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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5168678 No.5168678 [Reply] [Original]

>An hour of studying for Sociology exam
>5 days of studying for CMOS integrated circuits exam

>> No.5168690

Stick to sociology, when EE is too hard for you.

>> No.5168710

>1 hour studying for economics mid term
>5 days of studying for Chemistry

The sad part is a lot of semi intelligent people get discouraged by their low grades in science and drop out, while the artfags and empty business suites float threw their effortless degrees, and come out looking more intelligent to future employers than the guy who dropped his science major.

>> No.5168727

>CMOS integrated circuits

But what was the average? The average on my RF midterm was like 30%.

>> No.5168758

>don't study for two days prior to modern algebra exam
>get 77%
good thing I studied before that.

>> No.5168778

Scoring below the average, even by a small amount crushes my self esteem. Hold me /sci/.

>> No.5168799
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It's OK, brah. There's a first bad time for everyone.

Keep in mind that if you only do things that are easy for you, you're not living up to your potential. As /sci/ loves to say: if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong fucking room.

>> No.5168810
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>tfw above average in all classes.

>> No.5168867

Then what does that say about Science Majors who might drop out?

>> No.5168874

That must be the intro econ course. The intermediate and advanced courses are much harder (or so I've heard).

>> No.5168896

Ain't that the truth. Even then, 112% is really good.

>> No.5168903
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>tfw study material of course every day or second day
>tfw exam tomorrow, barely studied at all for it because of my review every day that i feel confident
>tfw this is the first time ive ever done this
>tfw because of feeling confident i am now feeling unconfident and paranoid the test will be hard
>tfw youd rather cram then be prepared in advance

my body isnt ready

>> No.5168909

we should make babies

>> No.5168922

>1 hour studying for computer science term
>5 days of studying for philosophy

>> No.5169100

> Couple of hours per week of revision for CompSci
> 84%
> Never show up to any classes for Linguistics
> 73%

>> No.5169135

>study for math 1 hour
>76% class average 48%
>study nutrition nigger memorization bullshit class 4hours
>66% D

Why the fuck do colleges have these pointless memorization classes that don't mean shit. I thought this would be better that high school

>> No.5169139

> hours studying for microeconomics
> 85%
> Never bother to even buy a book for Abstract Algebra
> 97%

>> No.5169146

>perceived short increment of time "studying" for class I want to put down
high score/percentage

>large increment of time "studying" for class I want to make look good
low score/percentage

>> No.5169147

>Almost finished with undergrad materials science degree
>Almost. Wrote my thesis, passed with flying colours.
>Even got accepted for master's program at uni of my choice
>Yet... one exam remaining
>The only one which I've ever failed
>Have one final attempt, but didn't do it this semester because afraid of failing yet again
>tfw I can't into electrical engineering

>> No.5169157

meant to refer to

United in feels.

>> No.5169155

Does anyone get seriously self-esteem/identity crisis issues when you get anything less than a 90?

I don't even go to that babby of a university. McGill.

>> No.5169161

got 81% on easy ass physics 1 test. Fucked on 1 problem for stupid reason. Who am I?

>> No.5169169

What a shitty abstract class you have.

>> No.5169194

>no time studying for physics exam
>only one who scored above 95 in class
> it's apretty good feeling knowing you are smarting than most people

>> No.5169232

Harvardfag here. I've got two friends who practically had nervous breakdowns over Bs. (And there are plenty of people crying their asses off about B+s in the harvardfml archives). Anyone who's not used to getting bad grades can flip out over them.

Me, I got used to bad grades early because one of my middle school teachers fucking hated me. I should probably feel worse about my GPA than I do.

>> No.5171076


>> No.5171082


But they ARE smarter, they aced their subjects. They're just not LEFT BRAINED like you, different skills for different peopl lolll

>> No.5171102

in my calc 2 class; freshman year we took the first midterm and when we got it back the proffesor wrote all the scores on the board to show distribution and so we could see how we did compared to the class. the class average was something like 75%; with 6 or 7 people scoring about 90%, and 1 person scoring 102% on a test with 3 extra credit points available. that was when the proffesor said to us "this class is filled with engineers; physics and math majors. we have 1 art major here. they got the 102%"

just because people choose to pursue the fine arts doesn't mean they're dumb; or even that they're bad at math/science. some of them just like art more.

>> No.5171104

>0 hours of studying math

Happened today.

>> No.5171510

>Don't study for Bio online quizzes
>Never show up to intro chem 1, never study

>> No.5171514

>it's apretty good feeling knowing you are smarting than most people
>smarting than

I wonder what your English scores look like.

