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5155714 No.5155714 [Reply] [Original]

Do you hate artists ?

>> No.5155717

I love real artists, and find their work beautiful and inspiring.

98.74% of the people in undergrad fine arts programs are not real artists though.

>> No.5155726

what do you call a "real artist" then?

>> No.5155732

Some one who is actually good at their job of making art. (I am not the first commenter by the way, different guy here).

>> No.5155742


Someone who possesses an inherent gift for their particular medium, and not some vapid cunt that is doing a hip degree because their parents told them they had to go to school or find a job.

This applies to visual arts, writing, music, etc - if you aren't talented in an art form to begin with, what the hell do you think school is going to do for you?

>> No.5155746

>what do you call a "real artist" then?
>Some one who is actually good
i smell an insightful /sci/sthetics thread brewin

>> No.5155747

not the ones that give a shit and practice.

>> No.5155762

OP here, just wondered, could you ever have an intimate relationship with a person knowing their an artist?
Maybe they wont be as smart as you, understand your interests of science and math, but they have passion like you.

Is it possible ? or is it a turn off if a girl/guy isn't doing work that will (hypothetically speaking) give them a difficult and unmanageable life.

>> No.5155764

sorry meant managable and easy life

And I mean easy as paying bills and such.

>> No.5155774

Good artists in big cities pay their bills

>> No.5155776 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 200x259, ross art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is this Bob Ross ripoff?

>> No.5155779 [DELETED] 

>could you ever have an intimate relationship with a person knowing their an artist?
>Maybe they wont be as smart as you, understand your interests of science and math

If you're evaluating potential partners by mentally giving them IQ tests, you're not going to be having any "intimate relationships" anyway.

>> No.5155787

I know but the chances of being an artist among hundreds in a big city making enough money to pay bills is rather difficult. You have to be really lucky, your skill has to be different and even then, it can still be difficult.

I'm saying from the perspective of an artist who's love for creating art isn't getting them very far, their hard work isnt prevailing for them

>> No.5155793

not by means of being the smarter one in the relationship, but just not connecting as well when you cant discuss the same things.

>> No.5155802

his son
on the bob ross show

>> No.5155806

It's his son, Steve.

>> No.5155807

>I'm saying from the perspective of a dipshit who likes to paint and call themselves an artist

fix'd - good artists get noticed

>implying there are no intelligent artists

i can only think of writers off-hand, but id wager pynchon and stephenson are more intelligent than you

>> No.5155836 [DELETED] 

Why would I hate artists? It's the duty of intellectuals to protect artists like Da Vinci.

>> No.5155857

>good artists get noticed
>someone can't into art history
>doesn't know many famous artists today died penniless

>> No.5155859

>Maybe they wont be as smart as you, understand your interests of science and math, but they have passion like you.

>Implying smartness/intelligence is determined solely by knowledge on specific topics.

Man, pull your head out of your ass.

Artists tend to be generally stupid, though.

>> No.5155974

Artistic talent improves with practice, nigger.

>> No.5155983

>You have to be really lucky,

or practice until you are good enough that people pay you.

its not about luck its about work. anyone that says it is about luck has a fatalist world view and is doomed to failure

>> No.5155989
File: 195 KB, 1600x1693, based mangum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you to say whats art and whats not art? why would something like 4'33 not be art? why do you think your favorite kind of art is art and not art you dont understand?

>> No.5155992

>>doesn't know many famous artists today died penniless

a lot of those people mismanaged their finances. and many were not actually that great, their works just happened to survive long enough to become famous.

>> No.5156028

Wow, really? your life would suck without artists, it would be boring, plain and sad, And also, since when did beeing an artist automatically makes you stupid? or that you cant be a scientist too?, I have lost a small bit of little faith in humanity

>> No.5156154


Art is a technical skill that requires study and daily training to properly represent shapes, bodies, lines, and colors in aesthetically pleasing ways. Anyone can pee on a canvas and call it art, but that requires no skill or practice. Art can be appreciated by realizing how much the artist put forth to represent or portray something on his or her canvas. Most modern artists today live by false notions that A. anyone can be an artist simply by making something unique and B. most unique art, since anything unique can be considered art, is easy to make. In reality, art is easy to enter and participate in, but difficult to master due to its intense technical requirements. In other words: no matter which way you try to flip your argument, a trash bag on a stick is not art.

