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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 625x937, 391663_10151067007427133_291171836_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5153574 No.5153574 [Reply] [Original]

no words though it was AWESOME. but yeah. pic related

>> No.5153589

i actually cried a little bit. that was amazing and shit like this makes me feel positive about humans.

>> No.5153645

I missed most of it, hopefully there's a replay of it I can watch soon.

>> No.5153640

Damn. What an achievement.

So who noticed that he actually spun a lot, while he was in free fall in the first 30 seconds?
He was definitely not rolling "a bit" as the commentator said.

>> No.5153647
File: 76 KB, 522x632, feel baumgartn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too and look at this shit, so many feels:

>> No.5153658


Yeah, I can only imagine how nerve wracking that was to watch for the Mission Control guys and Baumgartner's family.

>> No.5153662

That's cheesy as hell, can't believe they allowed him to tweet up there

>> No.5153664

>that feeling when he starts tumbling
>that feeling when he stops tumbling and falls in perfect position

>> No.5153665

yeah he spun a lot, can't believe he survived to be honest.

>> No.5153668

Watched the stream for two hours. The last 15 min were pretty tense.

>> No.5153691 [DELETED] 
File: 699 KB, 1280x720, Filly_Rainbow_Dash_sonic_rainboom_S1E23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even a sonic rainboom was given that day

>> No.5153690

It was like a movie, he was completely out of control and then BAM he nails it like James goddamn Bond.

>> No.5153699

It was amazing. I have 2 questions:

1. Did he break the sound barrier and plz give a legit source.

2. What did he say before he jumped?

>> No.5153714

2. Something about coming home, coming back home?

>> No.5153715

"Sometimes you need to be really high up just to see how small you are.

I'm going home now."

>> No.5153705

>Trying to look up Green Zone Theme
>Youtube is broken from 7+ million streamers at once

>> No.5153709
File: 9 KB, 176x256, Gagarin_in_Sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So easy to impress you

>> No.5153711


I'm sure they would have let him tweet as he fell, if it could be made to happen.

>> No.5153735
File: 550 KB, 150x90, 1315219739103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153729

According to the last article I read it was "It's/that's a small world. I'm coming home."

>> No.5153737

That is pretty good. Rival "one small step..."

>> No.5153742

Why didn't he have a livestreaming cam when he jumped?

>> No.5153747

>here's my last tweet for a while. Who knows, maybe my last tweet ever


>> No.5153748

Thats why they cut the camera that was watching him. They didn't want to air him dying. Thankfully he pulled out of it ok.

>> No.5153751

They needed the bandwith for the communication/microphone.

>> No.5153755


He also actually said "over and out". Dammit, Felix, they only say that in movies!

>> No.5153763


Are oyu people retarded? A simple yes or no will do.

>> No.5153764

That's not even him that's a fake account, his last name is Baumgartner look up his twitter. He tweeted just before the ascent but not during it

>> No.5153765

Can't transmit from something moving that fast. He did have a cam, but it saved to an HD somewhere in his suit. We'll get footage soon, don't worry.

>> No.5153767


>> No.5153775


Can anyone explain why the speed of sound increases from 25k to 32k meters up?

>> No.5153784

Same reason it gets harder to breath when you're in the mountains. Air is less dense.

>> No.5153786

density of air

>> No.5153787


>Can land robots on Mars.
>Can jump from the edge of space.

>Can't make HD stream from a moving object.

>> No.5153790


>> No.5153792

Because the density decreases.

>> No.5153797
File: 93 KB, 171x278, 1345998933382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching on a separate stream and the streamer played fly away just as he jumped off

>> No.5153798


But the density decreases from sea level to 25k too. Why does the speed of sound decrease the higher you get, then at 25k it increases again?

>> No.5153800

someone video link?

>> No.5153805

>edge fo space

it's the edge of earth near space not edge of space technically

>> No.5153809

That was so cool. I hope to Christ someone will be put on the Moon again. Or Mars, whatever.

But we had better get someone up there in my lifetime, or I'm gonna be really pissed off.

>> No.5153821


I haven't seen a published speed from his data recorder yet. They're probably still going over it.

Interestingly, this was Baumgatner's final high-altitude jump. He's going to take up the comparatively sedate jobs of flying mountain rescue helicopters and aerial firefighting.

>> No.5153823

i think pressure and temperature somehow have effect on speed on sound

>> No.5153826
File: 1.28 MB, 500x277, i'm out 08c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to be made.

>> No.5153829


>> No.5153835


>> No.5153844


>stealing gifs from other boards

>> No.5153840

You're a good man.

>> No.5153842

>not 'I'm going home now'

>> No.5153846

He broke the sound barrier or not?