>> No.5171520

>5 days studying electromagnetics exam
>79%, class average is 35%
>1 hour studying for global issues exam
>he gave me partial credit on multiple choice questions

God damn non math/science classes are a joke

>> No.5171527


I do initially because I feel like I won't be able to do well at my job in the future, or even get the job I want. Or even learn more! How should I expect to do well going on in a math class when I do poor in the beginning? It stacks.

But, in reality, I know it's not that big of a deal. When you have this job, and you're working with this stuff every day, you'll learn it better than you are ever going to sitting in a classroom. But yeah, for me it's because I'm worried I won't be able to do well at my job

>> No.5171555


Don't even be insulting linguistics. That shit is HARD. My girlfriend is finishing up some 4000 level courses in linguistics this year, her second year, and I mean it's really tough. It IS science and math. Her professor worked for the CIA for a year with linguistics, and they had some list that said which fields required higher IQ's, linguistics is at the very top


Again with my girlfriend, but she's taking a class this year where it is just an entry level class for freshmen (but she needs it for her writing major) and she got an 85% because of how the test was. She got questions wrong that were like... in her book, it explained that people who couldn't speak still had intricate thought, and the guy proved it with a guy who couldn't speak, yet could build locks. On the test it was a multiple choice answer that asked to circle all that applied, and one of them said 'it is shown that people who can't speak have complex thought and so can do things like build houses and learn calculus', so she circled it and got it wrong. The stupid people who don't actually undestand what point was being made with the lock thing didn't circle it because they knew 'not speak = build lock". Another part in the book listed a couple of dictionaries to give examples from them to make a point, and another question on the test asked to circle all the dictionaries he listed. The test wasn't testing gained knowledge, it was testing how much the stupid people could fucking memorize. I would absolutely hate that class

>> No.5171632

>CMOS circuits

Better get an A in that course, CMOS is retard tier in my opinion. Compared to RF and Telco atleast

>> No.5171706

>pleb teir math class, trig, barely study
Only perfect score in the class
Hold me ;_;

>> No.5171788

If you're taking an examination in sociology then your university sucks; just saying.

The standard form of response is an essay between 3 and 6k.

>> No.5171820


>> No.5171852
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>I rock 90's in every lab, every day, all day
>I can consistently demonstrate my understanding of electric circuits given some real world application and some time

>tfw I almost never get above 60's on tests because professors feel the need to ask purposefully vague questions, then dock marks for me making the wrong assumptions and giving them the wrong right answers or because I'm off by a few hundredths.

I helped my prof properly put together a 3phase transformer in a lab last year because he kept shorting it and flipping the breakers, and then I failed the class because I dun goofed the last step of several questions.

I should just quit and become a goddamn electrician

>> No.5171875

>second year engineering
>me and two other guys averaging ~90% on everything
>rest of the class struggling to maintain even 60%
>class average is 54%
The first half of the year nobody gives a shit, then suddenly mid terms and "OH HEY ANON HOW DO YOU DO SO WELL TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS". These fuckers have no work ethic.

>> No.5172003

sounds like you should

>> No.5172019

Teach me your secrets anon.

>> No.5172051


Was that first class Structural Geology?

>> No.5172052

>CMOS integrated circuits
Is that digital or analog? I'm presuming analog, because digital is baby stuff. Good analog design can be very challenging (design ultra stable low power oscillators etc). Also depends on your professor.
high frequency stuff is hard as fuck, everything is a transmission line, antennas everywhere, parasitics, etc

>> No.5172062

that's right anon, keep shoving them away. one day you will see the error of your ways

>> No.5172082

Study for 2-3 hours a day, every day. You're only in class for 3-4 hours, but if you treat your day like a job and work at it for 8 hours a day, monday to friday, and some review/projects on the weekends, you'll be fine.

>> No.5172090

>You're only in class for 3-4 hours.
What do you do on 8 hour days?
What about extracurricular activities?

>> No.5172093

I've got a girlfriend and family for love, caring, tolerance, all that shit. I'll help them out but seriously, fuck them for not even trying. I'm not your fucking mentor, I'm not going to motivate you. I'll tell you how to succeed, the rest is up to you. Now, if you were my girlfriend or brother or some shit, I'd help motivate you too. But they're just other students -- other people. I can't all of spend MY time helping others who I won't have babies with or whom aren't related by blood.

