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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5168111 No.5168111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5168130

Can we at least put a sci spin on this?

>that feel when your entire lab experiment goes absolutely wrong and you have to explain why on the report but you don't even

>> No.5168141

>tfw you tell your lab instructor shit went wrong and he just shakes his head, muttering "once again"

>> No.5168144

>that feel when you're done with a project and can't flirt with the only cute girl in any of your classes anymore because you already have qtgf

>> No.5168151

>tfw everyone on /sci/ is smarter and older than me


>> No.5168155

>tfw you can't draw up a proper graph with it's line of best fit because you made a parralax error in the experiment

>> No.5168158