>> No.5153859

I made it, I'm just posting it over multiple boards to spread it.

>> No.5153860

>implying he was taking ownership

>> No.5153861

Who gives a shit? What a waste of resources.

>> No.5153872

If you're from one of those boards you can fuck off back there.

>> No.5153863
File: 7 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m9wdzignV81qi4fmgo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not waiting until he's a small dot then cutting to this picture

Wish I knew how to edit gifs

>> No.5153864

>retard detected
You can't break the "sound barrier". Sound travels in air and you can't break air. Are you stupid?

>> No.5153867

>human jumps from the top of the stratosphere
>breaks the sound-barrier and lands safely
>cheers and jubilation as if it's a small moon-landing
>/b/ and /v/ instantly descend into Yuropoor vs. Amerifat shitposting

I think I'll just stay here for the rest of the evening...

>> No.5153869
File: 36 KB, 467x404, 1290571619417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153874

Kill yourself.

Advancing the human race and unity is never a waste.

>> No.5153878


>> No.5153885

anyone have his full speech

>> No.5153887

That was pretty cool.

>> No.5153888

/sp/ did as well. But that was just the board getting back to normal.

>> No.5153889
File: 50 KB, 388x348, 1287161862321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5153891

I don't think you will ever want or need to return now that you've found that /b/ and /v/ are the worst boards of 4chan.
I congratulate you on this step.

>> No.5153897
File: 115 KB, 600x336, BALLOON4EVERALONE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in MS Paint.

>> No.5153900


So he didn't?

>> No.5153912
File: 2.85 MB, 500x277, i'm out 08d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop has many uses.

>> No.5153908
File: 326 KB, 610x343, higher_than_anyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone find the helmet/chest cam footage?

>> No.5153911

/v/ has its moments, haven't been to /b/ in years before today. But who cares, that doesn't matter here.

So what's next? First commercial flight to the ISS or LEO?

>> No.5153913
File: 608 KB, 1280x1024, Eureka-7-anime-31792661-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope you mean this one.


>> No.5153916

seriously, all of 4chan is venting some kind of frustration towards this guy. Why can't we cherish the moment together? Actually i don't give a shit. I saw this and i was crying when he said the last words before the jump and when he finally landed and fell to his knees.

You've witnessed history, dipshits. Start acting like it.

>> No.5153922


>> No.5153927

I wasn't crying, that's kinda gay.

But it was fucking amazing. Just one of those moments for all humanity, really fucking special.

>> No.5153928

>being proud of not crying to something as beautiful as this


>> No.5153932
File: 2.01 MB, 640x360, e8tsq9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PERFECT, but here's one without the text

>> No.5153934

Fucking this. I salute you good sir and let me tell you that I share your excitement.

It is moments like this and the landings on Mars that give me hope we can achieve something as species.

>> No.5153936


>You've witnessed history, dipshits. Start acting like it.

He jumped from space, stop acting like he was the first man on mars or something like that.

>> No.5153937

one single manly tear

>> No.5153939

>He jumps
>"Felix ETA to bomb detonation is 5 minutes, you have to be below the troposphere before then!"
>"I'll make it"
>"I've got a date to catch"
>He regains control and opens his suit
>"Just in time."

>> No.5153947


>> No.5153943

SHIT wrong one

>> No.5153950

Well it's without a doubt one of the most amazing things I've witnessed in my lifetime.

>> No.5153953

>He jumped from space, stop acting like he was the first man on mars or something like that

Yeah and that's not a big deal at all. I mean jumping from space, shit, everybody can do that. Chances are you won't see anything of similar significance in your lifetime.

>> No.5153961


>not just in time for tea

I'll forgive you this time.

Also, I forgot how much I love tihs


>> No.5153963

Imagine the live stream when we put people on Mars.

>> No.5153965


He jumped from the upper atmosphere. Is this really such a great achievement? You can't be any older than 15 kid

>> No.5153972


Comedic gold

>> No.5153973


>> No.5153969

Some of us will die before that, not funny.

>> No.5153978 [DELETED] 


Fucking this.

Yeah it was awesome, yeah no one ever did it before, but goddamn... it was a parachute jump, it's not like he found alien life or land on mars.

It was cool but it wasn't a great mark on history.

>> No.5153982


>breaks the sound barrier without a vehicle
>/sci/ is still not impressed

stay autistic niggers

>> No.5153983


It's just edgy pseudo-intellectual teenagers who think if they show an interest in anything science related at all they're smart

These kids have been slowly taking over /sci/. They're the same sort of kids who browse /r/atheism on reddit.

