot.

>> No.5173736

explain yourself

>> No.5173734

>child gets harassed into achievement by parent
>forgoes all chance of social interaction, friendship, happiness

for what purpose?

poor kid

>> No.5173739


>> No.5173746



>> No.5173747

>All this with a supporting father
If you read the sticky you'd have known one of the similarities among geniuses is having a mentor

>> No.5173748

>implying he wasn't the biggest lord in the history of the world

name another nobel laureate who drank beers, explored the arts and fucked bitches. a physicist no less.

>> No.5173753

>>Managed to finish highschool at 12
>>Managed to get into university at 14
>>Graduated with a B.Sc in CompSci at 18

None of this is an achievement worth mentioning. In fact taking 4 years for a B.Sc. is sub-par.

>> No.5173757

>implying that you could have acquired a BSc in compsci before you were 18

Do you even see the irony of belittling achievements that you yourself are incapable of making?

>confirmed for beta faggots who need to rationalize their own failures through Nietschian slave morality

>> No.5173759

state your degrees and the age at which you received them

if you are not within 3 years of this guy, stfu and go rationalize your inadequacies elsewhere

>> No.5173761

A BSc in CompSci doesn't require much knowledge. You can do it with highschool math and programming skills. The theoretical topics covered in a bachelor's degree are so dumbed down that any interested highschooler has no problem learning them.

>> No.5173765

Why does this guy make you feel so insecure? He hasn't yet achieved anything. All we know is that he learned a bunch of stuff many people knew at hisw age as well. Many of us here on /sci/ could have done the same or better than him, if we were offered the opportunities of getting degrees earlier. Calm down. Your jelly is overwhelming.

>> No.5173768
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>tfw no mentor

>> No.5173773

First off, it depends on the curriculum. You seem to want to be a typical /sci/tard who says shit like <everything I don't do> is shit tier and <what I do> is god tier. That's clearly a sign of insecurity and a need for recognition.

Even if he did a simple compsci degree, he still did it by the time he was 18. No matter how simple it is, you're still a little kid at 14, 15, 16. No, it's not that fucking impressive and we have an educational system that prohibits people from moving at their own pace, but still, most people do not obtain university degrees by the age of 18.

If it really was as simple as you claim, it would be the norm.

If you really need to convince yourself that anyone could have done this (including you) to feel better about your own lack of mildly remarkable achievements, go for it. Just don't expect me to see it as anything else than what it is: beta faggotry.

>> No.5173774
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i am my own mentor

that's possible, right?


>> No.5173782

We're on /sci/ here. Most of us are above average intelligent, some even highly gifted. From this point of view and from the fact that I aced compsci before switching to an intellectually more challenging major there is nothing special about what he did. I learned most of the compsci bachelor curriculum in my free time on my own during highschool.

>> No.5173785

>They wanna be their own damn teachers and how?

>> No.5173788

How the fuck am I the insecure one? You're the one who is trying to convince yourself that anyone could have done this to avoid admitting that this guy may be academically superior to you.

I never said it was particularly impressive, but it is definitely above average. The fact that so many people here instantly claim that anyone could have done it is fucking laughable, given that very few people here seem to have done anything even remotely noteworthy.

Again, I believe that you're the insecure one because you cannot admit that this guy may be at least slightly better than you.

Wait, I take that back. I'm sure you are a veritable reservoir of latent genius who could easily achieve anything if you put your mind to it, but for whatever reason such as unfortunate circumstances beyond your own control or boredom due to your superior intellect, you have chosen to do what you currently do and spend your free time on 4chan.

Culpa mea.

>> No.5173790


>> No.5173794

lol compsci

captcha: frogs rkputer

>> No.5173806

>that anyone could have done this
Not "anyone". But as >>5173782 mentioned, everyone who is sufficiently intelligent and interested in the topic should be able to do it as easily as the boy in OP.

> that this guy may be at least slightly better than you.
So what? Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. What OP posted is no evidence for either side.

>you have chosen to do what you currently do and spend your free time on 4chan.
I hope you appreciate it. ;)

>> No.5173832


>> No.5173837

>everyone who is sufficiently intelligent and interested in the topic should be able to do it as easily as the boy in OP

Um, yeah. I agree. Everyone who could do something could do something. It's a tautological statement. The key words are "sufficiently intelligent" and "interested". Actually, I would say motivated, but whatever.

Not everyone is both. Even beyond that, there's a difference between being able to do something and actually doing it. Sitting around saying "bah, I could have done that too if I really wanted to" is just rationalization.

Until you actually do it, you don't know if you really could.

