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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 570x238, shiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5168032 No.5168032 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when some Anons a few weeks to months ago posted a picture highlighting that shiny particle from under Curiosity?

Well it isn't from the rover... it is Martian.


>> No.5168063

Come on /sci/... spark up some conversation about this... what do you think these shiny particles are?

>> No.5168095


>> No.5168132

what's the scale on that bad boy?
looks like a folded up piece of duct tape

>> No.5168135

debris from the rover's landing

>> No.5168159


No, it isn't... because it was found in multiple places.

>> No.5168165
File: 85 KB, 800x600, 697172main_pia16229-43_800-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curiosity’s Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera took this image on the mission’s 66th Martian day, or sol, (Oct. 12, 2012) showing part of the hole or bite left in the ground when Curiosity collected its first scoop of Martian soil five sols earlier. A clod of soil near the top center of the image contains a light-toned particle. The observation that the particle is embedded in the clod led scientists to assess this particle as Martian material, not something from the spacecraft. This assessment prompted the mission to continue scooping in the area, despite observations of a few light-toned particles in the area being scooped. The image shows an area about 2 inches (5 centimeters) across. It is brightened to improve visibility in the shaded area. (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

>> No.5168173

That definitely looks interesting. I hope we can find out what it is.

>> No.5168191

How does this disprove debris? The thing in the first pic very clearly looks like a piece of debris.

>> No.5168210

Its probably just some piece of tape got caught in the wind, left our atmosphere, flew away and landed on the moon

>> No.5168213


>> No.5168216


You cannot really read the rest of the thread can you?


>Implying it is on the moon.

>> No.5168219

But thats mars

>> No.5168224

The curiosity rover landed on titan you moron, it's the closest planet to the sun.

>> No.5168243

>You cannot really read the rest of the thread can you?

>> No.5168244

Which is a moon of the sun. Checkmate.

>> No.5168322


That isn't the only picture they have of the particles. They have multiple, from different locations, even under soil (half sticking out).

>> No.5168343

has anyone else realized the first picture has nothing to do with the shiny debris... yall are confusing your debree pictures with your shinny particle picture... lel

first picture is debree its already confirmed they left it, they are digging at another spot

its sad it took a inferior white man to point this out

>> No.5168344
File: 48 KB, 586x484, 1347370723811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tin foil from hats of the last martians. No one wanted to believe that they were losing their atmosphere due to solar winds and low gravity in concert with a cooling core.

>> No.5168507
File: 770 KB, 1000x750, marsfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5168566
File: 788 KB, 1584x1184, 0067MH0079000006R0_DXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA JPL is refering to this white particle idiots

>> No.5168575



>> No.5168582

Yeah, could be absolutely nothing.. just the sun hitting a reflective surface or something.

>> No.5168596


>> No.5168622
File: 750 KB, 1584x1184, 0067MH0008000022R0_DXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5168659

duh duh du diamonds!!!

>> No.5168774

we've discovered the RARE white spice geyser! place a colony incredi-pack to claim this planet as your own and sell the spice for a profit!

>> No.5168797

That would be the best possible outcome.

It would finally get all the juice on board with space exploration

>> No.5168835

it's spice melange. beware of the sandworms.

>> No.5169548

Fear is the mind killer

>> No.5169550

Frank Herbert fags pls go

>> No.5169565

watch it be pieces of plastic from the once inhabited mars before it's destruction.

>> No.5169584

Gold isn't valuable enough to cover the costs of mining it on Mars, much less the interplanetary transportation that would be required.

>> No.5169595

That's obviously the strongest metal.

>> No.5169995

Terran gold and certified Martian gold need not be the same price. Certainly not when it comes to the jewelry industry, anyway.

>> No.5170063

So the general consensus is that it's a mineral, eh? How long do we you think it'll take before we find out?

>> No.5170073

Could it be... shiny ALIENS!

>> No.5170096

You idiots, we dont even really know if those pictures are from mars, I could have just snapped a couple photos in my back yard that would be just as convincing
And if it is on mars; who is on mars, and how is he surviving? seems like aliens to me...

>> No.5170144


>average public opinion.jpg

>> No.5170175

could be remnants of an ancient alien civilization, maybe the same civilization that inoculated earth with life

just one possibilyty

>> No.5170189

There's only a 1 in 8,192 chance an alien would be shiney.