>> No.5153985

Until someone else makes a better jump than that, it's a mark on history.

>> No.5153987

It was cool. It will provide lots and lots of gifs.

>> No.5153990

They had to turn off his microphone while he tumbled because he was screaming "FUCKFUCKFUCK" the whole time.

>> No.5153991


Fucking this.

Yeah it was awesome, yeah no one ever did it before, but goddamn... it was a parachute jump, it's not like he found alien life or landed on mars.

It was cool but it wasn't a great mark on history.

>> No.5153994
File: 2.29 MB, 500x281, 1350239593082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5153995

Didn't the guy say "that was quite a scream" or something? I thought I heard that.

>> No.5153998


When he was spinning and they cutted to the control center I tought "Yeah... he's dead."

>> No.5154001

Fake account

>> No.5154004


This.He just jumped from the edge of space. It's not like he fucked a girl or something.

>> No.5154007

~100 years ago there wasn't anyone who had ever been farther away from the ground than they could jump.
Today a man stepped inside a small box, drifted up into the stratosphere, stepped out of the box, dropped almost 40km down to earth, and survived.

How is that not awe inspiring.

>> No.5154008

>goes slightly faster than what somebody else did 50 years ago
>mission consists of riding a balloon then falling out of it

Yes, I'm not impressed.

>> No.5154011


And exactly this is why humanity has such a hard time doing the extraordinary.

Because of dipshits.

>> No.5154015

Judging from this post i could tell you pretty much the same thing about your age, "kid". Honestly, i feel bad for people like you. Eternally unsatisfied, unimpressed jackasses.

>> No.5154016


then ur a faget

>> No.5154023


It's really not. Like I said you can't be any older than 15 if it impresses you

>~100 years ago there wasn't anyone who had ever been farther away from the ground than they could jump.

What is an airship?

>> No.5154018

>Today a man stepped inside a small box, drifted up into the stratosphere, stepped out of the box, dropped almost 40km down to earth, and survived.
>how is that not awe inspiring

Because another man did basically the same thing 50 years ago.

>> No.5154025

someone had done it before, thats why the anti-pop-sci squad are making a big deal trying to say its not a big deal

>> No.5154028

I've been waiting for this gif for an hour. Thank you.

>> No.5154029

My blood wasn't 75% glucose and caffeine 50 years ago.

>> No.5154030


But it wasn't streamed on YouTube so it doesn't count.

>> No.5154031

Who cares that someone did something similar before, it is fucking awesome.
Why must you be so bitter?
Why can't you just enjoy this?
Don't even answer that, you have the right to it.. but why do you have to criticise people who DO enjoy it? Even if they are "edgy teenagers", even if they are "underage b&"; what is it to you? Why can they not enjoy this, in my eyes, awesome feat of humanity.

>> No.5154033


just stop feeding these obvious trolls. we know the truth and we will celebrate it

>> No.5154036


Not really, I'm just sick of teenagers who come to /sci/ because they're pseudo-intellectuals without adding anything to board aside from the odd comment of 'fuck yeah science' or 'science is so great'. It's the sort of mentality of someone who goes to reddit or /b/

>> No.5154038

It wasn't the same thing.
If humans ever land again on the moon, you won't be impressed, because it has been done several decades ago?
Your logic is fucking retarded.

>> No.5154039

So? Seriously, why does that matter?

>> No.5154044


Because stupid kids like you overplay everything. When the Mars rover landed a few months ago you faggots were hailing it as one of the greatest achievements in humanity's existence despite NASA having put rovers on Mars decades prior to it. Stop making this out to be bigger than it is.

>> No.5154048


Tell me why this impresses you. Why is it 'mindblowing'?

>> No.5154049


No, I'd be impressed, because going to the moon is still an amazing technical feat. What we're witnessing today is an incremental milestone in balloon technology.

>> No.5154051


No ones is denying that it was amazing and awesome. People are just saying that everyone is blowing this out of proportion, like if it was a mark on history.

A dude just broke a record.

>> No.5154055



u seem upset

>> No.5154056

Because we understand the difficulty and work involved and arn't children who lose interest after ten seconds.

>> No.5154059

Your opinion is invalid, people like you are just trying to be edgy by disliking what most people find inspiring.

>> No.5154063
File: 938 KB, 500x276, hc00R.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone make this gif without the fuck this thread text? here's that gid, minus cowboy bebop

>> No.5154064


>aspires to be an intellectual so he goes on /sci/


>> No.5154065

The fact that you don't see the amazing demonstration of human technology that was the last rover landing disqualifies you (in my opinion) to voice an educated opinion on human endeavor and accomplishments.

