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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5169243 No.5169243 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 4.0 physics and organic chemistry exams with minimal effort.

Fuck me, the average for physics was a 65%, and with zero studying involved and a formula sheet I was able to get a 95%.

>> No.5169264

Hows it feel studying at a shit-tier college, OP?

>> No.5169302

I'm at the highest-tier university in my state for Microbiology, which is my major.

>> No.5169327

freshman physics is hard shit

>> No.5169326

>in my state

>> No.5169337
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>> No.5169341

Number 19.

Which imaginary universities does /sci/ go to in the delusions in their head?

>> No.5169352

and yet despite being an internet genious youre still posting on 4chan instead of utilizing your super brain to solve the biggest problems of mankind with peers at your level, what a faggot you must be

>> No.5169363

I just think it's weird that universities find it acceptable to have such low test averages.
My physics professor said that he was very content with a 65 average as the projected was around a 60. How is this acceptable at all? Are the students getting anything out of these courses?

>> No.5169375


the point is to fail them. cream of the crop. A good system up until you have a majority portion of the countries youth going into debt to get a diploma.

>> No.5169373

>with zero studying involved
You're a cool, bad dude OP.

How do I be as cool and bad as you?

Maybe if I post anonymously on 4chan about how much of a bad dude I am, I'll be as bad as you.

>> No.5169384
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I had a professor explain it to me once after I aced an inorganic exam and the average was a 65. He said that most professors prefer to test over mastery of all material covered, but expect a "working understanding" for most people. If you figure that "working understanding" to be about 75% of the material, then if you get say, 85% of said 75% right, you should get about a 63.5% on exams. This is acceptable to them, and typically is curved to a C or so. To earn your A you really do need to have near-mastery of the material (85-90%+). I wholeheartedly agree with this system, as frustrating as it is.

The same doesn't follow for non-sciences in my experience, though. Business? lolz

>> No.5169649

>tfw your organic chem teacher posts old exams, so you don't read the book, and just work problems he's likely to test you on
>tfw I just got a free A
>tfw pleb tier university

>> No.5169689

>formula sheet

Don't feel so special, I've not prepared at all on upper level exams and done better than that even.
You know.. the kind where you get 3 questions on a 3 hour exam.

But I'm sure your multiple choice exam was a real toughy too.

>> No.5169745
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>hard science

>> No.5169791


if you didn't have to study for your ochem exam and got an A, then your ochem class is a joke.
what's my experience with ochem? took honors level (they call it 'intensive' here) at the top ranked undergrad chem department in the US

>> No.5169806

Does your uni give you the ACS exam at the end of ochem 2?
Like he said, program has a lot to do with it. ACS accredited programs are harder than those that don't NEED to teach you as much to maintain accreditation.

>> No.5170550


>> No.5170591

>12 years old
>Working on my PhD at the best uni in the world
>Straight A's
>Never study
>Party, money, bitches

>> No.5170599

I'm not sure that I believe you

>> No.5170603



Stay classy, Ameritards.

>> No.5170611
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>tfw I'm the only girl in my physics class
>tfw a neckbeard keeps making sexist jokes
>tfw the neckbeard fails the exam
>tfw I got 99%

>> No.5170616

Do you guys really think what undergrad school you go to matters? That's like thinking Middle School or even High School matters. One of the 2 people awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry this year attended my school, the Unviersity of Minnesota - Duluth as an undergrad. Yet it is ranked 45 or something in the science category someone linked earlier. You can learn anything, anywhere, you don't really need to go to college if you have the drive and want to learn, which OP clearly doesn't seeing as how he doesn't study. Then if you know your shit, go to a good grad school to heighten further what you know.

Unless you were only looking to go to college so you could get a job instead of to learn, because if so you're already fucked

>> No.5170619

Good for you. Glad to hear femanons doing well in the sciences.

>> No.5170627



OP could have prepped for the class before even taking it, too. Read ebooks, etc. Might not have needed to study because he already knew the material.

>> No.5170631

>women think they're special for studying sciences
>meanwhile, men studying education, english etc are seen as faggots to be laughed at


>> No.5170652

that's what you get for only studying one.

I studied physics and philosophy.... and my life is ok.

>> No.5170667

>second week of university
>comp science
>never liked math
>all three subjects are math
>no calculating only proving some strange equations that I don't even know what they mean.
>too lazy to study
>two of three profs are shit tier
>first just writes up formulas without explaining shit in light speed.
>second one mumbles so you can barely understand him
>already failed the first exercise sheet

hold me /sci/

>> No.5170681
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>tfw you come off as an entitled cunt for caring so much about sexist jokes
>tfw you call some idiot a neckbeard
>tfw you don't see the irony
>tfw you're hated by your coworkers because you make too goddamn big a deal about your genitalia
>tfw you blame it on sexism

>> No.5170686
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It's probably not even calculus based physics and I bet its not real ochem, but one of those shitty versions for people who want to be nurses or vets.

>> No.5170696

>and a formula sheet
Your grade is meaningless, try again without the crutch.

>> No.5170708

It's because some teachers take the approach where you write your tests such that any given student of any given year with the expected level of mastery of the course would be expected to get, say, 60% of the material on a test correct, and then set the grade distributions accordingly.

Note that this is NOT the same thing as pegging a C grade at the average of the class and determining the grade distribution from the standard deviations, which is what is usually meant by "grading to a curve". This system is equivalent to the normal system, just shifted down so it's easier to tell the geniuses at the top of the scale from the people who are merely pretty good.

Why is this useful? Because some people might want to distinguish between people who manage to get most of the material right because they understand it pretty well and studied moderately and the people who absolutely knock it out of the park with their understanding of the material. The conventional system doesn't do a good job of differentiating between those two types of students, because both of them can easily max out the scale with near-100 grades.

>> No.5170714

mfw aced neuroanatomy exam with only looking through my notes once or twice.

mfw people study and still fail.

why cant i hold all these as

>> No.5170716 [DELETED] 

>want to study something cool like nanotechnology or robotics or ai

>> No.5170719


>18 University of California, Davis

>> No.5170721

>want to study something cool like nanotechnology or robotics or ai
>only boring majors like physics, math, biology, comp sci, chemistry in my city and near me
>not enough balls to move out to a far away city
>hate myself for studying a subject i hate

>> No.5170722

american exams = super easy
u feel good doing retard level science, you should have done 7 years ago

>> No.5170734

This applies to all exams, not just in murrica.

>> No.5170739

>want to study something cool like nanotechnology or robotics or ai
>only boring majors like physics, math, biology, comp sci, chemistry in my city and near me
>doesn't know that nanotechnology is not a field in itself, just niches in physics, biology, chemistry etc when they scale down
>doesn't know that ai is comp sci with a sprinkle of philosophy

>> No.5170738

sounds like bullshit

>> No.5170743


Comp science

Should have just done software engineer if you can't handle babby Maths.

You could probably switch to it