>> No.5170401

Here's a theory that no one has ever come up with.

Mars was once inhabited by intelligent beings. There was a civilization. An unknown series of events caused their extinction or forced them to abandon the planet. We are finding remnants of their civilization.

Theory: There's an entire ancient civilization waiting to be excavated on Mars but since we only send tiny robots on Mars, no one's been able to dig up anything.

Theory: Mitt Romney's hiding his gold and diamonds on Mars.

>> No.5170402 [DELETED] 

Another Theory: Some object containing something that was created by extraterrestrials struck Mars and we are seeing the remains of that and Mars never harbored life more intelligent than a cookie.

>> No.5170405

Theory: It was something from the remnants of an Ancient civilization and NASA left it alone and moved to search another sample because they're too stupid to search the possibility.

>> No.5170707

Well, apparently they've scooped it up and the analyzer thing is going to take a fucking week to analyze it

>> No.5170770
File: 75 KB, 300x308, Stargate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5170774

I'm not saying it was protheans but...

>> No.5170775

I have a related question.
Just where can I see ChemCam data?

>> No.5170792


Really though, we do only send this tiny highly inefficient rovers to the surface. If we ever hope to find anything we need people.

>> No.5170932

Must be some glass from those meteorite impacts.

>> No.5170951

Maybe it's some lump of platinum group metals.
Shouldn't be all too rare.

>> No.5170955


I actually messaged them on facebook asking them this, I knew I wouldn't get a response but it was worth a try.

>> No.5170993

That sounds quite likely to me.

>> No.5171010

That was one horible clusterfuck of an article.

>> No.5171042


fuck you reminding me of her

>> No.5171404
File: 500 KB, 531x435, GynBT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


part of the descent stage

>> No.5171492

That's not what people are talking about. That's confirmed litter. The white shit we're talking about are these little minerals in the ground.

Any updates on it, by the way? Last I heard they had started the process of analyzing it.. but how long does that take?

>> No.5171511

how did you get it from a different angle ?

>> No.5171544

its an algorithm that shifts the image based on reference points

>> No.5171571
File: 35 KB, 400x338, 296+59656959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5171592

so its not accurate at all

>> No.5171594

sorry for off-topic but mind giving link or name of the method

>> No.5171598

can it generate a depthmap ?

>> No.5171607



>> No.5171609
File: 21 KB, 400x359, Wiggles_friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic


>> No.5171613


>> No.5171680

>process of analyzing .. how long does that take?

as long as the censor.. err, I mean the Principal Investigator needs to 'sanitize' the results for public consumption

>> No.5171699


>Discover the ruins of an ancient martian civilization
>At their peak, their technology was no greater than a 1960s level. We learn no great secrets of the universe from them.

>> No.5171709


Why can't they shoot it with the laser?

Does the laser provide a spectrum for the material?

I know they're apprehensive about putting it inside the rover because if it's man-made it could throw things off but the laser keeps things clean.

>> No.5171785

>Implying moons don't have to be natural
>Implying this doesn't prove it's artificial

Reverse double checkmate

>> No.5171804

Oh noes! They is gon hide the aliun teeth, which proof reptiliuns build iphone. WHY U HIDE NASA! WEKE UP SHEEPLU!

>> No.5171809

Hopefully the little white specks turn out to be something cool.

I really wish we could send an excavation team though. Some larger plan needs to be layed down to search the canyon systems, I'm sure they could learn a lot in there. I mean it's pretty damn rare anyone every finds a footprint or fossil anywhere remotely close to topsoil. You have to get underneath all dat shit.

>> No.5172140

Watch, it'll just be some completely boring old topaz-like mineral

>> No.5172149

Anybody else think it looks like a space condom?

>> No.5172170

So lets say this turns out to be from mars, and turns out to be a metal of some kind. Would NASA tell us? I think not, we no aliums now

>> No.5172215

Well I think at this point they would tell us considering that they told us about some shiny object on Mars. It's safe to say we'll be informed on major findings.

>> No.5172316


What the fuck is that?

>> No.5172336


If you don't believe that at some point a civilization inhabited Mars then you're a fucking retard. Just look at the Cydonia region of Mars. Geometry does not lie.