>> No.5173846

>On the SAT, couldn't score in the top 5th percentile
wow, he didn't do crazy good on a test designed for people twice his age... interdasting.

that being said, intelligence tests are more for generalized understanding of what a person will be capable of rather than perfect indicators of intelligence.

>> No.5173848

It's all motivation. Anyone could have done this if they grew up in such a productive and enriching environment.

IQ just measures what your intellectual capacity is at the time. It says nothing about potential. Anyone who thinks that it does is grossly retarded.

>> No.5173863

You don't need to be a genius to learn computer science. That said, IQ doesn't measure anything useful anyway.

>> No.5173860
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1312383542045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no motivation
It`s not a good feeling.

>> No.5173866

If you don't have motivation then you aren't doing something you want to do. So einfach ist das.

>> No.5173874

>that feel

>> No.5173875

The ability to solve IQ tests isn't useful.

>> No.5173873

>doesn't measure anything useful

Define "useful" and explain why intelligence isn't useful.

>> No.5173878

I asked you for your definition, not for an example of what doesn't fit your definition. Please be less anti-intellectual.

>> No.5173880

>state your degrees and the age at which you received them
>if you are not within 3 years of this guy, stfu and go rationalize your inadequacies elsewhere

I graduated with a BS in Anthropology just after I turned 21... (I would have graduated at 20 but the ceremony was set a month after my birthday)

I actually wasn't paying attention to my course load and ended up with 2 semesters worth of surplus credits because I always maxed out my course load and took a summer semester every other year and worked in a study abroad program every summer I wasn't taking actual classes.

TFW my best friend is the Archaeology professor I studied under in my last year of college.

>> No.5173884

How do you find something you want to do? I believe I enjoy concepts in sciences and math, but I can't really get motivated to spend a lot of my free time doing those subjects.

>> No.5173886

use·ful/ˈyo͞osfəl/Adjective: Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways.

Synonyms: helpful - serviceable - profitable - advantageous

>> No.5173889

Intelligence in the form of pattern recognition, logic and spatial reasoning has many practical purposes. By your definition intelligence as measured by an IQ test is useful.

>> No.5173895


No it isn't. IQ tests test nothing other than the ability to do IQ tests.

>> No.5173899

>Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways.
Intelligence tests can and are used in deciding what educational track a person would likely excel in. And, in the case of a person failing an intelligence test, those results can often help psychologists identify possible learning disabilities of that person. They aren't any near 100% reliable, but they are a useful tool for preliminary measures.

>> No.5173901

IQ tests test pattern recognition, logic and spatial reasoning. Some of them even test verbal skills. Your statement is as inane as saying "a ruler doesn't measure length, it measures nothing but meters". The ability to score high on an IQ test is called intelligence and as evidenced above it has practical purposes, is thus useful. Now kindly fuck off to whatever anti-intellectual shit hole you came from, for you lack the intellectual abilities to keep up a conversation on /sci/.

>> No.5173908

No they're not. IQ tests are terrible at deciding what "educational track" a person would likely excel in.


Verbal tests we have verbal tests. Logic tests we have logic tests. Maths we have maths. Spatial tests are fucking useless. Deal with it.

>> No.5173915

IQ tests are mostly good for recognizing mental retardation.

Where they really fail is that they do almost no testing of memory, and especially long-term memory. That's probably why there are so many high-IQ people who go nowhere in life.

>> No.5173916
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>> No.5173917

>No they're not.
having minored in psychology I would like to tell you you're wrong.

>> No.5173922

>as one who is semi-qualified in a notorious pseudoscience, I would like to tell you you're wrong.

>> No.5173924

>Verbal tests we have verbal tests.
>Logic tests we have logic tests.
>Maths we have maths.
In your reasoning that is:
"Verbal tests don't test verbal skills, they test the ability to take verbal tests."
"Logic tests don't test understand of logic, they test the ability to take logic tests."
"Math tests don't test knowledge of math, they test the ability to take math tests.

>Spatial tests are fucking useless.
Spatial reasoning is unimportant? I hope your dentist shares this view.

>> No.5173925
File: 16 KB, 198x247, AnthonyHudson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw movember soon

>> No.5173926

>implying psychology is a science
I lold. 2/10

>> No.5173930


And being able to do maths tests is a useful skill because maths tests often include real life problems. IQ tests do not.

Now fuck off back to MENSA

>> No.5173931

>in a notorious pseudoscience
when the pseudo science in question is the one that developed said tests and measurements...

Captcha: Laugh bertr

>> No.5173932

>maths tests often include real life problems
ha ha.