>> No.5172104

>extra curricular activities
I'm in debate club and a few study groups, but those rarely take up more than two hours a day. My typical day looks like:
>Class - Around three hours, sometimes four
>Homework - Around two or three hours
>Studying/review - Two or three hours
>Extra curricular/study groups - Two or so hours, sometimes study groups can substitute for studying on my own
That still leaves me with 12 hours to sleep, eat, fuck around and talk with the girlfriend. And that's only the weekdays.

>> No.5172118

>Quiz on Friday
>Entire weekend spent in self loathing, cant eat or sleep

>> No.5172129

>Boast to anon about how smart you are.
>Not actually half as smart as you think you are.

>> No.5172169

>procrastinate on a neuroscience report
>begin to question my dedication
Any tips on maintaining motivation?

>> No.5172178

Depends on who you are and what you value.

You tell me what you value and I'll tell you how to motivate yourself.
>inb4 you don't know what you value
>inb4 you go out to discover who you are and what you value

>> No.5172218

Yeah, I guess my lack of any goals has resulted in low motivation, which is why I'm taking a year off to re-evaluate my life. This doesn't really help with my current situation, but I think I just came here to vent.

>> No.5172222

Been there, buddy. Good luck and enjoy the journey. :)

>> No.5172224

>Study 0 hours for Calc II quiz
>Get 50%

Feels exactly what I expected, man.

>> No.5172232

Thanks. And this is just a shot in the dark, but are you aware of any controversy over the functions of huntingtin?

>> No.5172239

If you study economics properly it is a science, if you study it poorly then it is a pseudoscience, it just depends how you go about it, ie, heterodox economics is mostly guys making up equations, assuming they are true, and then finding the real world implications for their untested equations that are based on a nonreal versions of people with ridiculous assumptions, but if you do it properly, studying statistics and real world data, come up with a model that can explain the data, then applying that model to other situations to see how well it works it is pretty much scientific.

>> No.5172240

I have no idea, but it seems interesting. I think I'll give it a read.

>> No.5172241

>study for chemistry exam
>get 96%

>don't study for calculus exam
>get 95%

>don't study for linear algebra exam
>get 95%

>study for economics exam
>get 88%

>sort of study for bio exam
>projecting a 70-75%

>> No.5172263

Oh don't worry about it, I was asking just in case, as you never know who might be browsing /sci/.

>> No.5172265

>never study for any test, ever
get 90+%, everytime

>> No.5172281

I learn best teaching other people, so I don't mind when this happens.

>> No.5172284

Damn. Professor confirmed for god tier troll.

>> No.5172289

See, that can help, but when they're asking for your help on some of the most basic shit there is, like calculus (HOW CAN YOU BE IN THIS CLASS AND NOT HAVE A FIRM UNDERSTANDING OF CALCULUS) it's just fucking ridiculous. Also, that's what study groups are for. I fucking love study groups.

>> No.5172365

high school or art major doesnt count

>> No.5172387

im a third year physics major

>> No.5172390

I remember primary school.

>> No.5172411

I tutor the basic statistics class for CC students. Instead of the calculus, they're taught how to use their calculators to solve the problems. I'm taking statistics for engineers (calculus requirement) but they're pretty much the same class.

>you draw one marble from the bag of 20; what is the probability?


>you draw one screw from the bag of 20; what is the probability?

First exam, I get a 72%. Class average is 81%. 70 people got a 100%. It was multiple choice and 11 questions. Not even hard questions. I know several of the people in that class because I took calc 3, DEQ, physics 1, physics 2, and statics with them. Most of them got Bs and Cs in all of those subjects while I always pulled off an A through hard work.

I bet many of them got 100s on this test.


>> No.5172439 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> \vec{J} = \int_t_{i}^{t_{f}} \vec{F}dt[/spoiler]

>> No.5172502

like i said and ill say it again, im a third year physics major.

>> No.5172503
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Does everyone take the same courses as me every semester or do I simply preferentially notice the threads about what I am currently studying?

Also, does it matter which way the current flows through a transistor (B->C or C->B)? If so, why?

>> No.5172516
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Sociology: the study of why rich white people are the cause of every single terrible event that has ever occurred on this planet.

>mfw people actually major in this shit

>> No.5172526 [DELETED] 

Protip: First years of any major consists of professors getting rid of you preexisting biases.

>> No.5172528

Protip: First years of any major consists of professors getting rid of you preexisting biases.