>> No.5172354
File: 24 KB, 500x333, 140414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooh geometric patterns on another planet

>must be aliens

>> No.5172358

It's scary to think that ocean currents carry garbage that far from the mainland. When will humanity learn.

>> No.5172368


hurr durr. You're obviously a retard that couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.

Cydonia contains not only complex mathematical concepts but alignment to astronomical phenomena within our solar system. Put together there is absolutely no way this could occur naturally.

>> No.5172394


>> No.5172396

They are just rocks dude. The geometric bullshit was just forced to fit on it to make it appear mysterious. You can find more interesting natural rock formations on earth

>> No.5172403

The atoms in your tinfoil hat have geometric patterns. Aliens made it can't prove me wrong blah blah everybody is an idiot blah blah

>> No.5172405


Throwing around "retard" doesn't make your argument any more compelling, retard.

>> No.5172408

excuse me sir
you dropped your tinfoil hat

>> No.5172413
File: 67 KB, 540x386, 1344869767600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5172421


I know you're trolling now but just for fun I'll elaborate for my own sake. Sacred geometry, pythagorean theorem, and the gold mean/cosmical circle all occur at Cydonia naturally as mathematical concepts. They are not 'forced to fit' as you have stated.

And if you still aren't convinced you can take the structures at Cydonia and overlay them on a map of Avebury (ancient megalithic site in England) and fit the two together. Two sites, on two different worlds overlaying each other perfectly.

But its all just rock brah.

>> No.5172432

can you find me the exact pictures or the links ? I'll overlay them with photoshop, make a comparison mashup and post it here so everyone can see if its real or not

>> No.5172438

>I know you're trolling now

0/10; too obvious

you were subtle at first, try to keep it up next time

>> No.5172444


Simply google 'mars cydonia' and you'll find all the pictures you'll need to form your own opinion. There is a lot of scientific explanation accompanying these pictures as well. Pick up a book written by Richard C. Hoagland, former NASA guy. And if you think Mars is cool, you should see the shit they found on the moon.

>> No.5172447
File: 36 KB, 249x262, Tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good argument, and I almost agree-- but you're missing one major point.
You forgot that Mars is a fake and the Earth is concave.

>> No.5172453

/x/ pls go

>> No.5172454

yeah, no one's ever thought of that, except for it being the plot of mass effect.

>> No.5172458


>And if you still aren't convinced you can take the structures at Cydonia and overlay them on a map of Avebury (ancient megalithic site in England) and fit the two together. Two sites, on two different worlds overlaying each other perfectly.

[citation needed]

But seriously, I'd love for this to be true. So please do find that citation.

>> No.5172463

no, if anything major comes out, like this.. thing shows evidence of being man-made, but we most definitely didn't put it there, it will be explained away as something feasible and unexciting

>> No.5172464

it was also in spore

the rover is going to dig us up an interstellar drive

>> No.5172469

maybe the geology student in me is showing, but that soil textures fucking weird. Its like its wet. must be the low gravity.

>> No.5172470
File: 1.74 MB, 1965x1468, cydonia_marsexpress_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I found a very good high-res image. But I don't know how to scale, rotate or place it on avebury. Or even which avebury pic I should use

>> No.5172477

How can those photos be from another planet? It looks like dirt.

>> No.5172478


Image I have is in a book co-written by the author I mentioned. I'm sure its out there on the net. But seriously, read into this subject on your own. Its incredibly interesting. Hoagland is a little to conspiratorial for me but the depths of his investigation, especially into the technical is very well done.

>> No.5172483

I think it's just really really really dusty.

>> No.5172487


The picture I have in the book is way more zoomed in on the D&M pyramid, face, and other structures at Cydonia. The picture you posted is a much more broad view of the region.

>> No.5172517

Even so, the dust should settle instead of clump like that. Who knows, but cool.

>> No.5172520
File: 53 KB, 604x401, bismuth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5172525


>> No.5172527

Since I have to overlay it on another map, I only need a regional image right ?

>> No.5172532


Could you possibly link us instead of making us wade through the shit? Assuming it isn't all shit, of course.

>> No.5172533

> you should see the shit they found on the moon.
Like the ziggurat ? Looks like bad photoshop to me mate

>> No.5172570

case and point

>> No.5172575

well, what the fuck is it then

>> No.5172633

duck tape