>> No.5154071

Yes, it was quite an archievment amd an amzingly thrilling and tense broadcast (checking the equipment/pressure, opening the hatch and viewing the earth, jumping, Felix´heavy breathing and the wild tumbling, etc.).

But what bugs me about this whole scenario is that millions and millions of dollars were put into this sensational event (which let´s be honest: it won´t have that much of a progressive influence in the advance of science) instead of a scientifically more relevant one that won´t bring Red Bull billions of dollars to to after jump-energy drink celebrations.

And I´m Austrian.

Did he break Mach by the way? I have yet to find a secure scource which confirms/disconfirms it.

>> No.5154072

THANK YOU, I couldn't find a gif without that text, but the bebop fade in was perfect on the other one.

>> No.5154073

But WHY DO YOU CARE that people are blowing it out of proportion? They are clearly inspired by this event, and even if you're not, why the fuck are you trying to take it away from them? Just let these people have their fun. Nobody forced you to watch the stream, nobody is forcing you to read this thread and nobody is forcing you to enjoy what has happened.

>> No.5154075


>muh 5 minutes of terror

Was it nail biting edge of the seat stuff?

>> No.5154078


>caring about someone caring about it being blown out of proportion

>> No.5154079

was a bit disappointed.

He didn't break the sound barrier. Being the first human to ever break the sound barrier would've been a monumental day in our history but nope, didn't do it, have to go through this all again to try again.

didn't break the longest freefall record, a record that was set 50 years ago from a shorter distance

>> No.5154082

Press conference time

>> No.5154086

You have to take into account public interest. In-depth research might make more progress, but you won't attract interest and/or funding with it.
This is something that gets people into a 'SCIENCE!' mood and in the long- run helps fund more research and boost public interest.

>> No.5154090

Don't fucking start this.

>> No.5154096

Well, I'm sure there'd be more science involved if there was money coming from labs etc.

It may be cheese, but if just a few kids who witnessed this today are saying "Well fuck, I'm going to do physics now and explore space", it was worth it.

>> No.5154097

The press conference is starting you guise!

>> No.5154102

What exactly would you find awesome? Most of us weren't around for the moon landing, we never saw it, therefore it's like it never even happened.

>> No.5154106

This. Look at what happened after the moon landing. The first moon landing, I mean obviously.
The MUH SCIENCE-mood was prevalent in all of the world.


>> No.5154108

Baumgartner just said in an interview that the exact speed (and if he managed to break Mach 1) will be determined in a few hours.

>> No.5154110

It was fucking awesome. I was pretty nervous throughout the whole thing.

>> No.5154122

Quick guies a guy jumped with a parachute to advertise for Redbull.
What a day for science!

Just like record speeds in the desert by prototype supercars, except that if it's space, its hurrr durrr whatadayforhumanity.com

>> No.5154124

he did

speed barrier is not a constant, and is easier to achieve at higher altitudes and lower temperatures.

>> No.5154129

This is what we have to settle for because idiots keep wasting trillions of dollars on the fucking poor instead of things that matter.

>> No.5154132

1970 - Comprehensive Clean Air Act passed
1970 - Earth day birthed
1970 - Environmental protective agency founded
1971 - Doctors without borders founded
1971 - Clean Water Act
1972 - DDT Banned
1972 - Endangered Species Act
1973 - catalytic converter
1973 - Unleaded gas

>> No.5154160
File: 465 KB, 643x428, my face hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5154200
File: 396 KB, 780x430, ksp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5154212

>currently in progress
well fuck you discovery

>> No.5154211

Guys, he jumped from a balloon. He wasn't in space.

This isn't the first time man has broken the sound barrier. This isn't the highest a man has gone up and come back down safely.

"He was in a suit, not a vehicle!" is an incredibly stupid argument for why this is special.

This didn't take any particular skill. They could have put anyone in that suit and had the same result. The reason this wasn't done earlier is not that it couldn't have been, but because it wasn't seen as worthwhile.

This was a pointless stunt, not an accomplishment of note.

>> No.5154220


> This didn't take any particular skill

2 / 10

>> No.5154226

I wouldn't even give him 2. 0.5/10 is as high as I can go.

>> No.5154229

I don't really get it why do people think this is such a big deal when it's clearly not.As a third year aeronautical engineering student I can say that people are REALLY overreacting.
It's just a remodified weather baloon, its not something we just discovered,you know.I don't know about his space suit though,but I presume it ain't some tough shit either.
While it must have taken guts to jump from that height,humanity didn't prosper anymore from this than it prospered from me taking a shit this morning.It was sponsored by red bull for fucks sake.Yall need to chill.
It's so easy to impress you.A guy makes his own 10 MW hydroelectric facility by just educating himself and noone gave a shit.

