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5165942 No.5165942 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a member of the free masons?

>> No.5165970

Or have you ever been invited to a free mason meeting?

>> No.5165980

>membership requires a belief in an imaginary friend

>> No.5166030

I am, it doesn't really.

>> No.5166046

my dad is
they do nothing. NOTHING

>> No.5166052


When I tried to join I got the impression they they really did, something about the oaths you make being legitimate.

>> No.5166098

I am. It's just a fraternity for grown ups. If you're a member in some bumblefuck town it's nothing but go to some pancake breakfasts and recite some rituals. In an area with wealthy and connected people it's the same thing, but they'll hook you up with jobs and connections and stuff.

>> No.5166107


Isn't it against the rules to invite someone to the lodge. I thought they needed to come of their own accord.

>> No.5166113

you're probably a shitty person along with all your buttbuddies

>> No.5166119

no, you need an invite to go. You need two member sponsors to join

>> No.5166127

My dad is. I don't think I'll be. Too much politics.

>> No.5166768

There are different types of lodges, and branches of each lodge (depending on the type).

The most common are what is called Blue Lodges. They are the most simple and are the ones primarily mentioned in this thread where they have the hillbilly breakfasts and all that bullshit. The Blue Lodge puts you through the 1-3 degrees shitting you out a 3rd degree Master Mason. Most Blue Lodges require one sponsor from the lodge you would be joining.

At this point MOST will become Shriners, if anything. However, you can also join a Scottish Rite or York Rite lodge. After having two Master Masons in good standing sponsor you, you can join these separate lodges and finish out the 4-32nd degree initiatory system.

Throughout that process you can then branch out depending on various factors. The York Rite, for instance, contains the Knights Templar.

>> No.5166773

No, I'm grandmaster of the Enslaved Morticians.

>> No.5166792

My grandfather is. He tried to convince me to join but I didn't really want to bother.

>> No.5166852

>The York Rite, for instance, contains the Knights Templar.
What the hell, that doesn't even make sense.
How fucked up are american freemasons?

>> No.5166890

No, but I am a member of the illuminati

>> No.5166935

No, but my idiot roommate is and he's always trying to get me to join.

>> No.5166936

>they do nothing. NOTHING

Well they do a lot of charity work. And also drinking. A LOT of drinking.

>> No.5166938
File: 171 KB, 385x314, 1333096411742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being member of global zionist elite

>> No.5166943

>being a freemason and sharing an apartment
Isn't freemasonry supposed to have some standing?

>> No.5166944


Supposed to, maybe. But it does not.

>> No.5166965

Countryside freemasonry is hilarious.
Usually that's how I imagine things.
>becomes doctor
>have a great time in medical school with other students
>suddenly moves to a little town somewhere
>the only people you see all day are sick old ladies and farmers
>join the local freemason lodge so you can feel a little bit like when you where in a more social environment
>get drunk with the mayor, the banker and the two lawyers
>hit mailboxes with baseball bats

>> No.5166988

>the mayor, the banker and the two lawyers

protip: any loser can join the freemasons