>> No.5173936

>>>>>claim is made for utility of pseudoscientific measurement
>>>>utility of pseudoscientific measurement is denied
>>>denial is rejected based on claims of semi-expertise in pseudoscience
>>obvious laughability of position pointed out
>assertion that pseudoscientists are the most relevant experts in pseudoscience
it is to lol

>> No.5173938


Now this is shitposting

>> No.5173943

>implying you need to be a genius to finish high school at 14

>> No.5173944

what? no it isn't. math tests never include anything relevant to real life problems. all real-life problems can be solved with mild intelligence and common sense.

2/10 because I replied.

>> No.5173946

I want to start learning programming but 4chan keeps pulling me back in. Procrastinating to the max.

>> No.5173947

oh you!

>> No.5173952

Come on now. We all knew that high school standards had been lowered to middle school standards, and college standards had been lowered to high school standards.

The real question here is why most of the student body aren't allowed to do this.

>> No.5173953

>implying you need to be a genius to finish high school at 14
OP never implied that.

>> No.5173955

>>Was encouraged by his father tremendously by intellectual stimulation

That's the secret. That's why jews/asians (ignore the /pol/) do so well in school -- parental encouragement, if not expectation, forces them to dedicate their entire teenage years to study.

This kid will have a miserable, lonely life.

>> No.5173959

>The real question here is why most of the student body aren't allowed to do this.
probably classism. IDK what the boy's family is like but I would imagine his dad either works at a university, or makes enough money to conceivably pay the child's way through college. It's also unknown whether the school had a rigorous screening process in place. (I know the local university near my house will accept any one who made at least a 1000 on their SAT's)

>> No.5173960


A good way programming is to find a classmate who already knows how and get him to teach you.

>> No.5173962

>maths tests often include real life problems

In highschool maybe. Your lack of math education is showing. Thanks for the laugh though.

>> No.5173966

The completely insane thing here is that we've got a glut of highly qualified academics struggling to get teaching positions, but high schools are full of unqualified assclowns with "education" degrees.

There is absolutely no reason why people couldn't be trained to the current standard of a 4-year postsecondary degree by the time they graduate high school.

>> No.5173969

>he hasn't done 1st and 2nd year university math courses

>> No.5173972

I have and there were no "real life problems", only proofs. You must be attending a shit tier uni.

>> No.5173975

>we've got a glut of highly qualified academics struggling to get teaching positions
in my home state we have a test called the (GACE) that test's general education knowledge that a teacher would be expected to know... if you can pass it you get a certificate and can go straight to teaching without needing an education degree. The English teacher at my High school (public school) had a Ph.D in American Lit.

>> No.5173978

real life, if your real life consists of being an autist mathematician.

>> No.5173979

>didn't do any calculus
>only did proofs
>shit-tier uni

>> No.5173984

Calculus is highschool math.

>> No.5173998


He was also a fancied himself for the local strip club. Because he was a regular he was actually asked to testify on their behalf in court (can't remember what happened).

>> No.5174026

he looks like an autism lord

>> No.5174429

It's all about dedication man.

>> No.5174465


You took DE in HS?
That's a heck of school... Private?

>> No.5175369

>You took DE in HS?
>That's a heck of school... Private?
not the same guy, but my highschool required one year of advanced geometry, two years of algebra and one year of calculus or one year of advanced algebra and two years of calculus depending on whether or not you were in the advanced curriculum... it was a public school...

>> No.5175378

the oddest thing happened, i said (to myself) these exact words...

I am become /sci/ feeler of feels

>> No.5175393

>Managed to finish highschool at 12
>Managed to get into university at 14
>Graduated with a B.Sc in CompSci at 18

and then he had a nervous breakdown

>> No.5175398

From what ive read Many of the people who go through these hyper advanced learning curriculum end up mentally breaking down from stress before they hit 30, many don't reach their full potential, many don't do as well as their slower peers. As anon said, poor kid

>> No.5175412


Everybody learns differently.
I know I'm a lot more knowledgeable now just by reading what I want, when I want, and in the way it's delivered to me.
School was a fucking chore.

>> No.5175430
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>> No.5175475

This faggot couldn't survive a single actual (proof-based) undergraduate mathematics course. I bet he brags of getting an A in Calc 1 that wasn't even taught from Spivak's text.

>> No.5175485

Around here a standard semester is 16 weeks long. a summer semester is 12 weeks long.

Some semesters are broken into 2 parts, with double class time to make up for it.

Which means you can learn in 6 weeks what standard takes 16.

>> No.5175528

It's true, I am pretty bad a math. I did turn out fairly suited to living in extreme climates with almost no resources for long periods of time, interacting easily and amiably with people who I barely know can barely speak the same language as, and being able to organizing large numbers of varying constituency groups to effect actual change in the world in real time because I'm not autistic...

>> No.5175536

>internet credentials