>> No.5154232
File: 3 KB, 174x160, 1330889908845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a third year aeronautical engineering student I can say

>> No.5154231
File: 27 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2012-10-14-22h12m51s51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austrain TV broadcasting onboard recording, though they're not streaming online

>> No.5154235

That's a parody account. Felix isn't on Twitter

>> No.5154236


>> No.5154237

I don't believe for a fucking SECOND that you're over 15 with that writing style. Jesus Christ, dude.

>> No.5154239

>A guy makes his own 10 MW hydroelectric facility
Gonna need a link on that.

>> No.5154244

I do
college fags are some of the most pretentious shits on 4chan

>> No.5154246

>A guy makes his own 10 MW hydroelectric facility by just educating himself and noone gave a shit.

Your assumption is wrong. I am celebrating a nice feat here, I enjoy the engineering aspect of the project as well as the fact that it's just bloody awesome to jump down from 40km in a pressure suit. The view alone before the jump was breathtaking and this alone was worth watching the stream for hours.

Yes, this will probably not cure cancer or advance humanity into a new age, but why the hostility?

>> No.5154248

Okay you retards, maybe it's not something outrageous in a technological manner and yes, people did similar stuff decades ago. But I think the point is: You raise general awareness of the public and get their interest for space. People see this and think "wow, this was cool". I think this just showed what could be possible and where our attention should be directed to.

>> No.5154249

He did break the sound barrier. And Kettinger used a 6 feet stabilizer parachute that slowed him down immensely which contributed to his long falling time. Kettinger's achievement is respectable but he shouldn't be holding the record for longest free fall.

>> No.5154255

It's all the people saying things like, "what an achievement" and "this is an important moment in history".

It's an impressive stunt, but it's also a senseless risk which accomplished nothing.

Why should we laugh at teenagers car-surfing as a bunch of idiots who deserve the injuries they get, but praise this?

>> No.5154260
File: 96 KB, 362x263, 1349115196775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these haters

>> No.5154264

>Why should we laugh at teenagers car-surfing as a bunch of idiots who deserve the injuries they get, but praise this?

This is really not a comparison and you know it. There was a team of scientists and engineers behind this. There is some scientific output coming out of this (human physiology in extreme situations, aero computations, human breaking through the sound barrier).

Regarding your senseless risk argument - I don't get it. Risk is always involved when you try new shit.

>> No.5154267

Source for him breaking the sound barrier? The stream said he hit 729 mph, which is a bit slower than the required 768.

>> No.5154268


Because being able to land safely after a spaceship failure with nothing but a suit and a parachute is useless?

>> No.5154271

>It's an impressive stunt, but it's also a senseless risk which accomplished nothing.

As space flight becomes more routine, you are going to want to have a way to safely bail out. Having the ability to bail out at 130,000 feet is better than having to wait until you hit 20,000 feet to bail out.

I hope to see another event like this
>Fenix is back with Red Bull
>jumping out of a rocket at 200,000 feet
>new suit with a reaction control system
>hit mach 2

>> No.5154272

AFAIK, the stream only showed a calculated value from simulations and not the actual sensor readout. This was stored in the blackbox on his body, which is still being evaluated.

>> No.5154274


>> No.5154280

>There was a team of scientists and engineers behind this.
>One man with strange beliefs is delusional, and should be locked up. A group who agree are a religion, and quite respectable.

>There is some scientific output coming out of this (human physiology in extreme situations, aero computations, human breaking through the sound barrier).
>You can justify absolutely anything as long as you yell, "For SCIENCE!"

>> No.5154281

None scientific data was taken from this whatsoever.
It would be cool if it was ment to show people !!SCIENCE!!,but this whole thing was ment to promote Red Bull.

>> No.5154284


>> No.5154290

>None scientific data was taken from this whatsoever.

How does telemetry from a 40km jump qualify as "none"?

>> No.5154297

>Because being able to land safely after a spaceship failure with nothing but a suit and a parachute is useless?
I'm sorry, but this is just an incredibly idiotic defense.

If you bail out of a spacecraft failing at this altitude, you're going to be going at hypersonic speeds. It wouldn't be anything like calmly jumping out of a stationary balloon.

And he deliberately did things to make it less safe and sensible, such as not using a drag chute to keep his descent speed reasonable.

>> No.5154299


I'm gonna have to request a personal army to find this footage

>> No.5154304

But there were. What the fuck?

>> No.5154307

>If you bail out of a spacecraft failing at this altitude, you're going to be going at hypersonic speeds. It wouldn't be anything like calmly jumping out of a stationary balloon.