>> No.5172618

> 0 hours of studying for any classes
> 80% everything

>> No.5172622

>Study a hour to two hours a day
>Want to get 80% minimum
>Get 90%+

Feels good man

>> No.5172636

>goto Cambridge
>never study
>straight 100%'s
>majoring in theoretical physics
>get mad pussy and smoke weed everyday

>> No.5172644

>they are smarter

- They cheated
- They memorized everything and have a good memory
- They actually know what they are doing

>> No.5172658
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>don't study at all
>get an 85%
>average was 70% (idk how the fuck)
>teacher curves
>i get an A

>> No.5172679
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>that feel when undergrad
>that feel when saying you didn't study is the most obvious attempt at expressing dominance, and leave all that shit in highschool
>that feel when people still do it..

>> No.5172683


same experience here OP, these intro soft science/liberal arts courses are extremely easy to the point where you can skip every single lecture and still achieve a respectable score from reading the textbook a few hours.

On the other hand, I expect to dynamics to stick it's big purple dildo up my ass. Anyone have any advice for dynamics?

>> No.5172699

>expressing dominance
You sound like you are watching chimps. The word is "bragging".

>> No.5172700
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Errbody want good grades, but ain't nobody wanna study some heavy ass shit.

I hate that shit too, but I still do it. Gotta make things look effortless, y'know?

>> No.5172706
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I wish I studied in high school

>> No.5172707

>implying dominance doesn't exist in humans
u naive bro?

>> No.5172711

Me too. It would have made the transition into university easier.

>> No.5172712

I wish I had learned ahead in high-school.

I was always the smartest guy in the room during high-school, but as soon as I got to university there were people who spent their high-school years actually learning new shit instead of playing vidya and smoking weed.

>> No.5172734

Dynamics is a weed-out course where you use babby physics to an excrutiating extent to solve a lot of equations with a lot of unknown quanities for one snapshot in time. It goes without saying that the key to the course is not just understanding babby physics (else you will fail no matter what), but rather to follow a single detailed procedure for every single problem. There is no smartass way to do hard dynamics problems, and you must state all equations you can that take into account every single possible force and reaction possible for a system.
Trying to take visual or intuitive shortcuts will fuck you over because of points lost for not showing work and inevitably having a bad visual. Just follow the procedure of stating as many stupid equations as possible and solving them, and you will be able to do any dynamics problem ever and pass that waste of time with an A.

>> No.5172736



>> No.5172749

You don't speak English bro? It's called BRAGGING.

>> No.5172757
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I seriously wouldn't have failed AP World History if I studied

>> No.5172762
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Physics: the study where you put numbers in some formulas and then do some math with a calcualtor

>mfw people judge the whole discipline base on their highschool level experience with it

>> No.5172777
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Computer Science: code monkeys

>> No.5172781

Chemistry: the study where you calculate masses of reagents and heat and shit and then guess the reaction

>> No.5172791

Biology: the study where you memorize a bunch of seemingly random shit under the promise that one day it will all connect together and make sense.

>> No.5172796

but that one is true

>> No.5172800

Physics: failed math majors doing babby problems

>> No.5172801

Engineering: building things because you're afraid of having to do research

>> No.5172805

>ARE smarter

Unless your definition of being smart is being able to memorize easy information and copy other artist you're flat out wrong.

>> No.5172809

>implying Physicist don't get paid more straight out of college

>> No.5172826

Math: the study where you memorize some examples and rules and then repeat different versions of those examples without braking any rules

>> No.5172848


I think mathematics and physics teachers get paid about the same.

>> No.5172850

If you're a retard, sure.

You're not a retard, are you?

>> No.5172870

Geology: Camping with high explosives and shovels.

>> No.5172902


Check out econometrics, shit's pretty cool.

>> No.5172912

I'm >>5172239 that's basically what I was talking about. Really interesting stuff.

>> No.5172921


>tfw AP World History teacher literally graded nothing, gave us completion grades based on how much she liked us
>kids weren't even turning in their tests (kept scantrons and free response sheets) and she still gave us all low-mid As
>all we did was have boring lectures (everyone in the back slept) or watched videos about the topic at hand (everyone slept)

>got an A for literally doing nothing

>tfw got a 3 on the exam
>tfw the kids who got 5s were a nigger and a kid who cheated his entire way through high school

>> No.5172964
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>all these babbys taking exams

Quit whinging about your bullshit, graduate and take your lips off the government teat. You've got tens of thousands of dollars of debt to service!

>> No.5173007

>2 hours studying modern physics
>10 hours studying psychology
> %82


(in retrospect i did have more fun with physics, and i spread out the time i studied different topics..LOL unlike psyc)