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5159197 No.5159197 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you think about how you made the wrong major choice every day

Anyone in a similar situation?

We started talking about fabrication and manufacturing costs for integrated circuit dies in my digital circuits class today. All the stuff about yields, costs, and profit margins seemed so much more interesting than any of the device theory we've covered so far. I feel like I've made a huge mistake and it's much too late to switch now.

Can you go into a master of finance program or financial mathematics program without an undergraduate finance or econ background?

>> No.5159208

Stick with it. There's a good reason you got into it, right?

>> No.5159222
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>went to school for a job instead of learning

>> No.5159227
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>Anyone in a similar situation?

>> No.5159231

what you major in doesn't necessarily determine what job you get

>> No.5159241

>went to school to incur debt and not to support yourself and/or your family

>> No.5159249

check out schools admissions requirements for those subjects broski, im sure some schools would allow an EE/ME in for that stuff.

i would not be surprised if you could pull off a position where you deal with those numbers just from finishing your degree - i can see it as being a huge benefit tbh, lots of those jobs are sourced to math/physics majors anyway.

before you switch i would highly recommend checking the first option though..would give you a much better understanding when you are in those scenarioes if you finished your degree, and it would be stupid to switch out with 1-2 years left if you havent checked that....

>> No.5159250

Masters in Financial Engineering don't always require prior knowledge of finance. You just have to prove that you can take the math

>> No.5159279

>not having enough common sense to at least work an entry level job if you can't get your dream job

Do people honestly think it's impossible to get a job even if you pick a less marketable major? All you need to be able to do is press some buttons or pick up trash to support yourself.

>> No.5159291

Short answer to your question is YES.

A friend of mine completed an undergrad in elec engineering and after this entered a master of finance program. Said the math involved was identical but the pay was about 10x better.

>> No.5159297


I was a Biology major for 3 years and really started to feel this way. I hated studying for Biology (boring, too much memorization, regurgitation, etc.), and I started to dread going to class.

Then I had to take Calculus as a pre-requisite for graduation and fell in love with mathematics. After much thought, I decided I needed a change and switched my major to Mathematics, and a minor in Biology.

I'll be going to Michigan for a master's in Biostatistics next fall.

If you aren't happy, change something!

>> No.5159319

You kidding? You shound perfect for Industrial/Systems engineering, and could easily go to graduate school for it with your background in electrical engineering.
Take some stats and ergonomics courses