Step by step, my son. If people like you were in charge, we'd still be living in mud huts eating raw rabbit meat.

>> No.5154308


>> No.5154311

is the balloon going to float around forever?

>> No.5154312

mach 1.24

>> No.5154314

Exit Altitude: 128,100 ft
Free-fall Time: 4m20s
Free-fall Dist: 119,846 ft
Maximum Velocity: 373 m/s (833.9 mph)

>> No.5154321

He's just old.

>> No.5154315

>Implying you can't get data for a human profile cruising through air from a height of 40 km by throwing a wooden log shaped like a guy from that height with a beacon strapped to it.
>Implying It wasn't done before.
>Implying It couldn't be calculated without going to space hurr by using finite elements

>> No.5154316


>> No.5154317


MACH 1.24

>> No.5154318

that guy talking is a fucking idiot piece of shit retarded inbreed.

>> No.5154319



>> No.5154322

What's Mach 1.24?

>> No.5154324

1.24 times the speed of sound

>> No.5154326


>> No.5154327

No. He is annoying is fuck. The 85 year old is 100 times better.

>> No.5154330

So you are in agreement with me. That's good.

>> No.5154333

>ignoring missing physical reactions and mental state of the wooden log

>> No.5154336

leave /sci/ now you stupid fuck

>> No.5154337

There was data.
Just not usefull.Because we already knew it.

>0/10 apply yourself

>> No.5154338

Yeah... there's no reason to ever treat "bailing out in just a suit" as a realistic fallback option for spacecraft failure.

Bailing out from a failed launch in the reentry capsule? Good, practical idea. People have already done it because it makes such obvious sense.

Bailing out in a pressure suit? Stupid, useless idea. No point in developing it.

>> No.5154341

But, you can't have data about human physiology with a wooden log.

>> No.5154348

This shit reminds me of the GRATE ACHIEVEMENT when Spielberg explored the Mariannas trench.

>> No.5154343

Will he get laid tonight? He said his girlfriend was watching him. I hope he gets a blowjob at least.

>> No.5154345

Better to have both.

>> No.5154346

Its her obligation to mankind.

>> No.5154347


>> No.5154356
File: 44 KB, 600x356, data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why does there speed of sound decrease as pressure does for pressures above 4 psi? Look particularity at the speed of sound below .5 psi.

Data taken from the linked chart.

>> No.5154359

"Sometimes you need to be really high up just to see how small you are. I'm going home now."

>> No.5154362

if nothing else it gave us a fantastic quote

>> No.5154364

>Bailing out in a pressure suit? Stupid, useless idea. No point in developing it.

What is challenger and Columbia?

The people in challenger survived the explosion, but died on impact. Being able to bail out before your spaceship beaks up with you in it is preferable to breaking up with your ship.

>> No.5154366

He broke the sound barrier, did he really?

He was faster than sound , but to break it, there must be a sonic boom.

Otherwise it's a rather imaginary comparison line.

>> No.5154367


Don't be retarded. They have to be sure it works with a stationary balloon from 120,000 feet before they try it from burning shuttles.

>> No.5154369


>> No.5154370

Please answer my question people who are (sorry to use this word) hating on this:

>But WHY DO YOU CARE that people are blowing it out of proportion? They are clearly inspired by this event, and even if you're not, why the fuck are you trying to take it away from them? Just let these people have their fun. Nobody forced you to watch the stream, nobody is forcing you to read this thread and nobody is forcing you to enjoy what has happened.

>> No.5154371

Actually he didn't break through anything since he did it up there. High up it is easier to reach mach speed. Call me when he does this at ground level?

>> No.5154374
File: 32 KB, 324x283, 1314427653397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


incredible feels

>> No.5154375


Also, the lack of drag chute allowed him to break the sound barrier, which was the whole scientific point.

>> No.5154376
File: 10 KB, 236x176, 1340477562780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but to break it, there must be a sonic boom

>> No.5154377


>> No.5154378

Please read up on the subject. Wikipedia will do.

>> No.5154379
File: 32 KB, 293x242, it says here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call me when a human breaks the sound barrier unassisted by anything except gravity at ground level

>> No.5154380

He must have, because the speed to break through the sound barrier is lower in that height than on sea level.
He says himself he didn't feel it, which seems reasonable.

>> No.5154386

I should add: He was well above the speed of sound on sea level as well.

>> No.5154383

Österreich Macht.

>> No.5154384
File: 90 KB, 512x512, Standard atmosphere model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave /sci/ forever.

It's temperature, not density.

>> No.5154385

>please God, don't let me down


>> No.5154394

You already have a suit though.

