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5161461 No.5161461 [Reply] [Original]

In your hands is now a machine that can make an infinite number of calculations instantly.

You can attach and detach it to any computer of any form so that while it is attached, that computer can also make an infinite amount of calculations instantly.

What do you do with your new power?

>> No.5161466

countably infinite number of calculations or uncountably inifnite?

>> No.5161467

Solve pi, for one thing.

>> No.5161468


>> No.5161470

I would use the unlimited computational power to simulate the collision of a sun made of ice with a sun made of lava at 0.999...c.

>> No.5161471

Solve the great secrets of our universe
Create my own universe and watch life evolve on it

>> No.5161477

I'd calculate the last digit of pi.

>> No.5161480

I'd probably play freecell.

>> No.5161484

Sex robots

>> No.5161499

genetic algorithme, become the god of inteligent artificial organism, command them to produce technology for my universe.

>> No.5161504

I would calculate the last prime number.
If there is one.

>> No.5161513
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I would find out what the biggest number is!

>> No.5161518

its 19

>> No.5161541

this. probably get nobel prize and $$

>> No.5161548

I would find out how to divide by zero.

>> No.5161557

How uncountable are we talking? The size of the reals? The power set of that? The power set of the power set of that?

>> No.5161563

The set of all sets

>> No.5161564

There's probably a way to solve p=np with this thing.

>> No.5161575

I would ask it to calculate an uncountably infinite number of universes identical to this one in every way, (except that) in every one of them I am granted godhood immediately after asking this question. Via the anthropic principle, I would thus attain godhood with infinite certainty.

>> No.5161582

>make simulations
>no one else can do them
>it's failproof because no one else will bother veryfing them
>Nobel prizes all year every year

>> No.5161591

Make it check each finite string if it is a valid proof or disproof of P=NP.
>discussing limits of polynomial computation just after you got infinite processing speed

>> No.5161594

Check if irrational numbers exist

>> No.5161596

doesn't the whole issue become pointless, I mean polynomial time, non-deterministic polynomial time what the fuck does that even mean in context of being able to perform infinite calculation in no time?

>> No.5161601

I produce all possible books and copyright them all.

>> No.5161602


Wait, wouldn't the existence of the box prove that p=np

>> No.5161605

Why stop there?
You can produce every piece of intellectual property

>> No.5161606

That doesn't have a cardinality.

>> No.5161607

Produce a blueprint for the infinitely fast calculator!

>> No.5161608

>make a simple cellular automaton
>with that much processing power, it should easily turn into an AI
>make it do my work and trade on the forex for me
>it it doesn't work, sue Wolfram
>I'm rich either way

not really

>> No.5161613

you are gonna burn the calculator bro

>> No.5161614

The set of all things that are not a set?

>> No.5161612

Any piece of intellectual property is identical to some book or another, just as any piece of information can be represented by an arbitrary number. One number converted into ASCII or unicode is a book, converted into a bitmap is an image, etc. It would be redundant to generate more than one set though.

>> No.5161622

No. It's would not prove P = NP. The complexity of an algorithm is measured in the number of steps it takes to reach the solution. For normal computers this correlates with the amount of time. For this computer it does not. Thus, you can't estimate the complexity based on how long it took this computer to run. Thus the existence of this computer says nothing about P = NP

>> No.5161629

>Wouldn't a box that could do an infinite number of calculations in no time at all generate enough entropy to collapse both you and the box into a black hole?

>> No.5161632
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>> No.5161635
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>> No.5161640

blind mown

>> No.5161638

It's ok if it uses reversible logic.

Of course don't be a dick and let it do fast operations of writing on your hard drive. But even if you did that, you would just burn your hard drive before you entropize the world.

>> No.5161645

that's not anything worth jizzing over. Most sets contain things that aren't sets.

>> No.5161647

I would have it calculate all things pertaining to grahams number
I would also rename the box "God" to troll people and use it to defeat heisenbergs uncertainty principle

>> No.5161646
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>> No.5161650

>use it to defeat heisenbergs uncertainty principle
how? that's not a matter of calculation.

>> No.5161656

Just because it's capable of performing an infinite number of calculations infinitely doen'st mean it's an AI that can understand verbal requests.

Most of these suggestions would , particularly the ones concerning simulating hte universe, would probably take an extremely long amount of time to program.
Not to mention we don't actually know the rules of the universe yet so any simiulation of hte universe you attempt with our current knowledge will probably be tital shit.

You could make a really cool videogame is you wanted to though.

>> No.5161664

Do you know what the uncertainty principal is? It basically says you can't calculate all the details. You can pick and choose, but you can't have it all

>> No.5161665

>Not to mention we don't actually know the rules of the universe yet so any simiulation[sic] of hte[sic] universe you attempt with our current knowledge will probably be tital[sic] shit.
However, you could refine the rules for the universe instantly by performing an infinite number of simulations with different rules so long as you're smart enough to define a suitable penalty function.

>> No.5161667

Are you a trickster?

>> No.5161669

the Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that the momentum and position operators don't commute and no amount of computational power will change that.

>> No.5161670

>Just because it's capable of performing an infinite number of calculations infinitely doen'st mean it's an AI that can understand verbal requests.
Like I said, if you can't make an AI emerge from simple rules, just sue Wolfram.

>> No.5161683

It says that you can't simultaneously observe, position, momentum.
I would have the box track all the particles and come up with such close statistical analysis that it would be infinitely close. After all .9repeating can be represented as 1. SO if you have an infinitely close statistical analysis of the system then you have the correct analysis

>> No.5161689

I think you are mistaking the value of an observable with its average value.