Sincerely, /ic/

>> No.5156172
File: 124 KB, 923x898, gay bears eating breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck are you doing out of your cage?

I'll damn well piss on a canvas if I please, and I'll piss in your mouth any time of the day and call it art.

>> No.5156194

>Artists tend to be generally stupid, though.
Where the hell did you get this from?

>> No.5156202

is music art
is literature art

why is some music art and some music not

why are some drawings art and some not art? aesthetically pleasing? isnt that subjective? who are you to decide what's art?

>> No.5156203


>courtesy of general observations on the lower faculties

No shit; eh, captain?

>> No.5156221

What you wrote is a shit generalization. Fuck off with that.

>> No.5156229

>why are some drawings art and some not art? aesthetically pleasing? isnt that subjective? who are you to decide what's art?

watch this


To me difference is in the communication of your statements.It doesn't even have to be aesthetic.But it can't be empty.That's why mona lisa doesn't have a price, and a copy of mona lisa is 10$

>> No.5156249


Not me (IE >>5156154) but very well put.

>> No.5156254


You'll call it art, but others won't (at least, not sound individuals who don't fall under the modern artist stereotype that I already described), and that's what separates MOST modern art from the true art disciplines.

>> No.5156282

Musician here, thought I'd jump in. (and yes, I'm actually a musician, not some jackass playing "wonderwall" to impress girls at a party).
Similar to what anon stated here
music becomes an art form based mostly on two things: the skill of creation/execution, and the strength of the composer/performer's intended statement.
Without a statement and a skilled execution, music (like art) ceases really matter at all. That's more or less why pop and folk music exist - generally speaking, it is music purely for entertainment, not intended to be particularly "artistic." Is there artistic folk or pop music? of course. But historically, it's been pretty rare.

>> No.5156289

I think it's silly how obsessed we have become with separating practical skills and creative skills. It's like all college students are divided between two factions, the scientists and the artists, and you have to pick one and hate the other.

To me, it makes most sense to develop both skills. Both are highly useful in nearly all areas of life, and being good at one of them does in no way exclude the other.

Goddamn, if I could dual-major in music composition and audiotechnology, I would.

>> No.5156291

I dont know you guys but i love watching these kind of videos

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MghiBW3r65M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


>> No.5156327

It is art if someone is willing to pay money for it

>> No.5156330

You could also piss in a cup and call it coffee and then proceed to whine all day about how all previous attempts at defining what coffee truly is have been false because you cannot really define coffee, so anything can be coffee. All of that won't change the fact that most people won't define it as coffee, and they sure as hell won't pay to drink it. All you can do is make people less likely to go to coffee shops, because they now know there's a chance they'll get served a cup of piss instead.

>> No.5156354

>iframe width="420"

>> No.5156355
File: 2.90 MB, 1240x1944, waterfallspeedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me happy.

I'm currently studying Science at University level, but my first love is art. I would love to be able to work for film or game, but I don't consider it a viable option, so I choose to study science (don't get me wrong, I have always found science fascinating and I adore it, but is still only my second love.)

I often feel inadequate and I don't mention my art to other students very often, because I assume they all look down on artists and consider them inferior.

Thanks anon. The responses in this thread have made my day.

>> No.5156408

I think very few people would genuinely look down on someone for making art. How could there be something inherently negative about creating something?

What many people hate are all the stereotypes that they associate with artists:
-Poor at academics
-Went to art college because it seemed easy
-Spent college years partying, drinking and having sex instead of actually learning anything
-Thinks being an artist is really cool and cares more about the artist identity than actually making art
-Dresses like a hipster tool
-Makes art that is offensive for the sake of being offensive
-Angrily rebukes any criticism of their art by claiming that anything can be art, so no one has the right to question their artistic integrity
-Depends on government art funding to get by, since their art is unsellable

Stuff like that comes to the minds of many people when they hear someone proclaiming themselves an artist. Just avoid falling into any of those behaviors and avoid presenting yourself in a way that encourages people to think of you as a stereotype (like talking about what you do as an artist rather than just labeling yourself as an artist and leaving it up to them to interpret it), and most people will be fine with you.

>> No.5157794


>tl;dr - don't become a /mu/tant faggot

>> No.5158681

They're fine with me. Font makers, on the other hand, are clearly trying to gain a stranglehold on the very building blocks of the written word.