>> No.5154387
File: 18 KB, 349x448, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5154388

oh shit he´s Christian

>> No.5154390

He said fogged not fucked you idiot.

>> No.5154391


>> No.5154392

No, it really isn't. Sending up extra weight increases both the expense and the risk, and ways to exit the vehicle quickly enough to matter are hazards in and of themselves.

>> No.5154398
File: 696 KB, 826x737, 13203593572466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a stream of the livestream and recorded it. Keeps getting taken down on YT so I put it on dropbox.

It was a stream for /v/ though so there is some vidya music


>> No.5154400

They disconnected the suit from the capsule, heat was still running from the chest pack by the sound of it.

>> No.5154410

You may have a suit, and you may not. You don't have a parachute and an ejector seat, and they would be major additions.

>> No.5154401

what vidya music?

>> No.5154404

he's cute/10

>> No.5154411

Then he was faster than sound when there is still air?

So there must be some sort of sound.
But i didn't register any sound.


Retards, out in space, you can go million times faster than sound, but you wouldn't break it due to lack of air.

>> No.5154423

God fucking damn it, those questions are retarded.

>> No.5154417

>Then he was faster than sound when there is still air?
Yes. Although obviously a lot less air than on ground level.

>> No.5154422


Is a excerpt of my stream, I had sonic boom from Sonic CD and Virtuous Mission from Metal Gear Solid play during the drop.

Then "The Touch" from the 80s transformers movie then some song from max payne 3

>> No.5154425
File: 75 KB, 1071x772, Manned Orbital Operations Safety Equipment operation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, for the most part.

However, I do think reduction efforts ought to be made, until we have as small and light of a system as possible. Something like MOOSE, maybe.

>> No.5154424

what would you have asked instead?

>> No.5154426

Who are you gonna bang first?

>> No.5154428

he's obviously fucking joe.

>> No.5154432

No, I'm just talking about the "how did it feel compared to your other jumps" or shit like that. Or "describe the exact feeling you had when you broke the speed of sound". It's just for soundbites.

>> No.5154434

Challenger was going slower than this guy was. If they had somehow been able to clear the spacecraft with parachutes (ejection seats would likely have been necessary), then they easily could have survived - even with the suits they already had. Like that guy said, there is no new technology here.

The Columbia crew was fucked no matter how you slice it.
The mach number is your primary point of concern here, not your altitude. It makes all the difference in the world.

>> No.5154437

no one's clapping. you can tell the audience isn't american.

>> No.5154441


You sound like you quite literally just got here from /v/ or somesuch.
One cannot determine human biological or mental reaction from experimenting on a wooden log.

>> No.5154443

Joe Kittinger is alpha as fuck

>Joseph William Kittinger II (born July 27, 1928) is a former command pilot, career military officer and retired Colonel in the United States Air Force. He is most famous for his participation in Project Manhigh and Project Excelsior, holding the former records for having the longest skydive, from a height greater than 31 kilometres (19 mi),[1] and for being the first man to make a solo crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in a gas balloon. Additionally, he participated in the Red Bull Stratos project as mission control, directing Felix Baumgartner on his record breaking 127,000 ft freefall from Earth's stratosphere. Serving as a fighter pilot during the Vietnam War, he achieved an aerial kill of a North Vietnamese jet fighter and was later shot down himself, spending 11 months as a prisoner of war in a North Vietnamese prison.

>> No.5154445

dat one-finger salute

>> No.5154453

>Dat spinning
Holy fuck.

Why didn't they give him a drogue to stabilize that sort of situation?

>> No.5154456

No. Free. Fall.

>> No.5154458

>Experimentation on a wooden log
>Two ejections from SR-71s at 80,000' & mach 3, and Kittinger's jump
I agree with him, this was nothing but a stunt.

But it was pretty fucking cool.

>> No.5154459

He had one, but didn't want to fuck up the record attempt - it's not like you get another shot at this.

>> No.5154465

There would have been no sense in developing an ejection system that would just throw the astronauts out in their suits.

On the other hand, a detachable emergency capsule might have made sense. The ability to promptly separate the crew compartment and have it land on its own was a major safety feature on most other launch vehicles.

The shuttle was just a terrible, terrible failure on many levels.

>> No.5154477

Weird. Because Kittinger used a stabilizing chute for the entire fall yet his record counts. I think Kittinger shouldn't be holding this record.

>> No.5154482

it's okay for him. he's fat and american.

>> No.5154488

One of those "ejections" from the SR-71 was because the plane quite literally disintegrated at Mach 3. The pilots didn't even actually eject, the cockpit blew apart and they were thrown out, ejection seat and all. No telemetry data was taken on the way down, one pilot lived, and one pilot died. Not a very scientific test.

