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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5155176 No.5155176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ban for discussing STEM colleges while that double nigger continues to post his pre-algebra homework

Why mods and mods, why?

>> No.5155185

>complaining on the internet

>> No.5155205

Here is a list of other threads to remove within the first two pages.


Do your job consistently.

>> No.5155224

>tfw mod only exists for .00004 seconds per day

>> No.5155229

I'm with you OP!

>> No.5155231
File: 471 KB, 410x250, 1346500732244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, delicious
is mine
yes, it is a troll. I just wish it wasn't so obvious.
I support OPs activities here.
/sci/ will never be good.

>> No.5155235

>double nigger
aha, yes i remember that word a long time ago

>> No.5155263
File: 25 KB, 490x588, dba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le /sci/

>> No.5155264



Do your job consistently.

>> No.5155289



>> No.5155306

Did you guys include this thread among the ones that are not science or math related?

>> No.5155307



>> No.5155313

My plan is to add this one in an update as a bump when the shit stops coming in.

Won't be happening for a while though.


>> No.5155328

>ban for discussing STEM colleges

Serves you right, asshole. School blogging shit goes to /soc/, tumblr and facebook. Don't you ever spam irrelevant garbage again.

>> No.5155332

I am just keeping with the content already posted



>> No.5155349

if only there were a market to invest in shitposting right now

I have a feeling it's about to get crazy

>> No.5155368



>> No.5155392



>> No.5155393

I'm with OP too. I honestly don't understand what the fuck is wrong with invisibro.

>long period of bad moderation on /sci/.
>tell invisibro about the problems /sci/ is having with moderation
>get told to wait patiently for janitorspots to open
>patiently wait
>moot says janitorspots are going to be opened
>patiently wait
>janitorspots open for 24h
>apply specifically for /sci/ only, write a long-ass text about why
>never hear about it again
>still bad moderation on /sci/

I'm not mad. I just don't understand it.

>> No.5155400
File: 10 KB, 889x145, invisibro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not invisibro.

>> No.5155402
File: 22 KB, 337x360, pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are this mad
don't you have something more productive to do than getting anal blasted and crying on 4chan?

>> No.5155409

sci is slow board



>> No.5155411

What? Then who the hell is moderating /sci/?
Now it looks like literally nobody is..

>> No.5155419

oh the irony

>> No.5155420


This is a correct fact.

>> No.5155422

Have fun shitposting.

>> No.5155462



>> No.5155472

Cool, a list of threads I have to bump.

>> No.5155477

what the fuck are you on about? are you just linking to every fucking thread without looking at it? many of these are homework and other shitposting, but some of them are legitimate

also >>>/q/

>> No.5155491


Find the legit ones



>> No.5155506

All of them are legit. Deal with it, nerd. /sci/ is /b/ with blue background.

>> No.5155516


asking a legitimate question about human behavior
just a curious question, how is this shitposting?
i dont even know what you think this is
again, this is just a question. and it's science related

also, this thread qualifies as a shitpost and you should have posted it on >>>/q/

>> No.5155523

The 4chan cup is mod approved. You can't argue against mods.

>> No.5155537

typical jewtroll posts looking to keep the quality of /sci/ down.

They really hate when other people have more than an opinion.

>> No.5155561

>tfw a small group of aspies are extremely pissed off at /sci/ because we rustled their jimmies about philosophy vs science
>tfw they spend their time posting 8th grade home work questions, youtube celbrities, troll questions, and ironic shit posting
>tfw when the normal people continue their education
>tfw the gap between the knowledge of the groups are growing consistently on a daily basis
>tfw they'll still be here five years from now talking about qualia and pandas while the rest of /sci/ is discussing cutting edge science

>> No.5155569
File: 109 KB, 244x212, embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting called out for being a buttfrustrated hypocrite
>"you're just mad because I'm smarter than you"

>> No.5155580

in order

>science and math
>what are lines
>homework, I was hesitant about this one though
>how is string theory science related?



>> No.5155638



>> No.5155690

The worst part is that; instead of fixing the issues; mods will probably just delete this thread when they feel like visiting /sci/ again.

>> No.5155698

>thinking everybody is OP
>projecting buttpains
stay implying

>> No.5155744
File: 21 KB, 460x276, fdsdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, looks like /sci/ hasn't changed one bit.

>> No.5155753



>> No.5155765
File: 16 KB, 338x259, 493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5155791

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5155803

But accurate. No wonder moot didn't want to hire him as a janitor "oh look, completely autistc faggot on sci wants to mod it. yeah right"

>> No.5155816

nobody knows what you're talking about and by the looks of things you probably need to go back to /cgl/ for your dramu (and ponies)

>> No.5155823

>implying i'm the same guy
>implying there was anything vague or difficult to understand

>> No.5155835

fuck off, retard

>> No.5155838

I just want the mods to remove homework which is obviously homework instead of a question on the nature of a topic. And leave college threads.



>> No.5155843

>And leave college threads.
Fuck off, underage autist.

>> No.5155844

fuck off, retard

See i can do that too, and it has the same effect.

>> No.5155854

correct, except I'm not shitposting.

>> No.5155871

i'm not shitposting

(again, i can do that too.)

>> No.5155915

I'm not entirely convinced that you know what it is you are doing.

>> No.5155936
File: 123 KB, 917x480, bat guano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bat Guano, /sci/'s only regular mod.

He's from /k/ (hence they had the same "inane" problem), and also operatorchan

and see pic

Also, operatorchan's new /stem/ board is much better than /sci/, and is actually moderated.

>> No.5155952

This thread is a shit thread, so the shitposting is irrelevant. OP is spamming all the threads he has links to with "UPDATES" of him being butthurt over other threads he has no control over. Hes being a raging faggot. Gee, don't know why he didn't get a job as a janitor.

>> No.5155960

If I see this shit head use that word one more time in a ban to describe ANYTHING, ill slap the fucker.

>> No.5156130

and you're raging over 'raging faggots' who are raging over 'raging faggots' (janitors, as you put it)