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5167536 No.5167536 [Reply] [Original]

So you actually move faster, the higher up you are on the planet?

>> No.5167539

what do you mean by "higher up"?

>> No.5167542

If it is night time yes, if it is daytime no.

>> No.5167548

Like, someone at the peak of Everest would move faster than someone at the bottom of the mariana trench?

>> No.5167556

Well yeah but not by a lot.
This has been measured with atomic clocks actually. The one on top of the building will have a little lag when compared with the one at the bottom after a while.

>> No.5167561

They are rotating faster as they are completing a circle in the same time as the earths rotation, but have more distance to cover the further they are out from the center of the earth.

Thus they travel through time slightly slower than us ground level people.

>> No.5167565
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illin'. fanx blud.

>> No.5167571

Dude.. really what the fuck do you think he means you robot. he means at "higher altitudes/greater distance from earths center."

And yes, you move faster relative to the center, speed is relative kids.

>> No.5167573

This also has some validity in that if it is night time you will be further from the sun.

As we are rotating around the sun, applying the principle explained here

Being further from the center point of rotation having a higher altitude at night time will actually mean you are travelling faster.

>> No.5167579

Funny thing: due to time dilatation, people who work in high offices die faster than those who work at ground floor.

Of course, the amount is completely negligable, but still.

>> No.5167586
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Holy shitfuck I thought he was being funny, but it actually makes sense.

>> No.5167595

What relativistic effect is more prevalent in a high office? The higher velocity? Or the greater distance from the gravitational center of earth?

>> No.5167600

So is this why planes fly really high instead of just powering along the surface?

>> No.5167601

the higher velocity ofcourse, making time move relatively slower, and >>5167579
False. They move faster, therefore their internal clock runs slower, so they die later... and the last part was true, it's negligable

>> No.5167602

greater distance

>> No.5167603

Opposite actually. In theory if you travel at light speed you age far less relatively to the people on earth.

So the faster you are traveling the less you age relative to people on earth. So how do they die faster?

>> No.5167612

Woops, you're right, I mixed it up. It's basically just a reformulation of the twin paradox.

>> No.5167681


Increased speed = increased time dilation

so while you move through space faster,you move through time slower

However, being closer to the center of the earth means your gravitation is slightly higher, which also causes time dilation. I don't know how to do the calculations for which moves faster or slower through time, the man on the mountain or the man in the valley.

>> No.5167685

I see, I was not fully aware of gravity's time dilation effects. Learning something everyday.

>> No.5167732

Pretty sure atomic clocks experiment showed the higher up ages slower.

>> No.5167750


Of course. Why do you think it is so windy up on Everest?

>> No.5167765

cause it's closer to god's lips, blowing gently down onto our planet.

>> No.5167803
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No, you see, same rotational speed does imply same velocity. see my pic for proof

>> No.5167812


It's more to do with being higher up in a gravitational field speeding up time.

>> No.5167814

this result come from the fact that it's not the ratio of the circumference / radius = tau of any circle that is constant , it's the circumference of any circle that is constant, and tau is a vary in function of the radius.

>> No.5167823

what the fuck! I never thought of this, how can the small wheel travel the same distance if it has the same angular velocity?

>> No.5167831

you're a fucking idiot.
speed is a scalar quantity and can be calculated as radial velocity times the radius. at any level of the earth the radial velocity is the same, as you get higher the radius is greater.

>> No.5167857


Sshh... I don't think you know what is going on here...


Yeah buddy... yeah.