>> No.5161691

>I would have the box track all the particles
Its a calculator, it doesn't have sensors built in
>come up with such close statistical analysis that it would be infinitely close
that makes less sense. Statistical analysis of what?

>> No.5161698

Hook it up to the most powerful technology we have for observing things (some sort of sensor), feed data to the box of all things going on, and have it analyze everything of everthing in the system over an x amount of time. Then have it give me the data for all the individual particles at all times.

>> No.5161702

yeah, you really just do not understand the basic concepts at play here.

>> No.5161707

Just because it can calculate really fast doesn't mean it makes everything it touches magic

>> No.5161708

You will get a distribution of values exactly proportional to the amplitude of the wavefuction.
We can already do that.

>> No.5161715

QM is based on probaility. That takes statistical analysis. I would use the box to do that analysis and figure out the quantum world which is what uncertainty principle pertains to

>> No.5161720

Fuck off.

>> No.5161721

Yes, and what you will find is that you can describe a statistical distribution, just like we already can, and just like Heisenberg predicts.

>> No.5161724

while true: i=i+1; print i

>> No.5161726

Well... It sort of does. I mean we're not talking about "Really fast", we're talking about infinitely fast. It is itself magic.

>> No.5161732

No matter how quickly it calculates, it doesn't change what sensors it's hooked to.

>> No.5161728

>picking some posts to reply to
>ignore what was explained to you
bad troll, go away

>> No.5161733

I'd just find prime numbers using inefficient algorithms

>> No.5161737

>make bitcoins
>become insanely rich incredibly easily
Well that was easy.

>> No.5161739

I think you underestimate the ability to be able to do an infinite number of calculations in an instant. That's the power to calculate all things going on in any system, and give you exact perfectly correct values and graphs.

>> No.5161745

Assuming you're not trolling, stop reading Wikipedia and read a proper QM book.

>> No.5161746

It's not the same guy. I would know. I'm one of them. ;)

>> No.5161751

No, its not. Because the information you can get from a quantum mechanical system is limited in precision. No matter how you massage that data, the information simply does not exist.

>> No.5161752

You can't become insanely rich by flooding a novelty market.

>> No.5161755

Well of course, don't triple the number of bitcoins. But getting 10% over the course of a year should do the trick.

>> No.5161756

Then whats the point of having a magic box?

>> No.5161758

You could make a vast amount and quickly buy up a bunch of valuables in private transactions before bitcoins lose value, and then resell those items in whatever currency you want.

>> No.5161769

The market would instantly know when someone claims all possible bitcoins, and then people get skittish, either they think the system has been gamed and they lose confidence, or they're afraid of flooded market so they get their money out, but the markets will drop nearly instantly. Most sales are based on market rates.

I'm not saying you couldn't make some money, but "insanely rich", no way in hell.

>> No.5161772

all the other fucking things you can do with it.

>> No.5161776

Yeah I might have overshot it.
The total market size is 120 millions right now. I guess you could take a dozen of those if you play it smart.

>> No.5161778

Wait -- why are we even mining bitcoins when we could just brute-force our way to controlling financial markets?

>> No.5161781

Could we? Being able to use glutton algorithms would definitely give you an edge, but how much?

>> No.5161788

Max settings Crysis.

>> No.5161814

the best part is you don't have to waste your time with things like efficiency, you can program the most naive simplistic algorithms possible and still get an answer in zero time.

>> No.5161843

>tfw doing all your matrix inversions with Gauss elimination

>> No.5161933

Use it to calculate the least common multiples of incredibly large prime numbers used as information safeguards to gain access to tons of money.

>> No.5163787

I'd prove the goldbach conjecture computationally.

In fact, if I could encode math proofs into first order logic couldn't I prove anything that can be proved?

>> No.5163815

why? There are a thousand ways to legitimately make money with such a thing. Why go through the bother of crime?

>> No.5163831

I'd figure out how to make a renewable fuel source that could not be used as a weapon, and then get rid of as much radiated material as possible.

>> No.5163837

It wouldn't prove it by existing but It would prove it true or false instantly:
>infinite number of calculations instantly.
It would just spew it out. And yes, if such a machine ever existed, P=NP would probably be true.

>> No.5163840

you're going to run into this >>5161656 problem

>> No.5163871
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>What do you do with your new power?
Break any cryptography i want.
Probably start by blackmailing RSA for millions, act like i found a back door into AES, extort some more monies from other security companies, act like i own a supercomputer and sell computation time significantly under market value.
Also, make infinitely accurate models of enzyme/substrate complexes of the whole human proteome, sell the whole computed space of all pharmacological effective small molecules to pharma companies, make infinitely accurate magnetohydrodynamic calculations, sell the perfect plans for a fusion power plant to some energy companies. Run an arbitrarily complicated AI, command it to simulate infinity universes.
You people all lack imagination, seriously.

>> No.5163947

i decipher the long lost languages of the world, find out if they knew aliens, then invent a way to go to the bottom of a sea and develop a lab. I make slugs that give you abilities, and i generate a population that will grow until we rule over the surface!

>> No.5163953

Play dwarf fortress with 1 million dwarves.

>> No.5164542

> not 10^(10^6) dwarves

Step it up pleb

>> No.5164566

>You people all lack imagination, seriously.
at least half of what you said came up earlier in the thread.

>> No.5164604

I would install Gentoo

>> No.5164622

Yes, the performance gains of using custom compiled software will really help you get the most out of that infinite computational capacity

>> No.5164678

Witha such powers i'd surely calculate how big of a faggot OP is

Why have all these unrealistic ideas?