>> No.5154490

yes goyim make sure you drink redbull!

what a load of bullshit, I can't believe you guys are watching this shit too

what next? super bowl threads on /sci/?

>> No.5154493

>complaining about off-topic threads on 4chan

How new are you?

>> No.5154500

It's not off-topic?

>> No.5154508

>Not a very scientific test.
Don't knock it. We know that you may live or that you may die.

>> No.5154512

What scientific hypothesis is it about? What's the mathematical theory behind it and where is anything scientific discussed ITT?

>> No.5154518


i'm not complaining because it's off topic you fucking retard (it's not)

i'm complaining because it's stupid, and only really dumb people would find this exciting

it's just some idiot parachuting, it's not a god damn moon landing

>> No.5154526

You laugh now, but next year he'll be parachuting to the moon.

>> No.5154529

Thank you for your opinion. I hope you would not be excited by another moon landing, it would cramp your argument.

>> No.5154535

oh boy time for you to leave /sci/. children aren't allowed here.

>> No.5154536

How is this not off-topic? Why the fuck is a guy using a parachute relevant to a science board? It's an idiotic event for the plebeian retards and a fucking advertising campaign by redbull.

>> No.5154543

this is totally sciencey

took a lot of engineering to get this done. Which means it took some serious science. Every event like this is science related.

>> No.5154552

It's Science, dude. Get over it.

>> No.5154558


well i agree that it's just a redbull advert, but there's an element of technology involved so I guess this is the most appropriate board

>> No.5154566

We seriously need [sarcasm] tags. I have difficulties determining if these posters are joking or underaged.

>> No.5154582

"hey guys look at me I can insult people and not make an actual argument cause it's 4chan lololololololo"

>> No.5154587

Why do you shitpost on /sci/?

>> No.5154593

pot meet kettle

>> No.5154597

What are you trying to say?

>> No.5154601

Impressive, but still alot less impressive than the 1961 record.. Anyone agree?

>> No.5154638

So where can I re-watch the thing?

>> No.5154657

The old record was more impressive, but this one is more inspiring for younger people. Kittenger is almost unknown to the general public. but anyone who watches the news in the next 3 days is going to know Baumgartner's name. Baumgartner said that he hopes to mentor someone who will go on to break his record like Kittenger did for him. Anything to get the public interested in space is good.

>> No.5154744

>Baumgartner said that he hopes to mentor someone who will go on to break his record like Kittenger did for him

oh god enouh with this bullshit. how the fuck are you supposed to 'mentor' someone when this stunt takes zero talent? all you gotta do is jump and open your parachute at the right time.

>> No.5154776

I love how people on 4chan think they know everything and are the hero Gotham truly deserves.

There are a lot of things to mentor on a mission like this and I can't be bothered explaining it to you. Do some research before you shit post again.

>> No.5154819

Anyone got a .gif of the capsule opening?

Or a link to a video of it? That was the one of the most incredible moments for me.

>> No.5154849


You have to learn quite a few techniques just to sky-dive alone, let alone be a professional base jumper.

Apart from that... that spin he fell into would've killed him (and definitely any un-trained jumper) had he not recovered from it. You can't exactly break records if you die during the process.

>> No.5154853

Yeah man, that's like those astronauts. All they have to do is sit on their asses and push a few buttons while ground control does everything for them.
Why do we even train them?

>> No.5155009
File: 27 KB, 300x205, Gemini ejection seat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd still have the altitude record, and Kittinger used a drogue too so it wouldn't have mattered for the duration record.

Besides, when you're spinning around out of control like that, you DON'T fuck around. I don't care what records are at stake.

By the way, did anyone else think he sounded a little hypoxic? His suit looked a little flat at the beginning too, the way it was folding over and all.
Gemini's ejection seats were for the first minute or so of launch, when speed was low enough to eject and survive. After that, a different (in-capsule) abort mode took over, similar to the Mercury abort mode after LES separation.
In any case, they save the weight and danger of having a LES tower that could potentially strike other parts of the rocket after separation. That sounds like a win to me.

>> No.5155032

jesus christ, i take back what i said about /pol/

/sci/ is the largest collection of retards on 4chan

what a fucking shithole

>> No.5155041

They're saying he reached Mach 1.24.

But in the footage you see him topping out at 729 mph before he starts spinning and decelerating

>> No.5155162


That was just an estimate from the ground. The real data comes from his on board sensors. That's why they were holding off on talking about the speed record immediately after the descent, they didn't have final numbers yet.

>> No.5155203
File: 335 KB, 403x362, jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]